The Umbra & The Acid

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Note: Chapter contains +18 sexual content/themes!

If you are uncomfortable with sexual content I will have a more sfw chapter after this one

"Why didn't you get the idea before?" Corroder asked the undead Umbra Witch he had pinned against the wall of his bedroom. Serena rolled her slightly glowing purple mix lilac eyes, "In my defense of that Pretty Boy, I'm still getting used to the whole Purgatorio thing. I've only recently found out about it from Madama in my training." The blonde said, as she fumbled the clasp that held her dress up on the back of her turtle neck collar for the sleeves sweater dress.

Her heels were already kicked across the floor with their guns in his bedroom.

With Serena's Umbra Witch training, she had recently discovered of with it of realm between realms, Purgatorio. The realm itself was slightly like a limbo in sorts, but still around the ones inside were the usual unchanged things in the normal world, but when something broke in Purgatorio, it was broken in the normal world as well.

In the old times Umbra Witches, Lumen Sage's, Demons and Angels would use the realm between worlds to fight during the wars and even before the last witches fell. It however was almost fully forgotten even with the new false clans.

Serena took the opportunity of using the ability to travel to and from Purgatorio like any Umbra Witch for her and Corroder to do what they loved to do the most without interrupting anyone or anyone interrupting them. Each other.

Even with the permanent alterations to Corroder's arms and 'hands', Serena wouldn't hesitate to admit the acid bot was pretty good at sex. Which was a lot coming from the Demisexual woman with it being her first relationship in any life, both alive, dead and undead lives and having sex with someone.

In Corroder's opinion, Serena was a bit too sexual slightly with the amount of times she'd be willing to do it. Though he didn't complain about it, he could care less and also does love the times they do it. He could easily admit Serena was very vocal whenever they did it. But that was something he definitely liked with her like her hands.

Her hands despite how monstrous they were like claws of replacing the decaying human flesh and missing nails with the slightly fuzzy bits and retractable hypodermic claws were quite delicate when she wanted them to be. Even when she was the gentlest with her claws out she would still retract them at times to carefully caress his face, finger tips finding themselves absentmindedly tracing the scars across his face like he'd seen her trace the engravings on her guns when waiting on missions to keep her hands busy.

He loved holding them the best he could with his own hands, leaning his face into her gentle touch, and giving gentle kisses on her hands and wrists.

It was almost hard to believe with how delicate she would touch him with her hands she used them as weapons before focusing more on her Umbran abilities as a weapon, where she would tear apart heroes and citizens alike with nothing but brute strength, her hypodermic claws and her shark like fangs.

Hell, he remembered one time seeing Serena rip out a Hero's Quaza with nothing but that bare brute strength and razor claws, her hand jabbing into the hero's chest where their Quaza was and ripping the stone out with the same strength and letting corpse fall to the ground pooling their black blood after dropping them from shapeshifted tendrils from her back that shifted back underneath her skin like it never broke through it. She then tossed the Quaza to Core Hunter afterwards while walking past him.

While brutal and violent in fights, Serena also managed to be aloof a bit around others showing a high air of confidence and more than willing to show off the beauty she was with her semi revealing outfits.

But when it was just the two of them she had an entirely different side, she let her more vulnerable nature out. The woman who had died via impalation who had resurrected years later to find no remaining trace of her old life in her world not even of her family. A woman who was scared to be left behind again so she distanced herself from getting close to others with her aloof and aggressive nature.

A young woman who died at twenty one who would lay down her undead life and semi restless spirit for Corroder with zero hesitation and gave him her full trust and letting her be seen by him in her weakest and lowest moments.

A woman Corroder had fallen hard for with all his heart and spirit.

Sometimes Corroder could feel like he could joke of seeing a red string of fate connecting the two together. But at most times he felt like it was so true.

Serena never judged his appearance, hell she even admitted he actually looked hot in her opinion to his surprise. Serena would be the first at his side to help comfort him whenever his walls begin to crack. Serena gave her full remorse when she had heard how Corroder became how he was and what he had lost before becoming a villain he was, like she had witnessed it all and took it like his own grief like it was her's as well.

Serena loved him. And he loved her as well.

Corroder slammed his scarred lips against Serena's making the Umbra Witch kiss back immediately as she wrapped her left arm around his neck as her hand went to the back of his head while her right hand held the left side of his face, a quiet and muffled moan leaving her mouth in the deep and passionate kiss.

Corroder moved one arm from the wall he pinned her too to wrap around her middle and hold her as close as possible to his person.

The two broke the kiss as they breathed heavily to catch their breath their lungs were screaming for.

"Something on your mind Pretty Boy?" Serena asked him as she absentmindedly began to trace the scars on his face with her thumb, still panting a bit to regain her breath.

There she went again, reading him like an open book.

Corroder gave a small smile at that, "Just remembering how much you made me fall for you Sugar Cube." He admitted, closing his eyes halfway as he leaned into her touch while still panting a bit himself.

Serena smiled at that. Corroder was the few of the villains she instantly trusted when she joined the villains, the others being the Boss when he found her, Meltdown and Thunder. It had taken her a while to slightly trust the others.

She probably had to guess that was because in her universe she was friends with the three villains minus their boss.

She still found it hard to believe that five years ago she had resurrected again, Madama Butterfly offering her semi restless spirit a contract in Inferno giving her control over her old body once more and making her an Umbra Witch at the sacrifice of a few of her powers. She had spent the first whole year until the anniversary of her joining the villains regaining her strength and getting used to being alive once more even if the first three days were spent in a frenzy from the resurrection combined with the universe jump cannibalizing anyone who crossed path in a haze until the night of the third day of it she finally snapped back after eating another victim registered the fraying teal hospital patient scrubs soaked through with rain water and black blood that also covered her hands and mouth with some on her chest and neck and the IV marks on her arms still visible and slightly bleeding. Organs that had stopped functioning with her death getting used to functioning once more leading her to spend most of the days when not regaining that strength sleeping and staying by the boss.

The more comfortable Serena got to her Umbran abilities under Madama Butterfly's teachings the more she used them on missions instead of just her claws and fangs, till where she had it now where she rarely used them and mostly used her Umbran abilities.

In two more years she had quickly grown to a wanted and dangerous villain like the others that like Purge was near impossible to capture. If it was from her claws, fangs and knives or from her Umbra enchanted guns and demons Serena wouldn't hesitate to kill those who tried to lock her up and never missed a bullet.

And for two years now she and Corroder had this relationship.

Serena was scared she had to admit in its beginnings due to her first "relationship" (in reality it was just one horrible date) she was scared it would become like that. Having to kill herself again just to escape a crazed stalker that claimed she was his and anyone else she cared for could die because they were keeping her away from him.

Soon after months passed she finally got more comfortable in the relationship finally accepting and realizing it wasn't going to end up like that incident again.

Even with her body decaying slightly Corroder still loved every bit of her. He made her feel safe even just being in proximity of him. He helped comfort her in her lowest of her past.

She couldn't tell at this point who fell harder or who fell first. She just knew she was down just as bad for him as he was with her.

Serena pulled Corroder in for another kiss which the Acid bot immediately kissed her back.

Serena moaned quietly in the kiss as she bucked her hips against Corroder's tempting a moan from his lips. Corroder moved his arm from around Serena's waist to lightly tug at one of her horns, the one without the faint scar when it got cut briefly in a fight before Madama Butterfly reattached it.

Serena moaned quietly at that as her head tilted back a bit at the feeling. "That feel good?" He asked her, a small smirk painting his lips. "Surprisingly yes when it's the horn that didn't get cut." Serena said making Corroder chuckle a bit as he started to kiss and nibble along Serena's jaw.

Serena hummed in pleasure at the feeling before she slipped one of her hands into the chest of her dress making Corroder pause. "What are you doing?" He asked her. "Trying to get this damn- got it." Serena changed her sentence after a ripping sound similar to tape being pulled off was heard twice.

Corroder raised a brow at that, "What was that?" He asked making Serena pull her hand from her dress showing two tape like items in her claws that were the same deep maroon as her stalkings and in the shape of hearts. "Nipple tape. I use it to cover my nipples under my dress instead of a bra, since you know well bras and my death mark don't really get along well." She explained as she put the two tape items in her pocket dimension.

Corroder snorted at that, "Didn't you wear a bra one time though? When you were making breakfast one time and singing along to Genie in a Bottle while in a bra and lace panties with a flannel in the kitchen." He asked her making Serena snort at that. "In my defense I was actually butt ass naked when I was in bed before I decided to dress a little bit for the sake of everyone else." She told him as her hand that was on his face went down to rest on his hip.

Corroder chuckled at that. "I still don't get why you decided to dress like that while in the kitchen." He said. Serena just grinned at that, "Well to show off what you get to see when it's just the two of us with even less there, Daddy~" Corroder blushed a bit at that.

Serena grinned a bit more at that before her hand at his hip moved to grope at the compartment that kept his cock hidden making Corroder groan a bit the feeling.

Corroder gave her a smirk, "So that's how we're gonna play then? Alright." With that Corroder got down from pinning Serena to the wall almost making her protest before he got under her while lifting and resting the back of her left leg on his shoulder making Serena yelp at the sudden action.

Corroder did his best to pull off Serena's stockings with his teeth (since his hands wouldn't make it an easy feat) making Serena help him while slipping her underwear off.

The second the two stockings were off Corroder immediately began to kiss and nibble Serena's inner thigh of her left leg earning trailed out quiet moans from the Umbra Witch.

As Corroder's kisses and nibbles trailed up Serena's inner thigh he trailed his gaze to her face. The blonde's purple eyes were half lidded as she watched him with her pale pink almost rosey lips parted with heavy breaths and quiet moans leaving them while her hands gripped at her sweater dress in anticipation.

When Corroder finally reached her woman hood he lifted the bottom of her dress up slightly and breathed against it. She was already soaked and her clit twitched slightly with the feeling of his breath against it.

Serena whined a bit in need. "Chris please." She pleaded.

Oh how he used to despise his old name, it brought Corroder back to a life he could swear at times was a dream. Before his uncle ruined it, kidnapping him and turning his body into what it was now, his parents not even remembering him but his baby sister did, the fire of the asylum their parents put her in when she kept trying to jog their memories of him that he started to break her out which the smoke killed her before he could find her. But Serena being the only one to call him by that old name, especially in moments like this, oh did it drive him wild.

Corroder trailed his gaze to her and grinned. "Keep begging for me, Princess~" Oh if Serena could get more wet at that pet name she would've but she could feel her cunt ache in need at that.

Serena whined again, her whines and yelps always sounded like a strange mixture of a feline doing those sounds to whatever reasonings. "Daddy please, my cunt is aching for attention, please daddy."

Corroder chuckled deeply at that, "That's a good girl for Daddy." Immediately he began to nibble her clit a bit making a loud moan leave Serena's mouth as she threw her head back in pleasure, one of her hands going down to hold the back of Corroder's head as he continued to nibble at her clit.

Corroder then started to lick her folds, occasionally diving his tongue into her entrance and curling it when pulling it out making Serena's moans become louder.

As Corroder continued to eat her out his eyes trailed to Serena seeing her eyes closed as she moaned, her hand still on the back of his head while her other was groping her one of her breasts through her dress while her head was thrown back.

Corroder closed his eyes as he started to speed up, licking and sucking at her aching cunt like he was a man dehydrated in the desert for days on end finally finding water to drink. Serena's moans grew louder and more close together as she moaned repeatedly "daddy" under her moans, her hips rocking slightly.

Corroder stopped for a bit to catch his breath as he nuzzled her inner thigh. Serena whined a bit at the loss of attention. She tried to buck her hips a bit before Corroder held them still with one of his hands. "Let me catch my breath first Kitten." He told her, still panting a bit.

Serena whined a bit at that but didn't move like she was told.

Corroder caught his breath again and dove back in, licking and sucking at Serena's folds making the Umbra Witch moan at that. Serena suddenly moaned a bit louder at that. "O-Oh f-fuck I'm s-so c-close!~" She moaned out.

Corroder hummed at that as he paused his actions for a bit making Serena whine again. Though it was cut off halfway through the whine with a loud and sharp moan as Corroder began to lick her clit fast.

Serena's legs began to shake a bit. "O-Oh fuck daddy!~ I-I'm c-cumming!~" Corroder dove his tongue back into the entrance of her cunt while licking his tongue around inside causing a sharp moan mix scream to leave Serena's mouth as her head threw back with her back arching a bit as she came, her thighs shaking slightly at her orgasm.

Corroder continued to lap his tongue around the inside of her cunt as he drank up her cum, enjoying the slightly salty taste of the warm fluid coming out of Serena's cunt.

Serena gave a quiet moan as she slumped a bit while breathing heavily, her thighs still shaking a bit at the force of her orgasm.

Corroder finally pulled away from her cunt, panting a bit after finally getting every drop of her cum, licking the corner of his mouth to get some that leaked out.

The two breathed heavily as they caught their breaths, Serena from her orgasm and Corroder from eating her out so fast.

"Fuck that was good." Serena said as she grabbed the bottom of her dress and quickly pulled it over her head and off her person then threw the article of clothing on the floor by her heels, panties and stockings. A thin layer of sweat coated her ghostly pale undead skin and the inky black replacement flesh that made up her calves to her knees, her arms from her hands and elbows, the mark of her death at her chest where her artificial replacement heart was and the back at the other side and the right side of her face when she moved her bangs back.

Corroder could see from the rotting parts of Serena's sides of her chest her artificial heart still beating a bit fast as she caught her breath, and the blue luminous blood being pumped through her from it.

"You do realize I'm not done with you yet?" Corroder asked and Serena's face turned a bit blue with her blood adding to the blush. "Oh fuck yes." Corroder chuckled at that as he picked Serena up in a fireman's carry (earning a yelp from her) as he carried her to his bed at the other side of his room.

Corroder threw her down on the bed at the head of it and immediately climbed on top of her, Serena grabbing the sides of his face in her hands and pulling him into a sloppy heated kiss which Corroder immediately kissed back.

Serena could taste the reminetes of her cum on his lips and in his mouth as she kissed Corroder, tongues dancing with another as her arms wrapped around the neck pulling him deeper into the make out.

Corroder pulled away from the kiss and began to bite, suck and kiss across Serena's neck to leave several hickies across her neck. Serena moaned quietly at the feeling as her hands while still being on Corroder's shoulders move to trail across his back while Corroder raised Serena's right leg up for the back of her knee to rest on his shoulder.

Corroder continued to leave hickies across Serena's neck on both the left and right side before reaching her throat making her moans grow louder a bit. He finally found her sweet spot once more right between her throat and the left side of her neck making him bite down on it hard earning a louder moan from Serena whose eyes rolled back at the feeling as he began to suck the spot on her neck.

While Corroder continued to suck the already bruised spot the compartment that held his cock away opened and he lightly teased Serena's entrance with the tip making Serena moan quietly.

"Daddy please." Serena moaned out when he pushed his tip halfway in, her cunt twitching a bit from the contact again after already cumming once already.

"Please what Kitten?" He asked her with a grin, Serena could feel the grin on his neck. "Please fuck me so hard I can't even stand, please daddy~" Serena begged him trying so hard to resist the urge to buck her hips to have his cock in more.

Corroder chuckled deeply at that. "That's a good girl, begging daddy for what you want." Corroder bit down on her sweet spot again before ramming the rest of his cock in her making Serena moan loudly, her head throwing back and back arching.

Corroder didn't give her time to adjust as he began to furiously pound into her cunt. His hands were at either side of Serena's head as she moaned while her left leg wrapped itself around his hips.

Serena kept moaning loudly. She loved it when Corroder was rough with her during sex. She hated to admit it but it was the only time she could feel so much pleasure, other times she had to make her walls tighten a bit just to feel more. It wasn't even a size issues, it was just something Serena had always suffered with.

That was a downside she hated, she felt more in sex if it was loads of pleasure at once.

Serena's nails in a normal short human fingernail length dug into Corroder's back she held onto him like a lifeline as he pounded into her.

"O-Oh f-fuck!~ D-Daddy m-more!~ F-Faster! H-Harder! P-Please D-Daddy!~" Serena moaned out, barely able to get words out from her moans.

Corroder didn't need to be told twice as he grabbed Serena's hips in his hands the best he could and began to slam her hips down with his thrusts. Serena moaned louder, practically screaming in pleasure at the sudden jolt of more pleasure and stimulation coursing through her while her back arched.

Serena was barely able to speak with how much she was moaning. Corroder hadn't managed to get her like this in other times they had sex but seeing her unable to do nothing but scream in pleasure and unable to utter any words or even blubbers through moans was such a good sight. And he hasn't even found her prostate yet!

Corroder panted a bit as he continued to pound into Serena while angling his thrusts in different ways to find it. Serena let out a sharp scream in pleasure as her thighs shook again, cumming again as Corroder continued to pound into her at a relentless pace while searching for her prostate.

"D-Did you already cum a-again Princess?" He asked her, a few pants leaving his mouth as he continued to pound into her. Serena was still unable to speak from the amount of pleasure and stimulation still coursing through her so all she could was nod in response.

Corroder chuckled deeply at that as he buried her face in her neck while continuing to serve her prostate while pounding into her senselessly in a brutal pace despite Serena's fluttering cunt walls and the cum dripping from her cunt that dripped more onto the sheets with each thrust.

Serena let out a sharp yelp in her screams of pleasure at Corroder's cock tip slamming against her prostate. She could never understand why it was right there next to her cervix than in the normal spot.

Corroder grinned against Serena's neck at the reaction and began to pound even harder against Serena's prostate and her cervix, his cock pulling out almost fully before slamming back in. With the speed he was doing it Serena was actually surprised he didn't mess up at least once or twice.

It didn't take long with the speed and roughness he was pounding into her prostate with the building of another orgasm for Serena scream in pleasure again as she came again, her cum dripping out of her cunt more with the third orgasm of the night.

Corroder didn't slow down however as he continued to chase for his high. Glancing over at Serena's face the Umbra Witch was flushed while her tongue hung out of the corner of her mouth a bit, drool dripping off the tip of it slightly as she screamed in pleasure, her eyes rolled to the back.

Corroder buried her face back in her neck as he began to suck at her sweet spot hard making Serena moan more at that.

Serena started to buck her hips wildly against his thrusts, there wasn't anything timed compared to Corroder's fast and brutal deep pounding into her and the harsh slamming hips up and down his shaft out of sink she went for the middles of those two and she had to admit, with the combining at how sensitive she was after cumming three times as well it might actually be almost too much pleasure for her to handle.

Corroder continued his relentless pace while pounding into Serena, his breathing starting to grow ragged a bit while sucking her neck as he was starting to grow close while the knot in his abdomen was growing impossibly tight.

Soon Serena let out another sharp scream as her legs shook once more, cumming again. Corroder groaned loudly as his cock twitched violently inside of Serena's fluttering walls. The tip hit both Serena's prostate and cervix one last time and at the contact the knot building inside of him finally snapped causing him cum inside of Serena letting out a loud groan at the release.

Serena screamed in pleasure again, with how sensitive she was now and the feeling of Corroder's hot cum filling her womb up finally quickly made Serena immediately cum again for the fifth time that night.

Corroder's cum filled Serena's womb to the brim as the two whited out, spluttering across her thighs and on the bedsheets a bit mixing with her own cum.

Serena slumped against the bed with a quiet moan and whine as Corroder slumped over her without pulling out while still lazily rocking into her, the two breathing heavily with a layer of sweat coating their bodies.

Corroder didn't want to stop yet as he continued to lazily rocked into her. Serena moaned quietly at that as the two came down from their highs together.

Corroder slowly slowed the rocking of his hips as the two of them came back, still breathing heavily. Serena's thighs still shook a bit at the overstimulation and the intensity of her orgasms.

Corroder started to pick speed back up again before Serena rested her hands on his hip. "What's up?" He asked her, looking at her in case she was hurt.

Serena caressed the side of his face tenderly. "As much as I'd love another round but could we try a different position at least? Like yeah I like being fucked missionary style and all but yeah." She asked him, rolling her hips making her walls twitch a bit feeling his cock still deep inside her.

"Yeah hold on." Without pulling out Corroder quickly laid the both of them on their sides, Serena facing him with her left leg over his hip and across to the other side. "That better?" He asked her. Serena hummed a bit as she rocked her hips against Corroder's cock still deep inside her making him groan.

"Much. Keep going daddy." Corroder began to thrust into her again, a bit slower than before due to not slamming her hips down his shaft out of sync with his thrusts but Serena took the place of it with bucking her hips against his thrusts.

Corroder buried his face in Serena's chest as he pounded into her. The Umbra Witch's arms wrapped around his neck as he did with screams of pleasure leaving her mouth again with her back arching and head leaned back.

Serena wasn't sure if she would be conscious by the time they finished the intense multiple rounds of fucking but was curious to find out how many orgasms it would take till she passed out.

Corroder started to suck Serena's right nipple making the blonde moan louder feeling her neglected nipples being pleased. Corroder continued to suck, nibble and roll his tongue around the sensitive perked bud enjoying hearing Serena's screams of pleasure from it and his cock still pounding into her cunt violently and deeply.

Corroder soon pulled away from the bud and began to give the same treatment to the other neglected one. Serena bucked her hips faster, some bucks timing with Corroder's intense pounding thrusts as she neared another orgasm.

Serena screamed in pleasure sharply as she came again, her eyes rolling back as she did while cum sputtered out of her aching and throbbing cunt from Corroder's continuous intense pounding.

Corroder pulled away from Serena's nipples as he buried his face in her chest, moving arms to wrap around her hips and began to slam her hips up and down his throbbing shaft while trying to chase his high again.

Serena bucked her hips faster while making her walls tighten to help him reach his high faster. Soon Corroder groaned loudly as he felt his balls tighten as he came inside Serena again, the Umbra Witch screamed sharply in pleasure as she came again over his cock.

Despite having already been filled to the brim with his cum Serena tried to make her womb take in the second load in her of every drop while bucking her hips against his cock as he continued to pound into her while the two whited out.

More cum spilled from Serena's cunt from the two onto her inner thighs and the sheets.

The two knew it'll be a pain to clean up later but it'll be later, the two wanted to have the most intense sex possible after a month and a half of not getting a chance of alone time to fuck.

Serena swallowed a gulp of air that burned her lungs, "Why is it every time you fuck me it feels like your cock actually gets even bigger?" Serena asked him, panting as she spoke. Corroder swallowed a gulp of air as well while lifting his head from her chest, "I honestly have no clue." He admitted.

Corroder was still lazily rocking his cock into Serena while she bucked her hips against him. "Another position then?" He asked her.

Serena nodded as she stopped bucking her hips. "Yeah just lay down on your back."

Corroder did allowing Serena to climb on top of him her slightly dropping cunt above his face. "Just two rounds in this position, I wanna try that sixty nine shit Rotor was taking about." Serena said as she brushed her bangs back while taking Corroder's cock in her hand, stroking it slightly.

Corroder chuckled a bit as he held Serena's hips. "Alright." With that Corroder dove into her cunt, tongue diving into her dripping hole making Serena moan as she took Corroder's cock in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down on his shaft while rubbing his balls.

The two moaned as they pleasured each other orally. Beads of sweat were dripping off of their bodies as they did so.

Serena resisted the urge to buck her hips against Corroder's face and tongue as she sped up sucking his cock, her tongue rubbing his shaft all around while doing so.

Corroder moaned louder at that as he began to lick Serena's clit as fast as possible. The two trying to make the other cum before them like a race.

Serena's thighs began to shake again showing she was close making deep throat Corroder's cock.

Corroder dove his tongue in Serena's aching cunt again and the Umbra Witch moaned against his cock as she came down his throat. Serena only needed to bob up and down a few more times before Corroder finally came, drinking up his cum as she swallowed every drop.

Corroder breathed heavily as he caught his breath while coming down from his high while Serena finally pulled off his cock while breathing heavily, cleaning any stray cum from around her mouth with her thumb. "How do you have so much stamina?" He asked her. Serena shrugged her shoulders at that, "I don't know, it's always been like this even before I died." She admitted as she turned to face him while sitting on his cock, the tip catching at her entrance making her ease down his shaft with a moan.

"Thought you wanted one more round in somewhat doggy style after that?" He asked her as he held her hips. "Well considering I'm feeling like I'm close to passing out from so much like I was curious to see how far I could get to that, yeah might have to cut out one round." She admitted while rolling her hips against his cock making the two moan quietly.

"We're gonna be sore as fuck tomorrow you know this?" He asked her, lifting Serena up slightly on his shaft before lowering her back down.

Serena laughed a bit with a quiet moan as Corroder continued to raise and lower her on his cock. "Baby I'm pretty sure I won't be able to stand tomorrow. And I'm perfectly okay with it. Been wanting you to go that rough on me for a long time, like after a few times we've had sex. Rough is the only time I can actually feel the effects of sex without having to make my walls tighter." Serena admitted, flattening her hair a bit while pushing her bangs back.

Corroder raised a brow at that while keeping up the more gentle and slow pace he had going. "Weren't you the one who said early my cock feels like it gets bigger every time we have sex?" He asked her in an amused tone.

Serena rolled her eyes in amusement as a small laugh left her lips, "It's not because of a size thing Babe." She laughed out at that. "It's just a weird thing- ngh. I deal with, doesn't matter the size- hah. I can't feel pleasure normally unless it's fast or rough. I honestly don't know if it's a kink- ngh! Or not." She admitted, moaning a bit as she spoke.

Corroder laughed a bit at that. "Okay that explains why you always- ngh, want it so rough all the time." He said, slightly speeding up.

Serena laid on top of him while nuzzling her face into his neck. "Yeah, not the best- ah! Thing to deal with honestly." She admitted, kissing Corroder's neck and shoulder a bit. Corroder smiled at that as he nuzzled his face into her hair below her horns while wrapping his arms around her, bucking his hips upwards in Serena at the same decent pace.

This round was more gentle, slow but longer and more sweet yet passionate compared to the previous rougher and heated ones. The two even having slightly usual conversations that weren't boner killers as Corroder thrusted into Serena.

"Mnnh ngh- fuck that's good~" Serena moaned out, moving her hips up and down in time with Corroder's thrusts for a bit more pleasure.

"Ha ha- oh fuck." Corroder groaned out, burying his face in Serena's shoulder. With how sensitive the two were from the previous rounds despite how long this round was the two came again, Serena letting out a sultry moan as she came while Corroder let out a drawn out groan as he did.

The two basked in the afterglow while coming down from their highs, breaths heavy as they held onto each other.

Corroder swallowed a gulp of air to talk, "You do realize this is gonna be a helluva mess to clean up, right?" He asked her as he lifted his face from her shoulder to speak. "As in showers and changing the sheets on your bed before we sleep in my bed? Yeah I know, just let's cuddle for a bit before that." Serena said, her voice a bit muffled from having it buried in his chest.

Corroder chuckled a bit as he said and alright while burying his face back in Serena's shoulder and pulling her closer to him.

Serena carefully traced circles across his chest as she purred quietly, content with being held by the man she loved. Corroder chuckled a bit at that as he kissed her forehead right where her normal flesh met the replacement skin flawlessly knitted together by black and lilac medical thread that was also thin and magic that kept her body together.

"I take it this makes up for all the time we couldn't have sex?" Corroder asked her, rubbing his hand up and down on her upper arm. "All a month and a half? Oh definitely." Serena said with a laugh making Corroder join her laughter, the two laughing quietly despite being in Purgatorio for no one to hear them.

"Oh it's definitely been a while then honestly." Corroder said when their laughter died down, feeling his cock pull out of Serena. "Honestly with all the tasks from Boss we have to do, the kids and of course the whole thing of rescuing Samara and taking in the triplets from the lab I can't say I'm surprised really." Serena said, twirling some strands from one of the tuffs of fur on her left arm between her right hand fingers.

Corroder sighed at that while nuzzling Serena's neck, "Yeah. Definitely." Having to be back at that old lab he escaped from years ago was like ripping off a scab that didn't heal all the way. Corroder honestly felt like he was going to have a panic attack being back in that building even if it was in Purgatorio. He was glad Serena could sense his anxiety and panic and helped keep him calm.

Serena noticed his worry with the flashbacks and kissed his cheek. "Come on, let's go take a bath in my bathroom." She told him, rolling off of Corroder to sit on the side of the bed. Corroder crackled a small smile at that as he got up off the bed.

Serena tried to stand up before her legs gave out beneath her and she almost fell with a yelp before Corroder caught her.

"You were saying?" He asked her with amusement lacing his voice. Serena rolled her eyes in amusement, "hahaha, laugh it up laugh it up. Haha, giggle giggle, laugh laugh. Now I know how XPlode felt when it came to him and Rotor." She half joked making Corroder wheeze a bit as he held Serena up.

Serena gripped at the bedding a bit and in an instant it was like it was before their sex, heck it even smelled before it. Corroder gave her an incredulous look, "You can do that?" He asked her in surprise. Serena, "Pretty Boy yeah but it also drained me a bit more than I am." She said managing to walk to grab her dress, stockings, heels with their guns and her panties from the floor and put them in her pocket dimension for the hamper later.

"We should be fine to walk through the halls while in Purgatorio to my room to get to my bathroom, Strider decided to sleep in the room with the triplets so he shouldn't be in my room." She said as she stood up straight.

Corroder shrugged, "Alright, sure you can walk there tho Sugar Cube?" He asked her. Serena rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine Pretty Boy." She said as she went ahead and went to the door and walked through it. A perk with Purgatorio, you could walk through walls and doors.

Corroder followed after her and in no time the two made it into her room. Serena traced a familiar rune once the door was closed into the air and jestered Corroder first. The acid bot walked through it first with Serena behind him allowing the rune portal to Purgatorio to close behind her.

Serena took her clothes from her pocket dimension and put them in a hamper by the closet as she put her shoes down.

As Serena entered the bathroom attached to her room Corroder followed behind her similar to a lost puppy trailing behind a person.

Turning on the light Serena grabbed stuff for a bubble bath including the vanilla scented bubble bath solution and lavender bath salts. With some fumbling Corroder managed to turn on the tub with a decent warm temperature and get the stopper in the drain allowing it to fill up.

Serena went over and first put in a lid full of the bath salts in making sure it was spread around before drizzling some bubble bath solution at the head of the faucet allowing it to bubble up easily as she mumbled some chants under her breath.

As Serena went to put the items away and grabbed some towels to set out Corroder hopped in the tub first, letting out a slurred sigh as he did.

Normally the stuff would take a bit to activate but with whatever chants Serena had done definitely had sped up the process.

Serena shut off the light and climbed into the tub with Corroder, her back flushed against his chest as she let out a similar slurred sigh as well like him. Serena leaned forward a bit and turned off the tap once it got full enough and looked at Corroder. "My tub has those water jet features, you want those on to help with our muscles?" She asked him. Corroder shrugged, "I'm pretty positive you need it the most so sure." He said making Serena roll her eyes in amusement as she turned it on the low setting before sitting back against Corroder who wrapped his arms around her middle and buried his face in her shoulder.

Serena started to purr at that as she leaned into his chest more at that. Serena suddenly got an idea, "Hey watch this." Corroder lifted his head up enough to watch seeing Serena grab a handful of suds in both her palms and blow a gust of air at them making the suds fly and fall like snow.

"Is that why bubble baths always take longer for you?" He asked as Serena lowered her hands to rub her inner thighs to clean up. "Oh yeah because it's fun." She said as she brought her hands back to her chest.

Corroder chuckled at that as he took her right hand as best as he could and gave a soft kiss to her wrist. "Worth the suds on your mouth babe?" She asked in amusement with a pale blue blush dusting her face. "Oh totally." He said making Serena giggle a bit at that as she kissed his cheek.

Corroder held her from behind once again while burying his face in her shoulder.

Yeah, he could regret a few things in his life. But falling for Serena was never one of them.

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