Chapter 2: Roommate Situation

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Here we see you getting breakfast cereal and you are sitting down at the table eating breakfast. Meanwhile in the guest bedroom, we see the girls talking amongst each other.

Ursa: "What happened with the last two men who were betrothed to you Looma?"

Looma: "Kevin Levin only needed an engine and Ben doesn't seem into me, plus I caused some trouble in his home city."

Attea: "I fell for a guy who I thought was a nice incursean but it was just Ben in a disguise. Were you and Zod close?"

Ursa: "NO! General Zod was my leader and not my lover, he's not my type."

Attea: "What about your big guy?"

Ursa: "Non can't tell between a distraction and a magic trick. He's not my type!"

Attea: "Where is he anyways?"

Ursa: "Off world."

Looma: "How dare he abandon his own ally! That's a dishonorable thing to do!"

Back to you, we see you eating breakfast and watching TV and you see Blaineley on screen.

Blaineley: *on TV*"This is Blaineley in Celebrity Manhunt and today we have a new hero on the block. A bald kid who can take on one of Earth's mightiest heroes and his own father too. He's been seen fighting off villains and monsters of all kinds with one punch and killing them or overpowering them. Experts say his herowork is more like a hobby to him, who can blame him he's too powerful to have a challenge."

(Y/N): *turns off the tv*"Welp time to go to school."

Later at school, we see you in the halls that are empty and no one is around.

(Y/N): "Where is everyone?"

We then see Cheetah jump at you and then start slashing you from behind as you didn't feel the scratches. You then scratch your head and turn to see Cheetah.

(Y/N): "Are you wearing a furry costume?"

We then see Cheetah was about to slash you until you backhanded her in the face and launch her into the science lab as we see a dead frog fall on her face.

(Y/N): "That was weird."*sees Cheetah turn into Barbi*"Is she the rich girl with the big mansion? Oh well."

We then see you walk away as we see Barbi wake up with a dead frog in her face.

Barbi: *gets the frog off of her*"Ew, ew, ew!"

The hero girls arrive in their hero uniforms and they see Barbi in the science lab barely able to stand up.

Kara: "What happened to her?"

Karen: "I don't know, but it looks like she's injured."

Later at lunch, the hero girls are in their normal outfits and they see Barbi with an ice pack on her head. They then turn to you as you are eating a sandwich as they then talk about you.

Kara: "Should we add him to the team? Cause he's doing a bad job at hiding his secret identity."

Diana: "I'll go talk to him."

We then see Diana head to your table and sit at a seat across from you.

(Y/N): "Can I help you?"

Diana: "Your methods in your recent battles are...effective. But it is strategy and teamwork that wins the day."

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm not much for teamwork."

Diana: "Do you always exert so much force into your strikes?"

(Y/N): "I'm not the kind of guy that wants to finish a fight early. I let the guys attack me to see if they're strong enough fighters."

Diana: "You test the might of your opponents to see if they're worthy?"

(Y/N): "Yeah pretty much, the Ultron guy was the strongest one I faced so far."

Diana: "I see."

(Y/N): " Yeah and so far each one was well, weak, especially you."

Kara: " Oh snap."

Karen: "He just called her a wimp!"

You then saw something run by as Diana noticed you saw something.

Diana: "Did you see something?"

(Y/N): "I just saw a guy in a yellow suit, I wonder what he's doing."

Babs: " Yellow suit?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, like that Flash guy wears, but his suit is yellow."

Karen: " Someone other than Barry has super speed?"

(Y/N): "I think he went over to the library."

Later, in the Library, you see Barry sorting all the books all by himself.

(Y/N): " Hey Barry you got a second?"

Barry: "Yeah what is it?"

(Y/N): "Do you know anyone who wears the same suit as you but yellow?"

Barry: " Yellow suit?" *Gasps in realization*"Eobard Thawne, my arch nemesis!"

(Y/N): " Eo who? That doesn't sound like a good name."

Barry: " No, Eobard is just like me but bad. He's been terrorizing me for as long as I had my powers. He calls himself the Reverse Flash."

(Y/N): *points to a direction*"Is that him?"

Barry then turns to a direction and he sees the Reverse Flash.

Eobard: "Hello Barry."

Barry: *changes into his costume*"What do you want Thawne!?"

Eobard: "Remember that moment when you forget that extra exclamation point in your granny's card. It was me Barry, I made you forget it!"

Barry: *gasps* " NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

(Y/N): " Um how? Your only power is speed like Barry."

Eobard: "If you get as fast as me and Barry, you tend to travel through time."

(Y/N): " How fast do you have to run?"

Eobard: "Faster than light, fool."*vibrates his hand*"With one hand I can destroy the universe just by vibrating my molecules to generate enough energy to do so."

(Y/N): "Whoa."*gets ready to fight*"If you're expecting me to fight you, then you got my hopes up."

Eobard: "I was planning on fighting Barry, but what the heck I have time to squeeze you in. Try to keep up!"

Eobard then runs out of the room as you then run after him. Meanwhile in Egypt, we see Eobard running by himself.

Eobard: "None has been able to keep up with me!"

???: "Um right here."

Eobard then sees you running next to him.

Eobard: " What the?! Impossible! You are not a flash!"

Eobard then punches you in the face and launches you into the Sphinx and knocks the whole thing down. Eobard then heads to the site and laughs triumphantly as you then get up and when he saw you he was shocked to see you.

Eobard: "What!?"

(Y/N): "I know right, overwhelming power is so boring."

Eobard: "Well then, try to keep up with this!"

Eobard then makes numerous after images of himself and they all charge at you as you then use one of your other moves. Blaineley was seen in the desert and she sees you fighting Eobard.

Blaineley: "Get the camera crew!"

Eobard: "You're finished!"

(Y/N): "Serious Series."*then do multiple side hops*"Serious Consecutive Side Hops!"

Eobard: *shocked*"WHAT!?!?!"

The resulting shockwave then sends Eobard flying into a sand dune as Blaineley and her camera crew survive the shockwave as we see Barry arriving and sees Eobard in the sand passed out.

Barry: " Woah, what happened to Eobard?"

(Y/N): "I did some side hops and knocked him down."

Blaineley: "Caped Baldy, do you have time to speak for the viewers at home?"

(Y/N): "Oh uh sure."

Blaineley: "Your costume is reminiscent of Superman's. Did you intend to make that suit like that?"*points the mic at you*

(Y/N): "I didn't know he's a thing until I met him."

Blaineley: "Do you consider herowork as a hobby?"

(Y/N): "Yeah pretty much I guess."

Blaineley: "You have 3 aliens in your household living with you, why did you let them in?"

(Y/N): "Ursa thinks I'm her boss now, Attea needs to get out more, and Looma thinks I'm her future husband because I beat her in a fight."

Blaineley: "Witnesses saw the Class S Rank 7 hero King visiting your house. How did you manage to convince someone that powerful to be in your house?"

(Y/N): "We just met at the arcade and we started becoming friends."

Blaineley: "What is your opinion on the current roster of Class S heroes?"

(Y/N): "I don't know. Can I go home now?"

Blaineley: "Of course, and if we have new questions for you, we'll bring you to the studio to answer them."

(Y/N): " Okay."

You then run off as we see the Shield agent getting Eobard and taking him to jail. Later on, we see you at the market getting some supplies and you come by an instore restaurant. You see that it sells chili fries but it's a bit pricey for your budget.

(Y/N): "Man, that stuff is always so pricey. Eh no thanks."

You then bump into a kid that looks like Ben but younger and has different colors, his name was Albedo.

(Y/N): "Are you a lost child?"

Albedo: " Who are you calling a child?!"

(Y/N): "I'm a hero for fun."

Albedo: "You will pay for your arrogance, human!"

Albedo then uses his Ultimatrix to transform into Ultimate Humungousaur and turns to you.

Albedo: *as Ult. Humungousaur*"Prepare for your demise, human!"

You then punch Albedo in the chest as he was sent flying out of the store and all the way to the Plumber base in Bellwood. We then see Rook and Ben come into the room having a conversation.

Rook: "I am telling you Ben, it will not be easy to find Albedo."

Ben: "Found him."

Both Rook and Ben then see Albedo on the floor out cold in human form.

Ben: "We've been on this mission to find Albedo for 10 seconds and we just found him on the floor of the Plumber Base. Mission accomplished I guess."

Rook: " Do you not think this is too easy?"

Ben: "When you work in the hero biz, anything is too easy these days."

Rook: " I mean who else, other than you, could have done this to Albedo."

Ben: "Oh, that I'm not so sure of."

Back to you, we see you heading home as we see the Seven arriving on the scene and they spot you.

Homelander: "Hey kid."

(Y/N): "Huh?"*sees the Seven*"Who are you guys?"

Homelander: "We are the Seven, 7 of the greatest heroes America needs."

(Y/N): " Never heard of you, are you related to Superman?"

Homelander: "Not really. Vought wants to see you."

(Y/N): "I don't do action figures."

Homelander then walks up to you.

Homelander: "That wasn't a request."

Homelander then slammed his fist onto your head as the ground beneath you broke from the impact. You didn't feel the blow from the fist and you then karate chop Homelander in the shoulder and knock him out.

(Y/N): "I just finished grocery shopping, so I'm gonna go."

A-Train: " You just knocked out Homelander, and you're worried about your groceries?"

(Y/N): "They had a sale on deli meat for my lunch at school."

You then see that A-Train was running around all over you as you were standing in one place. A-Train then jumps off a building and comes flying at you and then you turn to him.

(Y/N): "Can I go home now?"

A-Train: "Whoa!"*tries to kick you in the face but missed*

You then hold up your fist as A-Train heads towards it.

(Y/N): "Checkmate."*sees that A-train's nards ram into your fist*"Oh sorry, it's just your momentum that made you hit my fist."

A-train: *in pain*"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THAT HURTS SO MUCH!!!"

Q. Maeve: "Oof, ouch."

We then see you going back to your house as we see The Deep helping A-Train up as we see Homelander waking up.

Homelander: "Did I win?"

Later, back at your house, we see you putting away groceries for the week as we see Looma lifting dumbbells.

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure you can go without working out. If you workout too much you will lose any sense of a challenge. Take it from me."

Looma: " You think so?"

(Y/N): " Yep, I did 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run each and every day without stopping for 12 years since I was in elementary school. In the process I went bald."

Looma: " How can you lose your hair with that exercise system?"

(Y/N): "Maybe it's a sign that I ascended or something?"

You then hear a knock at the door and you answer it and you see Rook and Ben at the doorstep.

Rook: "Are you familiar with Albedo?"

(Y/N): "I don't know who that is?"

Ben: "He's like me but younger and is white and red all over."

(Y/N): "Oh you mean that lost child? Yeah bumped into him, he turned into a giant lizard monster and I beat him with one punch."

Ben: " Yeah that was Albedo."

Rook: "He's one of the most dangerous galactic criminals that Ben has ever faced."

Ben: "He tried to copycat me."

(Y/N): "Oh cool."

Ben: *sees Looma in your house*"Is that Looma in your house?"

(Y/N): " Yeah, she's here because I beat her with one punch."

Ben: "There is no way you can beat her that easily."

Rook: "Actually he can, I have seen Celebrity Manhunt. Blaineley said that he has become so powerful that herowork become a hobby for him."

(Y/N): "Yeah overwhelming power is actually kinda boring."

Ben: "Wow. So we got word that Ursa and Attea are living with you in your house."

(Y/N): "Ursa thinks I'm her boss now and Attea just needs some time off."

Ben: " Really?"

(Y/N): " Yep, pretty much."

Rook: "Thank you for your time. We'll be leaving now."

You then close the door and then head to the living room and pull out a comic book to read as you see Attea taking notes.

(Y/N): "What are you doing?"

Attea: "I'm taking notes on what you do. You know, get an understanding of how you got your power."

You then look into Attea's notes and you see the exact angle of your body from just reading comic books.

(Y/N): "That's just me reading comic books."

Attea: " Yeah, I need all the details of your daily life."

(Y/N): "Alright."

You then sit back and read some comics as you see Ursa standing in the room.

Ursa: "What do you want me to do (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Um, maybe read a comic book? It's been awhile since you read something."

Ursa: "Understood."

We then see Ursa grab a comic book and then read it with you.

Ursa: "Thank you for letting me into your home (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

Attea: *while taking notes* "Very generous, fascinating."

You then hear another knock at the door and you answer it and you see a woman in dominatrix gear named Do-S.

(Y/N): "Do you always wear that in public?"

Do-S: "It's...the only thing I wear. But that's not the point, ever since you battled the Monster King Orochi a lot of monsters were out of the job, can I stay with you?"

(Y/N): "Okay."

Do-S: "Thank you."

Some time later, we see Do-S talking to the other girls in the house.

Do-S: "I'm Do-S and I'll be living here for a while."

Ursa: "I think you need a change of clothes."

Attea: " Yeah, that kind of clothing is gonna traumatize the kids."

Do-S: "That's all I got, sorry."

Ursa: "You're kidding right?"

Do-S: "I also got my whip."

(Y/N): "I think you should go shopping for new clothes."

Attea: " Yeah, how would people look at you when they see you like...that."

Ursa: *to you*"How did you know her?"

(Y/N): "Oh I bumped into her boss and I beat him."*to Do-S*"Sorry for getting you out of work Do-S."

Do-S: "Meh, I was gonna retire anyways."

Attea: "Let's get you some clothes to wear."

We then see the girls leave the house as you then head outside and water your plants. You then see a mosquito and you try to swat it but you miss. You then try to get the mosquito but despite your speed you can't catch the mosquito. Meanwhile in Glen Morgan Square, we see a lone cyborg named Genos walking around and he was a Class S hero. Later, we see the girls at the mall, with Do-S wearing a robe to cover herself up.

Dos-S: "Thanks for the robe."

Ursa: "We were getting Earth clothes anyways so might as well bring you along."

Attea: *pulls out her coin purse*"I hope they take taydens."

Looma: " Humans are associated with aliens now so they have to accept that kind of currency."

The girls then head to a store called Forever 21 and they look around for some clothes. We see Ursa pick out an outfit but was unsure about it.

Ursa: "Is this what human women wear?"

Attea: " Yeah it is, I think?"

Ursa then sees the word fleek on the butt of the pants.

Ursa: "Why would they put this word on a strange place for the clothes?"

Attea: " Just because my people conquered this planet before doesn't mean I'm an expert at this kind of stuff."

Looma: "I don't get fashion at all. I just normally wore armor when I was a kid so that I'm battle ready."

Attea: " But we aren't fighting anything."

Looma: "Not right now we aren't."

Do-S: *grabs a tank top*"Ooo, this one looks nice."

They then see people making a run for it out of the store.

Do-S: " Do they not like my choice?"

Ursa: "I think they're running away because of a good sale in another store?"

Attea: *shrugs an I don't know*

Meanwhile, in the city, we see a monster named Mosquito Girl unleashing a swarm of mosquitos all over the city to get blood to increase her power.

Mosquito Girl: *didn't get enough blood*"That's it? Might as well find more."

We then see Genos arrive in the area and he sees Mosquito Girl.

Genos: "I see, you command the mosquitos in order to get blood for yourself."

Mosquito Girl: " Yeah what's it to you?"

Genos: "You are a threat to the city and you must be eliminated."

Mosquito Girl: "Then you will be my next meal!"

Mosquito Girl then commands the mosquitoes to swarm Genos as he then unleashes a powerful incendiary blast and destroys most of the mosquitos. Mosquito Girl then attacks Genos and takes his arm off.

Mosquito Girl: "First the arm and now-"*sees that her legs are missing*" Ah! My legs!"

Mosquito Girl then makes a retreat and then commands the swarm to get blood from the surrounding wildlife. When she reaches full power we see Genos about to fight her only to see you chasing a mosquito with a can of bug spray in frustration.

(Y/N): "Get back here you darn bug!"*gets some of the spray in your mouth*"Bleh! It's in my mouth!" *spits it out* *sees the swarm of mosquitos*"Whoa what is that?"

We then see Kara minding her business and she sees the swarm of mosquitos.

Kara: "Huh?" *sees the swarm of mosquitoes* " Woah, that's a lot of bloodsuckers!"

The swarm then attacks the city as Genos then destroys all of them in one shot.

Genos: "It is done."*realizes*"That guy!"

(Y/N): "I'm okay, I wore repellent."

We then see Mosquito Girl slashing and bashing Genos like a ragdoll as you then slap her in the face and launch her into the wall losing her legs in the process again. Genos was shocked when he saw how powerful you are.

Genos: " Good god."

We then see you pick up Mosquito Girl on your back and take her home.

Genos: "Wait! What is your name!?"

(Y/N): "Huh?"*to Genos*"(Y/N), why?"

Genos: "I want to be your disciple!"

(Y/N): " My what?"

Genos: "I need to learn your ways to be stronger."

(Y/N): "Okay sure."

Later, at home, we see you patch up Mosquito Girl as she is waking up and she sees her prosthetics.

Mosquito Girl: *wakes up* " Ughh, what? What happened?"

(Y/N): "I beat you."

Mosquito Girl: *sees her prosthetics*"I lost a hand, an arm, and a pair of legs, great."

(Y/N): " Sorry about that."

We then see the girls come back with new clothes and Do-S was wearing new clothes: a pink sweater, a pink purse, and a pair of blue jeans.

Attea: " Hey we're back."

Do-S: "And we found something that is nice and comfy for me."

(Y/N): " Impressive."*sees Looma still wearing her armor*"You didn't get any clothes for you?"

Looma: "I don't get fashion."

Attea: " No matter what we say to her she still doesn't get it."*sees Mosquito Girl*"Who's this?"

(Y/N): "Oh that's Mosquito Girl, she attacked the city a few minutes ago. Now she won't be able to do much now."

Looma: "That sucks."

Mosquito Girl: " Hey, that's offensive!"

Looma: "Sorry."

Next: Chapter 3: Getting Way Too Much Attention

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