Chapter 3: Getting Way Too Much Attention

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Here we see you walking down the street and then a bunch of monsters charge at you and then you punch them all.

(Y/N): "What was all that about?"

You then head to the market to grab some food for the week and you then head to the register to make the purchase. We see you head out of the market and a car comes flying at you and you catch it and put it down.

(Y/N): "Who threw this?"

You then turn to see Doomsday reeking havoc in Metropolis and when he sees you he then charges at you and you then block one of his punches. Doomsday's instincts kick in and then make a retreat and is too afraid of fighting you. You then appeared right in front of Doomsday and then punched him to pieces.

(Y/N): "What was that about?"

We then see Diana walking back and she saw you and you got hit by a lightning bolt to the head and scratched the spot where the lightning hit you. You then turn around and see the King of Olympus himself, Zeus appeared right in front of you.

Zeus: "Mortal! You have slain Ares the God of War, my son."

(Y/N): "You mean the guy in the armor?"

Zeus: "Indeed. Do you accept the responsibility as the God of War?"

(Y/N): "Nah, I'll stick to being the hero for fun."

Zeus: "You mock the gods of Olympus!? You will pay for your mockery!"

(Y/N): "Uhh..."

Zeus then teleports you and himself somewhere else as Diana was shocked to see that happened.

Diana: "What happened?"

Later, we see you and Zeus in an arena and you see a lot of the Amazons watching you.

Zeus: "If this mortal thinks he can be a god!? Then perhaps he will face the gods of Olympus by himself!"

Zeus then teleports out of the arena and teleports to his seat.

Zeus: "Bring out his first opponent! The mighty hercules!"

The gates opened and you see Hercules walking to you with his Neman Cetus at hand.

Hercules: "What are you?"

(Y/N): "I'm just a hero for fun."

Hercules: "Well then, you think you can best the might that is Hercules?"

(Y/N): "Maybe?"*sees Diana in the bleachers*"Oh hey Diana, when did you get here?"

Hercules: "Don't you look away!"

Hercules then hit you at the back of the head as a massive shockwave came from you. You didn't feel the blow and you turned to Hercules.

(Y/N): "That punch didn't do anything."

Hercules: "Why you!"

Hercules was about to punch you again until you punched him in the chest and the resulting shockwave cleared the clouds. The hole where Hercules' heart should be was gone as the body collapsed onto the ground.

Diana: " Great Hera!"

(Y/N): "Man, I had my hopes up too."

All the Amazons were shocked to see Hercules killed by you.

Zeus: "No matter, Hercules was a formidable fighter during his 12 labors. Let's bring my brother Hades into the ring!"

Diana: "Oh no."

The gates opened and Hades came onto the arena with his weapon the Claws of Hades.

Hades: "I will claim your souls mortal!"

Hades then throws the claws at you and then they hit you. Hades then tries to rip your soul out but struggles as the ground beneath his feet begin to crack and sweat begins to fall from his body and your soul is not coming out of your body.


(Y/N): "Are you okay? Do you need to warm up a bit?"

Hades: " Impossible! How can you be so casual about this!?!"*pulls the claws off of you*"Forget ripping your soul out! I'll just destroy your body!"

Hades then uses the Claws to attack you as you casually dodged all the attacks from Hades. You then get in close to Hades and ready your fist.

(Y/N): "Consecutive Normal Punches."

You then perform the technique as bits and pieces of Hades were flying onto Hippolyta and Diana.

Hippolyta: " Inconceivable! How can a mere man defeat a god!?"*sees that she's covered in Hades' blood*"Disgusting..."

(Y/N): "Can I go home now?"

Zeus: "So be it, you will now be given the chance to face Kratos!"

You see the gate open and you see Kratos ready to fight and he comes onto the arena.

(Y/N): *to Diana*"Is the pale guy Kratos?"

Diana: "Yes."

We then see Kratos punch you in the face and you were pushed several feet.

Kratos: "What are you, warrior?"

(Y/N): "I'm a hero for fun and profit."

Kratos: "I am the Ghost of Sparta!"*pulls out the Blades of Chaos*"You are in my way of vengeance against the gods!"

(Y/N): "What did they ever do to you?"

Kratos then uses his blades to grab the weapons of the already dead Hades and Hercules and then come charging at you. He then grabs you by the head and throws you into the air and you see Kratos fly up to you with the Wings of Icarus and then hit you with the Nemean Cestus and send you down to the ground making a large crater in the arena. You then get up and then look up at Kratos. Kratos then noticed you were gone and he looked around.

Kratos: "Coward! Where are you?!"

(Y/N): *appears behind Kratos*"Right here."

You then karate chop Kratos and send him flying back to the ground and he was unconscious upon landing. You then land on the ground and you see all the amazons in the stands were shocked.

(Y/N): "What?"

Diana: " You have bested the Ghost of Sparta!?"

(Y/N): "So?"

Zeus: "The next opponent is Hermes!"

The gates open and you see Hermes run towards you at blinding speeds.

Hermes: "None has ever surpassed my speed!"

Hermes then run circles around you as you just stood there and then Hermes launches himself at you as you then turn to him.

(Y/N): "Are you that Hermes guy?"

Hermes: "What!?!"

Hermes tries to kick you in the face but misses as you put your fist in the air.

(Y/N): "Checkmate."*sees that his nards hit your fist*"Whoops! Sorry, your momentum made you hit my fist."

We then see Hermes scream in pain.

Hermes:*in pain* "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WHY!?!!?!?!?!!?!"

(Y/N): "I said I was sorry."

Diana: " He has bested almost everyone in Olympus."

Hermes then charged at you as you then slapped him in the face so hard that he was sent flying to a wall and got splattered into pieces upon impact.

(Y/N): "Oops."

Zeus: "Grrr, well then test your might against Poseidon!"

You then see the arena transform with the addition of a large pool surrounding you. You then see a giant being made out of water and it was Poseidon himself.

Poseidon: " You dare challenge a god!"

(Y/N): "Water power? This could be interesting."

You then punch Poseidon as he then regrows his whole arm.

(Y/N): "Wow."*sees his chest*"Is that where you are?"

Poseidon: "What are you talking about?"

You then pick up a rock and you throw it at Poseidon and we see the rock hit the real Poseidon's head and instantly shatter it. You then see the water fall into the pool as you look down to see Poseidon's corpse.

(Y/N): " That was easy."

Diana: "How did you do that!?"

You then see Zeus land onto the arena and turn to you.

Zeus: "Your final opponent will be me."

Hippolyta: " Are you mad?! You saw what he did to the others!"

Diana: " Agreed, this is unwise!"

Zeus then charges at you and you block his punches and Zeus then punches you hard enough that you were flying and you went back on your feet to run backwards as you then block a lot of his punches and lightning strikes. You then punch his arm as Zeus' arm was sent flying into the crowd and into the hands of Hippolyta.

Zeus: "Ugh, I may be an old man. But I can still fight you."

(Y/N): "You're not bad yourself."

Zeus then uppercuts you so hard that you are sent flying into space. Meanwhile on Remnant, we see Team RWBY heading to Beacon.

Yang: "Ugh, getting back to school is the worst!"

Blake: "At least it's better than getting mauled by a beowulf."

Weiss: "Education is important, Yang."

Ruby: "I wonder if there's something exciting happening."

The girls then see Team JNPR and they head to them.

Yang: "Sup guys, how's it going?"

Before Jaune says anything we see you make a crash landing behind Team JNPR and send both teams flying backwards. We see that Jaune landed face first into Yang's breasts.

Yang: " Ah! Jaune! What the heck?!"

Jaune: *gets off of Yang*"It was an accident I swear!"

Weiss: *sees you in the crater*"Um, who's that?"

(Y/N): *gets up and brushes the dirt off*"Wow, much further than the last guy."

Pyrrha: "Um sir are you okay?"

You then go to a squat position as the pebbles around you begin to float along with the cars and boulders.

Ruby: "What's going on?"

You then jump into the air as the resulting shockwave sends both teams all the way to Atlas. Meanwhile, back on Earth, we see Zeus exhausted from the battle as Diana then sees you come flying down from the sky and land on the ground and turn to Zeus.

(Y/N): "Wow, I made it."*realizes something*"Wait."*to Hippolyta*"Where do Amazons get their kids?"

Hippolyta: "From Zeus, he's the source of Amazon life."

(Y/N): "Wait, he's your sperm donor?"

Diana: "Indeed."

(Y/N): "That sucks."

Zeus: "Do not destroy me mortal! Without me the amazons will perish!"

You then turn to Zeus and you go into your Serious Series.

(Y/N): "You got serious before, now it's my turn to be serious."*forms a fist*"Killer move in the serious series, Serious Punch."

You then punch Zeus and shatter him into pieces as the resulting shock wave cleared the clouds and destroyed Mars.

Diana: " What have you done?!"

(Y/N): "What? I can't let an old guy be your sperm donor Diana. That would be weird."

We then see Kratos wake up and get up from the ground and see Zeus' corpse on the ground.

Kratos: " You have defeated Zeus?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, he's like the 3rd strongest guy I faced so far."*to Diana*"Can I go home now? Also can you find someone else to be your sperm donor?"*points to Kratos*"Like that guy?"

Diana: "Uhh..."

Hippolyta: " Well...."

You see that Kratos just left the arena.

(Y/N): " Or not, he just left."

Hippolyta: "Well since that Zeus is the only one for us, and he is gone, I guess you would be one providing us children."

(Y/N): " Really?"

Diana: " You were the one that bested Zues, and the other gods as well, so it's up to you now."

(Y/N): "Okay."

Later in Themyscira, we see you getting some fruit and vegetables.

(Y/N): "Man, I can save a lot of money with these fruits and veggies."

You then run back to Metropolis as Antiope runs up to Hippolyta.

Antiope: "Sister! Cerberus is loose in Metropolis!"

Hippolyta: "What?! Ugh, did you lock the door this time?"

Antiope: "Well in Hades' haste, he left the door open."

Meanwhile in Metropolis, we see Cerberus attacking the city as we see Superman about to fight him until we see you punch Cerberus and make him fall into pieces.

Superman: " Hey!"

We see Diana walk by and the head of Cerberus fell right in front of her and she turned to see you.

(Y/N): "What was that dog thing doing here?"

Diana: *stammers* "How did Cerberus get here!?" *realizes* " Oh this is Antiope's doing."

Antiope: *running to Diana* " No!" *stops* This was not my doing, this time, it was Hades, he left the door open."

Diana: "Oh..."

Antiope: "Where is Cerberus?"*sees Cerberus' dead body*"Oh..."

(Y/N): "Yeah sorry about that."

Diana: " It is alright, friend (Y/N)."

Antiope: " Yes, you did save Metropolis."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."*hears screaming*"Do you hear screaming?"

We then see the Hulk going on a rampage and then punch you hard enough that he launches you into the Daily Planet building and the whole building is gonna collapse until you put your hand on the tower and it stops. You then push the tower back to its original position and you turn to the Hulk.

(Y/N): "What was that for?"

You see that the Hulk jumped towards you and you punch him in the face and launch him into Metropolis High as the whole building collapses.

Diana: " Great Hera!"

(Y/N): "Oops."

We then see the Hulk got out of the rubble and then jumps back to you and then proceeds to beat you up senselessly. We then see Zee at a coffee shop and then the Hulk throws you into the shop.

Zee: "AH!"

The Hulk then bursts into the shop as you then get back up again.


Hulk then grabs you by the leg and then beats you on the floor senselessly as Zee notices that the Hulk was being controlled by someone as the magic controlling him is familiar to her.

Babs: " Why is that, whoever he is, doing this?!"

Zee: "I think the Hulk is being controlled by someone, the magic is so familiar."

You then break free from the Hulk's grip and then uppercut him into space. Meanwhile, on Remnant at Salem's palace, we see Salem about to call Cinder as we see the Hulk make a crash landing in her palace.

Salem: "What in the Brothers name!?!"

Cinder: *comes in and sees Hulk*" What kind of Grimm is that?!"

Hulk: *gets up and turn to Salem and her minions*"Hulk not grimm, Hulk is Hulk."

Hulk then punches Salem and launches her to a wall and then beats her senseless. We then see you make a landing in the palace and you see Hulk.

(Y/N): " Easy big guy, I think you got her, whoever she is."

Cinder: " You're familiar with this beast?"

(Y/N): "He punched me in the face."

We then see the Hulk punch you in the face and launch you outside and you land on the ground on your feet. You then see the Hulk burst out of the palace and run towards you. You then get serious and then grab the ground.

(Y/N): "Serious Table Flip!"

You then flip the entire Land of Darkness into the air as we see Hulk, Salem, and her minions fall down from the move you made.

Salem: "How is this possible!?!"

You then jump into the air and punch Hulk at the back of the head and then punch through the Land of Darkness and destroy it into a million pieces. Meanwhile, on Korra's planet, we see the Hulk and you falling from Orbit and crash land in the fire nation. Hulk crash landed in the capital of the Fire Nation while you crashed in a volcano. We then see the Hulk get up and run past all the fire benders.

Korra: " Who or what the heck was that?!"

The ground then begins to break when a crack that leads to the mantle of the planet forms when you use another move.

(Y/N): "Serious Squirt Gun."

You then shoot lava at Hulk making him covered in lava as you then get out of the ground and you turn to Hulk.

(Y/N): " Are you calm now?"

The Hulk then punched you and was launched into the palace where you see Fire Lord Izumi in the throne room.

(Y/N): "I'll take that as a no."

Izumi: "What in the name of the spirits are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "No time to talk."

We then see the Hulk burst into the room and grab you by the leg and throw you into the atmosphere and he went after you. Meanwhile on Earth, we see you crash landed in Sweet Justice as it collapses and the Hulk then makes a landing on the streets and he sees you get up. You then see the other avengers arrive and they're armed and ready to fight. You then went up to Captain America and then punched his shield which created a shockwave that knocked down several buildings as we then see Captain Marvel shoot photon blasts at you as you then punch her and launch her to a building. We then see Genos arrive on the scene and he sees that you are in danger.

Genos: "Don't worry master, I'll assist you."

Genos then turns his attention to Iron Man and then charges at him and unleashes a fury of punches.

Genos: "Machine Gun Blow!"

We then see Vision grab Genos and throw him to the ground as Genos gets back up. Hawkeye then fires 3 arrows at Genos' arms and leg and they explode upon impact. We then see Zee arrive in her hero outfit.

Zee: "tuc sgnirts!"

Zee then casted a spell that broke all the Avengers from a trance as they stop fighting as we see Hulk turned back into Bruce Banner.

Bruce: " Ugh, my head, what happened?"

Hawkeye: " And where are we?"

Vision: "Metropolis, Clint."

Zee: "You were all in a trance by the Enchantress!"

Tony: "So you're saying she did the hocus pocus on us and make us her personal flying monkeys?"

(Y/N): " Yeah pretty much."

The Enchantress then appeared right in front of you.

(Y/N): "Oh hey Ms. Moone. What's with the costume?"

Enchantress: "You'll be my new warrior, hero!"

The Enchantress then used her magic to put you into a trance but nothing happened and she didn't get control of you.

Enchantress: "What's going on? Why am I not controlling you?"*gets picked up by the back of the collar by you*"Oh."

(Y/N): *to Zee*"What's with the Halloween costume? It's not october."

Zee: "That's not our art teacher, that's the Enchantress. Ms. Moone is trapped in a mirror."

Enchantress: "Wait, please spare me!"

(Y/N): "Don't do bad stuff anymore."

Enchantress: "You're sparing me?"

(Y/N): "Get our art teacher back."

Enchantress: "Of course whatever you say!"

We then see Enchantress return back to the mirror as we see June Moone returned back to her body.

June: " I'm okay? How?"

Zee: "Don't look at me, look at (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *puts June back on the ground*"You're welcome.

June: " I- thank you for saving me."

(Y/N): "Your welcome."

June then sees that her apartment was demolished during the fight between you and Hulk.

June: " What happened to my apartment?!"

Bruce: "Sorry about that, Hulk gets carried away when it comes to smashing."

(Y/N): "Yeah I sometimes destroy public property by accident."

Bruce: "You can put that on Tony's tab."*sees Genos on the ground*"And all the damage to him on Tony's tab too."

Tony: "What am I made of money?"

(Y/N): " You built your own high tech armor and you're a multi billionaire inventor, so yes you are."

Tony: "That was a rhetorical question. And your home will be rebuilt for a while, so do you have a place you can crash until the repairs are done?"

June: "Umm..."

(Y/N): "The guest bedroom has enough room."

June: " Really?"

(Y/N): " Of course, I got my house from inheritance. It's a big house."

Later, at home, we see June set up her bed and she sees the other girls in the guest room.

June: "Um you don't mind me living with you girls until my apartment gets repaired right?"

Attea: " No it's fine."

Looma: " Agreed, you can stay here for as long as you want."

June: *picks up Do-S' dominatrix gear*"Um, what is this?"

Do-S: " Oh that's my old outfit that I used to wear."

June: "Oh, can I try it on?"

We see June change out of her normal clothes and then change into Do-S' clothes and she looks into the mirror.

June: "Ooo, I look nice. Why is it so revealing?"

Do-S: " Because I went for the dominatrix look when I was turned into a monster. Plus, seeing someone else in my outfit is really a nice change of pace. It's made of the kind of material that can fit on anyone."

June: " Oh my, that would explain why it fits me so well."

Attea: "Who wants a turn on the suit?"*sees Looma raise her hand*"Looma?"

Looma: "What, I'm curious."

Attea: " Alright."

We then see Looma now wearing Do-S' old clothes and she looks at herself in the mirror.

Looma: "It's exposed and I feel uncomfortable in this."

Attea: " Yeah, you definitely don't pull it off."

Looma: "Can I get back into my normal attire now?"

Attea: " Sure."

Meanwhile, we see you in the living room reading comics and you hear a knock at the door. You then answer the door and you see Genos with a backpack with all of his stuff.

(Y/N): "The men's guest room is the door next to the girls guest room on the right of the door. Not the left, that's the closet."

Genos: "Thank you master."

We then see Genos go into your house and head to the men's guest room.

Genos: " This will be my temporary home."

The next day, we see you and June arrive in art class.

June: "Good day class, just so that all of you know, my apartment has been demolished by accident, so for the time being I am living with (Y/N) and his roommates."

Zee: "Oh that's nice to hear."

Owen: "What?! A teacher living with a student!?"

Duncan: " Lucky."

Leshawna: " Dang, he'll get straight As for sure."

The girls then see you make a clay sculpture of June herself.

June: *sees the sculpture of herself* " Oh my, impressive work (Y/N), you get the best grade."

(Y/N): "Oh, I thought today's of clay project was school themed and I sculpted you."

Courtney: "How does he do that!?"

June: "Well, I think that looks wonderful."

You then look at Izzy's clay statue and it was a bizarre shape of some kind.

June: *sees Izzy's clay project*"Oh uh...Izzy, nice work on your clay model of...whatever that is."

Izzy: "It's the inner machinations of my mind."

Heather: "It's just a crazy mess."

Izzy: "Exactly, that's a clear representation of what is going on in my mind! Well at least 1/4th of my mind."

Leshawna: " What about the other 3/4ths?"

Izzy then makes another clay model that shows what's going on in her mind and it looks like a carton of milk that was spilled on a table.

June: "Oh that's uh...nice Izzy."

Samey: " I-I don't get it."

Jasmine: "I'm just as confused as you are."

June: "A+ for creativity Izzy."

Heather: " You're kidding right?"

June: "Of course not, she is creative."

Izzy: "I made a building blow up with slime bombs!"

June: "Hehe."

Later at lunch, we see you eating lunch with June as we see the TD girls watching you.

Courtney: "He's eating lunch with our art teacher!"

Lindsay: "I know she's a teacher, but she looks like she is in high school. Has anyone noticed that?"

Gwen: " Not really, but now that you mentioned it she does."

Heather: "Everyone knows she does not look like a student."

We then see Beth walk up to June and talk to her.

Beth: "Do you have a special someone to take to the upcoming dance this weekend?"

June: "Oh uh, Beth I'm your art teacher."

Beth: "Oh sorry, you look so young and I mistook you for being a student."

June: " Oh heh thanks, but I'm not that young. I just use moisturiser."

Beth: "Ooo what kind?"

June: " Oh, I use the aloe brand."

Beth: " Oh I gotta start using that, thanks Ms. Moone."

June: " Uh, you're welcome."

We then see Beth head to the TD girls' table as they look at Beth.

Beth: "What?"

Gwen: " You can't just walk up to a teacher and say that she's a student."

Beth: " I'm sorry I thought she was a student since she looked so young."

Leshawna: " Still though, never assume a girl's age."

Beth: "That's right, I forgot about that. Thanks for the advice."

Leshawna: "Your welcome girl."

Courtney: " Still though, it's just a bit weird having a teacher live with him, I mean having your own teacher at school and at home is weird."

The girls then see Sierra walking to your table and she sees June at the same table you're at.

Gwen: " Oh no, it's Sierra."

Meanwhile with you.

Sierra: "Hi Ms. Moone, why are you sitting with (Y/N)?"

June: "He offered me a place to stay while my apartment is getting repaired after an Avenger destroyed it by accident."

Sierra: "Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

(Y/N): "Are you that stalker girl from that reality show?"

Sierra: " Uh whaat? No, I'm not."

June: "I do not like liars, young lady, tell the truth or it's detention."

Sierra: "Yes I am."

The TD girls saw June talk to Sierra.

Leshawna: "Whoo, white girl is large and in charge and put crazier lady in her place!"

Lindsay: "Wow, Ms. Moone is amazing."

Beth: "Teachers can be nice but fair. That's what my mom told me when she talked about her highschool life."

Samey: " Too true, but you know what's really amazing about Ms. Moone. One time I saw Duncan about to graffiti the lockers and then Ms. Moone just saw him and put him into detention."

Jasmine: "What happened?"

Samey: "After one week, Duncan had hand cramps since then and he along with the other guys like Scott and Lightning were afraid of her. Even Mal is afraid of her."

Heather: " Seriously? But she's super nice, how can anyone be afraid of her?"

Gwen: *points to the guys*"Ask them."

Heather then turns to see Duncan shivering in fear, Scott eating his food while not making eye contact with Ms. Moone, Lightning rocking back and forth in his chair, and Mike got hit in the head by a milk carton and Mal didn't come out at all.

Mike: "That's the 3rd time I got hit in the head and Mal hasn't come out at all."

Duncan: " I thought your other personalities went down the drain after All Stars?"

Mike: "Actually they came back on their own, even Mal but for some reason he's not coming out ever since Ms. Moone became our teacher."

Duncan: "Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Mike."

Back to the girls.

Lindsay: "Wow, she can be nice, scary, and strict."

Anne Maria: "I hear you girl, Jo was pushing around Cameron the other day and the next day she was being nice to him and apologized to him. Just look at her."

Jo: *while smiling*"What a nice day we're having."

Lindsay: "Is that why Ella and Sugar became friends?"

Jasmine: "Ms. Moone helped them be good friends by giving them advice. And now look at them."

The girls then noticed that both Ella and Sugar had friendship bracelets.

Gwen: " Wow, I thought Sugar hated my cousin?"

Lindsay: "I know right."

Leshawna: "Wait, that girl in a pink dress is your cousin?"

Lindsay: "I thought everyone knew that?"

Jasmine: "Not really sheila."

Lindsay: "But my name is Lindsay."

Jasmine: " No that's just-"

Gwen: " It's best not to explain it to her."

Jasmine: "Alright."

Heather: "Who's afraid of a dumb art teacher anyways?"

???(June): "Heather."

Heather then gets scared and then slowly turns to June who is pretty angry.

Heather: *gulps in fear*"Hi Ms. Moone...did you hear anything?"

June: "Actually, I heard everything. Don't say bad things about your teachers, Heather."

Heather: " Y-y-yes ma'am."

June: "Good."*smiles with joy*"Have a good day."

We then see June leave the cafeteria as we see Heather sighed in relief.

Gwen: "Wow, you look like you were about to pee your pants."

Izzy: "Hey, has anyone seen Alejandro?"

Leshawna: " Not since old Heather broke up with him."

Heather: "I wonder where he is."

Meanwhile in detention, we see Alejandro writing on a chalkboard in cursive the phrase: I will respect women.

Alejandro: *while writing*"Dios mio! This is torture! Ms. Moone, you are a devil!"*gets a hand cramp*"Ow my beautiful hand!"

Back with the girls.

Heather: "Meh, I'm sure he'll show up eventually."

Later in Math class, we see Alejandro taking a seat still feeling the pain from writing the same phrase 4000 times for a week.

Heather: "What happened to you?"

Alejandro: " Ms.Moone happened, I've been writing the same phrase for a week."*to the TD girls*"I am so sorry for everything I did to you all! Please forgive me!"

Leshawna: *punch Alejandro in the face*"Now we're even."

Courtney: "We all forgive you since you learned your lesson."

Heather: "And we're not getting back together Alejandro."

Alejandro: "Thank you so much!"

(Y/N): "What a crybaby."

Next: Chapter 4: Filling in for Zeus

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