The Final Chapter

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Chat glanced at his stick to check the time.

Ten minutes.

His emerald eyes flickered over to the resting Ladybug, who was still as sound as water. He hesitated, but then reached out with a soft smile.

"Ladybug." He shook her gently. "Ladybug. Wake up. Ten minutes are over."

The female heroine woke up groggily and let out a tired moan. She rubbed her eyes slowly and sat up with a yawn.

"Hm? What's going on?" she murmured with heavy eyelids. She rolled over and blinked in surprise that she wasn't sitting up, but instead lying on the ground.

"How long have I been out?" she asked. The cat chuckled and brushed a strand of golden hair out of the way.

"Just ten minutes," he replied with a shrug. "You fell asleep during the contest. I didn't feel like waking you."

"Oh, I see." She sat upright and stretched. "So, I guess this means the game ends in a tie, assuming you didn't do anything while I was dreaming?"

"Actually, believe it or not, no," he said with a smirk. "I won."

Ladybug snapped awake. "What?! How?! I was asleep, how could you have won-"

"You snored."

The young girl was left open-mouthed and frozen in slight shock as the black cat snickered to himself and played with his belt-tail.


"Oh come on, Ladybug!" he laughed. "Why would I cheat?"

She huffed and crossed both her arms and her legs, but she let out a reluctant sigh and extended her hand.

"Good game," she grumbled with a hint of a smile. Chat Noir grinned and gladly wrapped his fingers around hers.

"Good game," he said smugly. Ladybug rolled her eyes and propped her head back on the thick pole behind her. She turned her shimmering ocean eyes to the golden city and watched as the lights rippled across every building.

"So, care to tell me what you dreamt about in your beauty sleep?" Chat Noir leaned in with a playful nudge. Ladybug scrunched up her nose with a laugh when he wiggled his eyebrows.

"It wasn't about you, silly kitty!" She elbowed him away. His ears drooped and he fake pouted. The bug heroine tousled his hair and sat back with a shake of her head.

"My dream was..." She then paused, not knowing how to form it all in just words. "Something that happened to me in the past."

"Oh, so you had a memory dream?"

"Basically, yeah. It took place before I even knew what a Miraculous was." She smiled at the moon. "Those were some good times..."

"I see," he said, copying her movements. They stayed silent for the next few minutes after that, each brain wandering off on their own train of thought.

Ladybug closed her eyes with a warm smile as all the memories plunged her in a joyful abyss. A never-ending painting of past clips stretched in her mind and she enjoyed the lasting moments of peace that greeted the Eiffel Tower as her mind process whirled.

Mrs. Agreste, Ladybug thought. I hope I'll see you again someday...

Her eyes opened, revealing her glowing orbs of cerulean blue.

And thank you for all you've done for me.

~Le Fin~

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