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'You Have No Chance With Her'

Naina impatiently tapped her pen on the table, she watched as the clock ticked and as soon as it hit two and the lecture was over, a frustrated Naina quickly packed her bags and left the lecture hall before Seenu could get another word out of his mouth.

The whole lecture, he refused to stop talking, he didn't allow Naina to concentrate on the lecture, he either kept talking, or touching Naina's hair or poking her, frustrating her to no end and anytime she said anything to him he just smiled at her and gave her a dreamy look, making Naina face palm everytime.

"Naina, wait!" Seenu called out, seeing Naina rush out the classroom.

Naina turned back to Seenu, "You are the most annoying human being I have ever met" she said, still walking away.

"Naina, watch out!" a worried Seenu said.

But it was too late, Naina had bumped into someone causing her bag to fall to the floor, but before she could fall, someone wrapped their arm around her waist, stopping her from hitting the ground, immediately Naina's hand went and grabbed the collar of the person who saved her, her eyes shut tightly.


Hearing a male voice, caused Naina to immediately open her eyes. The person who saved Naina, helped her stand and forwarded his hand towards her.

"Hi, I'm Manav".

Naina gave Manav a small smile, "Naina" she greeted, shaking Manav's hand.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady" Manav praised.

Naina chuckled, "Thank you" she said, she then looked down and realised all the contents from her bag had spilled to the floor, "Damn it" Naina said, quickly bending and picking her things.

Manav also bent down and started helping her gather her things, making Naina give him a grateful smile.

Unknown to Naina, Seenu was standing there glaring at both her and Manav, his hands were clenched into a fist seeing the smug look Manav sent his way before bending down to help Naina, he knew what Manav was doing, he was purposely getting close to Naina to anger him, and Seenu hated that it was working.

Seenu took one step to punch Manav, when Arjun stood infront of and stopped him from walking any further.

"Seenu, stop" Arjun said, the furious look on his face was enough to tell him what Seenu was about to do, "Don't create a scene here".

"How dare he go near her?" Seenu snapped, glaring at Manav and Naina, "And why the hell is she smiling at him like that? She never smiles at me like that".

"Maybe because you haven't given her a reason for her to smile at you like that" Arjun retorted.

"I never gave her a reason to not smile at me like that either" Seenu argued.

"Just relax" Arjun said, "If you fight with Manav infront of Naina, it won't help her impression of you, she already doesn't like you, don't make it any worse".

"He's going to use her to hurt me, Arjun" Seenu said, "He's going to hurt her".

"Then talk to Naina with a calm mind, if you let your anger take over, Naina will never trust you, she will trust Manav instead" Arjun said.

Seenu looked at his best friend, and then back at Manav and Naina who had now stood up, Seenu watched as Naina said thank you to Manav and then walked out the room, as soon as Naina left, Arjun stepped away and let Seenu walk over to Manav.

As soon as Seenu reached Manav, he gave him a hard shove, "Don't involve Naina in your dirty game to hurt me, Manav" he warned.

Manav gave Seenu a smirk, "Relax Seenu, not everything I do is about you, she's just so beautiful, I can't help but try my luck with her".

Seenu chuckled, "You think you have a chance with her?".

"I think I have more of a chance then you" Manav retorted, "She hates you Seenu, she will never give you a chance".

"I don't know if she will give me a chance, but I promise you one thing Manav, I will not let Naina get trapped in your web" Seenu stated, walking away from Manav after giving him one last glare, Arjun quickly following him.


After class, Naina and Sameera were sitting in the cafeteria, eating their respective lunches while talking and laughing amongst each other.

"Hey, Naina" Manav greeted, walking over to the duo's table, "Is this seat taken?".

"Yes", "No" Sameera and Naina said together.

Naina looked at her best friend with confused look on her face, but Sameera ignored that look and just glared at Manav, "You can't sit here" Sameera stated, clearing not liking Manav's presence near her best friend or her.

"Sam, why are you speaking to him like this?" a confused Naina asked.

"Because she is team Seenu" Manav said, taking a seat infront of Naina, angering Sameera even more.

"Team Seenu?" a confused Naina asked.

"Didn't I say you can't sit here?" Sameera snapped at Manav.

Manav ignored Sameera and turned his attention to Naina, "Since we were little Seenu has taken it on himself to make my life hell, for some reason he hates me and does everything in his power to make sure my life here is miserable".

Naina looked at Manav, suspicion shown clearly on her face, "What did you do to Seenu that made him hate you so much?" she asked.

"What makes you think I did something and not Seenu?" a slightly offended Manav asked.

Naina simply shrugged, "I don't know Seenu but I've spent some time with him, he doesn't seem like a type of person who will hate someone without any reason, he doesn't seem the vindictive type".

"But he is the vindictive type Naina, he hates me because he is threatened by me" Manav said.

"Seenu? Threatened by you?" an amused Sameera asked, "Oh please, give me a break Manav, there's nothing in you that is threatening to Seenu, he hates you because you always target him and Arjun, because you are jealous of both them, and Arjun doesn't say anything to you but Seenu will never stay quiet especially when it comes to his best friend, the entire college knows that".

Manav immediately shook his head, he looked at Naina and placed his hand on top of hers, immediately making Naina feel uncomfortable, "Naina trust me, I'm not lying, Seenu is a horrible person, stay away from him please, I'm saying this for your benefit, he is an extremely hateful person, he will give you nothing but pain".

"First of all, Naina is not going to trust a person she just met over her childhood best friend" Sameera snapped, "And second of all, I think from the way you're speaking, it's kind of obvious whose hateful towards who, and third of all", Sameera snatched Naina's hand from Manav's hand, "Don't touch her, she doesn't like it".

"I'm trying to save your friend Sameera" Manav snapped, having enough of Sameera's attitude.

"Don't speak to her in that tone" Naina warned, glaring at Manav, "I don't know you Manav, so I'm not going to make any judgement towards you, but if you're using me for some kind of revenge game against Seenu, then let me tell you something, I'm not as gullible as I seem, I know the difference between right and wrong, now excuse me I have to get to class".

Naina grabbed her bag and stood up from table, both Sameera and Manav also standing up with her.

"Naina listen--".

Naina ignored Manav and instead turned to her best friend, "I'll see you after class".

Sameera nodded and with that Naina walked away from the table and towards her next class.

As soon as Naina was gone, Manav glared at Sameera, who was standing there with a smug look on her face.

"You just had to open your mouth" Manav said, taking a threatening step towards Sameera, but before he could reach her, someone shoved him away from Sameera and punched Manav in the face.

With his hand on his now bleeding lip, a furious Manav turned to see who punched him, only to come face to face with Seenu, who was standing infront of Sameera, glaring at Manav, while Arjun stood behind Sameera, a satisficed grin on his face seeing his best friend punch Manav.

"Seenu!" an enraged Manav yelled, lifting his hand up to punch Seenu but Seenu quickly held his hand and with his other hand once again punched Manav, this time in the stomach.

"Yes!" Both Sameera and Arjun yelled together, giving each other a high five.

"I wanted to punch you the minute you dared to sit on the same table as my sweetheart, and then you tried to provoke her against me, but like I said to you before Manav, you have no chance with her, my sweetheart is extremely smart, she will never fall for your trap, so next time you try and pit us against each other remember her words and remember my punches", Seenu then turned to Sameera and Arjun, "Lets go guys, before the negativity in this room starts suffocating me".

Both Sameera and Arjun nodded and with that the trio turned to leave but Manav stopped them.

"I was trying to be nice to her Seenu, but seems like your Naina doesn't like nice, now I'm going to use the hard way to make sure you never get her" Manav threatened.

Seenu chuckled and faced a fuming Manav, "Go ahead Manav, do whatever you want to pit Naina against me, I want to see you fall on your face when you fail".

"This over confidence of yours is going to ruin you, Seenu" Manav stated.

"It's not over confidence, it's belief, if what I feel for Naina is true and pure, then nothing you say or do is going to effect us" Seenu retorted.

"We will see about that" Manav said.

Seenu smirked, "Oh we will".


After her class was over, Naina stepped out of the room, when suddenly a coffee cup was placed infront of her, Naina turned to her side and shook her head seeing Seenu standing there.

"I don't drink coffee" Naina stated, walking away from Seenu.

Seenu quickly followed after Naina, "Oh come on, it's your favorite latte with almond milk".

Naina looked at Seenu in confusion, "How do you know my favorite coffee order?".

"Because our hearts are connected, sweetheart" Seenu replied, giving Naina a teasing smile.

In turn Naina shook her head at Seenu, "Our hearts are not connected, you got this information out of Sam".

Seenu put his one hand over his heart, "I love the fact that you know me so well".

"I'm too tired to deal with you right now" Naina stated, turning to walk away from Seenu when he grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"Wait" Seenu said, "Before you leave, I just needed to thank you".

"Thank me?" a confused Naina asked, "And what exactly are you thanking me for?".

"For not believing all the bullshit Manav told you about me" Seenu clarified.

Naina looked at Seenu, "How are you so sure I didn't believe him?" she asked, "Maybe I did believe everything he said".

"If that was the case then you wouldn't be standing here and actually talking to me willingly, you would be pushing me away" Seenu retorted.

"Whenever I push you away, you seem to always come closer to me" Naina retorted back.

"That's because whenever you push me away, it's not from your heart" Seenu said.

"What will you do if one day I push you away, and it's from my heart?" Naina asked curiously.

Seenu smiled at Naina, "Sweetheart, the day you really want me to stay away from you, that day I promise I will go away and never come in front of you again, my love for you is pure Naina, I will never force it on you and I sure as hell will not let it be a burden on you".

Seenu grabbed Naina's hand and placed the coffee in it, while an emotional Naina kept staring at him, Seenu turned to leave but Naina stopped him by grabbing his wrist from her free hand.

"Loving me will only you give heartbreak Seenu, because even if my heart doesn't agree with my actions, it will never be able to accept you or your love" Naina said.

Seenu looked at Naina, "I believe in fate sweetheart, it was fate that made me see you in Kullu, it was fate that forced both of us to come face to face over and over again, it was fate that brought you here to me, and now it will our fate that will bring you and me together".

Naina sighed, "This isn't fate Seenu, it's a coincidence, let go of me, otherwise this love will end up burning you".

Seenu smiled, "For you, I will gladly burn".


"Shh" Seenu whispered, placing his finger on Naina's lip, "Stop thinking of all the reasons we won't work out, I'm going to give you the reasons you and I will work out".

"Which is what?" Naina whispered.

Seenu took a small step back from Naina, "You'll know soon".

After giving Naina one last smile, Seenu finally walked away from Naina, who was left staring at his retreating figure with mix emotions going around her head.


Presenting chapter nine of Hero!

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Thoughts on Manav trying to make Seenu jealous?

Thoughts on Naina not believing Manav's words against Seenu?

Thoughts on Seenu determined to show Naina why they will work?

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Signing Off Kavya ❤️

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