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Next morning, Naina and Sameera were walking in the courtyard of their college, sharing a packet of crisps and talking about what Seenu said to Naina.

"What happens if the reasons Seenu gives you, are reasons you can't ignore?" Sameera asked curiously, putting a crisp in her mouth.

"No reason in this world is going to be enough for me to go against papa's wish" Naina retorted.

"When your papa doesn't care about your wishes, why do you care about his wishes?" Sameera asked.

"Because I believe that one day he will understand me, there will be a day that my papa will be proud that I'm his daughter" Naina stated.

"That's a great dream, shame it will never come true" Sameera said.

"You don't know that" Naina argued.

"Yes I do, I've known you and your father since I was five, I know the type of person he is, he is someone who will never change Naina, so it's for your betterment that you change" Sameera argued back.

Naina opened her mouth to say something, but before you could, someone called her.


Both Naina and Sameera started looking around hearing Seenu's voice, but to their confusion they didn't see him anywhere.

"Please don't tell me I'm starting to hear things now" Naina mumbled.

"If you're hearing things then so am I" Sameera said, equally as confused as Naina.

"Sweetheart, look on top of the bus!".

Both Naina and Sameera looked at the bus infront of them and then their eyes landed on the roof where Seenu stood with a megaphone in his hand.

"What the hell are you doing up there Seenu?" a concerned Naina asked, as a crowd started to form to see what was Seenu up to now.

"I promised you yesterday that I will give you reasons as to why you and I will work out, so that's what I'm here for today, to give you reason number one" Seenu said into the megaphone.

"You can do that on the ground, you know where you won't fall to your death!" Naina snapped.

"The concern in your heart makes my heart melt" Seenu teased.

"Seenu, come down!" Naina yelled.

"I will but first you need to listen my first reason as to why you and I will work" Seenu said.

Naina took a frustrated sigh, "If I listen to you, will you come down?".

"Naina promise" Seenu said.

"I'm not even going to ask what Naina promise is, just state the reason and come down" Naina said.

"Gladly" Seenu said, "The first reason as to why you and I will work, is that I accept you for who you are, and I know that once you know me, you will also accept me for who I am, because there is nothing more beautiful then the feeling of being accepted by the person you love with your entire heart, I accept all your strengths but I also accept all your insecurities, along with all your flaws and quirks, I will never ask you to change for me, my love will always accept you for you, no one else".

Seenu then got off the bus and he walked over to Arjun, who was waiting for him at the bottom, he grabbed the heart shape balloon from his hand and then walked over to Naina, who was standing there slightly stunned.

"Here" Seenu said, forwarding the heart balloon towards Naina, "A heart balloon for the lady who rules my heart".

Naina looked at the balloon then at Seenu, then without saying anything, she grabbed the balloon and simply walked away.

An excited Sameera slapped Seenu's shoulder, "Congratulations, Seenu!".

"Why are you congratulating him?" a confused Arjun asked, "Naina went without saying anything to him".

"She doesn't have to say, her eyes did all the talking for her" Seenu told Arjun.

"What exactly did her eyes tell you?" Arjun asked curiously.

"That my love is finally starting to effect her" Seenu replied.

"Exactly!" Sameera said, "Arjun, Naina doesn't know how to express what she's feeling, she has a tendency to just keep all her feelings buried inside her heart, but no matter what she tries, her eyes can never hide her true feelings, and when I looked at her after Seenu's mini speech, her eyes clearly conveyed that Seenu's words had touched her heart".

"Okay, say that is true" Arjun said, he turned to Seenu, "If Naina doesn't say anything, how are you going to get her to confess her love to you?".

"This isn't about Naina confessing her love to me Arjun, this is about Naina realising that her and I are written in the stars, and despite all the reasons in her head that we won't work out, we will win at the end of the day" Seenu informed.

"Shotgun on being the maid of honor on your wedding" Sameera said.

Arjun lightly hit the back of Sameera's head, "Indian weddings don't have a maid on honor".

"I don't care, I'm still being the maid of honor" Sameera retorted.

"You might have to fight Swathi for that role" Seenu reminded.

"True" Sameera said.

"Who's Swathi again?" Arjun asked confused.

"Naina's older sister" Sameera informed.

Arjun looked at his best friend, "And you know Naina's older sister, how?".

"The charity organisation princi sent me to help out in Kullu, that organisation is run by Swathi" Seenu informed.

"So you're telling me you somehow end up at the organisation Naina's older sister runs, where you see Naina and fall in love with her, and then Naina somehow ends up coming to the same college as you?" a shocked Arjun asked.

Seenu patted Arjun's shoulder, "Like I said my friend, Naina coming into my life was part of our destiny".

Arjun watched as Seenu put his hands in his pocket and started walking away while whistling the tune to tumhe apna banane ka junoon.

Sameera patted Arjun's shoulder, "Why do you look so tensed?".

Arjun sighed, "Sam, I've never seen Seenu this happy before, Naina truly is his happiness but whenever someone is too happy, something or someone always has a tendency to ruin it, if Naina and Seenu are meant to be, I'm afraid that someone will try to change their destiny".

"Someone like Manav?" Sameera asked, giving Arjun a knowing look.

"Manav knows how much Seenu is into Naina, he will never let Naina be Seenu's, I'm afraid what he will do to make sure Seenu never gets his happiness" Arjun said, expressing his fear.

"In all these years, Manav couldn't defeat Seenu, why are you afraid he will succeed now?" Sameera asked confused.

"Because in all these years, Seenu never had a weakness that Manav could target" Arjun retorted, "But now he does, now Naina is his weakness, and I'm afraid what will happen when Manav targets that weakness".

"Bloodshed" Sameera whispered, making Arjun look at her, "If Manav hurts Naina, then Seenu will kill him".

"And that's what I'm most afraid of" Arjun whispered.


Naina sat in the coffeeshop, sipping her coffee and reading her book, when someone sat infront of her.

Naina sighed, she didn't have to look up to know who it was, she knew exactly who sat infront of her, which is why she didn't lift her head up, hoping he will leave, but instead of leaving, the person infront her of slid a paper in Naina's book.

Reason No. 2: You Make Me Want To Be A Better Person

A confused Naina finally lifted her head up "What are you on about now, Seenu?" she asked.

"I'm giving you the second reason as to why we will work" Seenu replied, "I'll be honest Naina, I'm not a perfect person,  I'm far from perfect, I have my flaws, a lot of flaws, but ever since I've met you, I want to become a better person, I want to be worthy of you, because of you I want to become the best version of myself, you think you and I won't work but I think if anyone's going to work out, it's us, because it's not only that you make me a better person, if you give me a chance then I promise to show you that you Naina Goradia don't need your fathers approval to be the best, you already are you, just need to realise it".

Seenu pulled out a rose from his back pocket and placed it infront of Naina, he then stood up and walked out the coffeeshop.

Once Seenu was gone, Naina picked the rose in her hand, looking at the stem she realised Seenu made sure there were no thorns that would prick her, without even realising it a small smile formed on Naina's face as she looked down at the rose.


"Naina, hurry up we can't miss the ads!" Sameera yelled, running to the movie theatre.

"We will live if we miss a few ads, Sam" Naina stated.

"You will but I won't" Sameera retorted, grabbing Naina's hand and pulling her along.

"Sam, slow down" Naina said.

"No, I'm not missing Salman Khan" Sameera said.

"You're not going to miss Salman Khan, the ads last at least twenty minutes" Naina reminded.

"Well I don't want to miss the ads either" Sameera stated.

Naina shook her head at her best friend but nonetheless let her drag her to the theatre that was playing the movie.

"Thank god we made it in time" Sameera said, as her and Naina took her seats and the ads started.

"You need help" Naina commented.

"Shh" Sameera simply said.

Naina chuckled at Sameera's antics, she then looked at the screen ahead of her, when suddenly the girl next to her tapped her shoulder and handed her a box of heart chocolates and a note.

"Why are you giving this to me?" a confused Naina asked.

"He told me to" the girl said, pointing towards the end of the aisle.

Naina looked towards where the girl was pointing and found Seenu standing there, seeing Naina's eyes on him, Seenu gave her a wink and then pointed to the note in her head, "Reason number three" he mouthed.

A confused Naina opened the note and started reading it.

Reason number three: I will always make you feel loved.

I promise Naina, if you decide to give me a chance, there won't be a day in which I won't make you feel loved, everyday you will be immensely loved by me, everyday will be special for both of us, our day will start with love and will end with love, I will never give you a chance to doubt my love, I will never give you a chance to complain, your happiness will always be my number one priority, no matter what.

After reading the note, an emotional Naina looked in Seenu's direction only to realise that he was now gone.

"Naina, you okay?" a worried Sameera asked, seeing Naina's emotional state.

"I'm not sure" a very confused Naina whispered.


Presenting chapter ten of Hero!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Seenu standing on top of the bus to tell Naina the first reason as to why they will work out?

Thoughts on Seenu's second reason?

Thoughts on Seenu's third reason?

Next chapter: Manav's first strike against Seenu and Naina!

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