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"What is mine, will always be mine!".

Tift College, Bangalore, India

"Go make new friends, Arjun" a terrified Arjun Sethi mocked, walking towards his classroom, knowing after his best friend executes his plan, he is screwed along with him, "You can't stay a loner your whole life", Arjun looked up at the sky, "See mom, this is why I never made friends, the one and only time I made a friend, all the way back in freaking prep class, that Satan has not left me, and because of him, I am going to get expelled today, mom, please help your son, because today my dear best friend is going to get both of us kicked out of this college".

After walking a bit more, Arjun finally arrived at his class, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door, "May I come in sir?" he asked, slowly opening the door.

"You're late, Mr. Sethi" Professor Raghuveer said, "The class has been over ten minutes ago".

"I know sir, but I swear this time I have an actual reason" Arjun said, entering the classroom.

"Let me guess, a black cat crossed your path? Or a dog chased you around campus, or let me guess, an alligator entered your dorm room" Professor Raghuveer said sarcastically, listing the common reasons Arjun gave him for being late to class all time.

"It was actually an crocodile" Arjun corrected, causing Professor Raghuveer to glare at him, making Arjun give him a sheepish look, "I mean, today I was fully prepared to come to class on time, I woke up nice and early, I showered and shaved--".

"Get to the point" Professor Raghuveer snapped.

"I am" Arjun defended, "As I was saying, once I was all ready, I walked over to my dorm door, but it wouldn't open".

"Excuse me?" Professor Raghuveer asked, "Your door wouldn't open?".

"Yeah, I think someone super glued my door shut" Arjun said, putting his innocent expression on.

"Maybe it was your roommate" Professor Raghuveer said, knowing all too well that Arjun was lying and once again he was late because he was being forced to help his best friend cause destruction.

"Who?" Arjun asked, pretending to be oblivious.

Professor Raghuveer shook his head, "Open your eyes Arjun, stop covering for him all the time, one day, your blind devotion to him is going to cause you some serious problem".

"No offense sir, but you don't know me, and you definitely don't know him" Arjun said, suddenly very defensive, only he had the right to talk shit about his best friend, "It's not my blind devotion towards him, it's friendship".

Professor Raghuveer sighed, knowing no matter what he says or does, Arjun will never leave his best friend's side, "Where is he?" he instead asked, "Where is Seenu?".

"Seenu is here, Raghu".

Arjun and Professor Raghuveer looked towards the open window, to see Seenu Pandey, the prankster of Tift college standing there, giving his professor a smirk that let him know he was up to no good.

"What the hell are you doing out there Seenu?" Professor Raghuveer asked, narrowing his eyes at Seenu.

"You failed me, Raghu" Seenu said, "I wrote two pages for your one line question and yet you failed me".

"Nothing in those two pages you wrote answered the question" Professor Raghuveer snapped.

"Or you just hate me and want me to fail" Seenu retorted, "Which is why, what I'm about to do, is your fault, not mine, and definitely not Arjun's".

Professor Raghuveer looked at Seenu, then at Arjun, who was currently face palming, "What are you up to this time Seenu?".

Seenu ignored the professor and instead turned to his best friend, "Thanks for the distraction, brother" he said, "Now, run".

"Mom, I am so expelled" Arjun mumbled, rushing out of the classroom.

"Arjun!" Professor Raghuveer yelled, but Arjun didn't come back, he then turned to Seenu, "Whatever you're about to do, don't, you are on your last warning Seenu, another prank, and you are expelled, and you're going to drag Arjun down with you".

Seenu smirked, "Raghu, you don't worry about me and Arjun, you're not getting rid of us this easily" he said, "Now, remember this next time you fail me because you hate me and not because I did shit on a exam".

Before Professor Raghuveer could ask any questions, Seenu ducked down and suddenly hundreds of coloured water balloons were thrown into the classroom.

"Seenu!" Professor Raghuveer yelled, trying to dodge the balloons the students Seenu paid were throwing at him, but failing miserably.

"Happy Holi, Raghu!" Seenu yelled, running away from the classroom.

"We are dead!" Arjun yelled, catching up to Seenu, "We are so freaking dead!".

"Oh relax my drama queen" Seenu said, "Nothing is going to happen to us".

"Princi has given us a last warning Seenu!" Arjun yelled in frustration.

"Yeah well princi doesn't know that I know about the skeletons he hides in his closet" Seenu retorted.

"What?" Arjun asked confused.

"Let's just say, kicking us from Tift isn't going to be that easy" Seenu said.

Arjun sighed, "We're going to create a new problem to get out of this problem, aren't we?".

Seenu gave his best friend a huge smile, "Most definitely".

"Oh God, what sins did I do that you made this person my best friend" Arjun complained, looking up at the sky.

Seenu hit the back of Arjun's head, "It's not called sins, it's called good deeds" he retorted.

"You are Satan's reincarnation, Seenu" Arjun said.

Seenu shrugged, "Most likely" he said, making Arjun chuckle.

"Seenu! Arjun!" a student yelled, running over to the two best friends.

"What?" an annoyed Seenu asked.

"Principal has called both of you to his office"

Seenu smirked and looked at his best friend, "Let the games begin".

"Mom, please protect me" Arjun whispered, as both him and Seenu made their way over to the principal's office.


Principle's Office, Tift College

"Look at what they have done to me!" an enraged Professor Raghuveer yelled, standing in the Principal's office, covered in color from head to toe, "Sir, enough is enough, Seenu and Arjun must be kicked out of this college!".

"Arjun didn't do this!" Seenu argued.

"He helped you!" Raghuveer argued back.

"What proof do you have?" Seenu challenged.

"I don't need proof, everyone is this damn college knows that Arjun is involved in all your stupid pranks" Raghuveer snapped.

"Arjun wasn't part of this" Seenu snapped back, he then turned to a frustrated Principle Roy, "Listen Princi--".

"Seenu" Principal Roy warned.

"What?" Seenu asked, wondering what he said wrong this time.

Behind him Arjun faceplamed, he appreciated Seenu standing up for him, but he hated how he was making things worse for himself.

"He is your principal Seenu, treat him with respect" Raghuveer scolded.

"When did I disrespect him?" Seenu asked, genuinely confused.

"Seenu, don't call him princi" Arjun said, letting Seenu know what he did wrong.

Seenu looked at his best friend, then at Principal Roy, "It's an term of endearment" he defended, "I respect you very much, that's why I call you princi".

Principal Roy shook his head at Seenu, while Professor Raghuveer glared at him.

"Sir, you have to expel these two, if you don't then the other students in this college are going to think that they can get away with everything they do" Raghuveer said.

Principal Roy sighed, "Raghuveer, go fix your appearance, your next class is about to start, I will deal with these two".

"But sir--".

"I said I will deal with them" Principal Roy interrupted, "Go and fix yourself".

Professor Raghuveer reluctantly nodded, after giving Seenu one last glare, he left the Principal's office.

"Seenu, I had told you last time, if you or Arjun get into trouble one more time, then you are out of this college" Principal Roy said, "I'm sorry but--".

"Meera" Seenu suddenly said, causing Principal Roy to look at him in shock.

"Excuse me?" Principal Roy asked.

"Meera Gupta" Seenu clarified, "Remember her, princi?".

"How do you know about Meera?" a panicked Principal Roy asked, while Arjun looked between him and Seenu in confusion, wondering what was happening now.

"How do I know anything, princi" Seenu said, "How about this? You take a full day to think and decide if you want to expel me and Arjun, while I prepare myself to tell your wife about Meera, if me and Arjun are expelled".

"Seenu, are you blackmailing me?" a furious Principal Roy asked.

"Of course not" Seenu defended, "I am just saving me and Arjun".

"You and Arjun messed up, Seenu!" Principal Roy snapped, standing up in his chair, "And instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you are resorting to blackmail?!".

Seenu put his hands on the desk and leaned forward, "You are a cheater, princi" he said, "If you were a nice person, then I would have totally felt bad for blackmailing you, hell if you were a nice person I would never blackmailed you, but you see, I hate cheaters, so, either you stop mine and Arjun's expulsion, or I go to your house and tell your wife about you two timing her, either way, I don't lose anything, because me and Arjun have many backup plans, but you will lose not only your family but also your reputation".

"Seenu, one day, this arrogant attitude of yours is going to cause you to lose everything" Principal Roy warned.

Seenu smirked, "That's where your wrong, princi" he said, "What is mine, will always be mine, because Seenu doesn't lose", Seenu stepped back, "Me and Arjun will be at your office at 8 tomorrow, better make the right decision".

Before Principal Roy could say anything to him, Seenu walked out the office and Arjun followed him after giving the Principal a sorry look.


Hallway, Tift College

As soon as both Arjun and Seenu came out of the Principal's office, Arjun punched Seenu in the arm, "You are evil, Seenu!".

"First of all, ow" Seenu said, rubbing his arm, "Second of all, I'm not evil, Raghu failed me because he hates me, and princi is a cheater, they both got what they deserved".

"How do you know Professor Raghuveer failed you because he hates you, what if you actually did bad in the exam?" a confused Arjun asked.

"Because I checked your paper" Seenu replied, "We both had the same answers, and you pass with flying colors, but somehow I fail, how does that make any sense?".

Arjun sighed, "This is what you get for making enemies with everyone you come across".

"Hey!" Seenu said, "I don't make enemies with everyone, I didn't make enemies with you, did I?".

"Honestly, I regret being your friend" Arjun said, "I would have much preferred to be your enemy, at least it would have saved me from expulsion".

Seenu opened his mouth to remind his best friend that he did save him from expulsion, but before he could, both his and Arjun's way was blocked by Seenu's number one enemy, Manav Singh Randhawa.

"Congratulations Seenu" Manav said, a taunting smirk on his face, "You always make my work so much easier for me, I didn't even have to do anything to get you kicked out of Tift, you did all that yourself, thank you so much for making my work so much easier".

Manav and Seenu have known each other since they were in preschool, and since they were in preschool, both Manav and Seenu despised each other, they didn't have a specific reason as to why they hated each other, but ever since Seenu and Manav came face to face, they could not tolerate each other, and as they grew older the more bad their rivalry with each other got.

Seenu chuckled, "Manav, Manav, Manav, you are such an idiot" he taunted, causing Manav to glare at him, "I am not going anywhere, but I'll be very careful, because who knows instead of me leaving Tift, you end up being expelled".

"Principal Roy gave you a last warning Seenu, which you used up, which means you're gone, go and pack your bags and get lost" Manav said.

"Princi is going to announce his decision tomorrow" Seenu informed, "Come and see tomorrow if I'm out of this college or not".

Seenu then walked away and Arjun followed, leaving behind a confused Manav, who was left wondering as to why both Seenu and Arjun were so calm despite the threat of expulsion looming on their heads.


Presenting chapter one of Hero!

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Thoughts on Seenu blackmailing Principal Roy?

Thoughts on Seenu's number one rival, Manav?

Next chapter: Are Seenu and Arjun getting expelled from Tift or not?

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Signing Off Kavya ❤️

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