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"Start of a beautiful dream"

Principal's Office, Tift College

Next morning, Seenu and Arjun went back to the principal's office, to find out what was Principal Roy's final verdict about their fate in this college. Entering the room, immediately caused Seenu to roll his eyes as he saw Professor Raghuveer impatiently waiting for.

"So princi, what's the final verdict?" Seenu asked.

"Please sir, just end all of our suffering and expel these two from this college" Professor Raghuveer said.

Principal Roy sighed, "Seenu and Arjun are not getting expelled".

Seenu smirked, he looked at Arjun and gave him a you're welcome look, who in return rolled his eyes.

"What?!" Professor Raghuveer yelled, "Sir, these two can not stay in this college, they will just corrupt all the students, they need to leave, how can you let them go without any consequences?!".

"They will be consequences" Principal Roy assured, causing Seenu's smug face to fall and Arjun give him a told you so look, "But not for Arjun, for Seenu".

"I beg your pardon?!" Seenu asked.

"Yesterday, you're the one who said Arjun had no hand in the prank you pulled on Professor Raghuveer, which is why, he gets no punishment, only you do" Principal replied.

"And what exactly is my punishment?" Seenu asked, narrowing his eyes at the man infront of him.

"One week suspension to Kullu, Manali" Principal Roy replied.

"You're giving him an holiday?!" an enraged Professor Raghuveer asked.

"No, there is a charity organisation in Kullu, they have been working with our college for quiet some time, as Seenu's punishment, I want you to go to Kullu for a week and help them out" Principal Roy informed.

"Help them out with what exactly?" a confused Seenu asked.

"They are organizing an event for under privileged children in Kullu, go there and help them out with the event, they could really use the extra hands" Principal Roy replied.

"And if I don't go?" Seenu asked.

"Then you're getting expelled" Principal Roy replied.

"He'll take the deal" Arjun quickly said, before Seenu could reject the deal.

"Excuse me?" Seenu asked his best friend.

"This is better then us getting expelled, so just shut up and take the deal" Arjun told Seenu.


Arjun slapped his hand over Seenu's mouth, and turned to the Principal, "When does he leave?" he asked.

"Tomorrow morning" Principal Roy informed.

"That's great" Arjun said, "We'll leave now, Seenu has to pack his bags".

Before Seenu could protest, Arjun grabbed his shirt and dragged him out of the office, knowing if he let Seenu speak, he will just make things worse for himself.

After Seenu and Arjun left, Raghuveer turned to the clearly frustrated Principal Roy, who clearly wasn't happy with his own decision.

"He did something to you, didn't he?" Raghuveer asked, "That's why you stopped his expulsion, otherwise there was no way you would have let him stay in this college, not after everything he does". 

Principal Roy sighed, "You and I aren't getting rid of Seenu this easily, Raghuveer".

Raghuveer shook his head, "One day we will, Seenu's luck isn't always going to be by his side, there has to be someone, somewhere who can beat Seenu at his own game".

Principal Roy let out a bitter chuckle, "If there is a person out there who can beat Seenu, I sure hope he or she comes soon, or I'm afraid by the time Seenu leaves this college, he would have ruined all of our lives".


Arjun and Seenu's Dorm Room, Tift College

"I hate that stupid Raghu", Seenu aggressively threw his shirt into his suitcase, "I hate that stupid princi", Seenu threw his pants into his suitcase, "And I hate you, Arjun Sethi!", Seenu threw more clothes into his suitcase.

"What did I do?" a confused Arjun asked, laying on his bed and looking at his best friend in amusement.

"What did you do?!" Seenu yelled, glaring at his best friend, "Because of you I'm going to Kullu!".

"Okay, it's not because of me, it's because of your own actions" Arjun retorted, "And also, if I didn't make you accept this deal, then you would have been expelled, so instead of being angry at me, you should be kissing my feet".

"Why don't I break your feet instead?" Seenu snapped.

Arjun sat up, "Come on Seenu" he said, "You have no reason to be angry, first of all, you're technically getting a one week holiday from college".

"Yeah, a holiday in which I'm going to have to work" Seenu retorted.

"Second of all, maybe this one trip to Kullu will change your life forever" Arjun said.

"Oh please, don't start with your everything happens for a reason crap again" an annoyed Seenu said.

"Come on Seenu, you know I'm right about this" Arjun said, "Everything in our life happens for a reason, you and I met for a reason, you and Manav became enemies for a reason, and I have a feeling there's a reason why the universe is sending you to Kullu".

"Let me tell you the reason" Seenu said, "The reason your stupid universe is sending me to Kullu is to ruin my freaking life".

"Or maybe the universe knows that you will find your happiness in Kullu" Arjun retorted.

"That's not the universe I know" Seenu said, zipping his suitcase up.

"Well it is the universe I know" Arjun said.

Seenu looked at Arjun, "If I don't find my happiness in Kullu, then what?" she asked.

"Then you will still be doing a good deed by helping organizing a event for underprivileged children" Arjun said.

Seenu sighed, he shoved his suitcase to the ground and laid on his bed, "This one week is going to be a nightmare".

"Or this one week is going to be start of a beautiful dream" Arjun stated, Seenu rolled her is eyes in response, but what neither Arjun or Seenu knew was that this one trip to Kullu was truly going to change Seenu's life forever, he was finally going to meet his match, starting the complicated story of six very different individuals.


Presenting chapter two of Hero!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Principal Roy and Professor Raghuveer wanting someone to come and beat Seenu in his own game? I wonder who that could be? 🤔

Thoughts on Arjun believing going to Kullu would change Seenu's life?

Next chapter: Time to meet the Goradia family!

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow ❣️

Signing off Kavya ❤️ 

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