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"Love Or Obsession At First Sight?"

Didu/Didi/Di: Elder sister

Tumhe Apna Banane Ka Junoon: Passion To Make You Mine

Goradia Residence, Kullu, Manali, India

"Swathi! Naina!" Shanti Goradia yelled, running around in the kitchen, preparing dinner for her family, "Swathi! Naina! Where are you?!".

"Mom, why are you yelling?" Swathi, the eldest daughter of the Goradia asked, entering the kitchen.

"Swathi, your father is about to come and dinner is still not ready" a panicked Shanti replied.

Swathi shook her head at her mother, "Why you're still tolerating that man is beyond me" she said, starting to help her mother with the dinner.

"That man is your father" Shanti reminded, "Don't disrespect him".

"I don't get the blind devotion you and Naina have towards that man" Swathi snapped, "He is nothing but rude and disrespectful towards us and yet you and Naina follow his orders like his freaking god".

"Me and Naina follow his words because we don't want him to make our life more hell then it already is" Shanti said.

"No, you do that" Swathi retorted, "Naina follows the great Prithvi Goradia's rules and regulations because she hopes that one day he will accept her, she just refuses to accept that Prithvi Goradia is someone who will never change, no matter what she or anyone of us do, you know, I'm surprised that man agreed to let Naina leave for Tift college in Bangalore".

"He let her go because you threatened to file a complaint against him to the police for verbal abuse" Shanti reminded, shaking her head, "I can't believe he didn't kick you out for that stunt".

"He didn't kick me out because he didn't want me to go out in the world and tarnish his reputation" Swathi said.

Shanti sighed, "Leave all this, tell me where's your sister?".

A fond smile formed on Swathi's face, "She's in her bedroom, dreaming about her life in Tift college".

Shanti chuckled, "Go call her, if your father comes and doesn't see out of her bedroom, he will create another unnecessary scene".

Before Swathi could open her mouth to say something, a yell gained the mother and daughter's attention.

"Are you blind?!" they heard Prithvi Goradia, "Do you have eyes or buttons?!".

"Sorry papa" Swathi and Shanti heard a scared Naina whisper, which caused both of them to exchange a panicked look and then quickly run into the living room where they saw a furious Prithvi towering over a scared Naina.

"Sorry?!" Prithvi yelled, "Your sorry isn't going to fix my shirt".

Swathi looked at the floor, where her sister's panting laid, making her realise what had happened, Naina was taking her wet panting upstairs to dry and while doing so she didn't see their father enter and ended up bumping into him.

"I'll wash it" Nanina said, looking down at the floor with tears falling down her face.

"Oh stop with the tears!" Prithvi yelled, causing Naina to flinch back.

Swathi looked towards her mother, hoping she would come to her sister's aid, but like always, she stayed quiet, Swathi loved her mother a lot, but she hated how she never came to either her and her sister's aid because she was too scared of the consequences.

"Now get lost and don't show me your face the whole night!" Prithvi told Naina.

Naina nodded and ran to her room, Swathi sighed, ignoring both her parents, she bent down and picked Naina's painting up.

"Swathi, put my food on the table" Prithvi ordered.

Swathi glared at her father, "You have hands, right?" she asked, "Learn to use them and serve your own food".

"Swathi" Shanti warned.

"Don't Swathi me, mom" Swathi snapped, "You always open your mouth to defend this man but never your own daughters, the day you start taking our side is the day you can tell us what to say and what not to say".

Before either of her parents could say anything, Swathi turned around and walked in the direction her sister ran in.

Prithvi glared at Shanti, "You need to get your daughters in line Shanti, otherwise their attitude is going to ruin our family name".

Shanti looked down, there was so much she had to say to this man infront of her but she didn't have the courage, so she simply nodded and prayed in her heart that both her daughters get out of this house and never come back to this hell hole again.


Naina's Bedroom, Goradia Residence

Swathi entered her little sister's room, her heart hurting when she saw Naina, sitting on her bed, her head on her knees, crying.

Without saying anything, Swathi went and sat next to her sister, "Your painting isn't ruined" she said after a moment of silence.

Naina lifted her head up and looked at her sister in confusion, who gestured towards the painting, Naina looked at her painting and realised the sunset she painted was still in tact.

A teary eyed Naina looked at her elder sister, her support system, her everything, "When is Papa going to start loving us?" she asked.

Swathi sighed, she placed Naina's painting on the bed and turned and wiped Naina's tears, "Naina, that man isn't capable of love, he is never going to love us".

"Do we not deserve a father's love?" Naina asked.

"We don't deserve that man as our father" Swathi replied, "We deserve better, we don't need him Naina, we have each other, that's all that matters, we are each others family and that's something that's never going to change".

"Why are we living like orphans despite having parents?" Naina asked.

"Don't say that" Swathi scolded, "We are not orphans, I'm your family, just like you're mine, and that's all it matters, we don't need them".

"I just want Papa to one day be proud that we are his daughters, I just want mom to one day take our stand, is that too much to ask for, Didu?" Naina cried.

Swathi hugged Naina, "Unfortunately in this family it is, Naina".

"You won't leave me, right?" Naina asked, breaking the hug and facing at her sister, vulnerability shown clearly in her eyes.

Swathi lightly slapped the back of Naina's head, "Are you crazy?" she asked, "Where will I go after leaving you? You are my first baby Naina, I can never leave you".

Naina held her hand out, "Swear on my life?".

"Naina" Swathi warned.

"I know you don't like when I make you do this, but it's the only way I feel secure" Naina defended.

Swathi sighed, she then placed her hand into Naina, "I swear, I will be with you till the very end".

"Don't talk about the end, Di" Naina scolded.

Swathi chuckled, "Sorry, I won't talk about the end, now, you prepare for your performance for the charity event tomorrow, while I go get our dinner".

Naina slapped her forehead, "I completely forgot about the event your charity organisation is holding tomorrow".

"Oh my god, Naina Goradia forgot something, what a surprise" Swathi said sarcastically, knowing all to well her sister had a bad habit of forgetting things.

Naina gave her sister a sheepish look, "I forget things, but you always remind me, so it's a win-win situation".

Swathi shook her head at her sister, "You know, you are great at using your innocent face to get yourself out of sticky situations".

"It's not my fault people believe my innocent face" Naina defended.

Swathi chuckled, "Shut up and go start preparing for your performance".

"Yeah, yeah" Naina mumbled, standing up from the bed.

Swathi also stood up, she went to leave, but stopped when Naina called her.

"Di" Naina called out, making Swathi turn and look at her in confusion, "I love you".

Swathi smiled, "Love you too".

Naina smiled at her sister, she then grabbed her phone and started selecting a song for her performance tomorrow, while her sister stood at the door just staring at her for a moment.

"I hope one day, someone will enter your life and he will make sure this smile of yours never leaves your face" Swathi prayed in her head.

Unknown to Swathi, her prayers had been answered, tomorrow Naina and her soulmate were going to come face to face, changing both of their lives forever.


NGO, Auditorium

Next morning, while Naina was doing last minute preparations for her performance, Swathi decided to go to the NGO she works at to check up on the last minute preparations.

Entering the auditorium, Swathi was shocked seeing all the children of the NGO dancing around on the stage.

"Dev!" Swathi called one of the workers, who was standing there, looking at the scene infront of him in anger, "What is going on here?".

"Swathi, all of this is because of that student from Tift college" a frustrated Dev informed.

"Student?" Swathi asked confused, "What student?".

"That would be me" someone said, coming behind an annoyed Dev, "Seenu Pandey, at your service my lady", Seenu put his arm around Dev's shoulder, "I hope Dev here hasn't said too many bad things about me".

Dev shoved Seenu off him, he then turned to Swathi, "He is your headache now, I am not spending another moment with him".

"Aww Dev, I love you too" Seenu said, pulling Dev cheeks, while Swathi stood there trying not to burst out laughing knowing Dev won't appericate it.

"Don't touch me, Seenu" Dev snapped, slapping Seenu's hand away from his cheeks and quickly walking away before Seenu could do anything else.

Once Dev walked away, Seenu turned to Swathi, "I didn't catch your name beautiful lady" he said.


"Beautiful name for a beautiful person" Seenu praised.

Swathi chuckled, "Seenu, these flirting tactics might work on other girls, but they won't work on me".

Seenu put his hands on his heart, "Oof, you've wounded my heart".

Swathi shook her head in amusement at Seenu, "So, mind telling me the kids are messing up the stage?".

"Sure" Seenu replied, "The kids said they were bored so I just suggested something to get rid of their boredom".

"You told them to ruin the stage?" Swathi asked.

"No, I just asked them to go stage, everything else was done by them" Seenu defended.

Swathi sighed, "Seenu, as much as I appericate you trying to cheer the kids up, but we need the stage tonight, my sister is going to be performing tonight, she can't perform on a broken stage".

"Relax Swathi, by the time your sister comes on stage, everything will be fine" Seenu assured.

"Thank you" Swathi said, giving Seenu a grateful smile.

"Oh there's no need to thank me, because I'm not going to be fixing the stage" Seenu clarified.

"If not you, then who?" Swathi asked confused.

"Dev" Seenu informed.

"Dev won't agree to clean your mess up" Swathi pointed out.

"Who said Dev has a choice?" Seenu retorted.

Swathi looked at Seenu wide eyed, "Seenu--".

"No time for chat, Swathi" Seenu interrupted, "I have someone I have to convince to do my work".

Before Swathi could stop him, Seenu had run away, leaving Swathi to stand there in amusement.


It was now nighttime and the charity event for the underprivileged children had started with a bang with a impromptu dance performance from Seenu, which sent the course for the rest of the performances, after a bunch of other people coming on stage, talking, giving speeches, handing awards and performing, it was finally time for the closing act, which was the dance performance of Naina Goradia.

"Seenu!" Swathi yelled, running over to Seenu who was backstage, leaning against a wall and going through his phone.

"Swathi!" Seenu yelled, in the same tone as Swathi, "How can I help you?".

"Come with me, it's time for my sister's performance" a very excited Swathi said.

Before Seenu could say anything, Swathi grabbed his hand and pulled to towards the stage, the two stood to the side and waited for Naina to come on stage.

"Swathi, are you sure we didn't miss your sister's performance?" Seenu asked, looking at the dark stage infront of him.

"Shh, she's coming" Swathi said, suddenly a spotlight fell on a person, causing an excited Swathi to rapidly slap Seenu's arm.

"Ow" Seenu said, rubbing his arm.

"Sorry, but look, she's here" Swathi said, pointing towards the stage.

Seenu sighed, but the nonetheless looked towards the stage and once he looked, he couldn't stop looking.

There infront of was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, her big brown eyes screamed innocence to Seenu, he had the sudden urge to hide and protect this girl from the whole world, including himself, suddenly Arjun's words started going around in Seenu's hand, this one week could be a start of a beautiful dream, this girl infront of him wasn't anything less then a dream to him, the way she moved so gracefully on stage, the way her one smile made Seenu's heart run a thousand miles, this sensation was new to Seenu, but he didn't want it to go away.

As soon as his mystery girl's performance ended, Seenu saw Swathi run over to her and pull her into a tight hug, for a moment Seenu stood there and admired the sisters, he then took a step towards his dream girl but before he could take another step, someone tapped his shoulder, at first Seenu ignored it but the person got impatient and grabbed Seenu's shoulder and forced him to face him, breaking Seenu out of the trance his mystery girl had put him into.

"Seriously, Dev?" an annoyed Seenu snapped, "You have the worst timing ever".

Dev looked at Seenu as if he had lost his mind, he then shook his head and held out Seenu's phone, "You dropped this you idiot".

"Thank you for this, but now leave, I have to meet my dream girl" Seenu said, taking his phone from a very confused Dev, Seenu then turned around to face the girl of his dreams, but to his horror, she was no where to be seen, "Where the hell did she go?".

"Who?" Dev asked.

"The girl that was just performing" Seenu replied.

"Oh, Naina?" Dev asked.

Seenu looked at Dev, "Is that her name?" he asked, "Naina?".

Dev nodded, "The girl who just performed is Swathi's sister, Naina" he informed.

"Naina" Seenu whispered, a small smile appearing on his face, "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl".

"Seenu, don't even think about Naina in the wrong way, okay?" Dev said, "She is not available".

"Don't tell me she's married" a worried Seenu said.

Dev shook his head, "She's not married but she is the daughter of Prithvi Goradia".

"Who the hell is Prithvi Goradia?" a confused Seenu asked.

"Naina's father, and a man you should pray to never meet, because he will ruin your life" Dev replied.

"I am not scared of getting ruined Dev, I'm scared of losing my chance with her" Seenu retorted.

"She will never give you a chance, out of his two daughters, Naina is the one who listens to her father the most, and her father has forbade her from falling in love" Dev said.

Seenu smirked, "Dev, mark my words, Naina is going to come to me".

Dev scoffed, "You're delusional, she doesn't even know you exist".

"Yet" Seenu pointed out, "She doesn't know I exist yet, but watch, once her eyes meet mine, she will be as smitten by me as I am by her, it's what our fate what, and plus, whatever Seenu wants, Seenu gets, I don't fail Dev, ever".

Dev patted Seenu's should, clearing not taking him seriously, "Yeah, sure Seenu whatever you say" he said, then walked away.

Seenu stood there for a moment, remembering the moment he first saw Naina over and over again, it was honestly one of the most beautiful moments in his life and he never wants to part from it, Seenu chuckled at his behavior and ran his hand through his hair, he turned to leave when something on the stage caught his attention, it was a silver bracelet, a bracelet Seenu remembered seeing on the hand of Naina when she was performing.

Seenu picked the bracelet up, "You and I are going to come face to face very soon sweetheart, then I'll also see how you stick you to your father's rules".

Seenu kissed the bracelet and put it in his pocket, he then put his hands in his pocket and walked out of the auditorium while whistling the tune to tumhe apna banane ka junoon.


Presenting chapter three of Hero!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Prithvi screaming at Naina?

Thoughts on Swathi and Naina's bond?

Thoughts on Swathi meeting Seenu?

Thoughts on Seenu's reaction to seeing Naina for the first time? Is it love or is it obsession?

Next chapter: Seenu and Naina meet and Naina hates Seenu?

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Signing Off Kavya ❤️

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