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'It's About Love At First Sight'

Bangalore Station

As soon as the train stopped, an excited Naina leaned outside the train and breathed in the fresh air of Bangalore.

"Tift, here I come" Naina whispered.

"Here we come" Seenu corrected, standing behind Naina.

Naina rolled her eyes, without turning back, she said, "I'm not getting rid of you anytime soon, am I?".

"Nope" Seenu smirked, "You and I have a long way to go, sweetheart".

Naina turned around and glared at Seenu, "My name is Naina, not sweetheart".

"I know your name, but I like sweetheart better" Seenu said.

Naina slightly pushed Seenu to the side, "Well I don't like it, so stop calling me that" she said, grabbing her suitcase.

"Not happening" Seenu stated, "I'm going to guess and say that if I try to help with your suitcase, you will just push me away?".

"Absolutely" Naina said, getting off the train with her suitcase.

"You know, it's not a bad thing to ask for help" Seenu said, seeing the struggle Naina went through to get her heavy suitcase down.

"When I don't need help, then why will I ask for it?" Naina retorted.

"No, you need help, you just refuse to accept that you need help" Seenu retorted, "Little miss. I can do everything without anyone's help".

Naina turned and looked at Seenu, "Stop nicknaming me" she snapped.

"Never" Seenu said, loving annoying Naina.


"Naina!" someone yelled, before Naina could say anything to Seenu.

Naina turned around and immediately a huge smile came on her face seeing her childhood best friend, Sameera Chaudhary standing infront of her, "Sam!" an excited Naina yelled, running over to her best friend and pulling her into a hug, "I missed you so much!".

Sameera laughed and hugged her best friend back, "I missed you too" she said, "I'm so glad you're here".

Naina broke the hug and smile at her best friend, "I promised you that I will come, didn't I?".

"Yes you did" Sameera said, she then looked behind Naina, to see a familiar face standing there, looking at the best friends with a small smile on his face, "Seenu?", a confused Sameera looked at Naina, "What the hell are you doing with Seenu?".

"You know him?" Naina asked.

"Everyone knows me", "Everyone knows him" both Seenu and Sameera replied.

"But I don't know you" Seenu told Sameera, "I know you're from Tift as you know who I am, but what's your name beautiful?".

Naina glared at Seenu for calling Sameera beautiful, "I'm Sameera" Sameera greeted, not seeing Naina's anger.

"Well Sameera, very nice to meet you" Seenu said, shaking Sameera's hand.

"Likewise" Sameera said, she then turned to Naina, "But you still haven't told me how you know him?".

"That's a long story, I'll tell you once I've seen our dorm" Naina said.

"It's a very beautiful story" Seenu added, "It's about love at first sight".

"What?!" Sameera asked shocked.

"He's talking shit, don't listen to him" Naina said.

"Am not" Seenu said, "I don't lie, I only speak the truth that other people are too scared to say".

"Okay, can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?" a very confused Sameera asked.

"Seenu and me met at Bangalore and he's been annoying me ever since" Naina informed.

 "Ouch sweetheart" Seenu said, putting his hands over his heart, "You hurt my feelings".

"Good" Naina said, giving Seenu a mock smile, who in return gave her a flying kiss.

"Please don't tell me you've already found yourself trouble".

The trio turned around and saw Seenu's best friend, Arjun Sethi, making his way towards them.

"Arjun!" Seenu yelled, hugging his best friend.

"Oh no, you're hugging me, something is about to go wrong" Arjun said, patting Seenu's back.

"Hey!" Seenu said, shoving Arjun, "I missed you that's why I was hugging you, dickhead".

Arjun smiled, "I missed you too, dickhead".

"Liar" Seenu said, he then turned towards Naina, "Sweetheart, meet Arjun my bestie, Arjun, meet my sweetheart, the one I told you about".

Arjun looked between Seenu and Naina wide eyed, "The dancing girl?".

"Excuse me?" Naina asked.

"Sorry" Arjun quickly apologised, realising his words could be taken very wrongly, "Seenu told me about you, the first time he saw you was when you were dancing on stage".

"Yeap, and what a dance it was" Seenu said, admiring Naina.

Naina looked at Seenu, already to see him already staring at her, she shook her head at him and then turned to her very confused friend, "Sam, let's go".

"Yeah" Sameera said, as Naina picked her suitcase up.

"Bye, sweetheart" Seenu waved, "See you soon".

"Hopefully not too soon" Naina retorted, walking away with Seenu.

"Haaye" Seenu whispered, staring at Naina's retreating figure, he then looked towards his amused best friend, "Isn't she amazing?".

"She certainly looks amazing walking away from you" Arjun teased.

"She's walking away today Arjun" Seenu said, picking his bag up and slinging it over his shoulder, "But one day, you will see her run right into my arms".

"Yeah, keep on dreaming, brother" Arjun said, patting Seenu's shoulder and turning in the opposite direction in which Sameera and Naina had walked in.

"One day this dream will come true Arjun, just you wait" Seenu said, turning around and following Arjun.

As Naina was walking next to Sameera, she turned around one last time, only to see Seenu walking away, without her even realising a small smile formed on Naina's smile, she then turned around and kept walking.


Arjun and Seenu's Dorm Room, Tift College

"I can't believe your luck" an amused Arjun said, as he and Seenu entered their dorm room together, "I mean, how lucky are you that the girl you claim to love as soon as you saw her, she somehow ends up in the same college as you, you're one lucky bastard".

"First of all, this has nothing to do with luck, it's called destiny" Seenu corrected, laying on his bed, "I'm telling you Arjun, mine and Naina's connection goes way back, it's not just from this lifetime, it's something that has been carried on from pervious lifetimes".

Arjun laid on his bed, "So when you saw Naina, did you get those black and white flashes?".

"What?" Seenu asked, having no idea what Arjun was on about.

"Don't you watch indian shows?" Arjun asked, "Every time two lovers are reborn, whenever they see each other, they both get black and white flashes".

Seenu threw his pillow at Arjun, "This is real life Arjun, not an indian television".

"Oh, so my theory is stupid, but what about yours?" Arjun retorted, "You literally said that a girl you just met is someone you've had a connection for lifetimes, you realise how that crazy sounds, right Seenu?".

Seenu sighed, he laid on his back and pulled out Naina's bracelet from his back pocket and stared it, "Arjun, I know I sound crazy, but you don't get it, everyday I come across so many girls but no girl has ever effected me as much as she has, the moment I saw her everything disappeared and all I could remember was her, she is everywhere Arjun, when I close my eyes I see her, when I open my eyes all I want to see is her, it's crazy and stupid I know, but that what love is supposed to be? Isn't love supposed to be crazy and stupid?".

"How are you so sure you're in love with her?" Arjun asked curiously, "What if it's just attraction and once she gives in all the feelings will go away, making both of you miserable".

"No Arjun" Seenu stated, "This isn't attraction, I know what attraction feels like, I mean I'm no saint at the end of the day, I've been attracted to girls before but whatever this is, it isn't attraction Arjun, and to be fair, I don't know if it's love but what else could it be? Whatever I felt since the moment I laid eyes on Naina, the feeling was beautiful, it made me feel nothing but happiness, if this feeling isn't love, then what is it?".

"Obsession?" Arjun suggested.

Seenu shook his head, "No Arjun, it's not obsession, if I was obsessed with Naina then I would do everything in my power to have her, hell I'd probably hurt her to make sure she stays with me, but if Naina, whole heartedly, looks into my eyes and tells me that she doesn't love me, that she doesn't want to be with me, I'd let her go, I don't want to have her by force, yes I want her but I want her to come with me, surely if I was obsessed with her I'd force her to come to me, without her will but I don't want to do that, last thing I want do is force Naina into something she doesn't want".

Arjun smiled at his best friend, "Well Seenu, then maybe, just maybe, your crazy self has fallen in love with Naina".

Seenu smiled, he put Naina's bracelet on his chest and put his hand over it, "Naina" he whispered.

Arjun shook his head at Seenu's love sick expression, "God help anyone who tries to come between you and Naina".

Seenu looked at Arjun, his smile suddenly wiped from his face, it was replaced with a serious and slightly angry expression, "Only reason I will leave Naina, is if Naina herself doesn't want me, if someone else tries to come between me and Naina then hell would be unleashed on to this earth".

"Like I said, god help anyone who tries to separate you and your Naina" an amused Arjun said.


Naina and Sameera's Dorm Room, Tift College

An excited Naina ran into her and Sameera's dorm room.

"Wow!" Naina yelled, opening her arms and spinning around, "This room is beautiful, Sam".

When she heard nothing from her best friend, a confused Naina turned around and saw Sameera standing infront of the closed door, her arms crossed against her chest, staring at Naina.

"What's with the staring?" a confused Naina asked.

"You and Seenu?" Sameera asked.

"What?" Naina asked.

"Don't what me, Naina Goradia!" Sameera yelled, "How can you not tell me you're in love with Seenu?!".

"Woah, hold up" a shocked Naina said, "Who told you I'm in love with Seenu?".

"Seenu did!" Sameera retorted, "He literally said it was love at first".

"I can't believe you believe Seenu's words" Naina said, "He talked a bunch of shit and you believed him".

"Wait, so you and Seenu aren't in love with you?" Sameera asked, not knowing what was happening.

"Of course not, Sam" Naina replied, "You know that I don't believe in love, and if in some bizarre world I would fall in love with someone, then it would definitely not be Seenu".

"Then why did you turn back to look at him?" Sameera asked curiously.

"What the hell are you on about?" Naina asked, not knowing where Sameera was talking this.

"When you were walking away from him at the station, you turned back to look at him" Sameera pointed out.

"So?" Naina asked.

"Miss Naina Goradia, the king of romance, Shah Rukh Khan himself has said, that if she turns around then she is in love with him" Sameera reminded.

"Are you mad?" an annoyed Naina asked.

"Are you mad?" Sameera asked, "About Seenu?".

"Sam, did you hit your head somewhere, why are you speaking bullshit?" Naina asked.

"Naina, I am your best friend, if there is something going on with you and Seenu, I need to know" Sameera defended.

"Oh my god!" a frustrated Naina yelled, "I can't have this conversation with you".

"Why not?" Sameera asked, narrowing her eyes at Naina, "Is it because I'm right?".

"Sameera, shut up!" Naina yelled, grabbing a pillow from her bed and throwing it at her best friend.

Sameera caught the pillow before it could hit her face, "Being violent isn't going change my questions".

"Asking the same questions again and again isn't going to change my answers" Naina retorted, walking over to their attached washroom.

"You can't run from me Naina!" Sameera called out.

"Watch me!" Naina said, running into the washroom and closing the door behind her.

Sameera shook her head at her best friend, a small smile forming on her face, "If there is anything going on between you and Seenu, then I will be the happiest, the only thing I'm afraid of is your father coming between you and your happiness, and you choosing your father over your happiness".


Presenting chapter seven of Hero!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on the first appearance of Sameera Chaudhary?

Thoughts on Seenu and Arjun's talk about Naina?

Thoughts on Sameera being convinced that there is something going on between Seenu and Naina?

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! ❣️

Signing off Kavya ❤️

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