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'Take A Leap'

Naina sat in her bed, her knees to her chest and her head on her knees, the incident tonight had scared her but more then that she was confused as to why she was so hurt thinking about Seenu sending the goons for her, deep down, her heart refused to believe that Seenu was in the wrong, but her mind didn't agree with her heart, it kept saying what if this was Seenu's ploy to become her hero and make her fall in love with him, while her heart kept saying that Seenu will never do this, he will never play dirty tricks to make her love him.

As Naina was lost in her thoughts, someone placed their hand on her shoulder, thinking it was Sameera, Naina said, "Not now Sam, please leave me alone".

"I can't do that, sweetheart".

Hearing the familiar voice, immediately caused Naina to look up and immediately she saw Seenu standing infront of her, a first aid kit in his hands.

"What the hell are you doing here, Seenu?" a confused Naina asked.

"You're hurt" Seenu reminded, pointing to Naina's knees and elbows.

"I don't want your help Seenu, please leave me alone" Naina said.

Seenu sighed, ignoring Naina's words, Seenu sat infront of her on her bed, he grabbed one of her leg and placed it on his lap, to Naina's surprise, she didn't resist, she let Seenu roll her jeans up and start cleaning her wounds.

"Does it hurt?" Seenu asked, blowing on Naina's knee.

"Did you send the goons?" Naina asked, ignoring Seenu's question.

Seenu looked at Naina, "What do you think, Naina?" he asked.

"I'm conflicted" Naina admitted, "My heart says you can't do this but my mind says you did".

"I expected that" Seenu said, "Naina, I didn't send the goons, Manav did".

"Manav?" a shocked Naina asked, "Why would he do that? And why did the goons take your name?".

"Because Manav paid them to say my name, he wanted to create a misunderstanding between you and me" Seenu informed.

"Why?" Naina asked.

"Because he knows I love you, so he wants to separate me from you" Seenu replied.

"Is that why your knuckles are bloody?" Naina asked, looking at Seenu's hands, "You got into a fight with Manav, didn't you?".

"He tried to hurt you" Seenu stated, "I can tolerate anything but I can't tolerate you hurt".

Naina looked at Seenu, without saying anything, she removed her leg from his lap and after placing her feet on the ground, she scooted closer to Seenu, she grabbed the first aid kit from his hand and started taking care of his knuckles.

"So much anger isn't good for you" Naina whispered, carefully cleaning Seenu's knuckles.

"I can't help it" Seenu said, "Since I was a child I've been hot headed".

"Since I was a child I've been timid" Naina informed.

Seenu nudged Naina with his shoulder, "Match made in heaven, right?".

Naina shook her head at Seenu, "I'm not allowed to love you".

"And if I tell you that in three days you will confess your love to me?" Seenu asked.

Naina looked at Seenu, "That won't happen" she stated.

"It will Naina, in three days you will confess your love to me" Seenu said.

"And if I don't?" Naina asked curiously.

"Then I will never bother you again" Seenu promised, before standing up and leaving Naina behind, who didn't know who to choose, Seenu's love or her father's pride?


Next day, Naina and Sameera sat in the college coffeeshop, talking about Seenu's challenge.

"I think you should just accept Seenu's love" Sameera told Naina, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"I can't accept Seenu's love because I'm not in love with him" Naina snapped, drinking her latte.

"No, you just haven't realised you're in love with him" Sameera retorted.

"Are you even hearing yourself?" Naina asked, "Both you and Seenu sound insane Sam, trying to get me to confess something that I don't feel".

"Fine, don't accept Seenu's love, the worst thing that will happen is that Seenu will walk out of your life" Sameera said, stopping Naina mid sip, "But you don't care about that, you don't love Seenu so you don't care if he's in your life or not, right?".

Naina stared at her coffee cup, the thought of Seenu not being in her life made Naina's heart hurt, truth was, Naina was starting to get used to Seenu and his antics, she didn't know if it was love or something else, all Naina knows that she couldn't bear the thought of Seenu leaving her life.

Without saying anything to Sameera, Naina stood up from the chair and after grabbing her bag, she rushed out the coffeeshop, needing to calm the storm that was going around in her head and heart.

As soon as Naina stepped out of the coffeeshop, she was suddenly showered with thousands of rose petals, for a moment Naina stood their in shock, the next moment a huge smile formed on her face feeling the rose petals touch her skin, she then held her hands out and grabbed some petals in her hand, loving being showered in them.


Naina turned to her side, her smile still intact on her face, "You did this, Seenu?" she asked.

"Who else will do this?" Seenu asked, stepping closer to Naina, a smile on his face seeing Naina's happiness.

"But why?" Naina asked, slightly confused.

"Because I love you" Seenu replied, causing Naina's eyes to go wide in shock, "Did you hear me Naina? I said, I love you!".

Seenu's yell gained the attention of all the bystanders near them, who were shocked seeing the prankster of Tift propose to someone.


"Shhh" Seenu said, placing her finger on Naina's lips, "I know what you're going to say, but before you say that, I just want you to take some time and think about me, think about us, think very carefully and then tell me your decision".

For a moment Naina just stared into Seenu's eyes, the more she stared, the more she felt herself drowning in the intensity in them, after a moment Naina stepped back from Seenu and quickly ran away from him.

"That's not a good sign" Arjun said, walking over to his best friend.

"But that's not a bad sign either" Sameera retorted, walking over to the best friends.

Seenu ignored both Arjun and Sameera, instead he turned around and walked the opposite direction of Naina, in his mind praying that his love wouldn't stay incomplete.


Seenu climbed the stairs up the terrace of the arts building, entering the terrace, he saw Naina sitting on the ledge while staring at the dark night, without saying anything to her, Seenu quietly went and sat next to her.

"My father never wanted me" Naina whispered after a moment of silence, "When Di was born, he wasn't happy but he didn't mind either, believing next time Ma will give birth to a boy, but when she did give birth, she gave birth to me, a daughter, on top of it when she was pregnant with me she had too many complications and she couldn't get pregnant again, making my dad hate me even more, ever since I started to understand things, all I've seen is my father's hatred and anger for me, all my life I have craved for my father's love but I never got it, so I decided that I will earn it, I will earn Papa's love and become his pride, which is why I started working very hard, I started studying very hard, I decided I will study and I will top all my classes and I will show Papa that his daughter can do everything a son could do, when I got an admission here, Papa wasn't happy, the only reason he let me come here was because Swathi Di threatened him, so he agreed only on one condition, don't fall in love, don't tarnish his reputation, this was the first time Papa asked me something, after so many years this was the first time he asked something from me, how can I go against him?".

Seenu sighed, "Can I ask you something?" he asked, Naina nodded her head in response.

"Your whole life you've craved for your father's love, but are you sure getting the love is worth it?" Seenu asked, "Is pleasing your father, worth losing yourself Naina?".

"My whole life everything I've done is to please him, I don't know how to stop now Seenu" Naina admitted, "I think I'm too scared of my father to stop".

"Naina, as long as you give your father the power to control your life, you will never truly be happy" Seenu said, "I'm sorry to say but your father is a toxic person, this whole son is better than daughter, is bullshit, it's toxic talk from a toxic person who deserves hell, not a daughter like you, I get that you're scared of him, but it's time to stop Naina, it's time to stop being scared, take a leap, grab my hand Naina and I promise to never let you fall".

Naina looked at Seenu's outstretched hand, "I'm not scared of falling Seenu, I'm scared of you letting me go".

"And if I promise never to let you go?" Seenu asked.

"Promises are meant to be broken" Naina retorted.

"Fine, then I won't make a promise" Seenu said, lacing his fingers with Naina's, "We are human Naina, so I'm not going to say that this relationship is going to be full of roses and no thorns, because that's not possible, but I will say one thing, I'm going to hold on to your hand through it all, through all the happiness, through all the sadness".

"My father will not let us be together" Naina said, tears falling down her eyes.

"Your father has no word in this" Seenu retorted, "This is your life Naina, it's time you start living for you and not for him".

"It's too hard" Naina cried.

Seenu wiped Naina's tears, "I know, but I promise to help you through this, I promise to never let go of you Naina, just give me one chance".

"What if you break my heart?" a vulnerable Naina asked.

"I will never break your heart on purpose" Seenu promised, "But if I somehow do, then I will accept any and all punishment you send my way".

"My punishment won't be easy" Naina warned.

"I'll accept anything from you with a smile on my face, even a punishment" Seenu assured.

Naina let out a small laugh and shook her head in amusement, "You are something else Seenu".

Seenu lightly nudged Naina's shoulder with his, "Thank you so much".

Naina stared at the sky for a moment, she then looked at Seenu, "Give me one night" she said, "Give me tonight and tomorrow you will have your answer".

Seenu looked at Naina, "Can't wait for tomorrow".

"Me too" Naina whispered, before placing her head on Seenu's shoulder, their hands still laced together, both of them relishing each others presence to the full.


Presenting chapter twelve of Hero!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Seenu telling Naina that she will confess her love to him in three days?

Thoughts on Seenu confessing his love to Naina?

Thoughts on Seenu and Naina's talk?

Next chapter: Will Naina confess or not?

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