Two Enemies, One Bed

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I awoke to someone shaking me. I could hardly see but the figure appeared to be wearing a bird shaped mask.

"Vandel...Vandel are you okay?" My eyes opened slowly. I could hardly feel my legs. I looked up at the masked figure, the voice could only belong to one person.


"Thank the Gods I found you," Ridley hissed. "I was looking everywhere. I knew you couldn't have gotten too far."

"Why are you wearing that stupid mask?"

"It's part of the festival," Ridley said quickly. "In the evening everyone wears costumes. I didn't plan on staying this late and wearing one but I picked one up at a booth to avoid getting recognized while I tried to find you."

"You were trying to find me?"

"Obviously. I saw how you looked after we fought that monster, there was no way you were going to be able to get out of the town without someone coming after you for being a demon. We're just lucky I found you first." He shoved a matching golden bird mask at me. "Here, wear this. We can't have anyone recognizing you. Can you stand?"

I nodded stiffly. "I think so...?"

Ridley slipped a hand around my waist and helped me to my feet. I grimaced slightly, my entire body felt sore. That was more from passing out behind a bunch of barrels than from using too much magic though. I took the mask from Ridley slowly, slipping it on.

"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get home. Even after resting there's no way I have enough strength to turn into my bird form for that long. I might turn human mid way through and fall. I'm not going to risk dying that stupidly."

"I have money on me. We can get a room for the night at a tavern here."

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean we?"

"I'm coming with you."

I nearly scoffed. "Why would you do that? Isn't your precious king expecting you?"

Ridley sighed heavily. "If someone at the inn somehow recognizes you and tries to attack you're not going to be able to defend yourself, I'm going to stay to protect you. Then in the morning you can turn back into your bird form and fly home."

I crossed my arms, eyes still narrowed. "Why the hell would you help me?"

"Because you saved my life," Ridley said, his gaze dead serious. "I owe you a favor. I don't like having debts."

"I can understand that," I said slowly. "Just because we're helping each other out doesn't make us friends."

Ridley nodded quickly. "Of course."

"This doesn't mean I don't don't still hate you."

"The feelings mutual."

"Helping each other is strictly a matter of convenience."

"Obviously. "


We made our way through the crowded streets, the death of the Bone Monster seemed to have brought forth an even greater wave of celebration from the villagers. Everyone wore masks and danced beneath the glowing blue moon. Lamps filled with fireflies hung about the village and music echoed through the streets.

Ridley glanced to me once as we walked. "You're shaking," he said softly, furrowing his brow.

"I'm fine," I snapped back. "It's just a little layover from overusing my magic." Ridley thought for a moment before tugging off his cloak and slinging it over my shoulders.

"Here," he said awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not shaking because of the cold dumbass."

Ridley's gaze flickered to the ground. "Right...sorry..."

I scowled, even though I actually did end up pulling the cloak a little tighter to myself. I glanced around at the humans celebrating in the street. It still amazed me how different yet similar our two kingdoms were. The demons once a year threw a large masquerade ball but the mood was usually quite different and the party itself was a bit more...bloody. Ridley pointed to a large sign with a black deer painted on it.

"There," he said quickly. "That looks like a place where they won't ask any questions, come on." He ushered me inside and went right up to the front desk. It was a murky little place and it reeked of dust and decay. I normally wouldn't be caught dead in this kind of place but in my current position I figured I might as well take what I could get. Ridley slid a small bag of gold across the counter and said something to the tavern keeper in a low voice. After a beat the keeper nodded and gestured upstairs, handing Ridley a key. Ridley looked to me, passing the key over.

"Open up the room," he said. "I'll be up in a minute. It's the third room to the right." I nodded and made my way upstairs. I found our room fairly quickly and practically collapsed onto one of the beds once I entered. Fuck I was exhausted. It had been a long time since I had over exerted myself doing magic, and honestly I should be pretty concerned at this point that Ridley could probably piece together the fact that most of my magic was for show, only a little of it had any real power behind it. I grabbed the musty blanket from the bed, cringing slightly. I was used to silks and satins. Well whatever, beggars can't be choosers. I pulled the blanket up over my head, wrapping myself up in it. The door creaked open now and Ridley came in.

When he saw me he let out a little snort of laughter, something I assumed he didn't do very often. "You look like a caterpillar."

I glared at him. "And you look like an asswipe." I noticed now Ridley was carrying a little chipped teacup. He handed it to me, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me.

"I got the tavern keeper to make this for you. Sorry if it's a little grimy. My mom used to make tea for me when I was sick. I thought it might help."

I rolled my eyes. "Over exerting yourself isn't the same as being sick."

"You still need to get your energy back."

"Wow, thanks, I didn't know you were my mother." Ridley flushed slightly and I snickered. The tea was a murky yellow green but I still forced myself to take a sip. It didn't taste horrible, and the warm liquid actually did make me feel a little better. I yawned...fuck my eyelids felt heavy. Ridley looked to the floor, then to me, then to the floor again. "If you have something you want to say go on and say it," I said slowly.



I stared at him a beat. His eyes were half closed and had turned completely black, like a normal demons. That's what he was after all...a demon. So why had he...?

"Why did you save me?" I said softly. I laced my fingers together and stared down at them so I wouldn't have to keep looking at him. "Not just me...why did you help me save the village? They're humans and your enemies, you could have just left. We both know you just risked your life out there for the enemy."

"I was just acting impulsively," Vandel murmured, his voice groggy.

"Someone doesn't just risk their life impulsively."

"I do."

I felt a sudden weight against my shoulder. I continued to stare at my hands. "Listen Vandel...I know you wanted to run. You don't have to put up an act, it was obvious you were scared. And I know we're enemies but if it wasn't for you not only would I have probably died out there but most of that village as well. I guess...what I'm trying to say is...uh...thank you-"

I was interrupted by a loud snore.

I looked over to see Vandel had fallen asleep against my shoulder. He was still wrapped up in his blanket and his chest was rising and falling softly, his dark hair falling into his eyes. It was funny, he looked so harmless when he was asleep. I tried to move so I could go back to my own bed but I quickly realized if I did I would probably wake him. I sighed softly. I might as well stay like this until he woke up, he deserved to rest, he had earned this. Letting him lean on my shoulder while he slept was the least I could do. 

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