Vandel Gets Impulsive

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I was so focused on the horrible realization that the Corisathium had just (quite literally) been 'snatched from under me' that I hardly registered the scream the first time.

Ridley had paled. "What was that?"

"What was wha-" that's when I heard it. Another scream...well...actually screams plural.

"We need to help them!!"

I shook my head wildly. "No Ridley! We need to find the Corisathium before whoever took it gets away-" before I could even finish my sentence he had taken off running back towards the village, still wearing that stupid flower crown. And then, for some reason I was totally unaware of, I realized I was chasing after him. We made our way back into the village and it didn't take long for us to see what was causing the screaming. There...towering before us was a Bone Monster. I've been alive a very long time. I've seen all manner of horror, hell I even came face to face with the Demon Eater. Still, there is something horribly terrifying about Bone Monsters and I had NEVER seen one of this size in such a populated area. It was a disgustingly monstrous ivory twist of a bear and wolf. White smoke spurted from it's nose. Ridley was staring up at it, eyes wide.

"What..." he said slowly. "What should we do?"

"Simple," I retorted. "We run. It's so crowded it will have plenty of options of other people to focus on killing. We can escape."

Ridley shook his head. "We have to stop it." I nearly gagged, staring at him with an expression of clear disbelief.

"Ridley? Are you fucking serious? You can't fight a Bone Monster unless you have a fucking death wish! I've never met anyone who's ever killed one before and I've been around for hundreds of years!"

Ridley was trembling slightly. "If we don't do something the people here will die."

"It's not our problem," I hissed. "We don't even know them."

"The job of a knight is to protect the innocent!"

"Ridley! We run or we die!" He turned to me, meeting me with his clear blue gaze with more passion then I think I had ever seen in my life.

"These people need to be protected and I'm willing to do it even if I have to sacrifice my life in the process. You can run Vandel but I have to stay. I need to fight." And with that he lunged forward.

"RIDLEY DON'T!" I hadn't even realized I had screamed his name. To be honest I didn't know what had come over me. He was my enemy...hell he was my sworn enemy. Having such a skilled knight do something so stupid was practically an ace in the hole for the demon kingdom. So then why didn't I want him to die? Why the fuck was I trying so desperately to stop him? I stared at Ridley. He was running at the monster while the onlookers watched horrified. The monster towered over Ridley like a fucking tsunami. Ridley slowly drew his sword. The monster lifted one huge claw and swatted at him like a fly. Ridley narrowly dodged, rolling out of the way, escaping by a hair. He grabbed for his sword now, slicing it across the monster's foot. To the crowds surprise it actually hit, drawing a strange white, pus looking liquid from the beast. The beast howled knocking Ridley violently to the ground. Ridley tried to stand up but the monster brought it's paw down harder, it's claws grazing the side of his face causing a thin ribbon of blood. Ridley coughed, scrambling to his feet only to be thrown on the ground once more by a swipe from the beast. I realized with a start that the monster was only playing with him, a little game with it's victim before it killed him. It was preparing for a final blow. There was no way Ridley was going to be able to dodge this. Then...before I could even think I realized I was running forward. I grabbed Ridley around the waist, physically pulling him out of the way as the beast's teeth snapped down where Ridley's head had been just seconds before. Ridley stared up at me, his eyes wide.

"You...saved me..." he choked hoarsely.

"Shut up and don't mention it ever again. Now come on let's try our best to kill this thing before it slices us up into little meat shish kabobs. I was bored, at least this is giving me something interesting to do today." I forced a laugh, my usual suave and nonchalant attitude was kind of hard to fake in the face of my very possible death. Well, if I was going to die today at least I was about to go out the way I always knew I would...due to a stupid impulsive decision.

The bone monster was watching us with it's beady white eyes. It lunged at me now and I fired a line of flames into its eyes. It howled, stumbling a few feet back.

"A demon!!!!" One of the villagers shrieked. "It's a DEMON!"

"Shut up!" I snapped. "I'm trying to help you!" I rolled my eyes. "Fucking dumbasses," I muttered. Hopefully I would die before any word got back to my kingdom about this. Ridley nudged me suddenly.

"The eye!" He hissed.

I arched a brow. "Yeah?" I mumbled. "What about it?"

"It's sensitive there! Do you think you could do it again?" The monster thrashed at us, I quickly dodged, avoiding being sliced to bits by a thread.

"Yeah. I can only use that kind of power for a little bit though and it drowns out my other magic. If I use too much of it now I'm not even going to even be able to do my normal simple shit, I'll be pretty much useless." Ridley gave me a quick pat on the back.

"Use as much as you can. I think I actually might have a plan."

I rolled my eyes. "Did you have to make that rhyme you fucking shitnut-" That's when the monster came at me again. I glanced behind me quickly. Ridley was nowhere in sight. I took a deep breath. Well...time to put all my eggs in the 'Ridley's plan is going to work' basket because after this I was going to be pretty much useless. My teeth sunk into my lower lip.

"COME AT ME FUCKER!" I yelled at the monster before I fired with everything I had. The monster let out a, ear piercing screech, thrashing desperately. I continued to blast it, practically feeling my power drain from my body. Gods know how long I had been firing at that thing when my final flames frizzled and died. When it ran out I stared up at the beast, hardly able to stand. It was momentarily blinded but I was so weak I couldn't even move for fear of falling. The monster was still thrashing blindly about but I knew it was only a matter of time before it's vision came back and it slaughtered me. I let out a low chuckle at my own stupidity for doing this. It was kinda pathetically ironic dying trying to save a bunch of humans. That's when Ridley suddenly appeared from the head of the demon monster. He had somehow managed to climb up onto it's back while the creature was blinded. He raised his sword now. My heart sunk. What the fuck was he doing? Bone monsters were practically unkillable. I had no idea how he had even gotten that blow in earlier. As Ridley brought his sword down I closed my eyes. Fuck, why had I gotten myself into this situation? Now we were both going to die. Damn you Ridley and your stupid do goodiness- that's when the monster let out a ragged screech like nothing I had ever heard before. I looked up. The white fluid was spraying up from where Ridley had driven his sword into it's neck. The crowd was looking on in a stunned shock. The monsters eyes rolled into the back of it's head. It was impossible...I had never heard of anyone killing a bone monster had Ridley done it? Was there some kind of magic in the weapon? Was Ridley blessed by the fucking Gods? What the actual fuck. The monster collapsed, Ridley clinging to it's back still wearing that stupid flower crown.

"Sir Ridley!" A small child called. "Sir Ridley has saved us!" The crowd began to chant his name. This was my chance to get away, the people here knew I was a demon. I couldn't risk any of them trying to catch me. I stumbled through the crowd, everyone was too busy celebrating to notice me disappearing into it. I couldn't get far in my current state and finally I just collapsed behind some barrels. Everything was kind of blurry for a bit. Fuck, I thought to myself, this was a new record for stupid decisions in one day and that's really saying something for me.

Then I lost consciousness. 

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