𝟬𝟮𝟬. 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆

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( please refer back to the act four chapter where there's a list of triggers and a warnings , PLEASE READ

₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ THEY WERE NOW IN ... the endgame.

Kohana and Kat stood behind Steve, Tony and Thor. They were glad in their superhero outfits that Tony had so kindly made for them.

( Morgan, Adi-Lee and Zayleen were all hidden away with a trustworthy person, Happy Hogan. )

Thanos, the one who had wrecked the world during the war five years ago, sat on a rock and just waited. No one knew if he had surrendered, or if he was playing tricks on them, but whatever it was, it was throwing everyone off. 

Around them things laid in dirt, fire bloomed and the grass was dead. Death.

     "You could not live with you own failure." Thanos spoke, lifting his head and gazing at the five people covered in dirt and sticky blood. "Where did that bring you? Back to me."

      "No, we accepted it, you chose to come back to a fight that shouldn't have happened." Kat said, lifting her chin. That was their signature thing now, lifting their chin and tilting their head to make themselves look intimidating and scary. "It seems as if you couldn't life with not having it all."

     "I thought by eliminating half of life... the other half would thrive. But you've shown me, that's impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was... there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

      "Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn." Tony snarkily replied, his eyes darting towards the two children who weren't children anymore.

     "I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then the stones you've collected got me... create a new one teeming with life that knows now what it had lost... but only what it had been given." Thanos had clear intentions on what he wanted to happen. He wanted to rule, yet he wanted to make sure there were people who would bow down to him. "A grateful universe,"

"Born out of blood." Steve said, his grip tightening on his shield. Behind him, Thor allowed lighting to flow through his veins, and let him hold it in the palm of his hand where he held his signature tools.

"And they'll never know, because you won't be alive to tell them."

And then the heroes charged. They fought and fought, each using their own skills to help each other to take down Thanos.

"Tony, wake up!" Kohana yelled as she knelt to the side where Tony was unconscious in his suit. She continued to slam her closed fists against the metal of his suit with hopes it would wake him up. He didn't wake up just yet.

Kat was helping Steve, but unfortunately the two were thrown to the side where they had no choice but to lay in the dirt and catch the breath they didn't have in their lungs.

Thor was close to death. Thanos held Thors Stormbreaker against the gods chest, pushing it slowly causing Thor to groan out.

Kohana didn't know what to do. She wouldn't be able to do much by herself, yet she stood from where she had been kneeling form beside Tony and eyed Mjonlir, Thors hammer. If she could lift it, she could definitely do just enough damage to Thanos that it would help the others get the upper hand.

"It's okay." Kohana whispered to Tony, moving away from him and getting closer to Mjonlir by the second. When she reached it, she wrapped her hands around it and pulled. And pulled. And pulled. Then it lifted into her hands, where she could hold it tightly.

Then she threw it, as hard as she could.

"I can do this all day."

₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ THEY WERE STILL ... in the endgame. Only now, large orange portals opened up behind them as they stood, ready to fight another battle.

Kohana leaned against Kat. Both were injured, yet they both knew they couldn't give up. They had to do this for all of the people they had lost along the way.

"I love you." Kohana placed a kiss to Kats cheek, lifting her sword into her hands and looking towards Steve.

"I love you too, Koie." Kat whispered, leaning away from their wife and picking up their own weapon. "I do, so so much."

"Avengers ... assemble!"

And then everyone charged, no matter which team you were on. Good or bad, both charged with one mission, to save their own side and complete what they needed too.

"Liam?" Kohana looked over towards where Liam was standing, a new weapon in his hands.

"Ko! Kat!" He cheered, racing forward and bringing them both into his arms. He was crying happy tears, his lips turned upwards. "You two look so much older."

    "Liam," Kohana cried out, salty tears falling as she gasped out and hugged hun tighter.

      "Help!" Blue blasts fell from ships in the sky. They shook the ground and destroyed it. Someone off to the side, not to far away, was being covered by the alien creatures. "Somebody help!"

"Heads!" Kat yelled out, extending their arms and blasting the creatures covering Peter Parker. Steve threw Mjonlir and Peter was quick to web into it and allow himself to be pulled from the creatures grasp. Peter Parker had the gauntlet, and that's what the creatures wanted.

It was practically like the world froze as something started to make its way from from the sky. It was orange, like a ball of fire, and it headed towards Earth at full speed. It flew around and then went straight up into one of Thanos ships, blowing it up and letting it crash into the water.

During that pause in time, where so many were distracted, a creature with a long sword plunged it into the chest of Liam Seo. A strangled gasp left his lips as he tumbled to his knees and placed his hands over his wound.

It was like déjà vu. Charli had died almost in the exact same way. And now Liam was the one to fall down, five years later in the same war they hadn't seemed to be able to leave behind.

"No!" Kohana yelled out, a cry leaving her lips as she charged forward and slashed at the monster who had injured her family. She cried out, and cried and screamed until the monster dropped dead. All she could see was red, who blamed her?

And then a blast knocked everyone down. It had been caused by Thanos throwing his own weapon at a van that would take them back to a different time, to when everything was hopefully so much easier.

Kohana struggled to get up from where she laid beside Liam, who's chest had stopped moving. She didn't even get to tell him goodbye, and it caused so much pain to bloom in her own chest. Once she stood, she made her way over towards Thanos was. She would make sure he knew what pain she felt, and even if she died doing it, she would make sure he felt it.

"You." Kohana snarled, stepping forward with her sword at her side. She lifted her arms and swung the sword, blinded by hot red rage. "You will never live to see another day," And then she swung yet again, successfully slashing Thanos in the stomach. It didn't do very much damage until she swung again, and then plunged the smaller weapon into his much larger body. "I hope that you die slowly, and painfully."

That wasn't Kohana, the sweet mom friend that made sure she put everyone else before her. That was someone who needed to grieve once again, and someone who was completely blinded by the darkness that had been casted on her in such a short time.

"I don't even know who you are." Thanos said lowly as he ripped the sword from his now profusely bleeding abdomen. Kohana had hit something important, something that kept him alive. "Yet you want to murder me."

"I want you to suffer just like my family had." Kohana slashed the sword he had dropped once more, and then once more, and then until she managed to get Thanos on his knees. "You shall die."

"And so shall you, my dear." Thanos plunged Kohanas sword into her body, and allowed her to drop to the ground. "You shall die a warriors death."


Kat couldn't help but watch as their wife's chest moved slowly, and as Kohana coughed up blood. Tony held her back, refusing to lose yet another child. He couldn't, even if he was being selfish, he couldn't.

"Kat, you can't."

"Watch me." Kat threw her elbow back and hit Tony right in the face, the action causing him to let go of them and allow them to run to Kohana. "Sweetheart, hi."

"Tony is gonna have to fix my suit," Kohana chuckled, despite being so close to death. She looked down at the hole in her iron suit. "He told me not to wreck it."

"He won't care, not at all." Kat whispered, wiping tears from Kohanas cheeks. Her own suit had many scrapes on it, and their one iron hand was taken away so she could place their skin against Kohanas. "Not at all, my love."

"You'll take care of everyone, please. Of Tony and Pep, and Adi-Lee and Steve, everyone. Please." Kohana looked up at her wife with blurry eyes. She knew too, that these would be her last moments. "I love you, so so much."

"I love you too."

And then her chest stopped moving.


Kat made their way towards Thanos was, she reached out for the glove and knowingly allowed the stones to move onto their own Iron Suit. They knew that this was how it would end. How she could save the universe.

"I am inevitable." Snap.

"Oh but you aren't." Snap.

Tony couldn't help but watch as his child fell to her knees and then fell onto their back. Steven Strange had told him there was only one way they could win, and that the story had changed as he saw it happen. This was how it was supposed to be.

"Kat," Tony moved toward, kneeling down by his child. "Hey, you're okay, you're just fine."

"Did we win?"

"We won. We won."

₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒ THEY WEREN'T IN ... the endgame anymore.

The war was over.

"Part of the journey is the end."

That was something Tony always told his two adoptive children, Kohana and Kat. He said that to them at least once a week, and he hadn't even thought of it until after they told them what their mission had been. He wouldn't have ever even thought of those seven words, at all. Yet they had somehow gotten him to say such great things.

Once Tony had started to say this seven words, so had Kohana and Kat. Why wouldn't they, it was true, and it was what someone would need to hear one day.

Now the world was in peace, and there could be birth of so many new things —

"Tony!" Adi-Lee let out the name, her cheeks bright as she reached out for her grandfather. She was a happy child.

"Hi, sweetheart." Tony picked the little one up, resting her against his chest as he moved around the living room in his black suit. He eyed the dog who was resting their head against Morgan's legs, it was Kohana and Kats dog. "Hi."

"Tony bought us dinner when we showed up. There was four of us; me, Charli, Liam and my wife Kohana. We had just lost one of our own, his name was Zay. He, wow, he impacted the group much more than we would have ever wanted to say. And before him, we had lost two others, Adi and Dally. Back to dinner. He didn't know what we wanted, so he spent all the money he could and got us something from each restaurant he could order from. Me and my group didn't know where to start. There was just so much food, and Tony smiled and he said to enjoy.

From then on, as someone who didn't like to open up, I couldn't help but open up to him. He was such a funny guy. He helped me drop some walls, too. He was my father, not by blood but a chosen father, and that meant so much more.

I always knew something bad would happen here. Not that I blame any of you. But I know that me, or one of the heroes we lost, would be the ones to save the world. And i couldn't let any one of you do it. I had to be the one. Ever since five years ago when I saw Thanos, I know I would have to be the one.

I stole your spotlight people, how does that feel? Anyways, you have a change, take it and live. Live for the ones we had lost.

I love you 3,000."

The holographic image of Kat disappeared, and all that was left was her helmet Tony had made for her.

The war was over, and they can finally rest in peace.

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