A mansion and the headless maiden

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We see the portal open up as we see the Exo-Vac appear out of it as we see them landing on a rooftop

Chase: What has happened to us?

Ashton: Rule number one of traveling to different shows; you change how you look once you enter.

Dimitri: Yup.

Jessica: So do any of you know characters here other than the two you two were talking about?

Dimitri: Well there's Rias Gremory.

Yoko: What does she look like?

Dimitri: Has red hair, blue green eyes, and is very well endowed in the front if you catch my drift. This place is practically a porn after all.

Ashton: *covering K.O.'s ears* Please don't say that word, there are kids present.

Dimitri: Oh, my bad.

Ashton: Let's just see where we are.

They looked and saw students in uniforms

Ashton: It appears we are near Kuoh Academy.

Dimitri: And I think I see some of Rias's friends there.

Ashton: Please tell me that neither you know who are with them.

Dimitri: Fortunately they aren't. *looks again* But I don't see Rias with them. I better go see what's going on.

Ashton: Wuya, Kimiko, Clay, Chase. You better come with us just in case things get dirty.

We see them going to them as Dimitri walks to them.

Dimitri: Hello, i'm Dimitri and this is my friend Ashton, we were just curious to see what you all were doing.

Xenovia: We haven't seen our friend Rias, after it showed up in her home.

Chase: What showed up?

Asia: Her home is haunted by a headless maiden.

Dimitri: A headless maiden, huh?

Ashton: Sounds interesting, well if you want we can all check it out there, we happen to solve mysteries.

Dimitri: Yeah, so we'll be able to figure it out in no time.

Xenovia: We'll come with you.

Ashton: We better include Mystery Incorporated in on this.

Dimitri: Right we'll need all the help we can get.

We see everyone as they were heading to a mansion.

Dimitri: So this is where Rias lives and where this ghost is at?

Akeno: That's right.

Ashton: Well there's one thing to do in there is look inside and check for clues.

We then see them going inside as the doors then close behind them.

Dimitri: Someone is here, look. There's a candle

They then saw a lit candle.

Shaggy: Bet it's that ghost or worse.

Velma: Ghosts don't need candles, Shaggy.

Shaggy: Oh no, look!

They then saw the candle floating in the air as it was coming to them.

Daphne: Oh no, a floating candle.

We then see them running away as the candle follows them as they run to a room as the candle floats as Scooby then blows it out as we see the group in the room.

Velma: Wow, what a spooky old room.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton as they were looking at a portrait of a woman pointing at a direction.

Ashton: I wonder who this woman is? She must have owned this place at one time. I wonder where she's pointing.

As Ashton was looking Dimitri then looked at the painting and saw that the woman's head was gone.

Dimitri: Where's her head? Ashton look!

Ashton then looked and saw the portrait.

Ashton: Oh my god. Guys look at that picture.

The others then looked at it.

Daphne: So what about it? It's a picture of a woman pointing.

They looked and saw the painting of the woman as she had her head back.

Ashton: But a minute ago her head was missing.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Then thumping was heard as they heard it.

Ashton: You guys hear that?

Wuya: It sounds like thumping.

Dimitri: And it sounds like it's coming from this way.

as we see them walking off to find the source of the noise we see curtains as they were moved to see a woman in a green dress but with no head

Ashton: Yipes! There is a headless maiden!

Dimitri: Let's run!

We then see them run away as we see the headless maiden laughing as we see the group running as they past a fireplace as the headless maiden appeared and laughed as we see the group running up the stairs as Ashton grabbed the rug and flapped it as it only made the headless maiden come up to the upstairs as we see them running away as we see the headless maiden running after them as she stopped and saw suits of armor and she noticed one of them had Rad's shoes and they began to ran and slid down the rail as the headless maiden came down and landed on the suits and saw they were empty as we see the group going to the library as we see the headless maiden enter as we see Ashton pushing a ladder as Dimitri and Jessica were making books fall on the maiden as we see the group enter a room and they placed pillows under a blanket as they hid under the bed as the headless maiden entered and started jumping on the bed as the others came out and made the cover call on her as we see them run to a kitchen as the headless maiden entered and looked around as Dimitri, Yoko and Jessica were in a stove as the maiden looked in the oven as Dimitri grabbed a pipe and made soot fall on her as they ran out as they grabbed a spinner and used it as a bike as they rode it and saw the maiden riding a bike as they rode through the house as the maiden crashed into something as the ground went through a window and rode on a power line and hit a pole as they all fell into a well.


Ashton: Stand up you idiot.

Dimitri: The water's only knee deep.

Then scooby started to laugh at Rad's foolishness.

Rad: Oh well, what do you know?

He then leaned on the wall as it opened revealing a hidden tunnel.

Ashton: Hey, Rad found a secret tunnel.

Dimitri: Let's check it out, maybe it'll lead to the solution of this whole thing.

Duck: Like back into the arms of that headless maiden.

We then see them walking through the tunnel as they saw the tunnel lead to an old root cellar.

Dimitri: Hey it's an old root cellar.

Shaggy: *grabs a can* And it's got some food.

He and scooby then started to eat what was in the can as they then felt something odd about it.

Ashton: What's wrong shaggy?

Shaggy: *holding a balloon* Like balloons, in pickle jars?

Scooby then started to blow a balloon as it popped.

Dimitri: *sees a tank of helium* Hey, does this tank spark any ideas to you guys?

We see Dimitri filling up a balloon and placing a white sheet with eye holes making it look like a ghost.

Dimitri: Does this look familiar to any of you?

Xenovia: That is the ghost we saw.

Ashton: Oh before I forget I found this diary with this entry written in 1822. *reads the entry* Marching devils in single file, could a column hide the secret, Gremory shows the way."

Dimitri: Of course the painting we saw remember guys?

We then see them looking at the painting.

Velma: Find the column she's pointing at and we'll solve the mystery.

Ashton: She's pointing at that window.

They then looked through the window and saw a greenhouse

Chase: There's nothing out there but an old greenhouse.

Dimitri: Me and Ash will take a look in there.

We see the two looking through the greenhouse.

Dimitri: Nothing here dude.

Ashton: *sees a plant* Hey a fly trap lily, let's give it a snack.

He then gave the plant a scooby snack as it ate it and snarled at them making them jump as they backed up to the headless maiden as they ran off and were at the root cellar.

Ashton: Why did we run here? That headless lady is gonna get us.

Dimitri then started to inflate a balloon.

Dimitri: Ashton we can use balloons.

Ashton: Oh I get it. We'll up, up and away.

We then see the two floating away on balloons.

Ashton: Let's see if she can catch us now.

They them heard laughing as they saw the headless maiden on a balloon as they were floating in the air as the others saw them.

Lexi: That headless maiden is after them.

The headless maiden then kicked Ashton's balloon making him hit Dimitri as he headed to a wind vane making his balloon pop as he started heading to Ashton and the headless maiden as they then crashed down into a chicken coop as the others came to them.

Ace: You ok guys?

Dimitri: Yeah luckily we got a soft landing thanks to these feathers.

Clay: Well who's this?

We then see the headless maiden as a head with bright red hair popped out of the dress

Rias: Oh, do I have a headache.

Clay: Well I'll be, she does have a head

Akeno: Rias?! Why were you doing this headless ghost trick?

Rias: I invented the legend of the headless maiden to scare people away, the floating candle and headless painting were part of it.

Raimundo: But why?

Eddy: You nearly scared us all half to death! *gets slapped by Dimitri* Ow!

Dimitri: Please explain.

Rias: Somewhere in that mansion is a treasure that is rightfully mine. I was afraid someone might find it and steal it.

Dimitri: Gosh we don't want it.

Ashton: We'll even help you look for it.

Then they heard a thumping noise.

Wuya: It's that thumping noise.

Chase: We assumed that you were doing that.

Rias: And I thought it was you.

Dimitri: Sounds like it's coming from the attic. Ashton, you, Shaggy and Duck are with me.

We then see them in the attic as they saw someone wearing a sheet swinging an axe at the walls of the attic

Ashton: Hey spooky!

The person then saw them as they began to run.

Duck: Get a head start!

Ashton: He spotted us!

They then began to run with the person after them as they ran out the door as Enid and Wilhelmena were holding a rope.

Dimitri: Get ready he's right behind us.

They then pulled the rope making the person trip and crash into a column trapping him under it.

Clay: Now let's see who this here varmint is.

They pulled the sheet off revealing a boy with brown hair.

Ashton: Issei Hyoudo.

Xenovia: He was trying to steal the treasure, if there is a treasure that is.

We then see Dimitri looking in the broken column as he pulls out a carpet bag and hands it to Rias.

Rias: That's it. It was supposed to be in a carpet bag.

Jessica: What do you know Rias, you definitely deserve it.

Issei: And I would have found it if it wasn't for you punks.

Rias: How can I ever thank you all?

Ashton: Letting me kill Issei would be nice.

Dimitri: I think that's a great idea Ash, I never liked him anyway.

Rias: Be my guest.

Dimitri: You heard her Ash, so let Issei have it.

Ashton starts scrolling through his aliens

Ashton: Should I burn you, freeze you, stab you on crystal spikes, flat the skin from your bones? Tell me how would you like to die?

Dimitri: May I make a suggestion, remember the infinity war movie?

Ashton: Yeah why?

He then sees Dimitri making a finger snap.

Ashton: Oh, I see. *activates the armory as a red multi jeweled gauntlet appears on his right arm*

Issei: What is that?

Dimitri: Oh this thing apparently it's the most powerful item in the marvel world it's called the infinity gauntlet and it allows my friend here to control all aspects of the universe such as time, space, reality, mind, soul, and power.

Ashton: Yup and as Thanos would say "Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say I am."

Ashton then snapped his fingers as Issei screamed and turned to dust as a second scream is heard as well

Dimitri: You Thanos snapped away Koneko didn't you Ash?

Ashton: Well duh.

Dimitri: I respect that.

Dimitri then sees a green orb was left as it became a red gauntlet.

Dimitri: The boosted gear. *picks it up* I like this. I think it would be best to keep it.

We later see them going to the Exo-Vac along with the characters of this world.

Lexi: I still don't get something. The money was in the column like Dimitri and Ash figured.

Chase: But the painting pointed at the greenhouse.

Ashton: Somebody must have moved the picture.

Dimitri: Which would have had the portrait pointed directly at the column.

Rias: And Issei would have-

Ashton starts screaming in pain as the gauntlet falls off revealing his arm to be severely burned

Dimitri: Oh right, we forgot about that. The gauntlet can injure the wearer's arm after doing that snap.

Chase: I know of a recipe that can heal him.


Dimitri: Just be sure that it won't turn him evil if you misbrew the soup.

We see Chase as he was creating the Lau Ming Long soup as we see the others waiting.

Kimiko: Can we actually trust Chase?

Dimitri: What choice do we have? Ashton's life is dependent on that unholy concoction.

We then see Chase as he brought a bowl of the Lau Ming Long soup to Ashton as he took a drink as his arm fully healed as his eyes turned reptilian and scales covered him

Dimitri: Chase what did you do!?

Chase: I only gave him a drink of the soup!

Ashton's teeth grew large and razor sharp as his mouth turns into a muzzle as a tail appears as sharp dorsal plates grow out of his back as his skin turns charcoal black and he lets out an earth shattering roar as everyone covered their ears.

Dimitri: Chase that soup turned Ashton into a godzilla but human sized

Ashton: *deep voice* What happened to me?

Dimitri: You became a godzilla.

Ashton: How do I change back?!

Chase: Concentrate on your human appearance

Ashton began to think of his human self as he changed back as his hair turned black and his eyes turned electric blue

Dimitri: Well that's a new look. And speaking of looks I think my wardrobe can use an update.

We see Dimitri with the armory app as he was now wearing blue jeans, along with a black shirt with a grey button up shirt and wore a brown jacket.

this will be Dimitri's new look and appearance for the story.
Dimitri: Much better, now where to next. *reads the device* Teen Titans.

Ashton: Classic?

Dimitri: Yup, besides I said "Teen Titans" not "Teen Titans Go down the crapper!"

Ashton: Good one! HAHAHAHA!

Dimitri: Anyway let's get going.

We then see them enter the Exo-Vac as it flies off into the portal as it closes but we see a raven bird by a tree watching them go into the portal as we go to Ravana's ship and we see Ravana was seen watching through the raven's eyes.

Ravana: *to a robot* Set a course to the teen titans world.

And Done!

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