To Xiaolin Showdown

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we see the portal open up as we see the exo-vac land outside a temple in the mountains

Daphne: Talk about stylish.

Cassidy: I am digging this.

Dimitri: We're in the home of the xiaolin monks, the dragon warriors. The dragons of fire, water, earth and wind should be inside.

Ashton walks out of the jet in a red shirt and white pants as he threw a similar outfit to Dimitri

Ashton: Might as well look the part right?

Dimitri: Yeah.

Kara: What's with the outfits?

Dimitri: These are the traditional outfits the dragon warriors wear when in the temple or in Xiaolin Showdowns.

Ashton: Plus they're comfy too.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Ryuko: But what's a xiaolin showdown?

Dimitri: It's when two or more warriors fight over the same magical item or as they are called officially shen gong wu

Ashton: They have to wager their wu to participate and the winner gets the loser's wu when they win.

???: For someone who just arrived you certainly know a lot about Shen Gong Wu.

They turned and saw four people in similar outfits as Ashton and Dimitri.i

Ashton: Speaking of the dragons, here they are.

Dimitri: Raimundo.

Raimundo: S'up?

Ashton: Kimiko.

Kimiko: Hi.

Dimitri: Omi.

Omi: Greetings.

Ashton: And Clay.

Clay: Howdy.

Ashton: And if I may be bold Ms. Tohomiko you look very very pretty today.

Kimiko: *blushes* Thanks.

Dimitri: Well since we're here my name is Dimitri and you already met Ashton.

Ashton: And we've come to help.

Dimitri: Yeah, and I think Dojo should be coming by with the scroll as a new wu has just activated.

We then see a small dragon come by holding a scroll in his hands.

Dojo: Guys a new wu has been activated.

Dimitri: We knew it.

He then opened the scroll as we see it show an hourglass

Ashton: The sands of time. A powerful and dangerous wu indeed.

Dimitri: It allows the wielder to travel into any time they want.

Dojo: Ok who are they?

Ashton: We'll explain later.

Dimitri: Right now we need to get to the wu mind taking us there?

Kara: Yeah, like we're going anywhere with a gecko.

Dojo: Gecko!?

Ashton: And you pissed the dragon off.

Then Dojo changed as he was bigger and glared at Kara.


Kara: My mistake...

We then see Dojo flying as we see them flying above the ocean.

Dimitri: So this is where the wu is?

Ashton: You better go Shinaqua bud.

Raimundo: Shinaqua? Did you make that up or something?

Ashton: Hey, Dimitri made it up. And it's a lot cooler than the name lets on.

Dimitri then slammed the watch as he turned into Shinaqua as he jumped off of Dojo and landed in the water.

Ashton: Let's see what you give me.

He then slammed the watch as he turned into Waterhazard

Ashton: Waterhazard! I was going for Heatblast but ok.

He then jumped down into the water as we see Dimitri and Ashton swimming through the ocean until Ashton seeing an hourglass

Ashton: D I found the sands.

Dimitri: Let's go.

We then see them swimming to the sands of time as two more figures started swimming to the sands of time as well

???: The shen gong wu is ours!

Dimitri: In your dreams.

We then see them reach to the sands of time as they all grab it as it began to glow.

Ashton: Yes! I've always wanted to do this!

Dimitri: Jack Spicer and Wuya we challenge you both to a Xiaolin Showdown tsunami!

Ashton: We wager The Fist of Tebigong and the star Hanabi.

Wuya: Then we wager the lotus twister and reversing mirror.

Dimitri: Wise choice, the game is a race to the end without falling into the abyss, first team to the end wins.

Ashton: We also challenge you to a shen yi bu dare!

Dimitri: Our Sword of the Storm and Eye of Dashi against your Shroud of Shadows and Monkey Staff.

Wuya: Let's go!

Dimitri, Ashton, Wuya and Jack: Xiaolin Showdown!

We then see the ocean floor become an abyss with rock platforms as we see the four at a main platform as the starting line as a light beacon was seen showing it was the finish line.

Dimitri, Ashton, Wuya and Jack: Gong Yi Tampai!

We then see Dimitri and Ashton both start to swim to the finish line as Wuya and Jack were following them.

Dimitri: Watch your back Ash, cause one thing that these showdowns can do is they don't always make this easy.

Then from in the abyss we see glowing red eyes as we see multiple tentacles rise up from the abyss as they tried to grab them as Ashton pulls out the Eye of Dashi

Ashton: Eye of Dashi!

It then shot lightning at the tentacles making them go down as we see Dimitri dodging every single tentacle coming at him as Dimitri noticed they were almost at the beacon.

Dimitri: Almost there dude.

They then saw many big urchins floating around.

Ashton: Urchins?

Then a fish swam close to an urchin as it exploded.

Dimitri: No, those are explosive urchins.

We see the urchins coming towards them as they start to swarm around them as they are dodging the urchins as we see them near the beacon.

Ashton: Almost there.

We then see Ashton and Dimitri saw a whirlpool forming beneath them as they started to swim away from the current as Ashton combined the eye of Dashi with the sword of the storm and grabbed Dimitri as we see them going to the sands of time and grab them.

Dimitri: Guess taking the wu just wasn't in the cards for them

We then see the ocean revert to normal as we see Dimitri and Ashton swim to the surface holding the wu they won.

Dimitri: We did it.

Ashton: We won a xiaolin showdown.

We later see them at the temple as we see the group putting up the wu.

Dimitri: Now that that is found the wu, we need your help, we are recruiting heroes to help save the multiverse.

Ashton: That's right, a villain called Ravana is threatening to destroy everything in existence. That reminds me I'll be right back. There's someone else I need to talk to.

We see Ashton change to XLR8 and ran off

Omi: Ok how have the two of you been able to change shape without using a shen gong wu?

Dimitri: *holds up the Omegatrix* With these watches of ours let's us both turn into many different powerful aliens like Shinaqua, Waterhazard, and the one Ashton turned into XLR8.

Kimiko: Your friend is cute.

Raimundo: So you guys can turn into many aliens?

Dimitri: Yes, but the original watch, the omnitrix has a timer for how long the transformation can last but our watches have master control, so we both can stay alien for as long as we want.

Clay: How does that work?

Dimitri: *changes to Krimzon* It means we can both go alien *changes to Shinaqua* By just thinking about the alien we want.

We see Ashton as he was running and was now at an ominous mountain

Ashton: Ok Wuya. I know you're in there so I'm gonna have to be careful no to disturb-

???: Disturb who?

Ashton then turned and saw a man in green armor

Ashton: Chase Young I presume?

Chase: That is correct and you are?

Ashton: Ashton and for why I'm here let's just say that the fate of many worlds is at risk. Now either you and Wuya can help so everything doesn't get destroyed by someone else's hands or you get out of my way and I'll take Wuya by force.

Chase: *ponders for a minute* You make a valid point. Wuya and I will help you.

Ashton: Good cause we are going to be leaving soon to the next dimension so friends until the multiverse is safe? *presents hand to Chase*

Chase: Very well, I will accept this truce. *shakes Ashton's hand*

Ashton: Alright now I need to get Wuya and we'll be on the road.

We see the group at the exo-vac as they see Ashton coming with both Chase and Wuya as the dragons got into a fighting stance

Ashton: Whoa whoa whoa! They aren't here to fight! They want to help us with our problem.

Chase: Your friend explained to us about the entire multiverse being in danger so I have accepted his offer.

Dimitri: Good and I have seen you as one of my favorites in the show.

Chase: Pardon?

Dimitri: Oh right, me and Ash are from a dimension where you guys are characters to a show called Xiaolin Showdown.

Ashton: Oh and speaking of villains, Chase, I brought you an old friend.

He then held up a red bean with an evil face on him

Chase: Hannibal!

Ashton: Yup. I also took his favorite toy away from him. *the sleeve on his right arm fell down and everyone sees the Mobey Morpher on his arms*

Dimitri: *looks at Hannibal* Not so tough now without your wu huh Jellybean?

Hannibal: Why you little!

Ashton: Shut up Pinto Bean! Chase, would you like to get rid of him?

Chase: I couldn't agree more.

Chase then squished Hannibal in between his hands like a bug

Ed: And don't even think about it, think about it.

Ashton: Ed, now's not the time.

Dimitri: Yeah, where to next? *looks at the device* Highschool DxD.

Ashton: *sarcastic* Oh goody goody gumdrops. The land of perverts and buttmunchers.

Dimitri: Tell me about it. Let's just see what there is there, take care of it, and be on our way.

Ashton: If I see Issei or Koneko I'm burying them. Dig?

Dimitri: Don't get me started on them so if you do go for it.

Jessica: Um not to butt in on your conversation but what is this dimension you two are talking about?

Dimitri: Highschool DxD is basically an anime that doubles as purely "adult entertainment"

Yoko: How so?

Ashton: It basically says "screw clothes and have everybody pork each other"!

Dimitri: And for how we know about it, we only saw one episode and it had full frontal nudity. And not in a fun way.

Ashton: Let's just end it and say it's really dirty and we aren't comfortable talking about it.

Dimitri: And I wish we can just forget this whole conversation. It makes me feel like I need a shower.

We see them get in the Exo-Vac and see it fly off into the portal as it closes.

And done!

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