To mystery Incorperated

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We see the portal open up as they landed on a nearby cliff overlooking a small town

Ashton: Welcome to Crystal Cove. The most hauntedest place on Earth.

Dimitri: Yeah, normally in other scooby doo shows the gang travels around the world but this is a special case. All the mysteries they solved took place here.

Ashton: Yeah like a man crab, a ghost truck with flaming tires, Krampus, and other monsters.

Dimitri: Like a gnome attacking pirates at a renaissance fair.

Jessica:And who was behind it?

Ashton: The court fool.

Dimitri: Which he was actually the queen's husband, Gil Littlefoot.

Ashton: And at first he seemed tall.

Zee: But how could he be the gnome if he was tall?

Dimitri: There's a reason their family name is Littlefoot.

Ashton: He means the guy was actually short the whole time.

Dimitri: His plan was to frame his wife for the gnome attacks and once she was blamed, take her fortune for himself.

Ashton: He planned it for years. But like most mysteries in this show it was really stupid.

Dimitri: Yeah, and all those years he looked down at his wife but it was revealed that she was taller than him

Kara: Must have been a bummer for him having baby legs.

Ashton: Big time. Now what say you guys to a look around town?

Dimitri: And since we have a knowledge of the show we should be able to know where the members of this world's scooby gang are.

Ashton: Most likely at the high school.

Dimitri: Let's go check it out.

We later see the group going to Crystal Cove High as they looked around when Ashton sees a student struggling with her locker

Ashton: Here let me help you.

He then hit the locker with his fist as it opened

Ashton: There you go.

Alice May: Thank you so much. I'm Alice May.

Ashton: Ashton. Us new guys have to stick together right?

Alice: Right.

Ashton: I'll see you around.

He then walked to the group.

Ashton: Guys I think I might know which episode we're in. Episode 6 of Season 1. The Legend of Alice May.

Dimitri: You mean the one where the gang goes to prom?

Ashton: Bingo.

Dimitri: We should find the gang soon.

???: Like, hi new guys.

Dimitri: Oh and speaking of which.

They looked and saw the gang standing next to them

Ashton: Velma if I may get rid of the bows. They make you look like you're twelve.

He then removed the bows.

Dimitri: See you look much better now.

Velma: *blushes* Thanks.

Ashton: And Fred. You are a trap obsessed moron!

Dimitri: Seriously dude, get a hobby! That isn't a trap!

Ashton: As for you Daphne. Fred is too dense to return your affections

Dimitri: Exactly.

Ashton: I'm sorry. But I however would return your affections as well as take you to the prom. If you'll have me?

Dimitri: And Velma if you like I can take you to the prom.

Daphne: We'd like that very much.

Dimitri: We'll pick you girls up at 7.

We then see a dark skinned woman in green working at a radio station

Ashton: Cassidy Williams I presume?

She then turned to see Ashton sitting on a couch.

Angel: How did you?

Ashton: Know your real name? It's simple. I've done some digging. On you, the town, and your past with Brad Chiles, Judy Reeves, Professor Pericles, and Ricky Owens. Or is it Mr. E? I tend to get confused a lot. Look, I only came to tell you that me and my friends came to help you with the cursed treasure. And the entity buried with it.

Angel: You can?

Ashton: Yes, we want to make sure that this evil never gets free. And to prevent Pericles from merging with it.

Angel: Where are your friends?

Ashton: They're waiting outside.

We saw the others as they were outside.

Duck: How long do we have to wait?

Dimitri: Ashton said he will handle it. Good thing I bought something to pass the time.

He then held a box with a cake in it until a blur came and the box was gone.

Dimitri: What the?

He then looked and saw a boy with goggles and a jacket as he had the cake.

???: Thanks for the snack.

He then ran off.

Dimitri: Give that back thief!

Then he was knocked down by a monkey with an eyepatch.

Bobo: Nothing personal kid, a monkey's gotta eat. We owe ya one.

Then he ran off with the boy.

Dimitri: Come back! Guys wait here I got a thief to catch.

He then changed to Shinaqua and ran after them as we see Rex and Bobo in the woods.

Rex: Bobo, you said he had food, this is just a cake.

Bobo: Cakes are technically food.

Dimitri: Give that cake back!

They then turned and saw Dimitri as Shinaqua.

Rex: Aaah! Bobo, it's an EVO!

Dimitri then leaped at them as they ran with him chasing them.

Dimitri: You're not getting away this time, snack stealer!

A fireball is thrown between them as they turned and see Ashton as Heatblast

Ashton: Hey! That's enough!

Dimitri: Hey he stole our cake, I was trying to get it back!

Ashton: Btw, how did you and Bobo get here Rex?

Rex: Don't know one minute I was punching an Evo the next minute Bobo and I winded up here.

Ashton: Interesting. Let's just forget this whole thing and we get back to the other huh?

Dimitri: Alright.

Rex: Fine.

Ashton: And I say we're lucky no one saw us.

Angel: Don't be too sure about that.

They turned and saw Angel.

Dimitri: Busted.

Ashton changes back

Ashton: One good turn deserves another. We know her past, she deserves to know ours.

Dimitri: Alright. *changes back* Me and Ashton are from another dimension in which you are from tv shows. The same goes with you and Bobo, Rex. However yours was cancelled too soon.

Ashton: Preach.

Dimitri: Look, the point is we need your help.

???: Any chance we can help?

They then turned and saw three goth girls

Ashton: No offense girls but these new outfits of yours are really tacky.

Dimitri: If we can make a suggestion perhaps you can try wearing your classic outfits. Now those had style that can never be topped.

Luna: You do have a point. Our manager made us wear these. I always preferred our classic looks better.

Ashton: So do we.

Ashton handed them three suitcases

Ashton: I believe these belong to you.

Dimitri: Yeah and we do have a point. Your original looks are simple, elegant and classic. Plus, the spooky side of said outfits make you look incredibly beautiful.

Thorn: Flattery will get you a favor.

Ashton: That reminds me we could use your help with a mystery your old friends Mystery Incorporated are trying to solve.

Dimitri: Yeah, and we have the perfect idea for how to catch the culprit.

Ashton: I'm gonna be bait aren't I?

Dimitri: Yup.

We later see the group in the school with the Hex Girls on stage playing music with Ashton slow dancing with Daphne.

Daphne: This is nice.

Ashton: It is.

We see Dimitri as he was with Velma slow dancing as he looks at the others and nodded as they went to positions.

Dimitri: *in mind* If we're right the ghost lady will show up right about now.

Then we see a ghost girl appear as everyone begins to run as Ashton sees her coming towards him

he heads to a spot with an X on it as Dimitri was running to a rope.

Ghost Girl: I hope you saved a dance for me Ashton! HAHAHAHAHA!

Ashton: Oh you'll see what I have. But you'll have to catch me first!

We see Dimitri as he was almost to the rope.

Dimitri: Gimme something good.

He then slammed the watch as he became a red humanoid feline alien with green shorts and the badge was on his left arm.

Dimitri: El Fuego!

He then jumped as he then grabbed the rope as he pulled it down as we see Ashton saw the ghost girl was at the spot the X was at as we see the ghost girl was then brought up by a rope

Ghost Girl: Let me go!

We then see a sheriff and a man come into the room

Mayor: Titillating tail feathers Fred! I thought I told you if you see a ghost girl don't go to the prom with her!

Fred: Don't worry dad she's not really a ghost.

Dimitri: Indeed Amigo, under this mask she is actually.

He then pulled the mask off the ghost girl revealing it was Alice May.

Dimitri: Alice May, or Alice Carswell.

Ashton: As the dumb monkey sheriff knows well that is the last name of Deacon Carlswell, the Creeper.

Dimitri: And we know why you did it Alice, after your father was arrested you wanted revenge. You used your dad's costume to make one of your own, and you tied up Randy in the Carswell Crypt

Ashton: You wanted to destroy mystery inc like how they destroyed your father. Or so you say.

Alice: What are you saying?

Dimitri: *changes back* You can drop the act Alice. We know that the story is bupkus and that it was made up by Mr. E.

Velma: How do you know about Mr. E?

Ashton: You learn a few things when you watch a tv show. Like this world for instance.

Dimitri: He means that my Amigo and I are from another dimension where you all are characters from a tv show. *changes back* Which explains how we both know everything about you, the town, and the cursed treasure.

Ashton: Oh that reminds me. Fred, the mayor, isn't your real father.

Dimitri: He's right, your real parents are Brad and Judy. And man are they terrible parents. I mean where do I start with them?!

Ashton: How about trying to kill their own son multiple times.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Lexi: But what about this cursed treasure?

Ashton: It's right under this very building.

Dimitri: Which means we should be able to get to it.

Dimitri then slammed the watch and became a humanoid armadillo with yellow armor and pistons sticking out of its elbows.

Dimitri: Armodrillo!

Daphne: What the?!

Ashton: We have watches that turn us into aliens. Watch.

He then slammed his watch as he turned into Big Chill

Ashton: We call this one Big Chill.

We then see Dimitri walk to a spot as his hands turned into drills as he drilled through the floor as we see Ashton making an ice slide down the hole as everyone else followed them as we see them inside a underground cave as it was filled with gold and treasure with a crystal sarcophagus sitting on top of it all

Dimitri: There it is the source that's been causing all this trouble.

Ashton: Come on Ultimatrix, give me something sharp and pointy.

He then slapped the badge as Ashton changed into Krimzon

Ashton: Krimzon? That'll do.

Ashthon then shot red crystal shards around the sarcophagus.

Dimitri: Alright we need to get out cause soon those crystals are gonna explode!

Dimitri then turned to Gravattack as he became a sphere and used his gravity powers to lift everyone out of the cave as we see the crystals glow yellow and explode destroying the sarcophagus as we see a vortex opening up as it began to suck everything as we see Dimitri as Abatoon grabbing onto the group as we see the vortex create a galactic implosion along with a bright light as everyone saw they were in crystal cove.

Duck: That's it? This place looks the same.

Dimitri: Look at the sign duck.

Duck: *sees the sign and reads it* Crystal Cove, the sunniest place on Earth. Didn't the sign say the most hauntedest place on Earth?

Ashton: Remember when we destroyed the crystal sarcophagus?

Duck: Yeah.

Garnet: It led to the evil entity being destroyed and by doing so it was as it never existed, so all the evil all the people under its influence are gone.

Angel: Then how come I still remember it?

Dimitri: Cause we were the only ones who didn't get sucked into the vortex. We all created an alternate timeline where the gang here have normal and productive lives, like Fred's parents being obstetricians, Daphne's parents being supportive and proud of her, Shaggy being a president of a chef's club and winner of multiple cooking awards

Shaggy: But, I'm like a slacker.

Dimitri: Your parents won't buy that story and destroido is now a company called creationex. Run and operated by Ricky Owens and Professor Pericles who is not evil. And Marcie Fleach is now Velma's friend outside of mystery inc and they are both a team and win every year's science fair. And of course Fred, Gary, and Ethan congratulated you for winning the soccer championship last night and of course the mayor is coach to the soccer team and another thing a disc was sent by Harlan Ellison or in this timeline is called Mr. E.

He then held up a disc as Ashton brought a laptop and played it as they saw a video of a man on the screen.

Harlan: Hello, I'm Harlan Ellison, but you can call me Mr. E. I know that you all have created an alternate timeline and I know that you had help from two boys from another dimension. "How?" you may ask, It's obvious as antlers on a chihuahua. I'm a genius! All my years of writing speculative fiction has hyper tuned my psychic mnemonic connection with alternate dimensions. That's why I am able to remember every timeline ever created. And believe me, this has happened before, but you kids have slipped the time stream with me. Very rare. You're very strange. That's why I sent you this message. These boys will need all the help they can get to save all the dimensions in existence which is why you should go with them.

Dimitri: See guys? You should join us. *reaches to turn the laptop off*

Harlan: One more thing you need to know and this is for Dimitri Chernov.

Dimitri then looked at the laptop.

Harlan: There is something you should know: the device you have is unique but there is someone who is after it, and won't stop hunting you down until he gets what he wants. You need to keep that device safe, and whatever you do, do not let Ravana get his hands on it, he gets the device he will use it to enter your world and destroy it, you and Ashton are the only thing that stands between him and the destruction of the multiverse.

Dimitri sees the screen go off as Dimitri begins to think.

Jessica: What is it?

Dimitri: That name, I heard it before.

Ashton: That's right. Just before we picked up Esdeath, Leone, Najenda and the others from their world we were attacked by a ship with the word Ravana written on it.

Dimitri: Let's go. We're going to Xiaolin Showdown.

Ashton: Nice! One of my favorites from when I was a kid! Although the sequel series was god awful!

Dimitri: Tell me about it. The Shen Gong Wu were stupid, the characters were ugly, the cgi in the showdowns made no sense!

Ashton: The first one was better.

Dimitri: Well let's get going.

We see them enter the Exo-Vac as it takes off into the portal as it closes.

And Done!

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