In acmetropolis

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We see the portal open up as we see the group walk out of it and sees that they are in a different animation style

Dimitri: Of course, every time we enter a different world we appear in a different animation style.

Ryuko: Why?

Dimitri: My guess that it is to protect the world order. *sees ice around the city* Ice? Something tells me like from before this is the first episode of an American cartoon from 2005 called Loonatics Unleashed.

Ashton: And the ice vikings should be showing up in 5...4...3...2...1.

Then they saw a large iceberg crash nearby and everything started to freeze.

Ashton: D we gotta get to Loonatics tower and fast! Think the app has something that's fast and can fly?

Dimitri: Let's see here. *looks at the app* Show articles. *Sees the ben 10 article* Let's see what Ben 10 has to offer. *the omnitrix and ultimatrix show up* Let's do this one.

Ashton: *takes the ultimatrix* Good call.

They both then turned into aliens that look like a manta ray with legs and a rock man with his head on fire.

Ashton: Check it out I'm totally hot!

Dimitri: You are but was it a wise choice for him?

Ashton: What can I say. Heatblast is a classic. Also little known fact Heatblast was Ben's fastest alien next to XLR8 easily passing the speed of sound.

Dimitri: He is isn't he. And in my opinion I liked the classic continuity better than the reboot.

Ashton shudders

Ashton: The reboot makes me sad. Ryuko, Satsuki get close to me and hold on.

They then grabbed onto Ashton as he then made fire blast out of his hands making him fly as Dimitri flew along with them

Satsuki: Ok so where is this Loonatics Tower?

Dimitri: If our knowledge on cartoons is correct

Ashton: And it is.

Dimitri: The tower is the tallest building with what looks like a giant ball at the top.

Ryuko: What like that building over there?

They then saw the tower.

Ashton: Yeah that's it.

They then flew to the tower as Dimitri changed to an alien that looked like a ghost and phased through the wall as Ashton became an alien that looked like a moth man and made him, Ryuko and Satsuki intangible and phased through the wall

Ashton: Ok you can let go of me now.

Then the two let go of Ashton as Dimitri looked at the app and saw settings for the omnitrix and ultimatrix.

Dimitri: Oh we can change settings like add things and make them permanent on our normal selves. Sweet.

Ashton: Does the settings let us change the watches appearance? Green doesn't match with my eyes.

Dimitri: On it on yours and though the reboot had things like those omni upgrades it could have been better if they were in classic style.

Ashton: Although the Antitrix was decent.

Dimitri: Yeah, *finishes the setting* Done, I changed the color on your watch and added the features to my watch.

Ashton changes back and sees the ultimatrix was now a bright red color.

Ashton: Let's have a look around

Dimitri then changed back as the omnitrix was different in appearance due to the modifications as it looked like the omniverse version but with slightly different colors on the face of it

Dimitri: Good idea.

They then started to walk around until they heard a voice.

Tech: Brr. Now that is cold, where did you get it? Iceland?

They then looked out a door and noticed a humanoid coyote wearing a black suit with green accents and fur talking to a humanoid roadrunner wearing a black and red suit with red feathers on his tail

Rev: Actually... NoIjustpickeditupatthepizzajointdowntownwhichisalotcolderthannormal.

Ashton: It's Tech E. Coyote and Rev Runner! Yes!

Dimitri: Dude, the point is to come to them.

Ashton: Watch and learn. *to the three boys in the room* Excuse me guys.

The yellow bunny pointed his sword at Ashton

Ace: Who are you and how did you get in here?

Ashton: Whoa whoa whoa! Let's not get violent. I am just a humble traveler that couldn't help but overhear your predicament. And can I say I am a huge fan of the five of you?

Ace: Thanks.

Duck: Ahem! What about me?!

Ashton sees a black and orange duck wearing a cape.

Ashton: You are annoying.

Dimitri: Got that right.

Ashton: Oh that's right Ace these are my traveling companions. Dimitri, Satsuki and Ryuko.

Dimitri: It's awesome to meet the greatest heroes that no one gave a chance to.

Tech: I'm sorry but could you clarify that please?

???: Allow me Tech.

Ashton: Is that who I think it is?

They turned and saw a hologram of a blonde woman

Ashton: Zadavia! I knew it!

Zadavia: Our new friends have come from a dimension where our world is a tv show.

Rev: ThatsoundsridiculousZadaviaimeanourworldistheonlyoneintheuniverse.

Dimitri: She's right and how do you know about that Zadavia?

Ashton: Dude Zadavia knows everything! Oh and btw your pizza's a little cold guys allow me to fix that.

He then turned into Heatblast and thawed out the pizza fully cooking it

Ashton: There we are. *notices the Loonatics looking around confused*

Ace: Where did the red guy go?

Ashton: I'm right here.

Dimitri: Me and Ash have watches that let us turn into various aliens.

Dimitri then hit the core as he was seen as a being made of blue electricity and had stone armor on him.

Ashton: That's Shock Rock and the alien I am is called Heatblast. Oh and Lexi should be arriving now.

We see the doors open as we see Lexi come in as she had on ear buds

Ashton: My favorite of the Loonatics has arrived. Ace you, Tech, Rev, and Slam are my second favorites.

Dimitri: And speaking of Slam, Tech you ordered more than the one pie right?

Tech: No, why?

Dimitri: Cause Slam is in the house.

We then hear heavy winds as the doors blow open and the largest member of the Loonatics appears as he was covered with ice

Ashton: Yes! The life of the party is here!

Dimitri: Now that you guys are here, we came to help you with your problem like the ice vikings.

Ashton changes back as Lexi starts blushing

Ashton: Exactly. That's why we're here.

Dimitri: So we can help you out.

Lexi grabs Ashton's arm

Lexi: I say we let them help. So long as I get to work with you handsome.

Ashton: Ok.

Dimitri: Then we better get going. Oh and Ryuko, I have something for you that can help you and senketsu. *gives her a red glove* this will help you with synchronizing with him and allowing you to use your powers more reliably

Ryuko: Thanks, but I still can't get over the fact about Senketsu being a you know.

Dimitri: Don't worry Ryuko, you'll get used to it.

Ashton: Tech we're gonna need something to melt that ice.

Tech: I have just the thing

We then see them with metal spheres in their hands.

Tech: The retro-fire master blaster. Hold it in the palm of your hand and squeeze twice.

Rev did just that as a large blaster appeared and covered his arm

Rev: Wow! Cool!

Slam tried to do the same but dropped it as he stepped on it and the blaster appeared and covered his foot as it activated and started making him fly around.

Slam: *screams*

Ashton: Uncurl your toes! Uncurl your toes!

He then uncurled his toes as the blaster returned to a sphere as he fell down.

Dimitri: Gotta love the inventions.

Dimitri then slammed his watch as he was now  was contained inside a suit of armor

Ashton: Um dude? Why is Amphibian in a suit of armor?

Dimitri: Oh. Sorry wrong form.

Dimitri tapped the badge as he was an alien in a containment suit that had the badge on it.

Dimitri: NRG!

Duck: What good is this guy? He's just a giant tin can!

Ashton: You say that now Duck but NRG's real body is made of 100% pure radiation. That suit is to protect us from said radiation.

Dimitri: Yes, but not only can this form use radiation but it can also use heat to melt stuff like steel or in this case ice.

Ashton: Exactly, so let's go chip some ice.

Ashton turned into a green alien with flame like spikes on his head and slapped the badge and turned into a large tree like alien with blue goo splotches all over him

Ashton: Ultimate Swampfire!

We then see the group as they were seen going to the iceberg as they saw it.

Rev: Ohmanthathastobethebiggesticebergiveeverseenandiveseensomerealdooziesbutwhoa!

Ashton: Rev watch where you're talking!

Reb then saw he was heading to the iceberg as he then flew up to avoid it as they saw it.

Tech: Ok, what wise guy moved mount everest?

Ace: Alright , snow cones for everyone. Set blasters on thaw. Or if you're Ashton or Dimitri blast away!

They then started to blast at the iceberg as they saw it didn't do anything.

Ace: Cease fire cease fire!

Ashton: That was our best shot and it didn't do a thing!

Dimitri: Plan B, Slam do your thing.

Duck: Hey what's up with your voice?

Dimitri: My voice?

Ashton: He means why does NRG sound Russian.

Dimitri: Oh, well I am not sure of that but just to clarify I happen to be half Russian.

Ashton: Half Aussie right here.

We then see Slam as he starts to spin around the iceberg creating a ring of fire.

Ashton: Easily the best part of the first episode.

Duck: Glorified zamboni, chipping ice isn't a superpower, quacking is a superpower, observe.

he then teleported only to be inside the iceberg.

Duck: You can stop observing now.

Ashton: Correction that was the best part of the episode.

Dimitri: But let's be prepared. cause once the ice breaks apart we are going to have company.

We then see Slam stop spinning as we then see the iceberg break apart revealing a metal viking ship as we see it open as we see robot vikings come out.

Ace: Boy are you guys lost.

We then see the leader come out as Ace saw him.

Ace: What's up doc?

Gunnar: I am Gunnar.

Ace: Gonna what? Go to a viking convention?

Gunnar: No, we are here to take over your world.

Dimitri: You guys should leave cause this is a no invasion zone.

Gunnar: We will conquer your world by any means necessary.

Ashton: No you won't.

Gunnar: Yes we will.

Ace: No you won't.

Gunnar: Yes we will.

Dimitri: Yes you will.

Gunnar: No we won't conquer your world!

Ashton: Whatever you say doc.

Gunnar: *growls* I will enjoy crushing you... you... ok what are you?

Dimitri: Me or him?

Gunnar: Both of you actually.

Ashton: We are your worst nightmare Frosty.

Gunnar then tried to hit them with his sword as they both dodged it but Ashton was a little late and was cut in two.

Ashton: Oh would you look at that. I've been cut in two. Hahaha!

We then see one half of Ashton bring out vines as they went to the other half of himself and brought him back together.

Ashton: You are in so much trouble.

Gunnar then raised his sword but was tackled by Dimitri but got pinned down by the other vikings as one was trying to remove the lid of the suit.

Dimitri: Whatever you do, keep this suit closed! Don't open me up, it will end NRG!

Then the viking ripped off the top of the suit as a blast came out as Dimitri flew out as he was a being made of energy wearing a green and black lower lever containment suit with the badge on his belt.

Dimitri: Suckers! Haha!

Gunnar: Run away!

We then see them run to the ship as they only saw Dimitri flying to it and created a hole to its power source.

Gunner: Warriors! Don't let him-

He then saw Dimitri grab the power source and then ate it.

Gunner: Do that...

Dimitri then swallowed the source as he let out a belch as he then brightened up.

Dimitri: *chews and swallows the rest of the source* That is a good energy engine.

He then raised his hand sending blasts at the vikings and the ship destroying them as they saw Dimitri land to the group as he went back in NRG's containment suit and changed back to normal

Dimitri: And that as they say is that.

Ashton: Yeah, but remember what the note said, we may have won this battle but the war is only beginning.

Lexi: War? What war?

Dimitri: You remember Zadavia saying that we were from a different world where everything here is a tv show?

Ace: Yeah.

Dimitri: Well we believe that we were here to stop someone but we don't know who from destroying the tv multiverse and conquering our world.

Ashton: What we're asking is. Can we count on your help?

Ashton sticks his hand out as Ace looked at him and smiled.

Ace: Sure.

Dimitri: But we need a ship for us for travel, do you guys have one?

Ashton: Tech made something in the second episode called the exo-vac and it had a jet mode.

Dimitri: Then I think I may have something to speed our time up.

Dimitri then turned into an alien that was a gold robot as its gears were seen as the badge was on his chest.

Dimitri: Clockwork!

Ashton: Allow me to double that time.

Ashton turned into a blob of black and green metal and merged with Dimitri

Dimitri: Now that jet will be ready in no time.

Then the key on his head began to spin very fast as a green field was made as it spread to the entire planet as we then see everyone at the tower and were next to the Exo-Vac 4800x.

Dimitri: And done.

Duck: Wait it's been a day already? It felt like seconds.

Dimitir and Ashton both turn back to human.

Dimitri: Clockwork has the ability to control time.

Ashton: And Upgrade can well upgrade any kind of machine Clockwork included.

Dimitri: Yeah but clockwork can cause a sotobro effect.

Ace: Sotobro effect?

Ashton: It's a ripple in the time stream clockwork causes when he uses his powers.

Dimitri: It's a little hard to explain but what you should know is that it can be detected by any being that can control time. But let's get going.

We then see them go in the exo-vac as Dimitir pressed the button and the portal opened and they went in it as we see them going through the portal.

Lexi: So how many of these dimensions are there in the Tv Multiverse?

Dimitir: Well in our world there have been lots of shows some lasted for just one or two seasons that were cancelled for stupid reasons like yours and there are shows that should've died long ago but people are still making it to the point of it not being funny anymore.

Ashton: And the next stop we're going to is for a japanese show called Gurren Lagann. Personally I've never seen a single episode of it.

Dimitri: Well I have been watching it and well I'm still watching the episodes.

Ashton: How far are you talking?

Dimitri: So far I've seen six episodes and am still watching the seventh one and rest in counting.

Duck: Nerd alert!

Ashton: Watch it Duck lest I turn into Heatblast again and eat you for dinner.

Dimitri: And besides I do have a favorite character in it even though I've been watching it for a little bit.

Slam: *grunts sounding like "Who's the character you're talking about?"*

Dimitri: This one. Yoko Littner.

He then showed his phone as they saw a image of a girl with red hair and wearing very little clothing

Rev: Whyisntshewearingashirt?

Dimitri: To be honest I have no idea. That's just what they wanted her to look like. like i said i've only seen six episodes and am still watching it.

Ashton: On what?

Dimitri: Netflix.

Ashton: Huh. Cool, I may have to watch it one day.

Ace: Yo guys. Your gizmo is beeping.

They looked and saw the device as it showed that they arrived.

Ashton: We're here.

And Done!

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