To kill la kill

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We see two boys as they were both watching TV as it was on Kill La Kill.

Ashton: If this Ryuko is so freaking strong how did she lose to Shadow?

Dimitri: Hey if she won or not, she's still my favorite.

Ashton: I'm not hating on her. But if you ask me Satsuki is way better.

Dimitri: Alright, but I kinda wish there would be a time that adventure could await for us.

Ashton: Preach.

Dimitri: But chances like that would happen is doubtful.

Then the TV began to spark purple electricity as it then came to the two and they were then gone as we then see them appear at a city on an artificial island as the two saw each other and saw they appeared to be anime.

Dimitri and Ashton: AAAH! *pointing at each other* YOUR AN ANIME!!! *Points at themselves* I'M AN ANIME!!!

Dimitri: Wait, this is gotta be a dream, this can't be-

He then got slapped in the face by Ashton

Dimitri: Dude!

He then slapped Ashton in the face as he slapped him back as the two began slapping each other as they stopped.

Ashton: Stop! This ain't a dream! But how did we get here?

Dimitri: Maybe it's magic or... or the trickster from supernatural.

Ashton: But he's dead.

Dimitri: *dramatically* Or is he?

Ashton: *deadpan* Really?

Dimitri: Look I'm sorry it's just a big shock to me alright?

He then looked to see a girl with a case.

Dimitri: Is that... Ryuko Matoi?

Ashton: Wait, that means we're not in some ordinary anime.

Dimitri: We're in Kill La Kill.

He then looked and saw Ryuko wasn't wearing Senketsu.

Dimitri: Hey, she's not wearing Senketsu. *realizes* That means we're in the first episode!

Ashton: Then that means... Satsuki is at the academy.

Dimitri: And if we wanna get there I say we go with Ryuko.

Dimitri then started to walk towards Ryuko as Ashton followed him as they walked up to Ryuko.

Dimitri: Hey.

Ryuko: The hell you want?

Dimitri: The name's Dimitri.

Ashton: And I'm Ashton.

Dimitri: We saw you and was wondering where you're going?

Ryuko: Honnoji Academy. You?

Ashton: Same.

Dimitri: Mind if we come with you?

Ryuko: Whatever.

Ashton: Wow. Rude!

Dimitri: Let's just get going.

We then see them as they started to walk to Honnoji academy as a boy ran by and ran around them.

Boy: Whoops! Sorry!

The boy then ran to a corner.

Mataro: Heh,that was a piece of cake.

He then saw that he was holding a lemon with a bite on it.

Mataro: I could have sworn I grabbed her wallet!

Then the lemon was grabbed by Ryuko as Dimitri and Ashton were with her.

Ryuko: Stealing half eaten lemons from people?

Dimitri: Nice manners kid.

Mataro: Don't be getting all cute with me! I get way more action than the three of you!

Ryuko: Good, then you can die here without any regrets.

Mataro: Heh, I was gonna say that to you. Come on out boys!

Then Mataro's gang came out with weapons as they surrounded Ryuko.

Dimitri: Let's let Ryuko handle them.

They then backed away as they watched them charge at Ryuko and she instantly beat them in 3 seconds as they then bowed and backed away.

all: We give up you win!

Dimitri: Figures you'd chicken out.

Mataro: We weren't really gonna do anything really. We're a passive aggressive gang.

Ryuko: I'm not gonna fight people who can't fight back.

Dimitri: You're lucky I don't like violence, kid.

They then started to walk off until a bag hit Mataro as a girl was seen coming in at fast speeds.

Mako: Hold it!!!!

She then tackled Mataro to the ground.

Mako: Mugging folks at the crack of dawn again huh?

Mataro: Crap! It's my big sister!

Mako: How many times do I have to tell you to stop taking people down and get your fanny to school, do you have a death wish or something?

Mataro: I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!

He then ran off along with his gang as they watched them leave.

Mako: Dumb little jerk.

Ashton: Oh joy it's the comic relief.

Dimitri: Classic Mako.

Mako: Sorry about that are you- *hears a bell* AAAAH! I'M GONNA BE LATE!

She then ran to a trolley as they watched her get on.

Dimitri: Methinks we should try and catch that trolley

Ashton: No duh Sherlock! *grabs Dimitri* Come on!

they then ran to the trolley as they got on as we later see them at the entrance of Honnoji academy.

Dimitri: Incredible

Ashton: Let's go.

We then see a classroom as a man is writing on the chalkboard.

Mikisuki: We have three new students in class K today. please welcome Ryuko Matoi, Dimitri Chernov and Ashton Millman.

Mako: Ryuko! Dimitri! Ashton! Over here! *points at three desks near her* There's some desks you can sit in here!

Ashton: Ok

They then sat down to the desks near Mako.

Dimitri: Never thought we would be seeing you again Mako.

Mako: Me neither! I got something to ask.

Dimitri: Wondering if I'm psychic?

Mako: *Gasps* I was right! *grabs Ryuko and Ashton* Quick guys! Don't think of anything embarrassing!

Ashton: Know what I'm thinking. *bonks Mako's head* That you're an idiot.

she then let them go as she then grabbed a lunch and started eating it as they looked and saw that she immediately fell asleep.

Ashton: And of course, she's asleep.

Dimitri: I know I said this before but again, classic Mako.

We later see them outside the academy as we see Mako flying towards Ashton, Dimitri and Ryuko.

Mako: Oh guys!

They then moved out of her way as she crashed into some trash cans as they were seen walking through the academy.

Mako: Aw, why did you guys dodged me like that?

Ashton: Because you annoy me.

Mako: But I just wanted to give my besties a hug.

Dimitri: Besties?

Mako: Yeah, we're desk neighbors so that means we're all buddies.

Ryuko: Look I'm just here to find out who killed my dad.

Ashton: Ishi Matoi right?

Ryuko: Yeah, how do you know?

Dimitri: My friend and I heard about him passing and wanted to pay our respects. He was a good man.

Ryuko: Thanks, and plus I'm also here to see who's the top dog here.

Mako: Oh yeah it's- *sees the students bowing* Oh no! Quick bow guys!

Ashton: How about no. Why should I bow to poofy prep students who can't even feed themselves and who rely on butlers to do everything for them.

Dimitri then looked as he saw the students bowing as a muscular man walking.

Dimitri: Ira Gamagori, the disciplinary enforcer.

Ashton: Oh please. I can take him down in my sleep.

Mako: Please don't say that out loud and Dimitri you did it again! It's like you can read minds!

Ashton: Watch me. *to Gamagori* Hey muscle head! You don't look so tough!

Dimitri: Yeah especially since he's a lap dog to the head honcho.

Gamagori: Excuse me? New student Millman front and center!

Mako: And don't forget about the other new student Chernov.

She then pushed Dimitri and Ashton towards Gamagori.

Ashton: Yes?

Dimitri: What can we do for ya mister disciplinary enforcer?

Ashton: Or as I prefer to call you. Ya great big nancy boy!

Dimitri then started to snicker at the comment

Gamagori: Lady Satsuki what should I do with this hooligan?

Satsuki: Let me see him. I shall give him a punishment myself.

Dimitri: There Gamagori goes, being Satsuki's loyal lap dog.

Ashton: I wonder if he does tricks. *whispers* Dude why do I feel like I just pissed off a bunch of KLK fans by insulting Gamagori?

Dimitri: *whispers* I don't know.

Gamagori grabs Ashton and carries him off

Ashton: Don't worry about me guys I'll be fine!

Dimitri: Ok! Well atleast Gamagori didn't say anything about me getting any punishments.i

Gamagori: As for you Mr. Chernov. I hope the rest of your school day is a pleasant one.

Dimitri: Oh yeah. It is so far.

Ryuko: Hold it!

We see Ryuko as she was wielding a giant half of a red scissor.

Ryuko: I came here for answers, and that's what I'm going to do. So that means she has to have the other half of my scissors.

She then ran as Dimitri knew what was going to happen next as he saw her ran at Satsuki.

Dimitri: Ryuko look out!

He then pushed her out of the way as a fist collided with his stomach making him cough up blood.

Ryuko: What the?!

Mako: Dimitri can see in the future?!

We see Dimitri as he got up and wiped the blood off his mouth.

Dimitri: Guess i got to feel the experience of a punch from Ira Gamagori himself. And it's an experience I don't want to experience again because I think he broke a couple of ribs.

Satsuki: That wasn't Gamagori.

Dimitri looked and saw a student in a goku uniform with boxing gloves.

Satsuki: Takaharu.

Takaharu: Yes, captain of the boxing club Takaharu Fukuroda. I'll finish these insolent whedges with your permission.

Satsuki: These two are under my protection until I give them a suitable punishment. Do I make myself clear?

Takaharu: Yes president.

Mako then ran to Dimitri.

Mako: You ok!?

Dimitri: I have twelve broken ribs. How do you think I am?!

Satsuki: Gamagori take him to a doctor. I would like to talk to the loud mouth here in private.

Ashton: Oh I'm shaking in my boots!

Gamagori: Yes Satsuki.

He then took Dimitri as we see Ashton with Satsuki at her private room

Satsuki: Please take a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?

Ashton: *sits at a chair* Jasmine Tea would be just fine.

Satsuki: Very well, may I ask why did you antagonize Gamagori?

Ashton: I only did that because I wanted to talk to you. It's about Ryuko. Can you keep a secret and not kill me?

Satsuki: Very well, tell me.

Ashton: Ryuko is your sister. Your mom Ragyo sent her stooge Nui to kill your dad.

Satsuki: How do you know about my mother?

Ashton: Well that's a little tough to explain. Do You have a few minutes?

Satsuki: Yes.

Ashton: Ok. The thing is, me and my friend Dimitri come from a place where you and the entire world is part of a show called Kill la Kill.

Satsuki: I beg your pardon?

Ashton: I know it's crazy but it's true. And Ryuko is Dimitri's favorite character whereas you are mine. I can even show you an episode if you'll allow me.

Satsuki: I'll allow it. But once we are done with the conversation we will not speak of this to anyone as if it had never happened. Understand?

Ashton: Yes ma'am. Btw if I may be bold you look very beautiful today.

Satsuki: Well, why thank you.

Ashton: You're welcome.

He then showed Satsuki his phone and shows her an episode of Kill La Kill

Satsuki: Ok so Ryuko came here to talk to me about what happened to our dad. And I had no idea she existed until today. That makes no sense.

Ashton: Neither is how someone as nice as you had to endure your mother's *his face turns green* perverse actions. And please don't ask me how I know that. I hate myself for finding that part out at all.

Satsuki: Very well.

Ashton: Well this has been nice, but is it ok if I see if Dimitri is ok?

Satsuki: If I may come with you.

Ashton: Of course.

Ashton holds out his arm like a gentleman

Ashton: Shall we my lady?

Satsuki: We shall. You know for an American you are very suave.

Ashton: I know how to respect a lady. My parents taught me well.

Satsuki then took Ashton's arm as they both walked together as we see Dimitri at the house of a back alley doctor as Dimitri was out and his chest had bandages wrapped around it as Dimitri began to wake up and looked to see a man

Dimitri: Gah! Who the hell are you?!

Dimitri then backed away as he then clenched on his side as he looked and saw he had bandages on.

Dimitri: Look I don't know what's going on but don't try anything funny!

Mako: Hi Dimitri. Hi Dad.

Dimitri: Wait. *realizes* I'm at Mako's home? Then that means Ryuko is here too

Mako: Gamagori brought you here

Dimitri: Oh. How long was I out?

Mako: A few hours. And if you're wondering who patched you up it was daddy. Believe it or not he's-

Dimitri: A back alley doctor and is known for killing more patients than he has saved.

Mako: *gasps* You're right again!

Dimitri: But the patient part is not a good thing.

Barazo: Please, at least the dead ones can't sue the crap out of ya. Am I right or am I right?

Dimitri: True. But what would happen to you if their families found you

He then saw Mataro.

Mataro: I heard that you took a punch just for that girl. Only a knucklehead would take a punch like that.

Dimitri: *hits Mataro* I got my reasons for that punk.

Mataro: What did you do that for?

Dimitri then got up.

Mako: What are you doing?

Dimitri: Going to see Ryuko.

He then walked to the door.

Mako: But you need rest.

Dimitri: It'll take more than some broken ribs to stop me.

We later see Ryuko at the ruins of a house as Dimitri saw her and walked to her.

Dimitri: Ryuko. You doing ok?

Ryuko: Fine. Why did you do it?

Dimitri: What?

Ryuko: Why did you take the hit?

Dimitri: I couldn't let you get hurt

Ryuko: I could have handled it myself, but instead it led to you getting hurt.

Dimitri: I'm fine Ryuko, I've been through worse.

Ryuko: I just wish I was stronger.

Dimitri: Well be careful what you wish for.

Then a trapdoor opened from beneath them as they both fell down in it as it closed up as we see Mikisuki was there as he swept his hair back.

Mikisuki: Be careful what you wish for Ryuko Matoi.

We then see the two as they were boh falling down the trap door as they fell down to a large room as we see Dimitri getting up and he look to see he was on top of Ryuko.

Dimitri: Ryuko!

Ryuko then pushed him off of her

Ryuko: Get the hell off of me! What did you think you were doing you perv?!

Dimitri: I didn't see you! I wasn't trying to do anything I swear.

Ryuko: Right! *gets up and grabs her arm which was bleeding*

Dimitri: It must have got cut from when we fell.

Dimitri noticed the clothes that was down in the place they were in as he then ripped a long sleeve and wrapped it around Ryuko's arm.

Dimitri: There.

Ryuko: We gotta get out of here.

???: Wait... More, give me more.

Ryuko: Who's there?

???: More, I need more, give me more, more!

Then out from a pile of clothes they saw a sailor uniform come out.

Ryuko: What the hell? Is that a sailor uniform?

Then the uniform pinned Ryuko to a wall.

Senketsu: Don't leave, put me on, put me on! *tried to take Ryuko's shirt off*

Ryuko: No! You perv!

Senketsu: Wear me, and feed me blood. I don't want to go back to sleep!

Ryuko: You talk? Sailor uniforms don't talk!

Senketsu: We're wasting time, don't be scared. Put me on, put me on, put me on!

Ryuko: Oh my god where did you learn to talk?!

Senketsu: That's not important right now!

He then tackled Ryuko.

Ryuko: It is important! Where do sailor uniforms talk?!

Senketsu: If you don't put me on right now, I'll force you to wear me!

Then we see her clothes get thrown around.

Senketsu: There see? A perfect fit.

Ryuko: Stop it!

Then a flash of light was seen as Dimitri saw Ryuko wearing Senketsu

Dimitri: Uh...

Ryuko then saw how Senketsu looked and blushed and whacked Dimitri in the head.

Ryuko: Close your eyes, pervert!

Dimitri: Ow! Ok ok I'm looking away!

Dimitri then turned away and pulls out his phone and sees a new app

Dimitri: What's this?

He then opened the app as he saw various weapons, armors, and abilities

Dimitri: Weapons? Hmm *sees Shapeshifting and Ashton's name next to it* Ashton? I wonder what this button does.

He then pressed the button as Ashton turned blue and scaly with golden eyes and bright red hair

Dimitri: What the? That's odd.

Dimitri then looked at the phone and saw a flaming number 4 and his own name next to it

Dimitri: This one has my name next to it.

He pushed the button as Dimitri was set on fire as Ryuko saw it.

Ryuko: Oh my god you're on fire!!

Dimitri: But I don't feel like I'm on fire unless.

Dimitri then pushed the button again as Dimitri was back to normal but a a glowing green futuristic katana was in his hand

Ryuko: How are you doing that?

Dimitri: *looks at his phone* It's this app, it gives me and Ash whatever armor, weapon, or ability our names are next apparently. Come look at Ashton.

He showed her the phone and saw Ashton turn into Gamagori

Ryuko: What's Gamagori doing there?

Dimitri: That's not him, the app gave Ashton shapeshifting powers, so he can change his appearance to look like anyone. The one who normally had those powers is a character from comics on our world called Mystique. As for me the fire I was covered in was courtesy of a character called the Human Torch

Ryuko: Your world?

Dimitri: I'll explain later. Right now let's find a way out.

He then noticed in the armor section of the app was a name saying Guyver Unit as he pressed it as the phone brought out a object that looked like wires wrapped up in scrap metal

Ryuko: The hell is that?

Dimitri: The only way to find out is to press the center

Before he pressed the center began to glow as the wires began to move on their own as they then leaped at Dimitri and they began to wrap themselves around Dimitri as the metal center was seen on his head as he then began to back up and then fell into a pile of clothes as we then go to Honnouji academy as we see Ashton still blue and scaly

Ashton: What the hell happened to me?

As Ashton looked at himself he then began to think of his original self as he then shapeshifted back to normal

Ashton: Ok that was weird.

Satsuki: Ashton, is something wrong?

Ashton looked and saw Satsuki.

Ashton: Uh... well somehow I can do this.

He then changed into Satsuki

Satsuki: What the? How did you?

Ashton: I have no idea!

Dimitri: I can explain that

They turned and saw Dimitri wearing a cloak concealing his entire body

Ashton: Dude what's with the cloak?

Dimitri: It's complicated. But I found an app on my phone and it allows me and you to use various armors, weapons, and powers of characters from back home.

Ashton: No way let me see!

Dimitri then showed Ashton his phone as the sleeve was long enough to cover his hand as he saw the app.

Ashton: Ok so apparently Mystique's powers are next to my name and yours is next to this Guyver Unit. I wonder what would happen if I did this.

Ashton then pressed a reset button returning both himself and Dimitri back to normal

Ashton: Ok, so that's a reset button.

Dimitri: *realizes something* I just realize something, Mako is gonna be executed in boiling oil!

Dimitri then looked at the app.

Dimitri: And I think Ryuko will need help.

He then ran off as he pressed the button the app as we then go to the outside of the academy as all the students saw Mako was on a x Upside down as boiling oil was seen as we then see Ryuko come wearing a cloak as Dimitri was seen as well as they both came to Mako as they both broke her free as we then see the two face Takaharu.

Ryuko: Dimitri didn't expect to see you here.

Dimitri only remained silent.

Ryuko: Not talking huh? Fine guess we will have to fight then.

Takaharu: You two aren't in the club but I'll make an exception. Let's get ready!

then a bell was heard ringing signaling a match beginning as we see Takaharu launching several boxing gloves as they started to hit Dimitri and Ryuko as they both stood there taking the hits as Takaharu came and punched the two with a drill punch shredding both their cloaks as Ryuko used her scissor blade to block the punch as Dimitri grabbed the glove as well as everyone saw Ryuko as they saw her outfit and Dimitri was seen in an armor which appeared to be made of wires and an unknown material as the eyes of the armor were glowing and we see oxygen being released from the vents of the face.

Ashton: Cool armor

We then see Dimitri as he grabs the glove and then throws Takaharu in the air as Dimitri then jumps and kicks him straight to the ground as we see Gamagori along with three others with him.

Nonon: What are those?

Hoka: Are those goku uniforms?

We then see Ryuko come at Takaharu as she used her scissor blade as she slashes at him as Dimitri then punched him sending him towards Ryuko and did a slash destroying the uniform he was wearing as we see a red string come out from it and went to Senketsu as we see Dimitri sending Takaharu to the air as some students made themselves into a wall as he hit them spitting blood as the elite four blocked the blood as the eyes on the armor stopped glowing as Dimitri looked at Ryuko and Ashton.

Dimitri: Ashton? Ryuko?

Ryuko: Oh, so now you decided to talk.

Ashton: I'm guessing you weren't in control of the armor when the eyes were glowing right?

Dimitri: I don't know what happened, it felt like I was sleepwalking. *looks and sees Takaharu is down* Did I do that?

Ryuko: Yes, yes you did.

Dimitri: Oh, then I think we should go. And besides I do owe Ryuko an explanation of what I was talking about earlier.

Satsuki: I know a private place where we can talk.

Then the armor came off as they saw it going into Dimitri's phone as we later see them in Satsuki's private room.

Ryuko: Ok Dimitri talk. What do you mean by your world?

Dimitri: Me and Ashton are from another world where you guys are characters in an anime called Kill La Kill and I would assume that Ashton already told you Satsuki didn't he?

Satsuki: Yes, he told me everything about your situation.

Dimitri: And Ryuko, there are things that I know about you, like you getting senketsu, and that you and Satsuki are sisters and your mother is a psycho.

Ashton: And Ryuko, Satsuki I have a present for you two.

Ashton threw a beaten up girl in pink with an eyepatch in between them.

Ashton: I got the one who killed your father and the other half of your scissor blade.

Dimitri then noticed a note on a table and saw no name of who sent it.

Dimitri: *reading the note* If you are reading this then that means you have discovered your new app and allies but be warned you both may have won today's battle but the war is only just beginning. What's that supposed to mean?

Ashton: I think that we are in for something big. Is there more?

Dimitri: *looks at the back and sees a device attached to it along with another note.

Dimitri: *reading the note* Please use this device, it can help you both in traveling through the other worlds in the tv multiverse. Sweet.

Ashton: That means we can go to other tv shows. What's the first show loaded up?

Dimitri: *looks at the device* Oh you're gonna like this. It's Loonatics Unleashed.

Ashton: One of my favorite shows?! YES!!!!!

Ryuko: Um guys can we maybe come with you?

Ashton: I don't see why not.

Dimitri: Yeah, we're gonna need as much help as possible. Besides, we could use the company.

Dimitri then saw a button as he pressed it and saw it opening a portal as the group stepped through.

And done! Hey guys it's Dimitron75 and Ashtonmillman16 and we hope you guys like our new story. And we're gonna be focusing on this one for a while so please don't ask for updates on our other stories please? It gets really annoying. Thank you.

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