To glitch techs hq

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We see the portal open up as we see the Exo-Vac fly out and land near a store as they exit out as Dimitri sees a store.

Dimitri: The Hinobi store, that's where the glitch techs are, especially Miko and Five.

Ashton: And *retches* Mitch.

Jessica: Mitch?

Dimitri: He's a pompous punk who's more full of himself than Duck and Rad combined.

Ashton: And that's saying something.

Dimitri: Let's just head inside and find the way to the Glitch Techs HQ.

We see them enter the store as we see a heavyset man behind the counter

Dimitri: Excuse me sir, would there be a chance my friends and I can enter Glitch Tech HQ?

Phil: How do you know about that?

Dimitri: Why, we're all Glitch Tech inspectors.

Ashton: The higher ups sent us in. Heard a rumor about a glitch that's sentient and malicious. That it can talk and zap people without turning into something from a game.

Dimitri: Exactly which is why we came here.

Phil: Ok you can go in

Dimitri: Thank you sir.

They then followed Phil to a room with lockers as they saw the lockers move revealing a portal as they went inside and saw the futuristic technology inside

Dimitri: Alright we will look around and find that glitch for you.

Phil: It called itself the Phantom Virus for some reason.

Ashton: Phantom Virus huh? Sounds interesting.

Dimitri: Not to worry we will find this phantom virus and make sure it doesn't go loose.

Phil: Just don't break anything

Dimitri: Don't worry we won't break anything, right everyone?

Everyone: Right.

We see them walking through the HQ.

Dimitri: Ok, we should start with asking some of the glitch techs to see if we can get any clues on this phantom virus.

Ashes: Good call.

Dimitri: And we should start with two we both know, Miko and Five.

Ashton: Right.

We then see Phil come to them.

Phil: I forgot to give you these if you run into the virus.

He then handed them magnets.

Rad: Magnets?

Phil: These magnets have an effect on the phantom virus, like Kryptonite for Superman.

Ashton: Thank you. Carmelita, Violet, you're with us.

We see Violet holding a magnet as tacts on a board were removed and came flying at her causing her to duck.

Violet: Whoa!

Dimitri: Careful Violet, that magnet is very strong.

We see them going through the HQ until they come across the cafeteria

Ashton: I could go for some food. Guys what do you think?

Dimitri: I guess a small break won't hurt.

???: Mind if we join you?

They turned and saw a girl with purple hair and a boy with puffy indigo hair.

Dimitri: Of course.

Violet: Are you sure they can join us master?

Ashton: They're friends Violet. Of course they can

Violet: Oh ok.

Miko: Just wondering, why did she call him master?

Dimitri: It's a long story.

A few minutes later and we see the cafeteria empty with Ashton and Dimitri's stomachs very swollen as the others' stomachs are the same when they see a blue glow approach them as Ashton's eyes open to see a being made of electricity

Ashton: Oh hello Mr. Phantom. *eyes widened* Phantom!

They then see the phantom virus as they then ran out of the cafeteria and ran in a room as the virus came in as we then see Dimitri and Ashton come to him dressed as doctors

Ashton: *german accent* Well, well the patient has finally arrived.

Then Violet and Carmelita came dressed as Nurses as they led the virus to a chair and Miko placed many suction cups on his face as she was near a machine.

Miko: Alright let's start with a question. What is the first game to ever have an easter egg?

Virus: Uh...

Miko: Times up, the correct answer was Adventure.

Ashton the pressed a button and the virus got shocked

Ashton: Next question. What was the title of the first successful modern Batman game?

Virus: Uh...

Ashton: Time's up! The answer is Batman: Arkham Asylum.

He pressed the button as the virus was shocked again as he got angry and tore the sensors off his face as they ran away from the virus as we see them running out the room as the virus went after them as we see them in an animal glitch companion room as the virus went to it all the animal glitch companions ran out and trampled the virus as the group ran off as we see them in a room as the virus was cornering Ashton as Carmelita made a machine grab the virus and slam him on the ground a few times and threw him to a wall as we later see the group in a room as they were on a ladder as they saw the virus climbing up the ladder as they then got down and then started pushing the ladder as the virus then saw he was heading to a shelf as he crashed into it and many books fell on him as he got up.

Virus: *groans*

Group: Shh.

Then the Virus got up and was angry as the group ran off as we see them running to a lab when they all trip on something and hit the ground we then see a shadow of a hand holding a button and pressed it as a laser blasts the group into data particles as the others came and saw the laser.

Phil: Someone activated the laser. But who fired it?

Zee: Uh guys? I found Ashton's phone and Carmelita's shock pistol.

We then see them appear in a white void as a grid appears and they were in spacesuits as they were on the moon in space.

Dimitri: I don't think we're in the hq anymore.

We then see Karen on a computer and found something.

Karen: Guys look. *shows the screen* Our friends got beamed into cyberspace.

Rad: Well throw a switch or something and get them out.

Phil: You can't. What game did they get beamed into?

Karen: *looks at the game* They're inside the Scooby-Doo video game from 1999.

Phil: The Cyber Chase?

Karen: Yeah and like cyber chase they'll have to play through all the levels to get out. And until they do the danger will be very real.

We then see Ashton as he was leaping around

Ashton: Check it out guys! I'm like a superhero!

Dimitri: Careful dude, there's way less gravity on the moon than earth.

Ashton then lifted a boulder over his head

Ashton: Check it out. I'm Super Ashton!

He then threw the boulder.

Carmelita: Dimitri, please go get Ashton before he hurts himself.

Dimitri: On it.

We then see Dimitri leaping towards Ashton as he leaped over Dimitri.

Ashton: Nice try D, but you'll have to try harder.

He then hit a boulder as he slid down.

Carmelita: Are you ok?

Ashton: I just made a discovery.

Five: What is it?

Ashton: In zero gravity smacking into boulders still hurts.

Dimitri: Hey I just thought of something we must be in the scooby doo video game from the 90s.

Miko: The cyber chase one?

Dimitri: Exactly, so that means we have to find the boxes of Scooby Snacks in order to get to the next level.

Ashton: Don't look now but Sparky just showed up!

They then looked and saw the Phantom Virus.

Miko: And I think he's got friends too.

They then looked and saw evil astronauts leaping towards them.

Ashton: Let's get out of here!

Virus: Let's play ball.

Dimitri: Let's not!

They then started to leap away from them as we then see them behind a boulder.

Ashton: We have to find the box and fast.

Five: I see it over there!

He then pointed at the Apollo lander as the box was leaning against it

Carmelita: I got them!

Violet: That was easy.

Dimitri and Ashton: It's the first level, it's supposed to be easy.

Miko: Hey look, a moon rover.

Ashton: And what a cool paint job!

They then saw a moon rover as it was painted as the mystery machine as they got on it and drove to the spit as they then saw the virus and the evil astronauts on a rover as well as the virus was after them.

Carmelita: Can't this go faster?

Dimitri: This is how fast it can go.

then the virus threw a lightning ball at the rover making it stop.

Carmelita: Guys do something.

Dimitri: *looks at his watch* Please be something good, please be something good.

He then slammed the watch as he was Shock Rock.

Dimitri: Shock Rock? Against a Phantom Virus? Well ok. *runs at the rover* I'll hold off sparky, Carmelita you get to the box.

Carmelita: On it!

Dimitri: Ok mr virus, how about a taste of your own medicine?

He then made an electric ball and threw it at the wheel of the rover making the virus fall to the ground.

Virus: *gets up* Stop that fox!

An Earth column appears under the virus launching him upwards

Ashton: Whoever gave me earthbending thank you!

We then see Carmelita leaping towards the box as she saw the two astronauts coming as she then leaped above one as she landed next to the lander and grabbed the box.

Carmelita: Got it *sees the box becoming grids* Huh?

She then became grids as we see the others disappear as they were now at the void again as it became an old roman colosseum

Ashton: The roman colosseum? The snacks have got to be somewhere around here.

Dimitri: Yeah but we need to also look for clues in this game.

Miko then looked and saw a large diamond on the ground.

Miko: Hey look at this.

Five: *picks up some of the white dust* It's chalk.

Ashton: That's odd. Why would a baseball diamond be here?

Dimitri: Ask him.

They saw the virus as he was near a chained gate with a sword and shield.

Virus: Congratulations! You made it past the first level. Now welcome to level two game players where things get a little tougher so let's hear it for the home team!

He then sliced the chains as the gates open up as skeleton gladiators came in and growled at them

Ashton: Oh boy.

Virus: Now for the home team's mascot!

He then sliced chains off a second gate as a lion came out with the box of scooby snacks in its mouth.

Violet: The lion has the scooby snacks.

Ashton: I have an idea. Five, you and Miko distract the virus, Violet you and Dimitri distract the gladiators, Carmelita me and you have the hardest job. Getting the snacks from the lion..

Carmelita: One problem with that. How are we supposed to do that?!

Ashton: *thinks for a minute* Carmelita give me your jacket.

Carmelita: But I just bought this!

Ashton: I'll give it back.

Carmelita: Alright.

She handed Ashton her jacket as Ashton saw the lion.

Ashton: I know this isn't red, but it'll have to do.

He then sees the lion drop the box and come at Ashton.

Ashton: Toro toro.

Then the lion stopped and looked around.

Ashton: Whoops, wrong Latin. Leo, Leo.

Then the lion came at Ashton as he turned to the side.

Ashton: Ole! Come on kitty kitty I'm right here! Leo, Leo!

Then the lion came at Ashton as he moved to the side again as the lion was seen running into the gates as Carmelita closed them.

Carmelita: Ashton, the box.

Ashton: Right!

Ashton handed Carmelita her jacket back and ran to the box as he then grabbed it as he and everything and everyone around him turned into grids as we go to the real world and see everyone watching the screen

Jessica: So far they're doing fine.

Phil: But I still have a question, who fired the laser to send them into the game in the first place?

Carmen: Guess we'll find out when they get out of the game.

We then see the group as they saw the void become a jungle.

Carmelita: Is this a jungle level?

Ashton: It must be. But what's striking is the way these plants look. I've never seen any like these before, have you?

Then a screech was heard as they saw something flying up in the sky.

Ashton: A pterodactyl.

Dimitri: Well they now call them pteranodons.

Ashton: I don't care. I've called them pterodactyls all my life and that's how I'll call them till I die.

Dimitri: The point is this is a prehistoric jungle.

Thud thud thud.

Ashton: Uh oh.

Violet: It's the virus.

They then see the virus wielding a spear as he was riding on a t-rex.

Dimitri: And he's got a friend!

Virus: How's this for a heavy hitter!

Ashton sees a cave

Ashton: Quick into that cave!

They then ran into the cave as they saw the t-rex then left.

Carmelita: Now what?

Five: I'd recommend a minute to catch our breath. We've been running non stop since the moon.

Dimitri: Miko, Violet and I will get wood for a fire.

Ashton: And Carmelita and I will try to do naughty stuff while you're gone. Did I say that out loud?

Dimitri: Yes, yes you did.

Ashton: Oh... oops.

We see Dimitri, Miko and Violet gathering sticks for a fire.

Dimitri: That should be enough.

Violet: Master look!

They then see a tree as it was on fire as they then see a molten rock come flying down.

Miko: Where did that come from?

Dimitri: *looks and sees a volcano* Volcano. We got to warn the others.

We then see the others at the cave as they saw Dimitri, Miko and Violet running to them.

Five: Where's the firewood?

Miko: Forget that! If we stay here we're all gonna be firewood!

Ashton: What do you mean?

Dimitri: A volcano is about to erupt!

Carmelita: Now how are we gonna find the Scooby Snacks?!

Dimitri: *thinks* That's it! The scooby snacks must be at the volcano!

Ashton: Surely you can't be serious!

Dimitri: I am. And don't call me Shirley.

Violet: But how do we even get to the volcano?

We then see them riding on woolly mammoths.

Ashton: You just had to open your mouth didn't you?

Dimitri: Well woolly mammoths aren't exactly from the dinosaur age but it is neat.

Ashton: Can't they at least come with seatbelts?

Carmelita: *covers her nose* And some air fresheners.

Dimitri: Hold on we're almost there.

We then see them arrive at the volcano as they get off of them and see it erupting.

Miko: Look!

They then looked and saw a nest as a baby pterodactyl was there as it's wing was under a boulder.

Carmelita: That baby pterodactyl is stuck.

Ashton: And we got company.

They then saw the virus coming as he was on the t-rex.

Dimitri: Guys come on!

We see them going to the volcano as they see the t-rex at the bottom.

Dimitri: We should be safe, the t-rex is only built for running not climbing.

Dimitri then saw the baby pterodactyl as he became Steel Wing and flew to the nest as he landed next to the baby pterodactyl.

Dimitri: Hold on buddy, I'll get you out.

He then started to push the boulder as he started pushing it as he freed the baby pterodactyl as he then noticed the box of scooby snacks.

Dimitri: Guys, I found the box.

He then grabbed the box and he and the baby pterodactyl flew out of the lava's way as he and everyone became grids and vanished.

And done!

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