To kim possible

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We see the portal open up as we see the exo-vac fly out and we see it land next to a taco shop as Ashton pulls out a guitar

Ashton: Who's up for tacos and a song?

Dimitri: Sounds like a plan.

We see the group enter the taco shop as they see a table as they saw a girl and boy sitting there.

Dimitri: Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable.

They then walked to the table Kim and Ron were sitting.

Dimitri: You mind if we sit with you guys?

Ron: I don't see why not. KP?

Kim: I don't mind.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Ron notices Ashton's guitar

Ron: Dude sweet guitar.

Ashton: Thanks, and here is something to play.

He then played his guitar as he played the theme song of kim possible

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ron: Kim, that's your song!

Dimitri: Yeah, my buddy and I happen to know a lot about you two. Ron for example has a pet naked mole rat named Rufus.

Then a naked mole rat came out of Ron's pocket

Dimitri: And there are certain moments Ron has had like trying to use his grappling hook only for the first time the line took his pants and the second the line took his shirt.

Ashton: I laugh all the time at that.

Dimitri: Me too, and you two are probably wondering, how do we both know about that aren't you?

Kim: A little yeah.

Dimitri: The thing is me and Ash are from a dimension where you two are tv characters for a show by the name of Kim Possible.

Ashton: That's right.

Kim: We're both characters for a show?

Dimitri: Yeah, a show that was ahead of its time.

Ashton: And why we came is cause we are trying to get as many heroes to stop someone who is trying to destroy all dimensions.

Rufus: *squeaks sounding like "Ouch!"*

Dimitri: Exactly, which is why we came to get your help, so far we are getting a good amount of friends.

Ashton: Question. Since when did a dragon attack Middletun?

Kim: Dragon? Those aren't real!

Ashton: Oh really?

Ashton pointed outside

Ashton: Then explain that!

They all ran out and looked and saw a dragon appeared through smoke as it roared.

Ron: A dragon!

Ashton: Told you!

Then the dragon swooped down to a building that Dimitri and Ashton were near and got out of the dragon's way as the dragon smashed through the building as a man with blue skin came out

Drakken: My building!

They then look and saw a green skinned woman come out as Ashton saw her


Shego: Someone mention me?

Dimitri: We'll explain later. First we gotta get out of here!

Drakken: Truce Possible?

Kim: Truce for now.

We then see them running out of the area as we see them hiding in an alley.

Dimitri: Well everyone, we got a mystery on our hands.

Ashton: Drakken why would a dragon attack your hideout?

Drakken: How should I know? It just showed up.

Dimitri: Let's go to the scene and see why.

We see them going to a rooftop as Ashton and Dimitri saw Rad holding a grappling hook as a line was tied to his waist as he fired the hook it took his pants

Ashton: No way. Let's laugh at him!

Dimitri: Good idea.

They both started laughing at Rad.

Enid: Rad, stop goofing around.

Rad was seen with the grappling hook and had it tied around his shirt.

Rad: Don't worry I got it this time.

He  fired the grappling hook as the line took his shirt.

Rad: Aw come on! Are you kidding me?!

Ashton: Very funny.

We then see Rad with the line wrapped around his waist.

Rad: The third time's the charm.

Dimitri: Rad, you do realize you can just levitate to the top.

Rad: Oh, right.

We later see the group at the docks

Ashton: I hope you know I always thought you were the best of your siblings.

Shego: Really?

Ashton: Of course. You have the best costume, are better looking, and have the best powers

Shego: Thanks.

Ashton: Anytime. *Shego kisses his cheek causing him to blush*

Dimitri: Let's just see what we can find.

Ashton: What, like this?

He then held up a clump of black hair and a green scale.

Dimitri: Nice work dude.

Drakken: I too have found something.

Drakken pointed at some gas tanks

Ashton: Great Job Doc. See how good being a good guy feels?

Dimitri: Yeah and you might be able to use all your tech for good and not evil. Plus you can spite those colleagues who rejected you.

Drakken: Hey, you're right.

Dimitri: Ok so far we got two clues but no suspects.

Ashton: Maybe we can find some suspects at the crime scene.

We see them at Drakken's destroyed hideout as they see that most of it was destroyed.

Dimitri: So sorry about what happened to your place, Drakken.

Ashton stepped in something wet

Ashton: What the?

Ashton looked down and saw that he stepped in seaweed

Ashton: Seaweed? hey guys I-

He then slipped on the water making the seaweed fall on his head.

Dimitri: Nice hairdo Ashton.

Ashton: Ha ha, very funny.


Ed then bit on the seaweed on Ashton's head and tossed Ashton to a wall.

Dimitri: Ed, you're violating a clue!

Ed: Wigs scare me Dimitri.

Shego: Ok, how about I just take this.

She then reached out for the seaweed on Ed's mouth but she then froze as she started sniffing as she then stiffened as the colors on her body fell off.


Ed: That's Sheldon. my lucky cheese chunk.

He then pulled out a very old chunk of cheese from his pocket, making Shego's eyes widened.

Shego: That's nasty!

Ed: He's been in my pocket for 59 days.


Ed: No!

Shego then started to chase Ed around the hideout until she fell inside water as she was made but got an idea as she came out.

Shego: Look at me Ed, I'm all wet and cold, wish I had something to keep me warm, like... your jacket.

Ed: *hands Shego a towel* I got a towel.

Dimitri: Ed, please put Sheldon up. We have a mystery to solve.

Shego: I'm not solving anything with stinky cheese boy here! Take that smelly jacket off!

Ed: Okay. If you gimme your suit.

Shego: My suit? My suit doesn't smell.

Ed: Oh yes, it does.

Shego: No, it does not. You're just saying that because I said your jacket stank.

Ed: Stinky suit.

Ashton: Ed. SHUT UP!

Dimitri: I got this. Ed listen, if you put Sheldon up I'll give you as much gravy you can have.

Ed: Gravy!

He then ran off to the Exo-Vac as Shego saw that.

Shego: Why didn't I think of that?

Dimitri: Let's just get ready to find that dragon.

Ashton: Don't look now because here it comes!

They then looked and saw the dragon and it roared at the sight of them

Dimitri: Run!

We then see the group running as we see the dragon was going after Dimitri and Ashton

Zee: Anyone else notice that the dragon is going after Ashton and Dimitri exclusively? Or is that just me?

Jessica: Yeah we see it too, it's like the dragon is playing favorites.

As we see Dimitri and Ashton running we then see Kim and Shego come to them as we see them leading Dimitri and Ashton to a building as they hid inside it

Ashton: I have an idea.

Ashton activates the armory as a large cloak appears in his hands

Ashton: Huddle up!

They huddled together as Ashton covered them in the cloak turning themselves invisible as the dragon came by and went past them as it left.

Kim: It went right past us.

Dimitri: All thanks to the cloak of invisibility smart idea btw Ash.

Ashton: Thanks. Now we gotta get back to the others and tell them what we found.

Dimitri: Right.

We see them going to the others as they saw the group.

Dimitri: Guys we found something.

Ashton: Some black hair, a green scale, and some gas tanks.

Ron: But why would those be around?

Dimitri: Well something is telling me and Ashton that these could be connected with the dragon.

Ron: Green scale? I know who's behind this caper!

Dimitri: Let me guess, you have a plan?

Ron: I sure do. We just need a mech suit with water cannons. Right Kim? *sees Kim isn't with the group* Kim? Where'd she go?

Drakken: Shego is missing too!

Ashton: The dragon must've grabbed them.

Dimitri: Then we need to catch this dragon fast.

We later see everyone building the mech as Eddy was only sitting down as Ed grabbed him.

Ed: Eddy!

Ed then ran to the mech which looked like a giant duck with sunglasses.

Ed: It's a duck! See?

Eddy: I thought you were making a mech suit.

Ashton: This is perfect!

Dimitri: We like to introduce you to Duck Guy.

Ashton: He is armor plated, webbed feet great for climbing different terrains, the cabin has a comfortable tank like design, and his bill shoots powerful fire hose streams.

Ron: And he can swim too.

Ashton: Now we just need to bring the dragon to us.

Duck: Please tell me I'm not the bait.

Dimitri: I wish I could say yes, but no, this dragon is after me and Ashton.

Ashton: So we are gonna be the bait.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton in a Chinese lion costume as they were walking through a parade

Dimitri: I've been live bait before, but this is interesting to be dragon live bait.

Ashton: Yeah.

Then a puff of smoke appeared as we see the dragon come out of it as everyone ran away as the dragon saw Dimitri and Ashton as the two ran out of the costume as the dragon crushed it chasing after them as we see Dimitri and Ashton running as they ran to Duck Guy as he picked them up and placed them on his shoulder as the dragon came as it blasted fire at them as Duck Guy blasted water at the fire as the fire and water canceled each other out as we see Duck Guy fire water as the dragon's mouth as the dragon blew out smoke as the dragon started to swing its tail at Duck Guy as he ducked the hits and blasted water at the dragon sending it to a building as Duck Guy tried to blast water again but was all out as the dragon blew fire at them as Duck Guy ran away with the dragon after them as they ran through the city as we then see Duck Guy behind the dragon as it turned to them as Duck Guy ran to the docks and jumped to the water and swam in the water as the dragon blasted fire at them as one blast made them go up in the air and landed near a fireworks warehouse as they ran inside as the dragon blasted the door and looked around as Duck guy hid behind crates but his tail was sticking out as the dragon blasted fire at it making Duck Guy go up as Dimitri and Ashton fell out as Duck Guy landed on crates as the dragon was going to him as Dimitri and Ashton started to fire fireworks at it as the dragon saw them as they ran and hid under a stand for a large firework as the Dragon came to it and saw the two as Dimitri and Ashton backed up a bit but backed up on a detonator plunger as it made the firework launch up in the air with the dragon on it as it exploded as fireworks were seen exploding as we see the dragon falling down and landed in the warehouse as we see the group coming to it.

Dimitri: Time to un-dragon this dragon.

Dimitri then pulled off the dragon's skin as it revealed a man with an appearance of a monkey, a fish man and a scotsman.

Dimitri, Ashton and Ron: Monkey Fist, Gil Moss, and Killigan?

Drakken then saw Monkey Fist was wearing a pendant looking like a monkey.

Drakken: Hey, that's the pendant from my hideout!

Jessica: Dimitri, Ashton both of you think back at the dragon's first attack.

They both began to think as a thought bubble came showing the dragon attacking Drakken's hideout as a monkey pendant was in its mouth as Monkey Fist was in it as well and grabbed the pendant but saw that he was seen by Dimitri and Ashton.

Ashton: He stole the pendant.

Jessica: And he had help from these two, and I'll bet they're not in there alone.

She then pulled the fabric as we see the dragon was only a pickup truck as we see Kim and Shego were in it as they were both tied up and gagged.

Dimitri: Kim!

Ashton: Shego! Are you two alright?

They both ran to Kim and Shego as they untied them and removed the gags.

Kim: They stuck us here so we both stopped saving you two.

Jessica: Monkey Fist thought Dimitri and Ashton could I.D him, so he used the dragon to scare them away.

Kim: Watch out!

They then saw Monkey Fist, Gil Moss and Killigan come out of the fake dragon.

Rad: Not so fast! *reading a book of jujitsu* I'm learning Jujitsu.

He then started to do a few moves as the three started laughing as Rad did another move he then stepped on the book and slid towards Monkey Fist, Gil Moss and Killigan and crashed into them knocking them down.

Ashton: *laughs*  Good one Rad.

Rad: I knew that book would protect us.

We later see the police coming as they were arresting Monkey Fist, Gil Moss and Killigan.

Dimitri: So Drakken, how does it feel to solve a mystery?

Drakken: Pretty good actually. Evil never felt this good.

Ashton: If you want you can come with us and do this more often.

Drakken: Deal.

Drakken then noticed a police man taking Monkey Fist away and noticed he was still wearing the monkey pendant.

Drakken: Not so fast officers. *walks to Monkey Fist* He's still wearing that monkey pendant. *takes the necklace off of him*

Ashton hands the officers a wad of money

Ashton: Just in case that it was stolen. Can't be too careful right?

Dimitri: Agreed. Now let's see where we're heading next.

He looks at the device and reads it.

Dimitri: Looks like we're going to Glitch Techs combined with Scooby-Doo?

Ashton: That can't be right.

Dimitri: Yeah, Scooby-Doo belongs to Warner Bros. Glitch Techs is Nickelodeon.

Ron: Maybe those dimensions got merged or something.

Ashton: Guess we'll have to find out for sure.

We see them going into the Exo-Vac as we see them going into the portal.

And done!

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