Burn Everyone

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Jeanne Alter couldn't really decide who she hated more actually. 

On one hand, you had her original self.. her forgiving self sacrificing nature just made her want to CHOKE on her own burning rapier.. 

Then you had this Red fool she had been trying to chase down for a few days.. Somehow evading her on every single turn, outsmarting her repeatedly at every angle.. it pissed her off.. PISSED HER OFF SO HARD!!!

But on the other hand.. she had to question his plan of how to get out of being killed.. Which was calling the crazy goddess who apparently went APE over jewelry.

"WELL!? I sensed it! Mana rich rare rubies!! Straight from the heart of Tartarus, pulled to the earth.. the most rare of jewels, able to fuel sorceries and magus tools for DAYS on end... who KNOWS how much I can alchemize with that stuff!" Ishtar yelled. "ARCHER!?"

"Hello Rin.."

"It's.. Ish.. well.. yes Rin.. but also.. URGH! Listen, as your master I DEMAND TO KNOW-."

"Sorry, but the jewel is smashed." said Archer quickly. "I'm afraid it was the work of the Alter Servant over there.

Ishtar's eyes flared furiously as she slowly turned to look at Jalter, her teeth grinding. "YOU... YOU.... YOUUUUUUUU.."

"Oh crap.." Jeanne Alter growled, her eyes flaring into flames.. 

This job just kept getting worse. First she got summoned to a situation she couldn't even fathom.. next her master was such a jerk she couldn't even express how much she wanted stab and burn the fool..  and now she was fighting one of the elder goddesses... JUST perfect.. 

Ishtar hurled herself at Jalter.. and began firing massive beams of energy from her fingers. 

Jalter moved at immense speed, dashing to and fro, dodging the powerful blasts in an instant, before she drew her blade, and immediately a powerful giant flame exploded out from in front of her, blasting machines to smithereens as black spears shredded out of the earth..  "DON'T PATRONIZE ME YA PIECE OF CRAP!!!  FEEL MY BURNING HATRED EVEN FROM HERE!!!"

Ishtar dodged every flaming explosion, weaving in between the multiple blackened spears trying to pierce her..

Jalter grinned viciously. The intensity of fighting.. the adrenaline that came with exacting vengeance.. there was nothing like it.. She would blast this fool of a goddess into cinders.. she would KNOW her pain.. oh yes.. 

Forget the Earthen Woman from before, forget her 'sister'.. forget everything.. Her dearest wish was to destroy them all..  SHE WANTED TO KILL THEM!!!!

"DO you feel it.. the pain that will burn into your skull that will tear into your skin and peel it away like burning parchment in a furnace?" growled Jalter as she drew her sword and slashed the slender black rapier into Ishtar. 

Ishtar's eyes flared up arrogantly as she smirked back with equal sadistic pleasure. "oho? you burn me? That's rich coming from an overly whiny blackened lighter. 

"Says the spoiled Goddess who who can't get anything done without daddy around to save her skin..!!" spat back Jalter.

Ishtar's eyes flared, Jeanne had hit a nerve. "OH THAT'S IT YOU PIECE OF-.."

Ishtar's body glowed and suddenly, right next to her a large floating blue bow with gold on it appeared. It was more massive than Ishtar's entire body, like a crescent shape and a golden ring in the center for projectiles, and a smaller floating crescent bow right behind it..

Maana, Ishtar's Boat of Heaven that both functioned as transportation AND a vicious Anti-Mountain Noble Phantasm. As if the day couldn't get any worse.. 

"RRAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Ishtar fired a massive beam of light from the center of the giant bow floating next to her, thrusting out her hand in command to it. 

Jalter's eyes widened. She couldn't dodge that blast, she couldn't tank it.. she was finished...

"KAAAAABOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!" Jalter's vision flew.. she could see the sky, the ground, the sky again, the ground again.. the sky.. oh shit oh shit oh shit..

"WHUMP!!!" Her head hit something immensely hard, and stars filled her vision. 



3 Months ago...

Jeanne Alter glared around her.. 

She was an anomaly, she knew it.. she wasn't supposed to exist, it shouldn't be possible for her to exist.. but somehow she did.. 

Next to her in the great earthen cavern, she could see several other individuals.. each of them felt like immensely powerful servants.. 

One, was a proud powerful looking man with red tattoos on his bare muscular chest, with a dark hood, a thorny red cursed spear, and blackened dragon's legs and a tail..  His hands were claws, and he had the regal feel of a horrendous king. 

Next to him stood a regal black knight.. she seemed to be a woman by the shape of her.. dressed in blackened armor, with a helm shaped like a dragon's head..  In her hand she held a large black lance that looked like a huge blackened horn with purple thorn-like crystals growing over it's surface. 

Another figure stood nearby, a strange bowman with a black veil that almost went all the way down to his feet. His skin was red.. and he had a bow in one hand and black faulds.. 

There was also a stranger looking figure wearing what appeared to be a black coat with tan skin and white hair shaved short.. in his hands he held two guns which had blades that seemed to grow from their barrels. 

Another figure could be seen a distance away with cat-like ears.. and the feeling of a vicious beast as feral cat-like growls could be heard.. with glowing lamp-like yellow eyes.. and the strength of a demonic boar straining somewhere in her.. 

These Servants felt different.. as if they weren't what they should be.. something had been altered about them. But they weren't the same anomaly that Jalter knew she was. 

They at least, were possible to create.. She was an impossibility.. a miracle.. a terrible miracle that shouldn't happen ever.. 

There were others that stood in the dark cave that Jeanne Alter couldn't see.. but she was aware mainly of the people that stood before her.. 

There were Seven of them total..  ordinary humans...  Jalter could feel immense dislike for their auras.. 

She knew her own alignment was evil.. there was no question about that. She was the opposite of her original counterpart, the purehearted saint who fought for freedom. She was one that fought for vengeance.. and Avenger Class Servant.. forged in the fires of pure hatred over her death by burning... 


The people before her felt worse.. like the diseases one would associate with Sociopaths..  Jeanne Alter still cared for people deep down.. these people, they'd step on anybody to get their way.. 

A man stepped forward. He had deep black hair, a strong and tall looking physique, and when his voice spoke, it was deep, and one could tell that just like his black robed attire said, he was well versed in giving sermons in churches.

As a Christian herself, or, one at least who had embraced the fires of hell waiting for her in her desires for revenge, Jeanne Alter couldn't help but dislike this one the most.  He was a falsehood. There wasn't any God he actually believed in.. no Savior, no Christ.. he wore the mantle of priesthood as a front and as a joke..

"Rejoice!" said the man, smiling and spreading his hands out. "New Servants of the Masters of the Earth Mother.. you have been given life when it should have been impossible.. and now you all stand here.. newly born.. infants, in a new world.."

The large muscled spear servant stepped forward, growling in his gravelly voice. "What is this? Is this a Grail war? For what purpose are we summoned..?"

"More accurately.." said the black knight, her lance dipping up slightly suspiciously. "What is the purpose of our birth? You are aware yes.. that you have summoned plagued false versions of the true Heroic Spirits who bare our names?"

"It is our intention to do so." said the priest with a bow of his head. "For your originals wouldn't ally with us.. and could not do so at all.. rather they are the ones you are built to fight against.."

"Tsk.." the spear wielding man. "I guess I can't complain as long as I can continue to battle fully.. that's all I'm built for after all.. "

"Look.." Jalter spoke up for the first time. "I think the first important thing to consider is this really, who the hell are ya all? Why are we summoned, if it ain't to get the Holy Grail, which I think is already apparently not the goal.. and why do I get a bad taste in my mouth just by looking at you?... Depending on your answer.. I might just burn you to ashes.. "

Jalter smiled as sadistic thoughts of murder entered her mind. Oh yes, Avengers needed to exact vengeance, it was an overwhelming thirst that constantly assaulted their minds.. these people might just serve as a good temporary quenching."

The priest smiled. "I am Kirei Kotomine.. you can consider me the Human Retainer of the Earth Mother who watches over you in this war. Originally the Earth Mother meant to bring her children.. the Giants.. to fight with us in this battle.. but unfortunately that is no longer possible, so, she turned to something else.. something else capable of matching the foes she knows she must face.."

"Servants.." spoke the cat eared figure quietly. "Your enemies are either gods or other servants.. because that's what we're fit to fight.."

"They are both.." said Kirei. 

The Archer servant perked up under his shroud. "You wish.. to kill gods..?"

"Yes, specifically, the Greek Pantheon.." said Kirei, looking at the Archer, as if this meant something to him.

The Archer bowed on one knee to Kirei. "Your noble goal.. is one I can fight behind. I will slay your enemies. But the moment you cease to be of use to me in my goals, do not be mistaken, I will kill you.."

"Your service is appreciated.." said Kirei. "The Earth Mother said you might be particularly eager.. what should I call you..?"

"Alcides.. " said the man. "I have no intention of taking my 'other name'..  I am a shamefulness that doth not look upon the works of man..  mortals are whom I serve and it is mortals who must stand on the skulls of gods.."

"If you're looking for an introduction from me.. forget it.." said the spear wielding man.. his tail whipping back and forth in distaste. 

The black knight , the cat eared servant and the other Alter servants remained quiet.. 

"Names will come in time, but for now you only need worry speaking of them to your masters." said Kirei, holding out a hand to the 6 other people behind him. "They were the ones who summoned you with the Earth Mother's assistance using her own Holy Grail.. "

Kirei nodded at the people behind him. "I myself am your master Alcides.. As for all of you.. I think it is time you were acquainted with your own masters.. they have used varying methods to summon you on the Earth Mother's request.. but rest assured, they are truly your Masters.. "

A boy stood before Jeanne Alter at that moment.. and her instant thought was..  "I can tell.. this person.. is not somebody I would admire at all.."

He appeared to be a 16 to 17 year old high schooler, but Jeanne felt age restriction magic on him.. which meant he might actually be older than he looked.  He wore ordinary clothes, a jacket, some jeans, a shirt.. and his face and his windswept blue hair made him actually appear a bit handsome.. in an ordinary school or back in the old country of the original Jeanne D Arc's memories, Jalter knew this boy would've attracted quite a following of females.. 

"Greetings.. Avenger.." said the boy with a grin. "I am your master. Shinji Matou is my name, as you can see, my Command Spell is here.."

The boy held up the back of his hand to display the red markings that were proof of a Master who summoned a Servant. 

Jeanne Alter Scowled. "Tsk.. don't think I'll just form my Contract with you boy.. As far as I'm concerned, you seem far better for killing fodder than Master material.."

Shinji laughed.. it was the laugh of an arrogant coward, one that just made your hair stand on end and declare.. 'I really want to kill this guy'.  "Form a contract? My the knowledge the Earth Mother's grail provided for you is really outdated. This is a special Command Spell.. forged in the fires of Tartarus itself.. filled with the magic of Ouranos... a contract was formed as soon as I created you!"

Jalter blinked, her eyes wide with slight shock. "ExCUSE me kiddo? What kind of utter ridiculousness is-.."

"TSK! Listen here woman... you're mine.. these special Command spells unlike the old ones.. don't run out.. I have absolute authority of you whenever I want.. whenever I please.. I wanted to have Saber actually.. that bastard Emiya only ever won because he had HER on his side..  I wanted to rub my own Saber in his face.. but of course the Earth Mother told me somebody already beat me to the punch on having an Alter of that woman.. so I was given the most Saber-like one of possible.."

Jalter narrowed her eyes. She had to admit, it was an accurate assessment to compare the original Jeanne to the original King Arthur..  Their personalities were quite similar.. melding into their Spirit Origins that they even looked alike to a degree.. however.. 

"Well you didn't luck out foolish one." said Jalter with a scowl of utter hatred and disgust. "I'm nothing like her..."

"Of course NOT.. it isn't possible to make an alter of Jeanne D' Arc.. a Saint type Servant cannot be corrupted or remade.... but.. the Grail grants wishes remember?" said Shinji with a wrathful smile. "It made you!!"

Jalter's eyes widened with horror as she realized what those words meant.. 

"Are you telling me.. I am the result of a wet dream from some adolescent fool of a-!?" 

"SHUT UP!" Shinji roared. 

Jalter found herself stunned as her mouth, against her own will, shut itself.. permitting no sound to escape.

"Like I said before.." said Shinji with a grin as he held up his glowing Command Seal. "I am in control now.. I am your master.. "

That was the beginning of Jalter's hellish first 3 months of existence.. 

And with every passing moment she wished she wasn't born.. 

For one thing, her class was just horrible.. 

An Avenger desired vengeance, that was how they were built personality wise, much like the madness enhancement of a Berserker, it was like a kind of curse. Anything that did her wrong, Jeanne wanted revenge.. and the more she was denied it, the more torturous it was.. and Shinji did plenty of his fair share to her..

Shinji lived in an old mansion in a city called Fuyuki in Japan..  and whoever his 'Earth Mother' Benefactor was, she gave him everything he could ever want.. 

Shinji's mansion was filled with everything, unlimited food, Play Stations, beautiful women who all bathed him when he went to take a bath, and then clothed him..  it was like living at the playboy mansion. 

If there was such a crime as Servant Abuse, then Shinji definitely committed at least 12 felonies a day. 

His Unlimited Command Spell was the real deal. The first thing he always did whenever Jalter even talked him in anything more than a submissive tone was command that she deactivate the power that gave her Servant durability and strength and healing for the day.. 

And then he'd hit her.. 

One time, Jalter brought him tea that was slightly too hot, and before she knew it, Jalter had been beaten so horribly that Shinji's own fists bruised purple, and when Jalter looked at herself in the mirror the next day, she couldn't recognize herself under all the black and purple bruising over her pale skin. 

She was essentially more a slave than a Servant. Always forced to wear a french maid's outfit when in the Matou house, serving at Shinji's call as, thanks to some sort of sick fetish he probably had, she was always pulled around the place with a dog collar around her neck while Shinji yanked on the leash, commanding her to do menial chores, some that didn't even require doing as he was merely forcing Jalter to do it for his amusement. 

Jalter knew why he did it. It was a grudge for King Arthur, the original Servant of a boy that Shinji mentioned he was friends with. But because King Arthur's alter had already been summoned, Shinji was forced to take out his frustration on the closest thing to Arthur, which was Jeanne D' Arc. 

She was just a punching bag that allowed him to lash out his hatred.. 

She.. the evil sadistic agent of vengeance who represented the opposite to the Pure and Holy Saint Jeanne D' Arc... reduced to a cheap pervert's fantasy..  her very existence wasn't just a joke.. it was the very source of her torment..  why did she have to be born..?

Then one day.. about a week before Jalter met up with Dylan at the Grand Canyon where she would be hunting one of the 'Seven' she had been hearing Shinji mutter furiously about now and then.. an incident happened.

The 'Seven' was not something that Jalter really could make sense of.. except that she first heard the term one night while she was cleaning the kitchen after a bunch of people Shinji had invited had puked all over the floor after getting extremely drunk.

She was wiping down the floor near the living room when she heard it.. 

A woman's voice.. 

It sounded ancient.. like the earth itself was speaking.. you could just make out the sounds of rocks and pebbles moving over ancient stone shifting as she spoke. 

"I have been very patient with you Shinji.." said the voice. "But while my other Masters have all found footholds in preparation for destroying the Seven Grand..  You hide here and indulge yourself..."

"I know what you're going to say! But what is the point!? We're stronger than those fools at those two camps could ever HOPE to be!" growled Shinji's voice. "I mean, Kirei's servant alone could probably conquer all of the Greek Camp right now and not even bat an eye!!"

Jalter gulped.. she had never felt fear in her life.. only hatred.. but.. now.. now for the first time.. she felt fear.. the ancient woman's voice alone.. she felt power enough to crush her entire soul into cinders. 

Jalter dove behind the doorway, panting hard, listening closely as she tried with all her might not to let out a whimper. 

How STUPID was Shinji?! To talk back to whoever that was like this!? Did he have a death wish!?

"Do you dismiss my predictions... as paranoia?" said the Earthen Voice.. 

Shinji must've finally realized his stupidity, because he suddenly became fearful, stuttering. "I.. I only meant.. th.. that.. well.. you see.. "

"Do not forget who brought you back from the Doors of Death... do not forget who gave you all this money.. which you have slovenly wasted on drink and women.. " said the voice. "It is your Mother.. who granted you stewardship over Avenger... who has seen your potential and given you the chance to use it.. and it is your Mother.. who can take it all away..  in an instant.. tomorrow the Child of Light's master arrives at your doorstep.. you WILL participate in this fight..  and you will win.. or you will know my wrath.."

There was a silence.. Jalter felt the ancient presence leave as Shinji's whimpers could be heard in the room.. 

The next day, Jalter found herself standing in Shinji's study. 

It was different from the rest of the house which was strewn with wine bottles, discarded video games and wrappers from fast food restaurants. It was the one room that Shinji managed to keep clean and apparently, according to him, it had belonged to one of the Matou ancestry, which was an ancient family of mages that had died out. 

Mortals that could do magic thanks to Magic Circuits that allowed them to manipulate mana and see through Mist.. they were quite few..  Jalter heard Shinji once loudly complain that the Dares were one such family in America, but the last of their magical lineage wasted her potential as a possible Magus by becoming the Oracle of Delphi so that no more magical heirs could be produced. 

 (only those with Magical Circuits at the same level as Sakura Matou are capable of becoming the Oracle of Delphi). 

In any case, The study was beautiful, with a mahogany desk.. a shelf filled with magical grimoires, and even little sticky notes that showed Shinji was actually a bit of an organized person. They had little messages like "Dinner is at 10" or "Remember to beat up Jeanne for making the soup too hot" or "Do your taxes" and "Remember to beat up Jeanne for not smiling when she curtsied me this morning."  Little stuff like that. Oh and there was even a cute neatly written bucket list next to the laptop, written in smoothly executed Japanese.. 

The typical bucket list of course. 

1. Go skydiving.

2. Climb Mt. Everest.

3. Kill Rider and Sakura.

4. Learn Chinese.

5. Kill Saber and Emiya. 

 Yep, typical bucket list. 

Shinji paced in front of the desk. Next to him stood two of his maid servants, who looked at him nervously. One of them had a black eye.. and it didn't take a rocket scientist to know where that came from. 

"I'm in deep shit Avenger.. DEEP shit." growled Shinji. "But you're going to make it right.. my benefactor's set up a mission for us..  there are three kids heading to the Grand Canyon in America right now.. a field trip.. they're dangerous targets, high priority, but they aren't aware of their own potential yet.. one of them's a Saber Class Servant.. "

"So we're heading there..?" Jalter asked. 

Finally, she could execute her real purpose as a Servant.. she longed for battle.. finally a way to take herself away from this boring mundane-."

"No YOU'RE heading there.. I can command you just fine from this mansion thank you!" Shinji said. 

"WHAT!?" said Jalter. "I knew you were a coward.. but I will not suffer an idiot who won't even come to our first-.."

"SHUT IT!" Shinji roared, and Jalter immediately clammed up against her own will.  "Your job as a Servant.. is to protect your master.. and it's either I die doing this crappy mission.. or you win without me dying doing this crappy mission.. I'm not the only one.. the Servant you're partnering with, his master's not fighting on the front lines either.. "

Jalter scowled at Shinji, and he scowled back. They hated each other that was a fact. Jalter hated Shinji for obvious reasons of course and to Shinji, Jalter represented his hatred for the Saber Class Servant that defeated him during the 5th Fuyuki Grail War in 2004. 

"So, you're going to fight for me.. " said Shinji. "And if you have to, die in my place. Failure is NOT an option.. "

"And if I refuse..?" Jalter finally managed to wrench her mouth open. 

Shinji's eyes flared up. "Tsk.. you.. you don't just remind me of that damn Saber.. you also remind me of my sister.. your personalities are completely opposite, but she also had a tendency for defying me.. urgh.. you.. YOU!"

Shinji suddenly grabbed Jalter's throat, she had been commanded to always have normal human level strength until Shinji commanded otherwise..and for some reason.. Shinji, in spite of his seemingly scrawny appearance, always had the strength of ten men..as if he wasn't in fact human.. 

He easily forced Jalter down. "I know something that'll make you know WHO the real master is here!!"

He began to forcefully kiss the choking alter servant..

Jeanne knew what was happening.. she began to panic. and struggled fearfully. Not just because she didn't want it.. but overall.. it was the most damn STUPID thing to happen to an Avenger of all things. 

"STOP!!" screamed one of the maids.. the one with the black eye. "Leave her alone!"

Shinji stopped his attempts to violate Jalter as he stood up and glared at the woman. "Oho.. so you have somebody on your side huh Avenger? Well then.."

Shinji glared at Jalter. "Avenger.. a new order for you.. before you leave.. KILL this woman.."

Jalter spat at Shinji's feet. "Kill her yourself.. I won't be your pawn. "

Shinji smirked. "Oh really?"

Jalter's eyes went wide as suddenly without warning, she found her sword piercing straight through the woman's chest, her blood splattering over her pale skin and blackened armor.

The woman took one last look at Jalter, and then.. to her astonishment.. she smiled. 

"I don't blame you.. in the slightest.." she choked out, before dying in Jalter's arms. 

"Now go clean yourself up.." Shinji growled as he left the room. "You leave in 2 hours.."

Jalter left the woman on the floor. That idiot.. she should've kept quiet.. there was no point in trying to save other people if it was going to get you killed. Hmph it was irritating. Kindness was nothing but a stupid-...

"Eh?" Jalter was interrupted by a strange sensation on her cheek. She felt it with a hand..  was it.. wet..?

"My eyes are leaking.. " Jalter grunted as she stared silently down at the dead woman in her arms.. 

Jalter rubbed her eyes dry. There was work to be done..


Present day..


She smelled Tacos..

Jalter kept her eyes shut as she felt the wind howl around her.. and heard voices in a serious discussion.. her arms and legs were tied up in some sort of extra strong rope.. probably something they found in the Cyclopes lair if they could hold a servant. 

She was captured, she knew it, but she wouldn't allow these fools the dignity of lording it over her.. they won because of a stupid goddess and a fluke chance, that was it. 

"So where do you think Ishtar went?" Asked the voice of what must have been the annoying mechanic boy. 

"Rin in that form is a bit volatile at best, but thankfully Rin's more intelligent nature still holds out even in that form.. she won't cause trouble for us, and there's a chance she might keep a close eye on us as we make our way to Chicago.." said the voice of the annoying red coated Archer.  "There's no need to worry too much..  in any case, as long as we're headed to Chicago, I can continue to lend my assistance to you.. I have an acquaintance somewhere in there.. she was formerly an enemy, but she mellowed out after she married her master and settled down in the city.. "

A Servant?" asked the voice of the stupid pretty girl. 

"Muuu.. A Servant.. marry their master?" said the stupid flashy empress.  "Umu.. she sounds like my type! ufufu! Why should a mere role as Servant and Master influence the ability to make romance!?"

"It's not as uncommon as you think. " said Archer. "A few servants summoned by Zeus's Curse have managed to marry ordinary humans, some without alerting their masters to their true nature. Kiyohime and Connor Stoll are getting married after Connor's graduated college.. mmf.. by the way.. Leo.. these Tacos.."

"Yeah?" asked Leo in a nervous voice. 

"Excellently prepared." said Archer. "Few would think to mix the spices in this fashion, but I must admit you've done an excellent job. I couldn't have done any better myself.."

"Uh! Thanks! Master Chef Leo A La Super Cook at your service! Want seconds Nero?" 

"Umu umu!!" Nero exclaimed. "The cooking of your passion and spirit is precisely what I need after such a silly ordeal with those Cyclopes!! UFUFUFU! Yes! Praise me with more of your divine food!"

"Jeez it's just tacos.." Leo muttered, sounding embarrassed. 

"So what do we do about her?" asked Piper. Immediately Jeanne Alter knew they were talking about her. 

"We'll figure it out once we get to Chicago.. maybe Caster, my associate, has a way to hold this one for us.. if we carry her around with us all the time it'll mean trouble.. and we need interrogate her to figure out how Alter Servants are being made." said Archer.  "Fran, are her bonds secure..?"

"uuu.. uuu!" 

"Good..  Just keep her like that then." said Archer. 

"You speak Fran?" Piper muttered.

"It's not a matter of speaking her language, but understanding her gestures and expressions.." said Archer with a chuckle. "It grows easier with time."

Jalter bit her lip. This wasn't good. Whoever this Caster Class Servant was, she couldn't afford to let them bring her to them. She needed to pretend she was knocked out, and then, when they least expected it.. 

"GROOWWWWWWLLLLL.." Jalter froze as she heard her stomach let out a massive yowl.. enticed by the smell of vegetarian tacos..

There was a silence.. 

Jalter carefully opened one eye fearfully. 

Leo was sitting in front of her at the base of Festus's neck. He held up a plate with a taco on it to Jalter's face. "Er.. we .. saved you one."

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