2p!France: (Y/n)?

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When (y/n) had entered his room, the last thing that Francois had expected to hear from her was an apology.

He wasn't sure how she had managed to get up the courage to apologize to him, for apologizing to anyone about her actions seemed to be what (y/n) considered her "weakness."

However, he had graciously accepted her apology, but once that awkward silence fell upon them, he was suddenly speechless.

That was, ironically, until he had come up with a response himself.

"So why did you apologize to me, exactly?" he questioned, confusion clearly written all over his face.

"Well," (y/n) started through an inhale, "I just thought that it needed to be said."

"Oh," was all Francois could say, for he was still confused.

What am I supposed to say? he wondered in frustration. Zhis girl is more confusing and crazy zhan Oliver!

"I'm sorry," (y/n) chuckled nervously. "I know that you don't like to be bothered, so...I think I'll check out now."

Francois instinctively grabbed her wrist in his hand, pulling her back to him so that she could sit beside him and on the bed again.

"You aren't bozhering me at all," he answered, his tone soft as well as his eyes.

(Y/n) smiled softly, happy that he had felt that way.

"Okay, um...do you have any plans for the night?" she wondered, and Francois immediately took the hint.

"Non," he declined, "and even if I did, you certainly wouldn't come with me. You've caused enough trouble for one year, all right?"

(Y/n) smirked, wanting to joke around with him because she thought that he was always too serious.

"You sure?" she asked. "I could actually be a pretty big help."

"I already told zhat you can't, so zhere," Francois declined for a second time, trying to make (y/n) understand why he didn't want her to kill people anymore.

"You're seriously no fun," (y/n) huffed snootily, crossing her arms and holding her head up high.

"I get that a lot," Francois chuckled, smirking in triumph.

"Would you at least go on a walk with me?" (y/n) wondered with a kind smile.

"A walk?" Francois questioned as he looked at the clock, which read, 9:45 pm on it. "At zhis hour? It's almost ten o'clock at night! Why do you want to go on a walk now of all times?"

"I like how quiet the City gets during the night," (y/n) awkwardly admitted. "It's so peaceful."

"And you do zhis often?" Francois wondered, suddenly not having a problem with her "unknown late night walks."

"Usually when I'm free," (y/n) began, "which, sadly, isn't very often."

"So zhen why do you kill people when you are out and walking?" Francois asked, desperately wanting to know why the compassionate and happy young woman would kill someone.

"It's a habit," was all (y/n) replied with. "When I was a kid, I accidentally pushed a boy off of the monkey bars on a playground. The boy was killed instantly because he landed on the sidewalk. I didn't feel any emotion towards his death, or death in general after the accident, so...I knew then that I was...different."

"If you had a choice," Francois began, "to kill people like zhe rest of us or to never lift up a weapon again, what would you choose?"

"If I'm being honest," (y/n) answered with a sad smile, "I would choose the second option."

"Zhen please, (y/n)," Francois begged in a whisper, taking her hands into his, "don't kill anyone else. Promise me zhat you won't, all right? Be zhe best one out of zhe rest of us men. You're not a man, (y/n), but a woman."

(Y/n) nodded, agreeing to his answer.

"All right, Francois," she grinned. "I won't kill people anymore, I promise."

"Zhank you," Francois said as he hugged her with a relieved sigh, and (y/n) giggled with amusement as she hugged him back.

"You're such a worrier, you know that?" she teased.

"I want you to be safe while you are in zhis house with us," Francois answered. "Normally, a woman like yourself wouldn't be willing to join a gang full of murderers."

"Aw, but you're cute murderers," she smirked. "I see your point, though, and you're right."

No, (y/n), Francois declined in his head with a secret smile, perhaps you are right. Maybe you do have what it takes to be a murderer someday.

"So, how about zhat walk?" Francois offered, helping (y/n) stand up before they walked out of the house to start their walk into the quiet night of the City.

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