France: (Y/n)?

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Francis had received a surprising invitation to meet a good friend of his at their house for lunch.

Little did he know, however, his friend was none other than the grandmother of (y/n), the young woman that he had only met once and had suddenly begun to fear.

He remembered how she had hit him on his head with the book that she was reading, making him fall off of the park bench that they were sitting on.

He also remembered, though, that she had apologized to him for her actions, and then the two of them had become odd acquaintances.

That still didn't relieve his distress, for he wasn't sure how the young woman would take the news when she found out that he knew her grandmother personally.

As the blonde walked up to the house, his heart began to beat faster and faster with each passing second that he took to ponder whether or not he should really have lunch with the two women or not.

Even his "best friend" Arthur wasn't as scary as this experience that he was going through right now.

Oh, even Arzhur isn't as scary as zhis! Francis thought with horror.

With all of the courage that he could muster, he put his right fist to the door and knocked.

The door was opened by the exact woman that had given him the invitation in the first place, and she warmly welcomed him and let him enter the house.

"I'm so happy zhat you could join us," the woman smiled. "(Y/n), we have a guest."

"Coming!" the beautiful but also deadly voice of the girl that Francis had met only a week ago and never again rang throughout the house, sending fearful shivers down his spine.

She made her appearance in the living room doorway, seeing him and his grandmother standing before her by the front door.

"Oh, hello," she shyly waved, giving him a half smile. "It's...been a while."

"Oui, it has," Francis agreed, looking down at the floor in awkward shame to hide his red and embarrassed face.

Zhe one zhing zhat I could have done was try to talk to her for a second time, he mentally scolded himself.

"Oh, so you two know each ozher?"
(yn)'s grandmother asked with a big smile on her face.

(Y/n) just nodded as Francis looked at the older woman and let out a mumbled, "Uh-huh."

"Splendid!" the woman giggled. "Well, come with us, zhen. You must be quite hungry, non?"

The blonde followed the two women into the dining room, sitting down next to (y/n), which he knew was purely by accident.

"Oh, I forgot to grab some flowers for zhe table!" (y/n)'s grandmother gasped as she stood up. "You young'uns stay here while I get zhem. I won't be gone long."

She exited the house and went into the garden, leaving poor Francis to deal with the tension between him and (y/n) all by himself.

Oh, now I really do wish zhat Arzhur was here! he whined, trying not to have a temper tantrum right then and there.

" know my grandmother?" (y/n) wondered, breaking the awkward silence between them.

"Oui," Francis answered. "She and I are friends."

"I kind of got that," (y/n) giggled, and that made Francis relax for he was happy that she was comfortable around him now.

"I terribly apologize for not letting you know zhat I know her zhe day zhat we met," he said.

"Oh, it's fine," (y/n) assured him with a smile. "I...actually don't mind. It will be nice having another friend here."

Francis smiled softly, happy that (y/n) thought of him as her friend after only meeting him for a second time.

"Well, I don't have many friends, eizher," he began, "so I'm glad zhat we can talk like zhis and...maybe go to hang out at places togezher?"

"You bet!" she agreed, instinctively giving him a friendly hug.

Francis hugged her back, ignoring his rapid heartbeat and super red face.

And that, in a nutshell, was how Francis and (y/n) became really close friends after only meeting each other for a second time.

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