Meeting 2p!North and South Italy

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Quick A/N: Yes, you're in a love triangle with them in this one, too. *More Evil Laughter*


To say that you weren't scared right now would be an understatement.

You were terrified!

All you wanted to do was walk to your house in peace, but Fate was being a pain to you and thus brought an assaulter to you in the alley that you had accidentally wandered into on your way home.

Ugh! you groan in annoyance. All I wanted to do was to go home, and not to get attacked by a killer in an alley!

You tried to search for a weapon that you could use to defend yourself with against the man in front of you, but all of the things that you wanted were too far away from you.

You resorted to calling for help, but the killer just laughed in mockery.

"Oh, you poor thing," he smirked. "No one is going to save you, so you're all mine."

"Please don't," you tried to reason with him. "I'm really not that pretty. Aren't there other girls that you want?"

"Nope," he chuckled. "I want you, sweetheart."

He grabbed your forearm, and your scream triggered the reaction of your soon-to-be-rapist to get shot in the back right before your very eyes, twice.

You yelped in fright, clinging onto the brick wall behind you for dear life as the man fell to the ground, dead.

You looked in front of you, seeing that two more men were standing in front you.

"A-are you going to hurt me, too?" you stuttered, seeing that they still had their guns pointed in your direction.

"And why would we do that?" one man asked with a smirk. "We saved you, didn't we?"

You first looked to your right, and then to your left, finally looking at the two of them again.

"No one is surrounding you," the second man laughed. "You're perfectly safe."

"You say that now," you firmly began, "but then you'll kill me as soon as things are getting good, right?"

"Smart lady," the first man congratulated as he put his pistol back and into his belt, "but we can assure you here and now that we were just trying to help you."

"Thank you," you harshly replied, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to get home. I'm already late."

"Then I hope that you don't mind the escorts," the second man grinned, his violet eyes shining with unknown mischief.

"What?" you gasped, shocked and appalled. "How dare you? You didn't even ask! I don't even know you, for crying out loud!"

"Then allow us to introduce ourselves," the first man answered as the three of you began walking out of the alley and into the nearby neighborhood. "I'm Flavio Vargas, and this is my younger brother, Luciano Vargas."

"And you are, bella?" Luciano smirked.

"I'm not going to tell you my name!" you angrily declined. "Just because you told me your names, that doesn't mean that we're instantly friends!"

"She's quite adorable when she rants," Flavio giggled to his brother.

"I'll say," Luciano snickered.

You growled, your entire face going red with anger and embarrassment.

Knowing that you would lose the argument, you decided to give up and say your name.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)," you hesitantly began, "and that's the only thing that you're going to get out of me."

"This appears to be your house," Flavio smiled as the three of you stopped walking into the driveway of a blue house, "so until we meet again, Miss (y/n), stay safe."

"Ciao," Luciano winked with a wave, sauntering off with his brother by his side.

You growled to yourself, muttering nonsense the whole time that you used to walk inside your house.

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