Meeting North and South Italy

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Quick A/N: I'm doing this cuz yes, you meet them both for love triangle purposes cuz I'm an evil author! 😈 *Evil laughter*


Touring Italy wasn't necessarily your choice, but the choice of your parents for your father's business.

He had received a promotion at his work, and then as a reward he got to choose where you and your family would move to, permanently.

Since his grandparents were Italian immigrants that had moved to America, he had chosen Italy as your new home.

You had hated the feeling of leaving your friends behind in your home of (s/n) (state name), so you didn't want to move.

Although, if you had to give your new home some credit, the countryside was pretty beautiful.

You decided to walk around today, since you and your family had moved only a weeks ago, and you wanted to explore your new home since you had quickly fallen in love with it.

However, you would never admit that out loud to your parents, for you still acted like you hated Italy whenever you were around them.

As you were walking around a small village, your purse got snatched from around your shoulder by a thief.

"Hey!" you yelled, running after the man who had your purse in his hands. "Give that back!"

You tried to match the thief's speed, but you were too slow and he was too fast.

Then, the man that had taken your purse was suddenly stopped by two more men, all three of them yelling and cursing at each other in their native tongue.

You stopped running, deciding to just stand there in shock to watch the scene unfold in front of you.

The two men had forced the thief to give up your purse, the other man just running away from the two police officers that had also joined into the saving of your purse.

All of that, you think with sudden embarrassment but also sudden gratitude, and just for my purse.

The two men started walking up to you, one of them holding out your purse for you to take into your hands after they had made sure that the thief was, indeed, arrested and taken to jail.

"Credo che questo appartenga a te?" the first man asked, seeming to be quizzical of your shocked and confused expression that was currently on your face.

(A/N: "I believe that this belongs to you?")

You just continued to stare at them in shock, not quite sure how to reply to that answer since you obviously didn't speak Italian.

"Uh-uh....," you stuttered, your face going red in embarrassment as you diverted your attention to the ground to hopefully decrease your awkward state.

The first man sighed in annoyance, rolling his amber eyes to increase his frustration.

"You speak English, don't you?" he questioned, his tone having an edge to it. "You're an American, I take it?"

"Uh-huh," you nodded in agreement, verifying that you did, indeed, speak English, and that you were, indeed, American.

"Well, then why didn't you say so before?" he inquired, but the second man only chuckled with a cheerful grin.

"Aw, don't be so hard on her, Lovi," he giggled. "She was probably just scared."

"Th-thanks for getting my purse back," you began as you took your purse into your hands, "b-but there's nothing valuable in there."

Part of you was wondering if the two men before you were the nicer thieves, the ones who saved you but ended up robbing you in the end.

"Oh, my goodness," the first man grumbled under his breath, face-palming. "We hustled that guy for nothing?"

"Are you sure?" the second man wondered. "I know that saw a picture in there."

You gasped, quickly opening up your purse to make sure that the picture was still in there.

You sighed with relief, seeing that the small portrait was safe and sound in your purse.

"Thank you," you repeated. "I don't know how to return the favor to you two."

"It was no trouble at all, bella!" the second man cheerfully assured you. "I'm Feliciano Vargas, by the way, and this is my older brother, Lovino Vargas!"

"I can introduce myself, idiot-a!" Lovino snapped, clearly starting an argument between the two of them now.

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)," you informed them, making them stop their argument.

"That's a pretty name!" Feliciano grinned.

"Thank you," you said for a third time. "Uh...if it's not too much trouble for you two, um...could you show me around?"

"Of course," Lovino smirked. "Follow us."

You smiled with happiness as you followed them deeper into the town, the two men guarding you on either side with you in the middle so that your purse wouldn't be stolen for a second time during that day.

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