Meeting 2p!France

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So...two things before I get to the chapter.

1.) First thing, I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been going through a very rough and stressful time, plus there's been this huge writer's block issue that I've been trying to overcome, so...yeah, that's been making updating super slow. Again, I'm really sorry.

2.) Second thing, you will already be acquaintances with Francois, so you're not friends with him, but you will still know him and so that's how you fall in love with him later on.

Well, I guess this it for now!

Enjoy the chapter, my friends!

~ Kalda Kirkland


You sighed in annoyance as the cell door locked in front of you, the security guard laughing in mockery as he walked away.

"Ssssooo boooored," you groaned as you began banging your forehead on the brick wall in front of you. "Ssssooo boooored."

A door opening up in the distance caught your attention, as well as two voices that you knew quite well.

"Is she here?" Francois' unmistakable voice questioned.

"Yes," the police chief answered. "You can just go in and get her. No charge this time."

"Zhank you," Francois replied, and you could immediately tell that he was very angry with you and your antics. "My sincerest apologies for her troubles."

You heard the jangling of keys and the sound of footsteps walking up to your cell, Francois standing in front of the cell door with a look of fury in his violet eyes.

"Let's go," he ordered after he had opened up the door. "Now."

You silently nodded and obeyed, wincing in pain as he harshly grabbed your forearm and began to forcefully drag you out of the police station.

"What is wrong with you, (y/n)?" he demanded once you were outside. "How many times has zhis happened zhis week?"

"I'm sorry," you finally get out in fear. "I just wanted to prove myself to you guys. You were so kind to take me in after my parents kicked me out of their house, and so I just wanted you to accept me."

"Killing people isn't somezhing zhat a young woman like yourself should be doing right now," Francois declined, bursting your fantasy. "How many times do I have to tell you zhat?"

"It was just a thought," you mumbled, feeling hurt and upset.

Francois sighed once he saw your hurt look, so he just stopped walking as you did the same.

"Oh, (y/n)," he started off in a soft tone and cupping the left side of your face in his right hand, "you are still so young and innocent. Killing people and eating zhem isn't somezhing zhat you should want to do."

"But you do it!" you argued. "What's so different about me doing it?"

Francois went silent at that, gently tugging you along.

"Because every time zhat you do decide to kill someone," he began, "I'm always zhe one who has to bail you out of jail and stop Luciano from killing you himself. Zhe next time zhat zhis happens, I won't bail you out because I will force Oliver to do it!"

"So then why don't you?" you snapped. "If you hate me so much, why don't make Allen or Ollie come and get me?"

"Because ever since we took you in," Francois started through clenched teeth, "I was put in charge of you by Luciano! If I disobey him, zhen you wouldn't have me to come and bail you out of jail in zhe future!"

"Well, then that will be good for me because you clearly hate me!" you stated angrily.

"I don't hate you!" he growled. "I'm just sick and tired of cleaning up your messes all of zhe time, so zhat's why I'm angry with you right now!"

Silence fell upon the two of you, the tension rising.

"Well, in all honesty," you slowly began, "I would miss all of our fights if you died, and...all of our nightly talks, and...your hugs."

"Me too, (y/n)," Francois softly smiled, "me too."

With your argument resolved, the two of you made your way back to the house that held the rest of your new family.

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