Meeting France

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You beamed with happiness and excitement as you left the airport with your suitcase in hand and entered the streets of Paris, France.

You were going to visit your grandmother for a few weeks while you decided where you wanted to go for college for the upcoming Fall.

You somehow figured out that you were lost as you stopped in front of a bakery.

Sighing in annoyance, you sat down on a nearby park bench to take out your phone, entering your grandmother's phone number into the cellular device.

When she didn't pick up the first two times, you decided to sit on the bench a little while longer in hopes that she would pick you up and drive you to her house by herself.

You grabbed a book out of your suitcase to read while you waited for your ride, wanting to pass some time.

Right as you began to read the first chapter of your book, a shadow was suddenly cast over you and your book to shield you from the hot sun.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle," a smug, male voice cheerfully greeted you. "Are you lost?"

You slowly lifted up your head from your book, seeing the attractive man standing in front of you.

His seductive smirk, kind blue eyes, and flowing blonde hair was enough to make your face go red in embarrassment, as well as his question.

"Uh, no," you awkwardly answer, "I'm not lost. I'm just...waiting to meet someone, that's all."

"Zhen you wouldn't mind zhe company, perhaps?" he asked, gesturing to the empty spot on the park bench beside you.

"If you want," you replied, putting your guard up.

If there was one thing that you hated, it was strangers.

You didn't like talking to them, wanting to be by yourself unless you were with your family and friends.

"Who are you meeting?" he wondered, and you were surprised that he was still happy despite the annoyed aura that you were trying to give off to him.

"My grandmother, since you seem to be so interested," you huffed, clearly wanting him to go away.

"Ah, so you can speak," he laughed, and that was enough for you to whack him on the head with your book.

He cried out in pain, and you stood up to assert your dominance over him.

As you started to walk away with your book and suitcase in hand, you began to feel guilty about hurting the innocent man, knowing that he hadn't done anything wrong besides talking to you.

You turned around, walking back to him with a look of sympathy in your (e/c) eyes.

You offered him your free hand, and he gladly took it with an embarrassed smile and a red face.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you," you apologized. "I guess that I'm not a very good social person when it comes to meeting new people."

"Apology accepted," he replied. "Alzhough, I may have come off wrong, myself."

"I'm (y/n)," you introduced, shaking his hand since you were still holding it in your hand after helping him stand up.

"(Y/n)," he softly repeated to himself as his smile softened as well. "That's such a beautiful name."

"Thanks," you awkwardly grinned. "You are?"

"Francis Bonnefoy," he answered. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

With that he kissed your knuckles, which made you blush in embarrassment.

"To answer your earlier question," you began as you took your hand out of his hand, "I am lost. If I tell you where my grandmother lives, can you take me there?"

"Of course," Francis agreed, still his cheerful self. "Where does she live?"

"At this address," you explained, showing him your phone.

"Oh, I know exactly where zhat town is!" he replied with excitement. "Follow me, mademoiselle."

He took your hand, happily dragging you into the direction of the town where your grandmother resided.

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