Meeting 2p!America

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You sighed as you put on your jacket and looked at the clock.

Nine-thirty pm, you think in frustration. Again.

You sighed again before closing up the veterinary clinic that you were working in.

You weren't trying to be ungrateful to your manager for picking up the extra shifts due to the sudden disappearance of your colleague, but you hadn't gotten a break all week.

You loved the job, and you didn't mind the work, you just hated the hours.

You walked outside into the cold night, shivering a little.

As soon as you started walking to your car, you heard a thump come from an alley on your left.

The veterinary clinic you were working in was strangely built near many alleys connecting many other buildings together.

You walked to the alley, secretly knowing that your manager wouldn't mind about you leaving your car there for the night, as you hoped to figure out the source of the thump.

That plan backfired on you, however, a hooded man pinning you to the wall.

"Looks like a lost, pretty, little girl is gonna' die tonight," he smirked, looking at you with hunger in his blue eyes.

"P-please don't hurt me," you pleaded as tears formed in your (e/c) eyes, seeing him hold a knife to your neck.

"Oh, you won't even feel a thing, sweetheart," he replied.

Before he could hurt you, someone surprisingly killed him in front of you.

You gasp as blood flew everywhere and onto your clothes, a new person towering over your soon-to-be-murderer.

"You all right, sweet cheeks?" the new man asked, his red eyes flashing with all sorts of mischief as a smirk made its way onto his face.

"Y-yeah," you stuttered under the second new nickname of the night. "Th-thanks to you, I guess."

"It's no problem, sweet cheeks," he replied, still smirking as he put his nailed up baseball bat on his shoulder. "Always here to help."

"You live around here?" you asked awkwardly. "If not, how did you know I was in trouble?"

"I was actually following this guy here, sweet cheeks," he answered, kicking the dead corpse in between you two. "They just never stay away."

"Well, thanks again," you smile, situating your jacket and purse on your shoulders. "I haven't seen a baseball bat like that before."

"You haven't seen "Stranger Things" before, sweet cheeks?" he questioned, falling in step beside you.

"No, but it does sound cool," you answered.

"Anyway, you got a name sweet cheeks?" he winked. "Or do I have to keep calling you "sweet cheeks" until I figure it out?"

"It's (y/n) since you seem so interested," you smirked.

"Allen Jones," Allen grinned, his white teeth literally glinting in the street lights and red eyes shining with mischief again.

"That's not creepy at all," you laughed, and he laughed as well. "Anyway, you gonna' clean up that body or....?"

"Shit!" he hissed, running back to drag the dead man by one of his feet. "Oh man, everyone at home would have been so pissed if I had forgotten this!"

"Should I even ask?" you wondered awkwardly.

"Probably not," he assured you. "It's...pretty messed up. Nothing for your ears."

"It's probably not as bad as you say," you tried to argue, but the look on his face made you want to re-think your statement.

"Anyway," he started, breaking the awkward silence, "where do you live?"

"Just a down a few streets," you told him. "Why?"

"I'm walking you home," he stated, almost becoming defensive. "Isn't it obvious? Why else would I ask you that, sweet cheeks?"

"I don't know," you replied in a dumb tone. "Maybe you want to stalk me?"

Allen laughed again, the noise sounding a little creepier than before.

"If I wanted to hurt you in any way," he started off with a smirk, "I would have done that by now."

"That's what they all say," you countered with a grin.

"This one, sweet cheeks?" he asked, nodding his head to a white house with blue brick.

"That's the one," you agreed, looking at the house number that was made up of the digits 1-4-9-7.

"1497," he mental noted with sneaky look on his face. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind the next time I feel the need to stalk you, sweet cheeks."

"Just shut up and leave," you joked with a playful eyeroll. "The dead carcass smell is already filling up my nose, and in case you haven't noticed or anything, I have human blood all over my clothes no thanks to you."

"Well, I'll be off then," he said with a two finger salute. "Sleep tight, sweet cheeks."

"You too, Jones," you replied with a wave, going into your house to take a long, warm shower.

My knight with a nailed up baseball bat, you thought, replaying your whole encounter with Allen Jones again in your head. Weird. Slightly romantic, but mostly weird.

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