Meeting America

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It was just a normal evening after college for you; you packed up your work and started to walk out of the building.

Your older brother had caught up to you, granted by the fact that you two were only a year apart, and he smiled.

"So, where are you heading?" he asked.

"Well, I was thinking about going to the park for a little bit," you answered. "You know, do some extra homework in a nice, peaceful place?"

"Cool," he nodded. "See you at home, then. Don't be out too late, though. You still have a curfew."

"Ha, ha," you smirked sarcastically. "I'm twenty years old, (b/n). I think I can handle myself, thank you very much."

"Hey, you can't be too careful," he joked, walking off and into his own direction as you went into yours.

You admired the sunset sky, hoping that you could get in at least one more hour of work time, if not a little longer.

When you got to the park, you sat yourself down in the grass by the pond.

It was a beautiful Summer night, the golden sun casting an amazing glow on the New York skyscrapers.

As you open up your textbooks and notebooks, you suddenly heard a faint cry for help.

You grab a few pens and pencils in your hands, running into the direction of the noise.

You see a group of men your age chasing another man who was also your age.

Running up to them, you prepare for your self-defense moves.

"Hey!" you yelled, catching all of their attention. "Leave him alone!"

The leader had the other man's bomber jacket collar in his hands, a look of anger in his brown eyes.

The victim had fear in his blue eyes, his glasses looking cracked.

"What are you gonna' do about it?" the leader growled, pushing his victim away.

You silently held up the pens and pencils, along with your car keys for extra luck.

"I know self-defense," you threatened. "Don't make me use it on you."

"Ha, like you could actually-" the leader cut off, screaming in pain as he clutched his thigh, the one you had stabbed with one of your pencils when he wasn't looking.

"Scram!" you yelled at the other three, all four of them running or limping away.

You looked at their victim, the man jumping in fear as you tried to help him fix his jacket.

"Whoa, hey," you said calmy. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Th-that was cool," he said, his voice shaking as he fixed his jacket himself. "Thanks for saving me, dudette."

"Eh, it big deal, really," you tried to brush off modestly. "Some guys are just jerks."

"No," he smiled. "You saved me."

He hugged you, and you could have sworn you heard your back crack.

Still, you hugged him back as he set you down and onto your feet.

"I'm (y/n)," you introduced, holding out your hand.

"Alfred Jones," he replied, shaking your hand.

"Nice to meet you," you answered with a grin. "You sure are lucky that I came here when I did. Otherwise, I don't know what they would have done to you."

"Well, even heros need rescuing every once in a while," Alfred grinned.

"I was just doing some homework for college," you explained. "The pond is my favorite place to work."

"Well, it just so happens to be my favorite place to sit too," he replied. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," you smirked, leading him over to your favorite spot.

"Trigonometry?" he playfully gagged.

"I know, right?" you sighed. "It's actually quite easy if you know what you're doing. I'm going into engineering, so I kind of need to know this stuff."

"Yeah, you do," he joked, lying on his back as he put his forearms behind his head.

"You go to school?" you asked, writing down your answer in your notebook.

"Nah," he said. "Not really my thing. I have a way more important job."

"Like what?" you inquired with a smile, looking at him.

"Like...being a hero," he smiled back, his tone and blue eyes soft.

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