You Tell Your Friend About Him: 2p!America

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"....And I know that he's kinda' like a delinquent and all," you went on, "but he's really cool, and nice."

"Yeah," your best friend, (b/f/n), began, "but he saved your life at the cost of another's. That doesn't sound very heroic to me."

"It was either that stranger or me," you replied. "He even walked me home, afterwards."

"Oh, great," your friend said with a sarcastic smile. "Now he can stalk you."

"That's what I thought at first, too," you countered, "but he's actually really nice once you get to know him."

"I don't know, (y/n)," (b/f/n) sighed. "Someone with the name 'Allen Foster Jones' doesn't sound like a very fun person to be around. I mean, do you even know what he did with that guy he killed?"

"No," you answered. "I believe that he's a good person, no matter what."

You could understand your friend's concern, though, once you thought about his/her question again.

What did he do with that guy, anyway? you wondered.

"I just don't want you to get hurt," your friend kindly assured you.

"No, I understand," you smiled. "This is why we're best friends, isn't it?"

"Maybe," (b/f/n) chuckled, flicking your nose.

"Hey!" you whined in a laugh.

"Oops," they sarcastically apologized.

"Anyway," you started, "if you ever want to meet him...."

"I'd like that," your friend agreed.

The two of you smiled and hugged each other, and you were happy that (b/f/n) was willing to give Allen a chance.

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