You Tell Your Friend About Him: France

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"The first time that we met," you began with an awkward smile, "I pushed him off of the bench that we were sitting on."

Your friend, (b/f/n), suddenly started to laugh, making your face go a darker shade of red.

"The poor guy!" he/she giggled. "Goodness, (y/n), why do you always hit people?"

"It was an accident!" you defended for yourself to no avail. "Besides, I apologized to him, and he forgave me."

"Well, that's good," (b/f/n) answered with a grin. "What else?"

"He knows my grandmother, surprisingly," you replied.

"What?" your friend asked in a sing-song tone.

"Yeah," you nodded. "We ate lunch together at her house."

"That's weird and romantic," (b/f/n) stated. "Your grandmother wasn't kidding, Paris is magical!"

"Tell me about it," you giggled. "He's a nice guy, though."

"Do you think that you'll see him again?" your friend wondered.

You shrugged as you began to wonder that yourself.

"Maybe," you smiled. "I have to visit my grandma next week, anyway. Who knows?"

"I hope so," (b/f/n) grinned. "If you do, send pictures!"

"Ew, no way!" you laughed as your friend joined in with your laughter.

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