cop!Romano x reader

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Never go to a bar at midnight. Why, you ask? That's where the bad people congregate. Bad people hoping to pick up vulnerable individuals. This happened to one of your closest friends, and you haven't seen them since. You called the cops, and they still haven't found her after two months of relentless searching. She's probably dead, and you couldn't help at all. The chief officer, Officer Vargas, was trying his best, nonetheless.

"Hey if you have time to chit chat then you have time to look for that girl!" You hear an accented voice shout from afar, "Get moving! Jeez... officers these days..."

"Officer Vargas, if I could have a moment of your time," You rush over to the Italian, "I would like to give you more information about the man my friend left with."

"So you're telling me that you let your friend leave with a stranger?" He looks at you with concern, and asks you to come with him. He takes you to the police station for questioning, and you notice that he seems a bit tense.

"Excuse me officer, but do you think we could go to my place for questioning instead?" You offer, "I noticed you looked stressed out and I have some good tea. I could also make some cookies or something..." you play with your fingers and wait for his response.

"As tempting as that may be, we're already here, and we might as well get this over with." He says, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. You can tell he wants to go, so what's stopping him? He leads you into a dimly lit room with a couple folded chairs and a table. "Please, take a seat." As you sit, he pulls up a chair next to you and rests his elbow on the table. "So, you said she left with a stranger. Did this man look threatening? Did he raise any red flags?" You think back to that night you tried so hard to forget. He placed a cup of water in front of you and you nodded in thanks.

"Well, he did seem persistent, offering to buy my friend drinks, even though she told him no a couple times already. He also offered to drive her home when she was drunk." You added, thinking it necessary to give details. He looks alarmed.

"So you let her go with him, even if she was initially opposed to the idea?"

"That's not what I said. I never said I let her." You shake your head, and try to continue

"But you did." He interrupts.

"No, I didn't. Now if I can continue my story, that would be greatly appreciated." You get a nod in response, but his cheeks are tinted. "Ok. So what happened was I turned down his offer to take her home, and told him that I'll take her home instead. But then my friend walked over to the man and accepted the offer. I tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't listen. He probably put something in her drink... and now she's gone.. and I probably won't ever see her again..." Your voice begins to shake and you're beginning to realizing the situation. "And it's my... it's my fault she's gone... and she's probably d.. dead..." You choke on the last word, horrified at its meaning. You bring your hand up to your face but it's quickly lowered by Officer Vargas.

"Bella, it's not your fault. There was a number of factors and you tried to prevent it from happening. None of this is your fault." He takes your hand and lightly kisses it, causing a blush to bloom on your face. You look into his eyes and notice flecks of green in the sea of brown. It's fairly beautiful, and you catch yourself staring but it was too late.

"Haha, bella, you're staring." He chuckles, and in a joking manner, adds "Like what you see?"

You choke on your water, making him laugh.

"Quick little disclaimer, I know what Bella means in Italian." You take quick sip of your water and watch him internally panic.

"Back to the questions. Did you happen to see his car? Maybe his license plate number?" He leaned close and looked attentive, awaiting an answer.

"I saw his car, but since this all happened two months ago, I can't remember his license plate. It might have started with GD and ended with 70 though..." You glance at the officer, who is writing something down with an look plastered on his face.

"Ok, what did the car look like? Any distinguishable features?" He says as he keeps scribbling in his notepad.

"It was a black Honda accord," You mumble "that's all I remember."

"Alright, well what about the guy? Do you have any description of him that we need to know?" He looks at you, his eyes fixed with concentration.

"Ah well he had an undercut, stubble, his hair was a dark brown...I noticed that he had a nose piercing, too." You try to remember more about him. "He was wearing a leather jacket and jeans. That's all I remember."

"Ok," He sets down his notebook. "I think we're done."

"Officer Vargas," You begin.

"Call me Romano. Only if you want to though." He says, with a slight, reassuring smile.

"Ok, Romano, now that we're done, would you like to stop by my house for a drink? Or I can make something if you'd like." You offer.

"That would be great, thank you." He stands up. "I'll get my stuff and then we can go."

*time skip to your place*

"Thank you for the drink, bella." Romano smile as you take a seat next to him.

"No problem! You know, the whole thing with my friend is stressing me out... and it should but I still find ways to cope I guess. You need to learn how to be not stressed. I can teach you if you want." You propose the idea of a de-stressing lesson, and he agrees.

"So first you need to get a warm drink, preferably hot cocoa." You explain, as you make some Swiss-miss (hot chocolate brand). After you finish making it, you hand Romano a cup and sit back down. "Then, you need to turn on your favorite movie or TV show. Be sure to grab a blanket and something to cuddle with cause you're not gonna get up for a while." You cover yourself and Romano with a soft blanket and turn on the TV. He seems less tense already, and you get a sense of overwhelming happiness for no reason. You feel a weight being pressed into you, so you look over and it's Romano, attempting to hug you. You laugh and ask him what he was doing.

"You said get something to cuddle with." He stares into your eyes. "In my case, it's someone, but I want to cuddle with you so there." You feel a blush creeping onto your face and decide to hide it with a blanket. He quickly notices what you're doing and puts a hand to your cheek, stopping you. "You know, I think Bella doesn't exactly fit you anymore... However, bellissima fits perfectly." He whispers as he leans closer, slowly, giving you time to pull away. You don't pull away, and instead you move closer so you're facing him completely. Your heart is racing and it's the happiest it's ever been. You close the narrowing gap between you with a soft kiss that makes your heart melt even more. A moment too soon the kiss ends, and you rest your head on Romano's shoulder.

"For the record," you smile, "I know what bellissima means too." Romano lets out a soft chuckle.

"As I expected, bellissima."

Translations if anyone needs them: Bella = beautiful (appearance) , bellissima = beautiful (everything including personality, so it means a lot more)

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