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People are cruel. One minute you're in a 'healthy' relationship with your fiancé, the next moment you're fuming on a street curb in the rain, wondering what you did wrong. Droplets of water trailed down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You decide to get up, and walk to the bus stop, shivering as you do so. Cars race by, their drivers looking at you with concern and yet they do nothing about it. Pedestrians shuffle by with umbrellas, ignoring your need for one. Only the street lights help you by lighting the way. The idea to call a friend comes to mind and you're already pressing the 'call' button on your phone. You hear them pick up the phone, their voice soft and comforting. "Could you pick me up at the bus stop at 5th and 6th? I'm getting soaked and I don't want to catch a cold." you ask, getting an immediate answer.

"Say no more, I'm on my way." They say, relief flooding into you. With that, they hung up. A few moments later, you see their car rolling towards you and stopping abruptly. "Get in," they order, "Tell me everything. I brought you your favorite drink." You climb in, and you see that they put a towel on your chair so you could dry off, as well as your drink in a styrofoam cup. You turn the seat warmer on and take a sip of your drink.

"Thank you so much for picking me up, Artie. You're the best." You smile as he gets flustered.

"I thought I told you not to call me that... but I guess I can make an exception this time. Want some tea? I made some scones too..." He waves to a plastic container filled with small rock-like pastries. "However they may be a tad inedible, given that I might have burnt them." Arthur frowns at his baked goods. "So would you like to talk about what's bothering you, or do you want a distraction?"

"I mean, there's really nothing to say." You shrug, "He was drunk, he told me strait to my face that he's been sleeping with another girl for the past year,"

"That slimy bag of monkey-"

"Let me finish." You shot back, continuing your story. "So then I threw my ring out the window, grabbed my things and left. I mean, it's not like that made me question my self worth or anything..." Your voice wavered, shocked that you were getting so choked up about this. Arthur looked at you, his eyes filled with concern, and slowly lifts his hand to your shoulder. The tears that threatened to spill came crashing down, and he just holds you, waiting for your tears to die down a bit. He pulls away from you and caresses your face. You stare into his eyes and try to stop crying

"Y/n. You are a strong, independent person, who doesn't need a man in order to function properly. It's ok to have emotions, it's ok to cry about things. It's ok to feel sad. You will get through this, however long it'll take. The thing is, you don't have to do it alone. Your pain won't hurt others, so share it with the people who care about you. Share it with me. So don't worry. Everything will be ok. Do you hear me? You will be ok." His hand is still on your cheek, and you lean into it. He gives a small smile and wipes a stray tear from your chin. "Tissue?" He hands you a box of Kleenex and you chuckle, already feeling better.

"Thanks," you sniff, and blow your nose. "You've always been there for me. Thank you so much." You give him a small kiss on the cheek in thanks, and blood immediately rushes to his face.

"Uh- Uhm... No problem, no, no problem at all..." He stutters, hiding half of his face with his hand, the other one hugging his own waist, as if he was trying to stop himself from falling apart. He's rather adorable, you think. Your mind then starts to wander into the abyss. "Uhm, Y/n? May I ask you something?" Arthur asks, pulling you from your brief trance.

"Sure, what's up?" You ask, wondering what he could have to say.

"Well, realize that you just experienced a breakup with your fiancé, and that any relationship would be out of the question right now... but I was wondering if you would like to come back to my house to watch a film? We could watch whatever you wanted." He looks down and fiddles with his thumbs. You get a feeling that he might have a slight interest in you, but you immediately rule it out. He's your best friend. There's no way he could have any sort of romantic feelings towards you.

You're watching your favorite movie when Arthur comes in with a bowl of pretzels and another filled with popcorn. He sits down next to you and you lean into him, resting your head on his shoulder. You realize what you're doing.

"Crap sorry I should probably ask if this is ok. Is this ok? Or are you uncomfortable? Because if so I can-"

"It's fine don't worry," He interrupted, ""You can... you can keep your head on my shoulder if you... uhm if you want to." He trips over his words and you laugh before nuzzling your head into is shoulder some more. Arthur immediately stiffens, and you notice that his neck is especially warm.

"Arthur, are you blushing?" You ask, smiling at him while he slightly panics.

"No, definitely not..." You give him a look. "Ok fine I am. I just wonder why..." He puts his hand to his mouth in deep thought.

"Maybe it's because of me? I've noticed that when I'm close to you you look a little red. That's cause you're blushing, right? Or it might be a completely different reason, I don't know..." Your face becomes red and you look down, embarrassed that you just confronted him about feelings.

"Uhm. Y/n... listen to me." You look up and into his eyes. "I know this is terrible timing, with you finding out about your... ex fiancé.... a couple hours ago. But I need you to know something. You are such a great friend and I don't want to lose that. However," he takes your hand, "I care about you deeply. So much so that I would like to be more than friends. And yes, I know you just got out of a very serious relationship, but that's how I feel. I can't seem to change it, and I just wanted you to know. In no way do I expect you to return my affection, and I hope that we can still remain best friends."

Arthur gets up, clearly in shock at what he just said, but you take his hand and sit him back down.

"Arthur, thank you for telling me how you feel. I really appreciate everything you do for me. I just wanted to say, I don't want to be friends either. I wanna be more. So yeah, pretty crappy confession from me, especially compared to yours..." your voice trails off. Arthur's face is dangerously close to yours, and you're just realizing that. "Whoa ok hi uhm yeah I'm not ready for that yet..." you ramble, putting your hands on Arthur's chest.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry I didn't know I was so close until you said something-" He apologizes profusely but stops when you put your head on his shoulder again.

"How about we start with this, and work our way up? There's no shame in taking it slow." You look back at the tv and see that you forgot to pause your movie. "Dang it. Now we have to start it from where we weren't paying attention..."

"Well at least we can spend more time with each other, right love?"

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