2p Australia x Fem!Reader-Camp Fire

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Belarus-Natalia Arlovskaya
Hungary-Elizabeta Héderváry
2p America-Allen.L.Jones
2p Australia-Oscar Kirkland
2p Canada-James Williams

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Ready for camp?" My friend Natalia asks

"I think so." I reply checking my bags "Is this your first school camp too?"

"Yes, I have no idea vhat to expect." She replies

I'm sitting on my school desk withy my bags on the floor next to me talking with my friend Natalia. We're about to go on our school camp, I've moved schools a few times due to my parents work so I've always missed my school camps. I don't know why Natalia never went but she didn't.

"Do you think you'll kiss a boy?" She asks me "I've heard it's a thing in movies."

"As if any boy would want to kiss me." I giggle and Natalia keeps a straight face

I see her quickly glance over my shoulder and when I turn all I see is Oscar Kirkland talking with one of his friends.

"I vouldn't be so sure." She mumbles and then turns to her bags

"What does that even mean?" I ask her but she pretends not to hear

I look over my shoulder again and meet eyes with Oscar. He has beautiful greenish blue eyes and he's pretty attractive but it's unlikely he'd ever like someone like me. Natalia was probably just distracted by something. I turn away and our other friend Elizabeta joins us.

"I'm so excited to go." She giggles "I'm going to get so many adorable yaoi photos of guys in camp. Like campfire cuddling, secretly spooning in tents."

"You have veird obsessions." Natalia sighs

"Like you're one to talk, you're so obsessed with your brother." I cut in, making Elizabeta laugh

"So are you planning to kiss any guys at camp?" Eliza asks

"Oh my god, this again?" I ask hopping off the desk

"Well I can name a few guys who'd like to kiss you." Eliza giggles, looking over my shoulder again

"Ok I'm done with this, can we hurry up and go to the bus?" I ask picking up my bags

"Sure, I'll tell you the list on the way down." Eliza says and follows after me, Natalia close behind

We exit the classroom and once we're out Eliza turns to me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Oscar likes you." She says "He always looks at you and I overheard him tell Allen he thinks you're pretty and nice."

"Pft as if." I laugh and continue walking

"He looked over at us vhen ve said zhere's guys who vould vant to kiss you." Natalia adds "And glared at me vhen I vas going to mention zhem."

We arrive at the bus and place out bags in the storage compartment under the bus. A few others are here, hoping to get seats at the back, away from the teachers.

"Do you think there's a seat on the bus with three seats?" Natalia asks

"Nope, but I don't think that'll be a problem." Eliza giggles "Oscar, Allen and James just arrived, guaranteed Oscar will try to sit with you,"

"You guys are crazy." I sigh pulling out my phone

"(Y/n) put that phone away!" One of the teachers yells, appearing out of nowhere

I jump in surprise and the teacher walks away. I can see out of the corner of my eye, Oscar glaring at the teacher who told me off.

"Aww he wants to defend you." Eliza coos

"Vhy von't big brother do zhat for me?" Natalia sighs

"Because you can take care of yourself, besides the teachers are scared of you." I say

"So you're saying you can't take care of yourself?" Eliza asks

"Shut up." I giggle "That's not what I meant."

Finally the bus doors open and people quickly scramble to find their seats with their friends. Eliza and Natalia end up sitting next to each other with me behind them. They said it was all part of some plan but I don't get it.

I look out the window and try to imagine what the campgrounds will be like when there's a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Oscar standing there, with a hand in his blond hair and crouching down due to the low roof of the bus.

"Can I sit here?" He asks

"O-Of course." I say moving to give him more room

He sits down and I begin to feel nervous, was this the plan those two spoke about? Getting me to sit with Oscar? Not like it'll help, after the bus trip he probably won't talk to me.

We sit in comfortable silence for a while and the bus begins to move. My phone vibrates with a message from my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me, asking for me to take him back, this isn't the first message like this I've gotten from him.

"Is that your boyfriend." Oscar asks, surprising me

"Yes, well not any more." I sigh "He cheated on me."

"He's an idiot." Oscar says "Why would anyone want to cheat on someone as amazing as you?"

A blush explodes on my face at his compliment.

"T-Thank you." I say

Maybe there is a chance for me, I mean he seems to want to talk to me so that's a good sight. I could easily lose myself in those greenish blue eyes.

*Time skip to the next day*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
It's been a rough day, I slept horribly on the hard floor of the tent, our breakfast was gross and cold, we had to go for a run to wake us up and now I'm trudging back to camp soaked because the person I was canoeing with tipped us into the freezing water.

I breath some hot air onto my fingers and right before I reach the turn off of the path to go to camp I meet Oscar.

"What happened to you?" He asks looking concerned

"Alfred tipped us into the water." I reply

He looks me up and down and I blush, my clothes are sticking to my body meaning he can see my figure, it's embarrassing.

"Excuse me." I say and walk past him, trying to hide the blush on my cheek

"Yo Dude!" I hear Alfred yell and he's quickly silenced by a glare from Oscar, it's nice to know he has my back

*Time skip to night*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
After drying off and changing clothes I'm sitting by the campfire warming up. It's getting dark so it would be to hard to find Natalia and Eliza unless I used my flashlight which I want to save the batteries of. So now I'm just sitting alone thinking.

"Can I sit next to you?" A voice asks, snapping me out of my thoughts

It's Oscar.

"Sure." I reply

He sits down and remains quiet for a few minutes.

"Why are you always so serious?" I ask

"I guess it's just the way I am, sorry." He replies

"You don't need to apologise." I say

He looks at me for a few seconds and moves closer. He is very tall and muscular which can be intimidating but he doesn't scare me, I like him a lot which means I can look past the intimidation.

"You're beautiful in the light of the campfire." He says extending a hand and brushing some of my hair away from my face

He leans down and presses out lips together, kissing me deeply. I close my eyes and kiss back, feeling ecstatic that this is happening. We pull away and look into each others eyes.

"When your friends said there were guys who wanted to kiss you they where right, I'm one of them" He says in his deep voice "And I like you a lot."

"I like you to, I didn't think you'd want to be with me." I reply

"Are you serious?" He asks shocked "You're amazing."

He pulls me into his chest and I rest my head gain strength his shoulder, his muscular arms are wrapped around my waist and I can see a small smile on his face. I don't think I've ever been happier than this.

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