England x Male!Reader-My Brothers

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England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

(M/n)-Male name

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I sip calmly at my tea while looking out the bay window, sitting on the ledge with cushions. I love in a small apartment with my boyfriend Arthur who moved here after running away from home. It's pretty small but we manage, only one bedroom, one bathroom, one living room and one kitchen. The colour scheme is dark grey, white and black, it's modern but the atmosphere feels cold. When I'm cuddling with Arthur it feels warmer.

The bay window overlooks the city and it opens to let the cool breeze in, I have to be careful not to fall out. I have it open right now, looking down onto the street below. It's so calm right now, it gives me time to think.

Why did Arthur leave his brothers? I know his parents died when he was younger so he was raised by his brothers. Arthur told me they bullied and mistreated him for some unknown reason and he left home the second he could. The only brother who's tried to reach out to him was Dylan, who I don't know but Arthur said he was the nicest out of all of them. But he never tried to stop the fighting.

He hasn't told them where he lives or even that he's dating me. The last time he had contact with his brothers was a few months ago and he cut all ties completely. Arthur says if he ever hears his brothers names again he'll cast curses on everyone.

I hear footsteps below and I see a group of four men, all with red hair. One has dark red hair, like blood, two have matching ginger hair, and the last one has more of a strawberry blond colour. The one with dark red hair looks up at me.

I wave slightly and begun to sip my tea, why do I get a bad feeling from those men? Weill I'll just ignore it for now. I watch the men walk into the lobby of our apartment complex and lean back into the cushion, the sky is getting dark and stormy.

After a few minutes there is a knock at the door and I get a sinking feeling. I place my tea down and open the door, my suspicions being confirmed. It's those four men from before. They all have Arthur's large eyebrows, wait are they...?

"Hello can I help you?" I ask

"Oh sorry, we were told Arthur Kirkland lived here." One of the twins says turning around

"He does." I say, wrapping my dressing gown around me more due to the cold air being let through

"Then who are you?" The strawberry blond asks

"Why don't you come inside?" I say moving out of the doorway

They listen to me and walk inside out apartment. Luckily it's clean due to Arthur stress-cleaning.

"Take a seat on the couch, I'll wake up Arthur." I say

"Wait!" The other twin says "We want to talk to you."

I sit down on the couch and look at them, confused as to who they are.

"We're Arthur's Brothers." The one with dark red hair says "I'm Allistor."

"I'm Dylan." The strawberry blond adds

"I'm Seamus." One of the twins says

"And I'm Liam." The final man says

"I'm (M/n), what are you doing here?" I ask

"We're looking for our baby brother." Allistor says

"We want him to come home, we are worried." Dylan adds

"I see, well I don't think he'd want to come home." I say picking up my tea and taking a sip

"We have to try, we want to make up for the horrible way we treated him." Liam says

I stay quiet, should I wake up Arthur or ask them to leave and not tell him?

"Are you Arthur's roommate?" Allistor asks

"Boyfriend." I reply

"He has a boyfriend?" Seamus and Allistor ask in shock

"Two years." I say "I don't think Arthur would want to move back home at all."

That's when a door closes and we hear shuffling of footsteps. Arthur emerges from the small hallway and stops dead in his tracks when he sees his brothers.

"What are you wankers doing here?" He asks "Get away from (M/n), god knows what lies you're telling him about me."

"They haven't said anything Arthur." I say "Come sit down and listen to what they have to say."

He huffs and walks over to my couch and sits next to me. I wrap my arms around his waist and he presses a kiss to my forehead.

"What do you want?" Arthur asks his brothers

"We want to make things right with you and for you to move back home." Dylan says

"After the way you treated me? No way!" Arthur says "Besides I'm living with my boyfriend."

"Mum and dad wouldn't want us to be separated like this." Liam says

"Mum and dad wouldn't have wanted you to bully me but you still did that." Arthur replies angrily

They all look guilty and try to open their mouths but nothing comes out.

"Arthur maybe you should give them a chance to make it up to you," I whisper into his ear "They are your brothers."

Arthur looks at me for a few minutes and then turns back to his brothers.

"I won't move back home with you, but I'll give you a chance to make things right." Arthur says

Liam and Seamus basically attack him in a hug and Dylan smiles brightly. Allistor, while trying to hide his happiness, is still obviously very happy about Arthur's answer.

"It won't be easy though." Arthur says

"We love you little brother." They all say and stand up

"It's time we go home." Allistor says "Well come visit you sometime wee brother, and your cute boyfriend."

I blush and Arthur glares at him. Arthur's brothers walk out of the apartment and he turns towards me.

"Sorry about them." Arthur sighs

"It's alright." I reply pressing my lips softly to his "Good morning."

"Good morning." He replies, kissing me back "I love you"

"I love you too."

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