2p Canada x Fem!Reader x 2p America-Who's Better? *Lemon*

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Hungary-Elizabeta Héderváry

2p America-Allen.L.Jones
2p Canada-James Williams

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"(Y/N) TELL THIS IDIOT I'M BETTER THAN HIM!" One of my friends Allen yells, bursting through my front door

"As if she would you herbivore weirdo!" His brother James shouts back, walking behind him

"Please don't bring me into this." I say trying to hear my show on Netflix

"You're the only one who will give an honest answer!" Allen argues

"Well I don't care." I reply

Allen and James stand in front of the tv and I sigh, knowing I won't be able to finish my episode. I pause the tv and look up to them.

"What's going on this time?" I ask

"This pancake is trying to say he's better than me." Allen says, his red eyes filled with anger

"At what?" I ask "Because if it's being annoying he's definitely incorrect."

James snickers and Allen seems to get angrier.

"No, he's trying to say he's better at every thing than me and we all know I'm the best." Allen states swinging his nail bat over his shoulder

"You're going to take someone's eye out with that." James mutters quietly "So can you tell us, who's better?"

"I still need something to compare you two with." I say

"I know doll-face, why don't we both take you on a date?"Allen asks sitting in the couch next to me, slinging an arm over me shoulder

"What?" I ask confused

James smirks and nods.

"That sounds fine, I call second date, I'll make (Y/n) happier after your shit date." James says sitting on my other side and removes Allen's hand

"Wait I still haven't agreed to this!" I shout trying to get their attention

"Great I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow night, dress warm." Allen states and he and James walk out of the house before I can give a proper protest

Whatever, I'll just say that neither of them are better. I guess if I do that they might never leave me alone though...

*Time skip to the next night*

Third Person P.O.V.
(Y/n) and Allen are currently walking to a small amusement part, hand in hand. More like Allen is pulling her along and not allowing her to take her hand out of his. They arrive and Allen turns to his smaller companion.

"What do you want to do first?" Allen asks

"I don't kno-ooh is that fairy floss?" (Y/n) says noticing a small fairy class cart

Allen smirks and takes her over to the cart, buying her one. As they both turn around to look at a magician performing, James sneaks out of the bushes and sprinkles some extra hot chilli powder onto the fairy floss.

"Sorry (Y/n), but I need this date to go wrong." He whispers to himself and hides in the bushes again

(Y/n) turns around and takes a bite of the fairy floss, effectively burning her mouth on the chilli.

"What the fuck. Why is it so spicy?!" She shouts as Allen gets her a small soft drink to cool her mouth down

"You ok?" He asks, plotting the murder of the cart vendor

"Yeah, I think we should just go on some rides." (Y/n) says throwing out the fairy floss

They walk over to the ride section and decide on dodgems first. They line up and as they get to the front they are told to leave due to to many people on the ride.

"Whatever, let's just go to the haunted house." Allen sighs

The same thing happens for the haunted house, Ferris wheel and roller coaster. Soon (Y/n) and Allen are getting pretty annoyed and the date isn't going to well.

2p Canada's P.O.V.
I just finished paying the last ride operator $5 to say that the ride was full, this way (Y/n) and my dumb brother won't be able to have any romantic moments. I know it's out of character for me but I'll do anything for (Y/n), I love her.

I pet Kuma who decided he wanted to help after all. (Y/n) and Allen are petting some baby animals in a small pen and Kuma growls at them, scaring them all into their tiny houses.

"What's that dumb bear doing here?" Allen asks

He freezes and then looks over to where I'm hidden, he glares and I stay extremely still. Luckily he doesn't see me.

"Come on lets just go home." (Y/n) says grabbing Allen's arm gently

I decide to leave them alone as they are walking home. Surely after this horrible date nothing could happen after. Besides I have some poachers still in my basement that I need to take care of.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sigh as I get to my front doorstep and turn back to Allen.

"Sorry about the crappy date." He says looking dejected

"It's ok, it was kind of fun." I reply

"Don't lie, I intend to punish every single person who works at that theme park." He states

"Just don't kill anyone ok?" I ask

After he promises I hug him and kiss his cheek, quickly disappearing into my house and closing the door, leaving him standing there in shock.

I wasn't kidding when I said the date was fun, it was nice to spend time with Allen when he wasn't angry or bent on killing someone. Aren't dates all about spending time isn't the other? I wonder what James has in store for me tomorrow?

*Time skip to the next night*

Third Person P.O.V.
(Y/n) is dressed in a warm clothing including a (F/c) jumper. She is sitting on the steps outside waiting for her date James who is half an hour late. (Y/n) shivers and decided to head inside.

"Maybe he decided against the date." She whispers to herself as she stands up

That's when James appears and walks up the driveway.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." He mumbles, holding our some slightly crumpled red roses

"It's ok, and thank you." She says walking into her house and grabbing a vase.

Little does (Y/n) know that what kept James was Allen asking a series of dumb questions and wasting his time.

"Ready to go?" He asks

She nod and together they walk down to the local ice skating rink. James helps (Y/n) tie her skates and the glide onto the ice, James holding (y/n)'s hand to prevent her for, falling over.

"This looks a lot easier in Yuri on ice." (Y/n) whispers

As (Y/n) slowly gains her balance, holding onto James for dear life a man in a large coat skates into her, knocking her over.

He quickly skates away and they loose him in the sea of people. Allen silently hands a ten dollar note to him. He quickly pays a few more people to do the same thing to (Y/n) and James.

"That'll teach him to mess with my date." Allen whispers to himself

(Y/n) and James decide to leave the skating rink since so many people have run into them.

"We should go get dinner." James says

(Y/n) nods and they head to a small restaurant next to the ice rink. They quickly order their food and fail to see Allen threaten one of the servers.

"Drop it on James, the man in the red jacket." He says and let's the server go

He nods and Allen hides behind a newspaper in his booth. The food arrives and soon James' pizza is dropped on top of him.

"I'm so sorry sir!" The server says quickly placing down (Y/n)'s food and kneeling down to help

"Don't bother." James says, his glare being obstructed by his glasses

He grabs (Y/n)'s hand and storms out of the shop with her.

"Maybe we should just go home." (Y/n) offers "We can watch a movie or something."

"Hmm ok maple." James nods and they walk home together

When they arrive Allen is sitting on the front doorstep smirking. When he sees their interconnected hands his smirk fails.

"From the pizza remains I think I can tell how your date went." He snickers

(Y/n) sighs and opens up the front door. Allowing James and Allen into her house.

"I'm going upstairs to change, if either of you peek I'm going to kill you until you're dead." (Y/n) threatens

James and Allen turn to each other in anger.

"Why the fuck did you ruin my date?" James asks

"Why the fuck did you ruin mine?" Allen replies, just as angry

"You don't deserve (Y/n), she's to good for some low life murderer like you." James growls

"Oh yeah? Well she's to good for a cabin freak like you." Allen says throwing a punch and missing his brother

They fight physically for a few minutes before pulling back.

"This isn't getting us anywhere." James sighs

"Why don't we share (Y/n)?" Allen asks

"I can deal with that, then she can decide if she wants to." James agrees

"Hey guys, I'm done." (Y/n) says walking down the stairs "James you can change if you want to, I think I have some of your old tops here still from Halloween."

"I think will change out of these clothes, but not into another set." James says walking over to (Y/n)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"What?" I ask in confusion "You are not walking around naked in my house."

I see smirks on Allen and James' face and that is never a good thing. I'm quickly pines to the wall by James who takes off his glasses revealing his beautiful violet eyes. My face explodes in a blush as a realise our close proximity.

"Allen and I have decided that we will share you." He whispers in my head "But after I still want you to tell us who is better."

"At what? The date?" I ask

**Lemon Start**

He shakes his head and attaches his lips to my neck.

"Something else doll." Allen says jumping in on the action and pressing a kiss to my lips

I squeal in surprise and Allen quickly presses his tongue into my mouth. I feel myself become a little wet at both of them touching me.

Allen places his hands on my hips rubbing circles and James snakes his hand up my shirt, squeezing my left mound.

"Ngh~" I moan as they tough me

James finds my sweet spot an begins to suck and bite it, while reaching around the back of my shirt to undo my strapless bra and it falls off. Each of them pinch one of my nipples making me moan. James removes himself from my neck, leaving a hickey, and carrying me up to my bedroom. Allen follows after us, kicking his shoes and taking off belt on the way up.

I'm laid on the bed and they both remove their shirts and pants. James reaches under my top and lifts it up, over my head and I quickly cover myself with my arms.

"You don't need to cover up doll, you're beautiful." Allen whispers, taking one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking and biting on it

James slips off my pants and rubs me through my panties.

"Wow you're so wet." He says, pushing a finger around my panties and into me

I moan in shock and pleasure as he adds more diners and pumps them in and out of me.

"Have any lube?" Allen asks

"Ngh, in the desk draw, it was a gift from Elizabeta." I say trying to put together a coherent sentence

He quickly grabs the lube and two condoms, slaking back over to us and removing his boxers. His large erection springs out. James does the same and Allen removes my panties. They quickly put on the condoms and squirt the lube onto themselves.

"I call front entrance." Allen says lifting me into his lap so I'm facing him and lining himself up with my woman hood

He slowly pushes inside of my stretched hole making me moan in pain and pleasure.

"Then I've got back." James adds pushing himself into my back hole and waiting for me to give the ok to move

After a few minutes I give an experimental thrust and I don't feel any pain.

"Ahh~ You can move, please!" I moan and they do just that

Allen and James begin to point in and out of me, pinching my nipples and ducking at my neck.

"Ah Allen~ James~!" I call out

A know begins to form inside my lower abdomen and it talked all I have to not let it out when I feel Allen hit my special bundle of nerves.

"Ngh Allen right there!" I scream

I feel them twitching inside me and I can't hold back any longer. I let my juices out of me and a few second after they both do as well. They quickly pull out of me and throw out the used condoms in my bin.

**Lemon End**

We lay down in bed together, me in the middle while Allen and James both have an arm wrapped around me.

"I love you." Allen says

"Je t'aime." James says kissing my cheek

(French:Je t'aime-I love you)

"Hmm one question still remains." Allen says "Who was better?"

"I don't know, maybe we need to try again." I reply

"I think I can do that, what about you James?" Allen asks

James nods and I realise I'm in for a very long and passion filled night.

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