Nyo!Belarus x Fem!Pregnant!Reader-Baby? *Lemon*

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Nyo!Belarus-Nikolai Arlofsky

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/c)-Favourite colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I stretch my arms out and yawn as i wake up. Hmm today is my husband and I's day off. I turn around and Nikolai is there clinging to my waist.

"Wake up Nikolai." I whisper slightly shaking him "Come on, I want food."

He opens his blue eyes and smiles softly when he sees me. He pulls me back to bed and holds me tighter.

"Come on Nikolai, I'm hungry." I say trying so wiggle out of his grasp

He grabs my chin and presses his soft lips to mine. I stop struggling and kids him back. His hand moves from my chin to my But and squeezes, I squeal in shock and he shoves his tongue inside, calming his new territory. We pull apart breathless. He rolls us over so I'm under him. I move so,w of his platinum blond hair out of his face and starts deep into his eyes.

"Breakfast can vait." He whispers slowly trailing kisses down my neck

"It's so early." I reply

"Doesn't matter." He says and finds my sweet spot, where there is a fading hickey

**Lemon Start**

He begins to bite and suck on it making me moan in pleasure. My hands trace over his already shirtless back and I claw into him when he bites me. I know he doesn't mind when I do that, I can tell because I can see a bulge forming in his pyjama pants.

He leaves four more hickeys on my neck and then pulls off my (f/c) tank top.

"No bra?" He smirks

"You're not supposed to wear one to bed." I explain and he trails kisses down to my chest

He takes one of my buds in him mouth and sucks on it, grazing his teeth around it. He punches the other bud and then switches sides.

"Ngh Nikolai~" I moan as he removes his mouth

I look into his blue eyes and he smiles a genuine smile. I move my body up and turn us around so I'm sitting on top of him. I grind against his hardening bulge and he groans.

I move down and pull off his pyjama pants. His erection springs out and I catch a glimpse of blush on his cheeks. I lick the vein on the underside from the base to the tip and encase all of it in my moth, I begin to bob my head and suck and he bucks into my mouth making me deep-throat him.

I feel him twitch and I begin to hum, sending vibrations through him. He releases his sticky liquid onto my mouth and I swallow as much as I can however some dribbles down my chin. He wipes it away and flips us again.

He removes my shorts and panties and rubs my dripping woman hood with one of his long fingers and inserts it into me. He adds a second before thrusting them in and out of me.

"Ahh Nikolai!" I moan as he places a third finger inside of me and picks up the pace

He rubs his thumb over my clit which triggers my release. He pulls his fingers out and licks off my juices. Then he lines himself up with my hole and slips in. I claw into his back as I can only concentrate on the pleasure. I tell him to move and he begins to thrust in and out.

"Ahh Nikolai~" I say as he pumps in and out of me faster

He hits my special bundle of nerves and the knot in my abdomen tightens until I can barely think. The only thing I can do is call out his name.

"Ngh (Y/n)!" He says and I feel him become harder and bigger inside me

He leans down and sucks on my neck setting me over the edge and I release all my fluid. This triggers his own release and shoots his seed deep inside me. He slips out of me and we lay down next to each other breathless.

"Round two?" He asks

I nod and giggle as I crawl on top of him again.

**Lemon End**

*Time skip to a month later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Nik I told you, I need to go out today." I sigh as I put on my warm coat

"Niama, you have been sick for zhe past few days and it's cold outside." My husband replies


"Nikolai seriously, I have an important doctors appointment to see if I... have the flu." I say trying to sound convincing

"Fine but I'm coming vith you." He says

"NO!" I yell "I mean no, I just want to go alone."

He glares at me, like he is trying to see through me but nods.

"If you're not back in two hours I vill assume you've been kidnaped and act appropriately." He says

"By calling the police?" I ask, making sure I have everything in my bag

"By murdering zhem." Nikolai confirms

"Why am I not surprised?" I laugh and kiss him goodbye on the cheek

I walk to the car and I begin to feel extremely nervous. I'm actually going to the doctors because I think might be pregnant, I took the take-home tests and two said I was positive but one said I was negative so I want confirmation.

I pull up at the doctors office and check in. I nervously wait in the waiting room and finally my name is called. I stand up and walk over to the doctor who explains who she is and what types of tests they will be running, including a blood test.

After they run all the tests I need to wait a few minutes before they can confirm my pregnancy, I am shaking of nerves right now. What if I am? would Nikolai leave me? No he isn't the type of person, but what if he is?

"Mrs. (Y/n)?" The doctor says grabbing my attention "Congratulations, you're one month pregnant. Would you like to set up an appointment for two months to check up on everything?"

I nod and walk to the front desk to book another appointment. They're very helpful and tell me they can take care of everything. I head back out to my car and inside I break down into tears.

I'm so happy but scared at the same time. I place a hand over my stomach and realise that I'm going to be a mother. I wipe my tears and put the keys in the ignition. I drive home and I make sure I don't have tear stains before walking inside the house.

Nikolai attacks me with a hug and kisses my forehead.

"Hey." I whisper

"Vhat's vrong?" He asks straight away, he really doesn't miss anything

"Nikolai listen, I didn't go to the doctors to see if I had the flu or a cold." I say nervously "I went to see if I was pregnant."

I feel his grip on me tighten and he looks at me curiously.

"And?" He says, I can feel him shaking

"We're going to be parents." I say

He gasps and smiles, it's rare I see him so happy. He picks me up and twirls me around, cheering.

"Ve're going to be parents." He says kneeling down and placing his hands over my stomach "Do you know zhe sex yet?"

"I'm only one month, it's way to early to tell." I giggle

"Vell I can assure you I vil take care of you for zhe next nine months." He says kissing my forest "I vill make sure you're always happy. Ja ciabie kachaju."

(Belarusian:Ja ciabie kachaju-I love you)

*Time skip to four months later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Nikolai kept his promises and he has taken care of me from day one. He always makes sure I'm eating right, sleeping right and taking care of myself and our baby. I have a baby bump now, it's small but still obvious.

I want to go outside though, it's not healthy to be cooped up inside.

"Hey Nikolai, can we go for a walk or something?" I ask

"Fine, but only because I'm vith you and I can protect you." He says

We head outside hand-in-hand and walk to the near-by park. After walking around for an hour my feet are hurting so I sit on a bench. Nikolai walks over to an ice-cream truck and I see someone sit next to me.

It's a man about my age. He places his hand on my stomach and smiles creepily. Why is it acceptable to go up and touch a pregnant woman's stomach? This isn't the only time this has happened.

"Can I help you?" I ask hitting his hand off of me

"Did the father abandon you?" He asks

"Can you fuck off?" i ask getting angrier

"Shh it's ok baby, I'll take care of everything." He says placing a hand on my thigh "If you sell your baby to me I can give you money and you would never have to worry about it again, the little bastard would become a slave of some sort."

"Get away from me now!" I scream at him, holding my hands over my stomach

A knife is suddenly lodged deep into his thigh and he screams.

"How dare you speak like zhat to my wife you second class piece of shit." Nikolai growls as he rips off the man's hand from me

Nikolai turns around to make sure no one can see him and then drags the man off behind a shed. He re-appears a few minutes later with a bit of blood on him and he rushes over to me, inspecting me for injuries.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks

I shake my head and she sighs in relief. He kisses away the tears In my eyes. I wrap my arms tightly around him and he hugs me back.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure no one else touches you or our child." He whispers and we walk back to our house together

"I love you Nik." I say kissing his cheek

"I love you to." He replies, in English which is surprising "Both of you."

"Hey, according to Alfred you shouldn't raise a baby to be bilingual because it stunts speech development." I say trying to get my mind off of what just happened

"Didn't he make out vith a pole?" Nikolai asks

I giggle and he wraps his arm around my waist as we continue walking.

"I'm not going to listen to what zhat American says at all." Nikolai says kissing my forehead

"Definitely, he's like 19." I reply

I feel the baby kick inside me for the first time and I grab Nikolai's hand. When he feels it he lets out a tear of happiness.

"I can vait for this baby." He says pressing his forehead to mine

"Me neither." I reply

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