France x England-Rejected

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England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy
The Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg

France's P.O.V
Lately I've been feeling really depressed and upset. I know why but I don't know how to fix or solve it. My heart is broken in two and there's nothing I can do about it.

I confessed to Arthur, about how I love him but he just told me he didn't believe me and I probably say that to a lot of people. I haven't seen him since then that was three weeks ago. Now I'm going to have to see him for a world meeting.

This time the world meeting is in Amsterdam, The Netherlands so I didn't have to travel far. Arthur always said he loved Amsterdam, especially for the tulips. Wherever I go I see reminders of him. I can't escape.

I make it to the meeting hall and walk inside. Tim is already there along with his brother and sister. A few other nations are here, but not Arthur. I take my seat and flick through some paperwork. Honestly even if Arthur rejected me, kind of, I still want to be around him, that would be enough for me.

The door opens and I hear a yelling voice and a sigh.

"Yo dudes!" Alfred yells, opening the door

"When will you shut up you bloody git?" I hear Arthur ask, following close behind him

"Aww come on Iggy." Alfred wrapping an arm around him

"Stop touching me." Arthur sighs and then he notices me "So you're here early frog."

Him calling me frog never used to hurt but now it does, Arthur takes a seat next to me and pulls out his paperwork.

"What's wrong? You seem quiet today." He says confused

"I'm fine I guess, just tired." I sigh

Arthur turns back to his paperwork and the meeting begins. I spend a lot of it staring at Arthur and wondering what it would be like to actually date him. I just wish he would believe me when I say I love him.

"Hey Francey-pants." I hear Alfred whisper to me "Why do you keep staring at Arthur like that?"

"Oh hello Alfred, I'm just zhinking about zhings." I reply

"Dude, do you like Iggy-brows?" He asks in shock

"Shh keep your voice down." I say hurriedly silencing him "It doesn't matter anyway, I don't 'ave a chance."

"What why not? If it's because you think we're dating..." he mumbles

"No it's not zhat, I confessed and 'e rejected me, 'e didn't believe I loved 'im." I sigh

"Well then you just need to prove you're serious." Alfred says with a 'duh' face

"'ow do I do zhat?" I ask

"I don't know dude, you're the country of love." He says and walks away

Despite not being the smartest person in the ways of love, Alfred is correct. I need to prove to Arthur I'm serious and not just playing with him. Well I think I can do that, after all it is as Alfred said, I'm the country of love.

England's P.O.V.
I peek at Francis who is looking more energetic and confident than he was when I arrived. To be honest I was worried about him. Whenever he isn't flirting or being annoying it means something is wrong.

I know he confessed to me a few weeks ago but I didn't believe him, I couldn't bring myself to believe him. He has always told people how much he loves them and I didn't want to fall victim to his words. Especially since I love him and if I finds out I'm just a pass-time it would break me.

"'ey Arzhur." Francis says, grabbing my attention "Do you want to go to zhe tulip fields with me after zhe meeting?"

I think about rejecting him but I don't want to. I feel like something is telling me to accept his offer so I do. He says that after we can go out for dinner.

*Time skip to the end of the meeting*

England's P.O.V.
After the meeting is over Francis grabs my hand and quickly leads me out of the meeting hall. He shoves me into a taxi which we use to drive to the large tulip fields.

"What's got you in such a rush?" I ask

"I'm just excited I guess." He says smiling softly

The taxi parks and Francis pays the man before pulling me out. I take in the view of the beautiful tulips. I lose myself in the beauty and don't realise that Francis has gone missing. I only realise when I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"Arzhur, I need to talk to you." I hear Francis whisper

"What is it?" I ask confused

"Remember when I confessed to you?" He whispers

My heart begins to beat fast and I try to calm down.

"I wasn't kidding mon amour." Francis whispers "You 'ave to believe me, I love you."

(French:Mon amour-My love)

"How can I believe you?" I ask, tears pouring down my cheeks "I've heard you say that to so many other people."

"I never tell anyone I don't love zhat I love zhem. Please believe me." He replies turning me around and looking into my eyes

"You won't leave me alone will you?" I ask him "You won't break my heart?"

"Of course not mon amour." Francis says kissing me on the lips

I kiss back and wrap my arms around him. He holds me tighter and wipes away my tears. We stay holding each other a little longer and then pull away from each other.

"You're beautiful mon petit lapin, je t'aime." He says and kisses me again

(French:Mon petit lapin, je t'aime-My little rabbit, I love you."

I smile and hug him tightly. Looking into his crystal blue eyes I feel the universe stop. I can see the love in his eyes. I think he really does love me. I really love him to. I didn't think I'd fall for a French frog but I did, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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