Brother!Nordics x Fem!Bullied!Reader-Big Brothers

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(A/n):Requested by Dnasilvervinegolden , hope you like it :) I love the Nordics.

Pebernødder are small Danish spiced biscuits.

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Hong Kong-Leon Wang
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/c)-Favourite colour
(H/s)-Hair style

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
My phone dings with another hurtful message from some girl at school. It's telling me to kill myself because no one would kiss me. I turn off my phone and roll over in my bed, feeling hot tears roll down my cheeks. I sigh and hear yelling coming from downstairs.

Mathias must have pissed of Lukas or Berwald again, I giggle at the sound of them all having fun and pull myself out of bed, I grab a jumper to hide the bruise on my arm thanks to some guys at school who beat me up and head to the kitchen where everyone is hanging out.

"Hey everyone." I say tiredly

"Hey (Y/n), want some coffee?" Tino asks

"No thanks, just water is fine." I say

I see Mathias staring at me out of the corner of my eye but I ignore it, he's probably just being weird again.

"(Y/n) did you do the homework?" Emil asks me

Emil is in the same class at school that I am but he doesn't know I'm being bullied, I think. He's never been there to see people beating me up or making mean comments. He's really popular at school so I don't think he's ever realised who is being bullied or not.

"Yeah, did you need help?" I reply

"Yeah, if I asked anyone else Lukas would butt in." He says

I giggle slightly and grab the work from my school bag by the door. During breakfast I help Emil with his homework up until Tino says we need to get ready for school.

I head upstairs and put on a pair of skinny ripped jeans, some warm boots, a t-shirt and a warm (f/c) coat, I put my hair in a (h/s) and put on whatever make up I feel is good. I head to the front door where everyone else is waiting. Tino hands me my lunch box, I pack it in my bag and we begin to walk to school.

It's really cold, well it is the Norwegian winter, so my hands are freezing. I forgot my gloves again. I feel a warm gloves hand grab my right hand and another grabs my left. It's Lukas and Berwald holding my hands.

"You should stop forgetting your gloves." Lukas says

We walk to school hand in hand and when we arrive Emil and I part ways with the rest of the group and head to our class.

"Do you think we can convince that looser Dane to make Pebernødder for us?" Emil asks

"Maybe, He might make us call him the king again." I say opening my locker

"He's so weird." Emil mutters "Well I want to go ask Leon something so I'll see you later."

"Asking him out?" I ask

"No!" He says blushing and walking away

As he leaves I feel a presence behind me, I turn around and see one of my bullies Portia wiht her friends Caila and Ashley.

"Why where you talking to Emil looser?" Portia asks

"Because he's my brother." I reply

"Don't talk to him, he probably hates you anyway." Ashley states

"He's my brother, you can't tell me not to talk to my brother." I say

Portia suddenly slaps my cheek and slams me against the locker.

"Don't talk back worm."  Portia growls and pushes me to the ground

They stand over me, kicking me with their high heels and it hurts like crazy. I fight back tears but it's really hard.

"Go kill yourself." Caila says as they walk away

I pull myself to my feet and head to the nurses office, I'm bleeding a lot. On my way I run into some guys that bully me the most. Some of them are dating Portia and her idiots.

They smirk when they see me and Jim, the head bully punches me in my stomach. Just like Portia, Caila and Ashley they stand over me, kicking, punching and spitting on me. The bell for class goes and they run off to their classes.

I lay on the floor for a few seconds before clutching my stomach and walking into the nurses office. She looks a time with shock and immediately brings me o a bed so she can patch me up.

"Again (Y/n)?" She asks

"They wont leave me alone." I say as she gives me some stitches

"You should tell someone, at least your older brothers." She says, checking for broken bones

"I can't tell them, they're all already stressed from work and school." I sigh "They don't need more stress. I can handle this myself."

"As much as I like independence really don't think you should be lying to them." She says "Good news, nothings broken. Now rest."

I lay down in the bed and close my eyes. Trying to sleep though the pain I'm feeling. Why do they bully me? I haven't done anything to them.

Iceland's P.O.V.
I look over to (Y/n)'s empty chair filled with worry, where did she go? Under the table I sneak my phone and message my brothers.

'Does anyone know what happened to (Y/n)?' I type

'No, is she not in class?" Mathias replies

'No she isn't, but she had all her stuff for class earlier' I say

'She isn't the type to ditch class' Lukas messages

'Yeah, we'll find her eventually.' I reply

I still feel worried but I think she's ok. She hasn't said anything about issues at school so maybe she just went to the library.

*Time skip to after school*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I spent my day in the nurses office, I can finally walk again without feeling to much pain. I head to my locker and grab my things and walk to the front gate to meet my brothers. I see them waiting for me and as I'm almost there a large figure stands in the way.

It's Jim...

"What do you want?" I ask

"I want to know why you're still able to walk? I should have kicked you harder." He say kicking me in my shins

"Stop it!" I yell and hold my shin

While I'm down he kicks my side again so I'm on the floor. As he is about to kick me again he is ripped away from me by Berwald who is giving him a deathly glare.

"Oh shit Berwald, I didn't know you where here..." Jim says shocked

Lukas and Tino run over to me and check my body for injuries. They must have seen all the old bruises and scars.

Jim's friends run up to us and try to push Berwald off of him but fail thanks to him and Mathias' strength.

"How long?" Lukas asks me, referring to how long I've been bullied

"A-A few months." I whisper

My brothers all turn to them extremely angry and Mathias throws the first punch. Berwald throws Jim to the floor and they punch all the other bullies until they're on the floor as well.

Jim gives us the finger and Tino steps on his fingers, making a sickening crunch. Tino looks really sweet and nice but he is deadly.

"Don't mess with our sister again." Emil says angrily

Mathias picks me up bridal style and we begin to walk home.

"How's you leg?" Mathias asks

"It's fine, it doesn't really hurt anymore." I reply, burying my face in his warm chest

We arrive home and they all come into the living room where Mathias places me on the couch.

"Have you really been bullied?" Emil asks

"Yeah, at first it was only a few comments but then it got worse." I say quietly "Sorry for not telling you."

"You don't need to apologise." Lukas says, petting my hair softly

"Thank you for beating them up." I state

"They deserved it, well protect you at school from now on." Mathias says

I giggle softly and we all have a big group hug. I can feel the love and warmth radiating off of the, and it makes me feel safe. My wounds don't even hurt much anymore thanks to them. I love my older brothers and I know they'll protect me.

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