Mute!Spain x Romano-Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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Germany-Ludwig Beilschmidt
Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Third person P.O.V.
In the world we call home everyone has the first line their soulmate will say to them on their first meeting printed in their wrist. These lines have a funny way of being very specific so people won't mistake each other for their soulmate when they aren't.

This story is about Lovino Vargas, who doesn't have anything on his wrist. This has caused issues with hem, mostly self inflicted. He believes that since he doesn't have a line he doesn't have a soulmate, but this isn't always the case.

Romano's P.O.V.
I pull myself out of bed and grumble over to the shower. I need to get ready for school and I already want to be on school holidays again. It's the first day back and I'm already done. This year is just going to be like the last one, being bullied, ignored and treated horribly.

To add insult to injury I'm going to be completely alone since my brother Feliciano has found his soulmate over the holidays and he goes to our school. I'm so done with soulmates and all that shit. I don't have one and I've accepted that.

I've been alone my whole life, I was born as a twin with Feliciano so I don't remember when it was just me. After we were born we all lived as a family for a few years with my nonno.


I was about six when I realised I didn't have any words on my wrist, of course I didn't care that young but it became more of a problem when I reached my teen years. I became lonely and realised that I was actually being ignored in other ways.

My parents focused more on Feli because he was smarter, more artistic and more bubbly. They died in a plane crash and that was the first time I felt the pain of death. After that I became very  closed off to everyone, even my family.

Now that I'm in high school I have no friends, no one to talk to and no soulmate. I only have two more years of high school so I just need to hold on to then. After school I'll move away, maybe then  I can finally live my own life.

I get out of the shower and get dressed. I brush my teeth and comb my hair, being careful of my curl. Then I grab some breakfast downstairs before Feliciano comes down as well.

"Ready for school Lovi?" He asks

"Don't call me that." I sigh eating my food

"Ve~ Ludwig is going to be there today!" He says excitedly

"Great..." I mumble

We finish eating and pack our bags. Our nonno comes to the kitchen and smiles at us.

"Have fun at school today boys." He says happily

"Ve~ ciao nonno!" Feliciano says hugging him

"Bye." I say before walking out of the room

Feliciano follows behind me, talking nonstop about Ludwig. I roll my eyes and continue walking. Finally we make it to the school and get my things all ready. I then walk to my classroom feeling annoyed and tired.

Since I'm so grumpy right now I wasn't  to excited when someone bumped into me and knocked my things to the ground.

"Watch it bastardo!" I exclaim as I fall to the floor


I look into his green eyes which brighten when I speak. He smiles happily but doesn't say anything.

"Hello?" I say snapping my fingers in front of him

He still doesn't say anything, he just keeps smiling at him. I huff annoyed and pick up my things before standing up and walking away.

Spain's P.O.V.

"Watch it bastardo!" I hear the boy I knocked down say

Those words make my heart stop, they're the words written on my wrist. I smile happily and look into his green eyes, wow he's really handsome. I think he's about my age or maybe a little younger. Wait why isn't he happy?

Oh right, I'm mute... he wouldn't have anything written on his wrist if I was his soulmate so he probably doesn't even know...

I don't realise he is speaking to me until he huffs and walks away. I stand up and try to catch him but he's gone to fast. Well I guess I just need to wait a little longer, I'll see him again.

I use my map to find my classroom, this school is confusing, it's my first day, I just transferred from Spain. Inside the class I see the boy I bumped into again. Before I can walk up to him the bell for class goes and I quickly grab a seat.

The rest of the class and the teacher walk in. The teacher starts talking, welcoming the class back, and then she asks for me to introduce myself.

I have cards ready to talk with the class to so I'm ready. I grab my sketch book and walk up to the font of the classroom. I open it up to the first sign and the class begins to read.

'Hello, my name is Antonio Fernández Carriedo' it reads and then I open it to the second sign

'I'm mute so I won't be saying much, however I hope we can all be friends."

I see the boy with green eyes stop glaring for a second and look down to his wrist. Has he realised?

Romano's P.O.V.
I look down to my wrist as I read the sign that he is mute. No... it couldn't be right? He couldn't be my soulmate....

But is that why he looked so happy when I spoke? He sits back down on his desk and looks back to me. My eyes meet his green ones and I look away blushing. I'm already feeling a connection. I've heard of soulmates already having a connection before they've met.

I took up sign language a few years ago, I never knew why I just felt like I should. I guess if Antonio is mute and he uses sign language then it would make sense.

The bell for our first lesson goes and I quickly walk over to Antonio. I don't even know what I'm going to say to him, just that I need to talk to him.

He sees me and smiles brightly, hugging me tightly.

"Woah woah what are you doing?" I ask pushing him off of me slightly

He smiles and gestures his hands to say 'hugging you'. I don't react and he looks a little disappointed, maybe he thinks I don't understand.

"I understand sign language." I whisper "I just meant... am I really your soulmate?"

He nods and shows me the words on his wrist, they're the first words I spoke to him. I show him my blank wrist. All this time I thought it was because I didn't have a soulmate, but instead it's because he was mute.

The classroom is deserted at this point so I don't need to worry about someone seeing us. I jump into his arms.

"I can believe it, it's really you." I whisper

He hugs me back and then pulls away. I feel a pair of soft lips attach themselves to mine and I kiss him back with passion, we lean over the desks and continue kissing. I know I only just met Antonio but how can I not love him? He's my soulmate. I'm willing to give love one more try.

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