Denmark x Fem!Reader x Prussia-Sharing *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by Needssociallife , I loved writing this one :)

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/c)-Favourite colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm at the grocery store grabbing some food for the week when my phone goes off with a call. I grab it from my bag and check the caller ID. It's my friend Mathias. Of course I answer it and I  met with his excited voice.

"Hej (Y/n)." He says "What are you doing?"


"Hey Mathias, I  just at the supermarket, what's up?" I ask

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over today." He replies "Gilbert will be here too."

"Sure, I'll be over in an hour." I say

"Don't be to long, we have plans for you." He suddenly says in a husky voice and hangs up

I blush and place my phone back in my bag. I continue grabbing my food and then head back to my car to drive home.

Gilbert, Mathias and I have been friends for a few years, we have a sort of unspoken attraction to one another but we've never really done anything with it. Mathias makes a lot of jokes about 'doing things' with me but he hasn't done it despite the fact I want him to. Gilbert likes grabbing me in certain places, we've talked about it before and I said it was ok. Usually I'll e talking to someone and he'll come up and grab my chest or butt.

I arrive to my house and pack away my groceries and then get ready to leave for Mathias' house. I make sure I look good before grabbing my winter coat and walking to Mathias' house. The cold weather nips at my cheeks and hands making them ice cold.

I arrive at Mathias' house and knock on the door. The door opens and a tall man with spiky blond hair, blue eyes a large smile answers.

"Hey (Y/n)." He says hugging me tightly and picking me up

"Hey Mathias, you seem more excited than usual." I giggle

"I'm just excited to see you, it's been a whole week." He replies carrying my inside and closing the door

My heart is soaring being held in his arms but I feel like I'm cheating on Gilbert. I know none of us are really together but I still feel guilty. I don't know if they'll ask me to choose between them or if they'll share me or what's going to happen, all I know is I like both of them and they like me.

Once in the living room I see Gilbert drinking sitting on the couch waiting for us.

"Here." Mathias says and places me in Gilbert's lap

Gilberts arms wrap tightly around my waist and he buries his face I'm my neck.

"Hey (Y/n)." He smiles "Jou look nice today."

"Thanks Gil." I giggle and lean into him

"Aww now I'm left out." Mathias whines jokingly and sits next to us

He pulls my body down so I'm laying across both of them. Looking up into their eyes. Gilbert's red and Mathias' blue look at me with desire. Maybe they'll do something today.

"We've been talking (Y/n)." Mathias says

"Ve zhink it's time one of us date you." Gilbert adds

"But how can I choose between you two?" I ask "Your both amazing and I don't want to hurt you."

Gilbert and Mathias look at each other and smirk.

"Ve vhere hoping you'd say zhat." Gilbert says trailing his hand up my leg and on my inner thigh

"We want to show you how much we love you." Mathias says, a seductive look on his face

"Then why don't you?" I ask challengingly

**Lemon Start**

The smirk again and Gilbert picks me up, carrying me fo Mathais' bedroom and throwing me on the bed.

"Now elsker, we have a few rules." Mathias says "You will call me daddy and Gilbert master."


I nod and they both smile. Gilbert begins removing my clothes leaving me in my (f/c) lacy underwear.

"Vhere you expecting something from zhe awesome me?" Gilbert asks, smirking

"I was hoping." I answer

Mathias grabs my wrists and hand cuffs them to the bed, they have a larger chain to allow more movement with turning but I'm still exposed fully. Gilbert ties a blindfold around my eyes and now I'm unable to see anything.

"If you don't like it say red." I hear Mathias whisper huskily before he presses his lips to mine

I feel a pair of hands rub my things and arms softly, making me feel wet in my nether lands. A second pair of lips, which must be Gilbert's attach themselves to my neck and suck on it, leaving marks. Mathias licks my bottom lip and pushes it open with his tongue. Once my mouth is open he moves his wet muscle inside and moves it around.

I moan when Gilbert finds my sweet spot and I feel him smirk against my neck. I pull against my restraints but to no avail. Someone's hands trail up to my wrists and rub them. Soothing the tiny bit of pain.

"If you behave ve'll take of zhe blindfold." Gilbert whispers and then unclips my bra, it has special straps which pop off so he can take it off completely

Gilberts lips leave my neck and kiss one of my pink buds, Mathias follows him and they each suck on one nipple, making them hard. I moan and move my wrists against the restraints, trying to feel more pleasure.

They suck and bite the tips before letting them go. Hands move to pull off my lace panties and I hear more clothes hit the floor. A pair of hands push my legs apart and someone's tongue licks my womanhood. The tongue pushes inside and I moan loudly.

"Jou're so vet." Gilbert says, rubbing my clit with his finger

The tongue is still inside of me so that must mean it's Mathias licking me. The tongue disappears and it's replaced by two fingers. Just as I feel myself being stretched something hits my stomach sharply. I think it's Gilbert's riding crop.

It hits a few more times, sending electrical jolts through my body and making me feel more aroused. The crop is dragged softly on my body and he hits my nipples with it. The fingers inside of me have been thrusting the whole time and I feel very stretched and ready.

"Ahh Daddy~! Master~!" I moan loudly

The blindfold is pulled off and I'm met with Gilbert's red eyes. He is holding the riding crop under my chin and he kisses me again.

Gilbert pulls me up so my arms are still handcuffed but I'm leaning over his large erection. Mathias is squeezing my buttcheeks and spanning them. I lick up and down Gilbert's member, taking the tip into my mouth as sucking. He pushes my head down in him quickly and I moan at the feeling of my womanhood being toyed with by Mathias.

I suck and bob my head faster, feeling him twitch and then release into my mouth. There's a lot and I struggle to swallow it all. Gilbert wipes away the white fluid from my cheeks.

"Did zhat taste good princess?" Gilbert asks

"Yes master." I reply

Gilbert and Mathias switch places and I feel Gilbert's manhood at my entrance. I look into mathias' eyes as I lower my mouth onto his erection and suck on it. The feeling of both my entrances being worked is enough for me to moan and groan in pleasure.

Gilbert picks up the speed so he's slamming in and out of me and i pick up speed sucking on Mathias. Soon I feel him twitching in my mouth and he releases into my throat. Gilbert releases deep inside of me and we pulls out causing em a little pain. I remove myself from Mathias as he smiles down at me.

"Do your arms hurt?" Mathias asks

I nod and he grabs the key to undo them.

"What do you say?" He asks

"Please take off my cuffs daddy." I beg and he twits the key unlocking them

**Lemon End**

We lay down in bed together, Mathias on my right and Gilbert on my left.

"We love you (Y/n)." They say in sync as I'm drifting off to sleep

"This won't be the last time we do this." Gilbert whispers "Remember I'm always your master."

"Hey Gilbert that's not fair." Mathias replies annoyed

"Vell ve're sharing her, she can call me vhat she vants." Gilbert replies snickering

"Whatever." Mathias says pulling me closer to him

Gilbert scoots over so he is closer to us again and holds onto me tightly

I fall fast asleep being held by their arms. They make me feel safe and warm because they're big and strong. My body is in a little bit of pain but all together I feel great.

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