France x Fem!Reader x Canada-How To Please A Woman *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by Needssociallife , Hope you like it :)

Canada-Matthew Williams
France-Francis Bonnefoy

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/c)-Favourite colour

Canada's P.O.V.
Lately I've been feeling very confused, I have been having feelings towards my friend (Y/n) but I don't know what to do about them. I don't know if I could make her happy. She seems to like me as well, we kissed on New Years.

Maybe I should ask Francis what to do, he is the country of love so he should know, he is also my papa so he would want to help, I pick up my phone and dial his number, listening to it ring.

"Bonjour Matthieu, 'ow are you?" Francis greets


"Bonjour Papa, I need help with something." I sigh

"What is it?" Francis asks

"I like a girl, but I don't know how to, you know..." I mumble

"I understand Mattheiu, I shall help you." He replies and hangs up

A few minutes later there is a knock at the door and I open it, seeing my papa smiling happily.

"Bonjour Mattheiu!" He says and hugs me tightly "Now, lets talk about zhis girl."

I bring him inside and we sit down on the couch together.

"So who is it?" He asks

"(Y/n), she's so pretty and nice and she always remembers me." I say

He smiles softly and then smirks.

"Well,I think I can 'elp you." Francis says

"R-Really?" I ask happy

"Oui, I have an idea."  He says and moves closer to me "But I'll be sharing (Y/n) with you for a few hours."


He begins to tell me his idea that he says will "kill to birds with one stone", he will teach me how to please a woman and help me with (Y/n).

Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm packing away some of my groceries when my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and hear my crush Matthew on the phone.

"Hey Matthew." I say blushing slightly

"Hello (Y/n), I was wondering if you wanted to come over today?" He asks

Oh my god I can't believe he is inviting me over! But does he like me or is it just as friends?

"Sure, I'll be over in an hour." I reply, ensuring I will have time to prepare

"Ok, see you then (Y/n)." He says and hangs up

For the next two minutes I fan-girl squeal at the thought of going over to his house. Then I stop and realise I need to get ready. I take a quick shower and look over my underwear draw.

"Maybe I should go pretty in case something happens? Or maybe just normal for comfort..." I say examining my choices

Eventually I pick a (f/c) lacy bra and underwear and a nice dress to go over the top. I makes sure I look perfect before grabbing my phone and keys and heading out the door. I walk down the street filled with excitement of being invited to spend the day with Matthew.

I knock on the door and Matthew answers, smiling softly when he sees me.

"Hey Matthew." I say hugging him

He hugs me back and greets me. Then he takes me inside where Francis is sitting in the lounge drinking wine. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Bonjour (Y/n), you look lovely today." Francis says happily

"Hey Francis." I giggle and sit down in the couch next to him

Matthew sits down next to me and he seems a little nervous.

"Zhere is a reason we asked you 'ere today." Francis says, placing a hand on my thigh

I feel Matthew's arms wrap around my waist and I blush, what's going on?

"You see, I'm teaching Matthew how to please a woman." Francis says trailing his hand up my leg "And I think you'd be perfect, so what do you say?"

Well it's a little strange, but it means being with Matthew. Maybe I should accept, maybe they're asking me because Matthew loves me.

"F-Fine." I say blushing

"Perfect." Francis smiles and stands up

**Lemon Start**

Francis leads both Matthew and I upstairs to the bedroom and begins to unbutton his top. Matthew blushing a lot but he moves closer to me. My heart is beating so fast. Matthew copies Francis' actions.

Matthew connects our lips and I kiss back, it's really warm and sweet.

"Zhat is not 'ow you kiss." Francis says interrupting us

We pull back and Francis quickly kisses me, licking my bottom lip and pushing his You he inside my mouth, the kiss takes my breath away and I kiss him back until we pull away for air.

Mathew copies Francis again and French kisses me, moving his tongue and marking his territory. We pull away and Matthew pulls off my dress. They pull off their pants so we're all left in our underwear.

I can see their large tents and I feel much more excited now. It's seeming much more real now that I'm actually doing this with Matthew, and Francis is very experienced so to say, so I'll definitely feel good.

Francis whispers some things to Matthew and then they turn to me. Canada kisses me again and trails his lips down my necklace finding my sweet spot and sucking onto it. I feel my bra unclip and Francis slips it off.

Francis pinches both of my nipples and pulls on them making me moan. Francis moves his mouth down to my chest and sucks on my right nipple, biting as well.

They both pull away and Francis guides Matthew's hand under my panties and he rubs me slightly. I feel Matthews finger enter me and I moan, he adds a second and third stretching me out.

He removes his fingers and they place me on the bed on all fours.

"I'll let Mattheiu take your virginity." Francis says sitting in front of me and passing Matthew a bottle of lube

Matthew rubs the lube on himself and I feel him line up with my entrance. Francis pulls off his boxers and guides my mouth to his erection. I feel like I know what to do. I lick him from the tip to bass and then back again. Just as I take his tip into my mouth I feel Matthew enter me,

"Now Mattheiu, go slowly for zhe first time." Francis says to Matthew

I feel Matthew push into me and I moan, causing vibrations through Francis' member. Francis pushes my mouth down to about half way and tells me to suck. I do as he says and begin to suck and bob my head.

Matthew makes it in the full at and waits a few minutes before beginning to thrust in and out of me. I moan and he moves faster. I suck Francis faster and try to deep throat him, luckily I can without gagging.

Matthew hits my g-spot and I scream in pleasure. He continues thrusting faster and faster and I suck harder. Soon I feel a knot on my stomach and I feel Francis twitching in my mouth. Our loud moans fill the room and soon the knot snaps.

I release all over Matthew's member who in return fills me up with his cum, luckily I take birth control. Francis releases into my mouth and I swallow it. He bushes some of my hair out of my face and smiles softly.

**Lemon End**

Matthew pulls put of me and we lay down in the bed together. Francis gathers his clothes and begins to get dressed.

"I'll let you two rest for now, it was fun." He says winking

Francis leaves the room and we hear the front door close. I move closer to Matthew and hug him tightly.

"I think I'm in love with you." Matthew says

"I love you too." I reply

We kiss again and soon fall asleep from being exhausted. I can't believe that just happened but I feel amazing.

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