Brother!Italy Bros x Bullied!Sister!Depressed!Reader-My Brothers

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(A/n):Requested by MarionetteMoto , Hope you like it :)

Italy-Feliciano Vargas
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
Romano-Lovino Vargas
Seborga-Romeo Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sigh waking down the hallways of school feeling nervous about my next class. It's Italian and despite bung fluent all the people in the class are bullies. None of my brothers are in my Italian class so I'm all alone.

I don't know why I get bullied, maybe it's my hair, maybe it's my body, maybe it's my grades but either way I am. It's noting extremely physical, just punches sometimes but more often than not it's harsh words.

The words hurt and I don't know why, they just do. Everyone loves my brothers though. Feliciano is the centre of attention and probably the most loved. Romeo is a close second, he's always flirting with everyone. Finally there's Lovino, he's not really popular with girls but I know quite a few guys like him like Antonio and Gilbert. Then there's me, except for my brothers I don't really have anyone.

I lost all my friends after I begun to get bullied. My brothers don't know about it so they would wonder why I'm sitting with them. They'd probably get themselves into trouble if they found out by beating them up.

I nervously walk into the classroom and feel all eyes on me.

"Look who decided to show up!" One of my bullies, Portia, sneers

"Look at what she's wearing." Her friend Caila laughs

I pull down the sleeves of my large sweater more to hide the cuts on my arms. I look down at my text book and try to ignore the mean comments they're saying, luckily the teacher walks in before I can start crying from the hurtful things.

Romano's P.O.V.
I grumble walking down the hallways, Antonio wouldn't leave me alone in Spanish class. It's not like I hate him or anything, I like him a lot, like a lot, but he can get a bit annoying with his constant chatter.

I turn down the hallway and hear a group of people laughing outside the Italian classroom. Maybe it's (ah/n) and her friends, I should go check on her to see if she needs anything from the canteen.

As I walk closer to the group I see my sister on the floor with a large group of people surrounding her laughing. There is paper everywhere and the person who seems to be in charge is Portia, the girl trying to get with Feliciano despite the fact he isn't interested.

"What's going on?!" I yell angrily

They turn to look at me and seem a little intimidated, my bad temper is well known throughout the school.

"Get the fuck away from her you bastards!" I yell and they run off

I quickly rush over to (Y/n) as she sits up.

"Are you ok, do you want to go to the nurses office?" I ask

She shakes her head and begins to stand up, clutching her arm.

"How long has this been happening?" I ask hugging my sister

"A few months." She whispers

I feel so much anger towards those bullies and immediately text my two brothers to watch out for them. Those two will take care of the bullies while I take (Y/n) to the nurses office.

I pull (Y/n) to the nurses office despite her protests. Once inside I grab an ice back and place it on her arm and put bandages over her wounds. I look up at her concerned that she is in pain but she seems neutral about everything.

Once I'm done I sit on the bed next to her and hug her tightly, hearing soft sobs from her. I, never going to let anyone hurt my sister again.

Italy's P.O.V.
Romeo and I received Lovino's message about people bullying our little sister. They're the girls and boys who sit with us all the time. We agreed we'd teach them a lesson. We have the perfect plan to embarrass them,

Romeo and I flirted with the lunch ladies and convinced them to put laxatives in the food of those mean bullies. The lunch ladies said they were all bullied as well and understand what it's like. Of course we made sure it couldn't be traced back to them.

Romeo and I go sit down at our table and wait for them to start eating their food. When they are all done I lean across the table narrowing my eyes.

"Ve~ You shouldn't have messed with our sister." I say

"Never mess with a Vargas." Romeo glares

They suddenly realise something is wrong and dash to the bathrooms, some of them don't quite make it there through. Lovino would have loved to see this and laugh at them.

I'm only being mean because someone hurt my sister, I'm usually nice all the time.

*Time skip to the end of the day*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I heard about what my brothers did for me and I laughed so hard. It was the first time I've laughed in ages. Now we're all sitting in the living room having a big group hug. I have thanked them so much and feel so happy right now.

"Ve~ Next time tell us when something like this happens." Feliciano says

"Si, we want to be able to help more." Romeo adds


"And I'll kill those bastards if they try to hurt you again." Lovino says with a deathly look in his eyes

"I love you guys." I giggle and hug them tighter

I feel happier than hat I have been for the past few weeks. I guess all I needed to do was talk about it with someone instead of putting on a brave face and pretending everything was ok. They're my brothers so of course they would want to help me. I love them so much.

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