Brother!Axis x Bullied!Sister!Reader-Don't Hurt Our Sister

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(A/n):Requested by Sleepy_Katsumi ,hope you like it :)

Germany-Ludwig Beilschmidt
Italy-Feliciano Vargas
Japan-Kiku Honda
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"What do you think you're doing bitch?" I hear someone say behind me

I turn around and come face to face with my bully Portia. She is snarling at me and looks ready to stab me. Her horribly dyed hair is wild an messed up, probably from beating up someone else. She doesn't have her friends Caila and Ashleigh.

"I'm just getting my homework from yesterday." I say taking a step back

"Hmm, give it to me." She says extending her hand

"W-What?" I ask confused

"Give me the fucking homework!" She yells

I nervously hand out my two sheets of math homework and she reads over it. What on earth is she doing? Suddenly she tears it right down the middle.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaim trying to grab it back

She continues tearing it up and soon it's just small pieces of confetti. Tears well up into my eyes as she blows it all away. Then she punches me in my side, where I already have a bruise.

"I'll get Dan to beat you up after school." She giggles and walks away

Dan is her boyfriend, well they're both cheating in each other but that doesn't seem to matter to them. When they're together they're the most powerful people in the school and that means they're in charge of everyone else.

I clutch my side and begin to pick up the pieces of my homework. I can't got to class with work like this, my teacher will kill me. I sigh and place the confetti in the bin and walk out of the building to the garden.

I guess I'm ditching class again, this always happened. My grades have dropped quite a bit and I don't go to class much anymore, I'm still passing because the work I manage to get done get As but it's not enough to make my brothers or myself proud.

My brothers are Ludwig and Gilbert, but we live with Feliciano and Kiku who are like my older brothers as well. They all help me with my school work but I just can't pass due to missing school work. I think Ludwig is starting to get frustrated but he hasn't said anything so I don't know.

I sit down on a bench and listen to the sound of birds chirping. I'm already feeling calmer and in less pain. That's when a droplet hits my cheek and it begins to pour with rain. Great, now I'm soaking wet and freezing. What would my brothers say?

I get up and all to the small gazebo to take shelter. Twisting my school uniform to try and get the water out. Then I twist my hair to dry it. Damn, and now Feliciano will be wondering why I'm not in class.

*Time skip to the end of the day*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm walking out of school and I couldn't find my brothers so I'm all alone. Any second now Adan will come to beat me up.

"Sup looser." A voice says begins me

Speak of the devil...

"What do you want Dan?" I ask, terrified

"I want to know why you think you can talk to my girlfriend." He growls

"She came up to me! I don't want to talk to her!" I say, defending myself

He narrows his eyes and then gives me a quick punch to my side.

"How dare you say you don't want to talk to her looser, she's better than you'll ever be!" He yells

"Well if cheating on her boyfriend makes her better than me then I'm happy being worse." I say

He punches me again and kicks my shins, making them bleed. Just as he is about to land a final blow of my face a hand grabs his and he is thrown off of me.

"Vhat do jou zhink jou are doing to mein sister?" The person holding Dan's hand asks


Oh thank god it's Ludwig. Ludwig takes one look at me and then punches Dan in the face, beating him in a fit of rage. Finally he lets Dan go and Ludwig runs over to me, che king my injuries.

"Are jou ok (Y/n)?" He asks, picking me up bridal style

I nod but don't respond, burying my face into his chest feeling very embarrassed. Now my brothers will find out about the bullying what are they going to do?

We meet up with our brothers and they all look at me concerned.

"Ve~ what happened?" Feliciano asks

"I'll tell jou vhen ve get home." Ludwig says and begins to walk home with me still in his arms

Luckily Ludwig is so strong so he doesn't falter at all. Our house is very close to the school so we are there in a matter of minuets. Ludwig carries me to my bedroom and places me on my bed with our other brothers close behind.

"What happened?" Kiku asks, sitting next to me

"Zhat Dan guy was beating her up." Ludwig says

"Vhat vhy?" Gilbert asks

Ludwig begins to wash my cuts with a damp cloth and patch them up. Kiku grabs an ice pack for my side and I lay down in pain.

"Does zhis happen often?" Ludwig asks

I slowly nod and shut my eyes.

"Him and his girlfriend always bully me, I know you're probably mad that your trading didn't work so I couldn't fight them off but I really tried." I explain

"Nein I'm not mad." Ludwig says brushing my hair

I begin to tell the, about all the bullying and they get really mad, but not at me.

"I'm going to kill zhem all." Gilbert growls

"Ve~ They're so mean!" Feliciano exclaims

"Time to sharpen my katana." Kiku says with a dark look in his eye

"(Y/n) jou're staying home tomorrow." Ludwig says "Ve'll take care of zhose Arschlöcher so jou rest."


I nod and quickly fall asleep, exhausted from my day, I'm worried that they'll get in trouble but I know they won't get hurt. At least I hope so...

*Time skip to the next day*

Third Person P.O.V.

Ludwig, Gilbert, Kiku and Feliciano all have their plan set up. Ludwig and Kiku will give Dan the fright of his life while Gilbert and Feliciano will get Portia and her friends expelled.

Ludwig and Kiku walk to Dan's locker to  give him a nice "talk". When dan arrives he notices them and backs away slowly.

Kiku unsheathes his katana and holds it to his neck.

"You hurt my sister." Kiku says angrily

"H-Hey calm down." Dan says nervously

Ludwig grabs him from behind and holds him in a choke hold.

"Leave our sister alone or else next time I'll break jour neck." Ludwig growls

Dan nods and Ludwig lets him go. Of course Kiku isn't as easily forgiving and he slices Dan's arm with the katana. Not to deeply but there is a lot of blood. This'll teach Dan to never hurt someone again.

Cross over to Feliciano and Gilbert they have successfully planted some cigarets they stole from one of the other students and placed them in the lovers and purses of the three girls. Go,Bert put this plan together as he is a pranks master.

Feliciano might seem sweet and kind but if you mess with his family he will hurt you so bad. Once the cigarettes are placed they head to the principals office to tell her about how they caught the popular girls smoking.

Long story short Portia and her friends ended up getting expelled for illegal activity and banned from going to any schools sighing a hundred kilometre radius. The plan went perfectly for the fair boys and they're excited to head home to tell (Y/n).

When they arrive home they all have a large group hug, even Kiku and tell her the good news.

"Thank you so much," (Y/n) giggles, showing a true smile

"We all love you." Feliciano says "So tell us when something like this happens ok?"

"Ok!" (Y/n) confirms happily

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