Italy x Suicidal!Male!Reader x Germany-We Love You*Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by CosplayNightmare , hope you like it :)

Canada-Matthew Williams
Germany-Ludwig Beilschmidt
Italy-Feliciano Vargas
Japan-Kiku Honda
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

(M/n)-Male name

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I grab the razor I used to cut myself a few seconds ago and run it under some hot water to clean it. I don't know why I bother because it's not like I'll need it any longer. I'm so sick of being alive.

Ever since I was a kid I have been bullied and forgotten by everyone. My parents always loved my brother more than me and forgot I even existed. They forgot my birthday every year, forgot Christmas presents and lots of other things.

I love my brother but he was always the centre of attention and I never felt like I was good enough. It's like my friend Lovino's story, I'm the forgotten brother who was never able to match up and is always forgotten.

I've been diagnosed with depression a few times, the first few I didn't believe the doctors because  o just couldn't believe it but then everything started adding up. My unwillingness to do anything, my apathy, my suicidal thoughts.

So I did something that I thought would help. I left my family and home town without telling anyone and started a new life here. In my old town I had no friends but here I have quite a few.

Except I feel like I'm just occupying space an not actually friends with anyone, Lovino has his boyfriend Antonio, Kiku has his boyfriend Alfred, Gilbert is always with Mathew and Ludwig and Feliciano.

Oh god Ludwig and Feliciano...

What can I really say except I love them. I could never choose between them but it doesn't matter really anymore, they started dating and it broke me. I lost my chance at love. But they're happy together so I'm ok.

I wouldn't really say I'm ok, I'm about to commit suicide but I'm at peace with the world. I no longer need to feel the pain of heart break, rejection and being forgotten, I wrote a note talking about how much I love those two, and how I don't want anyone to be sad.

I place down the razor I was cleaning and head to my night stand. Inside there is a gun which is fully loaded. I turn off the safety and stare at it for a second, then the door.

How I wish I could just walk out there and tell everyone what I'm going through, or someone comes in here and saves me from myself but this isn't a movie and I'm not brave enough. I hold the gun up to my head and feel tears streaming down my face. Memories are flooding back.

When I first met Feliciano and Ludwig when I moved here, I was so aloe and scared. When we all went to dinner together, when Feliciano and I got really drunk together and kissed, he doesn't remember it. When Ludwig told me about his fear of failure and we fell asleep together, cuddling. If there is an afterlife, I'm going to miss them.

Just as my finger is about to pull the trigger the door bursts open wiht a happy Feli walking through, smiling brightly, Ludwig is close behind him.

"Ve~ (M/n) do you want to go get pasta with Ludwig and I?" He asks but freezes when he sees me with the gun to my head

They both look shocked completely and I pull the gun away from my head slowly. How the hell am I going to explain this.

"(M/n), vhat are jou doing?" Ludwig asks carefully

Before I can stop myself I burst into tears and hide my head in my hands, they must hate me now. Suddenly I feel a pair of warm arms around me. It smells like tomato sauce and cinnamon so it must be Feliciano. I wrap my arms around him and cry into his shoulder. From behind and others pair of strong arms wrap around me, this must be Ludwig.

After a few minutes of crying my sobs stop and I can talk normally again. They don't let me go though.

"Why were you going to do that?" Feliciano asks, sounding concerned

I take a sigh and begin to tell them everything. No point hiding anything anymore. Of course I save the part where I'm in love with them. They continue holding me tightly and I can hear soft sobs from Feliciano.

"It's ok (M/n)." Ludwig says stroking my hair "Ve vanted to ask jou out for dinner because ve vanted to talk to jou. But it seems like now is a better time zhan ever."

"Ve~ we love you (M/n)." Feliciano says kissing my cheek

"Ja we do." Ludwig agrees "We love each other and you."


"What does this mean for us?" I ask while Feliciano wipes away my tears

"Ve~ Do you want to date us?" Feliciano asks

"At the same time?" I ask shocked

They both nod and smile slightly, tightening their arms around me.

"W-Well if you're ok with it, then I would love to." I say with a slight giggle

I see Ludwig unload the gun and place it on the nightstand where I cant reach it. Then he begins to dab at my cuts and bandage the, with bandages in my cupboard. Ludwig turns back to me and lightly moves my face to look at him and he kisses my lips gently. I kiss back and we pull away shortly after for air.

"Ve~ Do I get a kiss?" Feliciano asks

I nod and press my lips to his, feeling him kiss me back with a lot of passion and love.

"Vhy don't ve show jou how much ve love jou." Ludwig asks

I nod and blush, feeling myself get hard at what he is whispering.

**Lemon Start**

"I-It's my first time so be gentle." I whisper

"Ve~ We Italians are known for being the perfect lovers so it'll be perfect for you." Feliciano says pushing his hands up my top

He pinches my right nipple and I moan, I guess I'm sensitive. Feliciano connects our lips and Ludwig moves his lips to my neck. He finds my sweet spot and begins to suck and nibble on it, leaving a few large marks.

Both my nipples are being pinched now and I'm moaning a little bit, I didn't realise someone touching you could feel like this. My top is removes along wiht theirs and their pants. Ludwig has an amazing body with abs and muscles everywhere. Feliciano isn't as buff as Ludwig but he has a six pack as well and nice tanned skin.

"I vant to take his virginity." Ludwig whispers "Jou've had all zhe fun so far Feli."

"Ve~ Ok." Italy says happily

Germany moves me so I'm on the floor in front of him, on my knees, he pulls down his boxers and a huge erection springs out. How is that going time fit inside me?

I understand what he wants me to do and I lick from the tip to the base and then back to the tip again, tasting his pre-cum. I see Feliciano licking his fingers and moving behind me.

As I take in Ludwig's member Feliciano pushes two of his fingers inside of me. I moan, sending vibrations through Ludwig and he pulls and pushes my mouth up and down. I take more and more of him into my mouth but I stop when his large erection hits the back of my throat. St this line Feliciano has added a third finger and is stretching me completely.

Suddenly a sticky, hot fluid fills up my mouth as Ludwig lets out a large moan. I swallow and Ludwig pushes me back up onto the bed on my hands and knees.

Ludwig gets into position behind me and Feliciano is in front of me.

"Are you ok with this?" Feliciano asks

"Yes, just please hurry!" I beg and they smile

Ludwig sharply thrusts in all the way, hitting my prostate dead on the first try. I take Feliciano's member into my mouth and suck on it like I did for Ludwig.

With Ludwig's constant actions and Feliciano's moaning I feel a large knot form in my stomach, my gets tighter and harder until Ludwig begins to suck omg the back of my neck and I release all over the sheets. Ludwig  and Feliciano's releases are shortly father.

**Lemon End**

They pull, out of me, breathlessly and lay us back down to bed, with me in the middle and them either side.

"Ve love jou (M/n), please don't ever zhink about suicide again ." Ludwig says, kissing my forehead

"I won't." I promise and fall into a deep slumber

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