France x Male!Reader-Romeo and Juliet? *Lemon*

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(A/n):To save from anxiety and nervousness, no one dies. Credit to Shakespeare for the original story line of Romeo and Juliet. This is based on the original story Romeo and Juliet but there are changes made.

Canada-Mathew/Matthieu Williams
China-Yao Wang
England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy
Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

(M/n)-Male name
(L/n)-Last name
(E/c)-Eye colour
(S/n)-Son name

Third Person P.O.V.
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

The Bonnefoy's and the (L/n)'s who has been feuding for years but nether can remember why. Most people would call it silly except the people of fair Verona who are two of the most powerful families.

Would you call out the richest and more powerful families for fighting a stupid fight? Lord Bonnefoy & Lady Bonnefoy, parents to Francis Bonnefoy and Lord (L/n) & Lady (L/n) parents to (M/n) (L/n). Before (M/n)'s both people hoped for a girl so there could be a marriage between the two families but since (M/n) was a boy there couldn't be. sadly people aren't open minded and can't see the union that could be made.

The two families are facing off now due to an argument over territory.

"Get out of here!" The Bonnefoy yells

"Why don't you?!" The (L/n) replies

The two groups of people ready their swords when a set of hooves are heard. Everyone turns to see the Prince with his guards.

"Bonnefoys, (L/n)'s!" He yells "This fighting has got to stop. The next people caught arguing from your two families will be executed."

The prince rides away and the two sides glare at each other.

"This isn't over." The (L/n)'s say sheathing their swords

The two groups clear away from each other and they head back to their homes. After clearing away people can return to their business, but the words of the prince remained strong in their heads.

France's P.O.V.

"Did you hear about what happened in the market place today?" My cousin Arthur asks

"Non, vhat 'appened?" I ask a little shocked


"Apparently we went up against the (L/n)'s and the prince told everyone that if anyone from out two families were caught fighting we would be executed." He replies

Arthur, despite having a different last name is my cousin due to our father and his mother being siblings. He is my closest friend and always keeps me up to date in the latest news.

"Vhy do ve get punished when zhere is fighting, zhere are no laws against it!" I exclaim

"I know, but if the fighting stops then it doesn't matter." Arthur replies

"Oui you are correct." I smile


The truth is I don't want to fight with anyone. I don't want to be at odds with another family. If I knew a way to sort out the feuds I would in a second. I have heard before about the son of the (L/n) household and that he is very handsome, unfortunately ok have never seen him. We are both the next heads of our families and if we can sort out our problems between each other then soon enough we won't have any issues.

"Hey guess what, there is going to be a party at the (L/n)'s tonight, we should sneak in." Arthur says

"Oui, we should bring Alfred and Matthieu as well." I say smiling

Arthur blushes at the mention of Alfred and I know he has a crush on him. Maybe I'll even get them dancing together tonight.

"But von't zhey recognise us?" I ask

"It's a masquerade ball." Arthur replies

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I sit in my room sketching in one of my books when I hear two steps of footsteps coming towards my room. I hide my sketch book and pretend I'm cleaning a sword. My mother and butler, Yao Wang, come in and smile at me.

"Good evening mother, how can I help you?" He asks

"Why aren't you dressed for the ball?" My mother asks

"I'm not going." I replied

"What? Why not?" Yao asks

"Because it's pointless." I sigh

"I'm sorry son but you have to go, it's your father's orders." My mother states

"You can find someone special there aru." My butler suggests

"Do I really have to go?" I ask

"Yes, now I'll help you get ready aru." My butler says

My mother leaves and I get into my suit, after pulling on my mask I look into the mirror. Looking back at me isn't someone who my parents think I am. I'm supposed to be finding a bride, after I turned 18 they made sure of that but I don't want a bride. I like men not women but I could never reveal that or else I would be in a lot of trouble.

Finally the time comes for me to head to the ball and I sit with my mother and father in the carriage. Inside there is a table for all of us to sit and watch over the ball. My cousin, Gilbert is seated next to me.He is nice to me however he likes to fight, he was at the fight earlier today. I wish I could stay here the whole night but my parents seem to have a different idea.

"Son you should go dance with a beautiful woman." My father states

"Yes find someone to marry." My mother giggles

I sigh and stand up, walking to the dance floor. I don't see anyone that stands out as of yet and I just want to go to sleep. As I turn around to go to the drinks table I bump into someone knocking us both to the ground. I open my eyes and see a pair of blue eyes peaking out from a purple mask and blond hair.

"I'm so sorry." I say quickly

We stare at each other for a second and I feel something inside of me.

"I-It's ok mon chér." He says climbing to his feet and holding his hand out for me

(French:Mon chér-My darling)

When we touch hands I feel a jolt of electricity and he smiles at me.

"You look beautiful." He says smiling

I blush and slowly let go of his hand.

"Who are you?" I ask

"My name isn't important." He replies

I suddenly hear my name being called and the stranger runs away

"(M/n) your father is looking for you, he found a bride." My butler states walking up to me

I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach but shake it off as I try to forget the blond haired stranger,

"Hey Yao, do you know any males with long blond hair and blue eyes?" I ask

"Hmm are you talking about that man earlier?" He asks

I blush and nod.

"He looks remarkably like Francis Bonnefoy, how strange..." He says thinking

We make it to my parents and they begin to introduce me to a young woman who looks very rich and very pretty, but she isn't my type. I am praying for something to happen to stop me from having to talk to her when I hear a bunch of yelling over the music.

The music dies down and I see a group of four men in the middle of it all. There is the stranger from earlier accompanied by three other men.

"Zhese four are Bonnefoys!" Gilbert yells

"I'm a Kirkland! Don't lump me in with this frog!" One of them yells

Their masks are removed and I can see who the stranger with long blond hair is. Francis Bonnefoy, the son of Lord and Lady Bonnefoy. They run out of the party and I am quickly ushered back to my room for safety.

I kick off my shoes, pull of my mask and lay down on my bed. I can't stop thinking about Francis. I know he isn't on my side of the households but I don't want to be apart from him, maybe some fresh air will clear my head. I walk out onto my balcony and look up at the stars.

France's P.O.V.
I got separated from Arthur, Alfred and Mathew while we were running and I ended up in a garden. I take a moment to catch my breath and when I close my eyes all I can see is a pair of beautiful (e/c) colour eyes

I realised pretty quickly it was (M/n) but I don't care. I want to see him again. Just as I make my with I see a figure walk out onto the balcony and look up at the stars. That's him!

"Please lord, let me see Francis again." I hear him say to the moon "Let me be able to talk to him."

I start to climb up the vines on the side of the wall and he hears the rustling. He jumps back and readies a fist.

"Who's there?!" He exclaims

"Shh it's just me." I say poping my head up and smiling at him

He drops his fist and he quickly grabs my arm, pulling me over the ledge.

"What are you doing here?" He asks

"I got a little lost, but I'm glad I found an angel like you." I say and move a little closer to him

"Wait." He says and moves back "We're both men, isn't this wrong?"

"It's only wrong if you zhink it, we are already on opposing 'ouses so it doesn't matter." I say and kiss his cheek

He smiles and moves his lips up to meet mine. While kissing him I know we have a connection, a strong one. He is soft and warm. I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him closer. We are interrupted when his name is called from down the hallway,

"I have to go!" He whispers pulling apart "I can't be caught."

"Vait, vhen will I see you again?" I ask

"Tomorrow, meet me at the apple orchid." He says and kisses my cheek

"I will count the minutes till then." I say as I slowly scale my way back down to the balcony

I see him rush into his room and climb onto his bed as his butler walks in. Thank god we weren't caught. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

*Time skip to the next day*

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I somehow need to sneak out to the Apple orchids. While I sometimes can go out alone my parents prefer me to go with Yao or a guard. Hmm maybe if I talk to Yao...

"Hey Yao can I please speak to you?" I ask

"You want to go out to the Apple orchid with Francis Bonnefoy." He states

"WHAT?!" I yell in complete shock "HOW DID YOU KNOW?!"

"I just do, listen I'm glad you found love and I want to help you aru." He whispers

"Really Yao?" I ask, he nods at me "Thank you."

We put on our coats and leave the house towards where the fruit orchids are. I hope Francis could come as well. We wait for a few minutes until there is a set of footsteps that come through the trees. I turn around and see Francis smiling at me.

"Bonjour mon chéri." Francis says hugging me


"Hey Francis." I reply hugging him back

"Well I'm just going to go..." Yao says and slowly backs away

I barely notice him leave because I'm to busy staring into Francis' blue eyes. We slowly press our lips to each others and they mound perfectly together. He wraps his hands around my waist and I place mine in his hair.

"Ve should get out of 'ere." Francis states

I follow after him and we head to the market place. Not many people have seen me so people won't recognise me. It's really cool around her and I wish my parents would allow me to come out more.

Francis pulls me behind one of the buildings and kisses my lips.

"I know we 'ave only known each other for a day but I love you." He says and trails kisses down my neck

I almost let out a moan but I stop myself.

"I love you too." I reply

We hear yelling of people and we pull apart. Sticking our head out we find our two sides in another fight. This time Gilbert is leading the (L/n)s. There is a blond with thick eyebrows on the Bonnefoy's side who is staring terrified.

"Let me 'andle this mon chér, I vill not allow another fight, head home quickly, I will come to your room tonight." He says and kisses my cheek before running out

I listen to his orders and head home quickly where Yao is waiting for us.

"Did you have a good time aru?" He asks

"Yes it was wonderful." I smile heading up to my room "Oh hey Yao, you don't need to sleep in my room tonight."

He gives me a strange look but nods anyway. I wonder when Francis will be here?

France's P.O.V.

"Vhat is going on 'ere?" I yell interrupting the fight

"You Bonnefoys should know better zhan to step into (L/n) territory!" An albino yells, Gilbert

"You bloody wanker, this is the market place!" Arthur yells

"Exactly, you don't own zhe market, now leave us alone before ve get caught fighting!" I shout

Gilbert draws his sword and I place my hand over mine. I really don't want to fight but I will I'm self defence.

There is the sound of horse hooves and I realise we are caught. I turn to see the prince glaring at us.

"It vas Francis your majesty!" Gilbert blurts out quickly "He started yelling about how ve vere in his territory!"

This causes an uproar until the prince yells for us to be quiet.

"Francis, while you initiated the fight you are still young. You shall be banished from Verona instead of killed, you should leave by tomorrow." The prince states and rides away

Gilbert and his men smirk and turn to leave. Arthur places a hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes.

"If you go I go, I can bring Alfred and Mathew as well." He states

"Really? But what about (M/n)?" I say solemnly

"Ask him, he might want to go." Arthur replies

"I'm seeing 'im tonight, I vill ask 'im then." I say and I take my leave

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm waiting in my room for Francis. I heard he was banished and I feel anxiety wondering if he will show up or if he's left and I'll never see him again. Suddenly I hear footsteps and jolt up from my bed. I see Francis smirking at me from the doorway.

"As beautiful as ever I see." He says and walks over to me

"Stop it with your flirting!" I giggle

He presses his lips to mine in a heated kiss and I can feel something poking at me through his pants.

"Really? You have seen me for two seconds and already this?" I ask

"Vhat can I say? You're just zhat amazing." He says and trails kisses down my neck

**Lemon Start**

This time I let out a moan as he finds my sweet spot and begins to suck and bite on on, I feel myself slowly getting hard and he continues this motion, he captures my lips another kiss and trails a hand up my shirt. He pinches my pink bud making me moan louder.

"Oh Francis, more please." I beg

He slips off my top and leaves three hickeys and takes off his own shirt. My member is now excruciatingly tight and I'm begging for release.

"Oh Vhat to be have here?" He says slipping his hand under my pants and rubbing my tip

"Ngh Francis please, I'm begging you." I say breathlessly

He slips my pants and underwear off as my manhood springs out. He gives it a teasing lip from the base to the tip and slowly places the tip in his mouth. His tongue swirls around and he slowly lowers his mouth down the length.

He begins to pick up speed as he moves up and down and he takes as much of me in as he can. He begins to suck and scrape his teeth against me which sets me over the edge. I see my white fluid leak out of his mouth as he swallows it all.

I lay down to catch my breath but he just chuckles.

"Ve aren't done yet, trust me, you vill feel amazing." He says and kisses my neck

He places three of his fingers in my mouth and I understand I need to suck on them. After I coat each one in a layer of saliva he moves his hand down to my hole. Slowly he pushed one digit in making me squirm uncomfortably.

"Shh it'll get better." He says licking my neck

He places his second and third finger in and begins to pump them. I slowly begin to feel pleasure and soon enough I'm moaning his name. Just as I'm about to go over the edge he pulls out his fingers and takes off his pants.

Oh my god how is he so big? Definitely bigger than me. He presses his tip to my entrance and I gasp.

"Zhis'll hurts but it vill feel better soon." He says and pushes himself the whole way into me

I yell in pain but I can also feel pleasure. He moves at a slow pace to help me get upset to the feeling in him inside me but soon enough I find myself begging for more.

"Please Francis, faster." I moan "I want to feel you inside me."

He smiles and picks up some speed

He does this for a few minutes and then changes our position so I'm on y hands and knees and he's pounding into me. I feel home of his hands trail to my manhood at the front and pump it, his other goes to my left nipple and pulls at is and his mouth attaches to my neck.

When he hits that one bundle of nerves inside of me I let out a loud moan and spill my white fluid all over the sheets. He does the same, releasing inside of me and slowly pulls out. I feel so empty without him but his warm seed is still inside of me. We lay down in bed together with Francis holding me in his arms.

**Lemon End**

"'ey mon chéri, you know 'ow I've been ordered to leave, I vas vondering if you vould like to run away vith me and a few of my friends, Yao and Ivan can come to." He asks me

"Of course I would, I don't like having to live by stupid rules and fighting this endless fight." I say into his chest "But how did you know about Yao and Ivan?" I ask

One of my friends is friends with Ivan so zhey talk a lot." He states and kisses my cheek

I sight happily and snuggle closer to me, now if only I can find a way to leave without being caught escaping.

*Time skip to morning*

(M/n)'s P.O.V.)
I wake up to the feeling of someone brushing my hair, when I open my eyes I see Francis brushing his fingers through my hair. I kiss him on his nose making him blush and smile.

"I should get going, I'll come for you in a few days after I've finalised where we will be going." Francis says getting out of bed

He pulls on his clothes from yesterday and kisses my cheek.

"Arzur vill be by later to talk vith you about how you will get out without being caught." Francis says and walks over to my balcony

I slip on a pair of pants and follow him.

"I love you, please come back for me ok?" I ask and kiss his cheek

"I will mon amour." He says kissing my forehead and jumping off the balcony

(French:Mon amour-My love)

He lands on his feet and runs off into the bushes. I quickly head back to my room and get dressed for the day. I start to pack a bag for me to leave in a few days, I hear a knock on my door and Yao walks in.

"Good morning (M/n)." He says smiling "Your father has asked to see you."

"Thank you, Hey Yao, would you and Ivan like to run away with Francis and I and a few other people?" I ask

"Oh I already know we're leaving and I'm prepared to leave aru." He says

"How do you always do that?" I ask

"Do what?" He replies

"Know exactly what I'm talking about and doing, all the time?" I answer

"It's my job." He says with a smirk and walks out

I follow him to my fathers study and inside there is my mother and father looking happy but nervous. I feel uneasy walking in.

"Good morning son." My mother says smiling

"Good morning mother, father." I say

My father stands up and smiles at me.

"Son we have good news, we found you a bride." My father states

I freeze and loose my smile.

"What?" I ask

"We found you a bride, her name is Kate, there will be a quick union between you two tomorrow and then an official wedding." My mother giggles

"But I don't want to get married." I say quietly

"I know you may be nervous but you will get used to her." My father smiles

"No, I don't want to get married to her." I say more firmly

"What? Why not?" My mother asks

"I refuse to marry someone I don't love!" I shout

"That's enough, you will get married to Kate tomorrow and that's the end of it. Now leave my sight." My father says sitting down again

I rush out of my room and Yao follows after me.

"(M/n) keep in mind we will be gone in a few days." Yao says

"But we are to be married tomorrow, there has to be a way out of this." I say walking aback, to my room

When I open my door I see the man with huge eyebrows, jade green eyes and blond hair,

"Are you Arthur?" I ask

"Yes I am, now I want to share my plan. I must be quick." He says

He places a small vial in my hand and looks Yao an I in the eye,

"This potion will make you seem dead for 24 hours. Drink it tomorrow morning and Yao, pretend you found him dead." Arthur explains "Your family will take you to the final resting chambers of your family and at the end of the day Francis will come back for you and we can all leave together."

"I understand." I nod

"If you're sure this is what you want then I will help aru." Yao says to me

We spend the rest of the day discussing our plan and I help Yao pack. Ivan comes by later an confirms again that he will be leaving with us.

*Time skip to morning*

China's P.O.V.
When I wake up (M/n) has already taken the potion. I feel a little scared but I know Arthur knows what he is doing. I run out of the room screaming that (M/n) has died and people come rushing into his room.

Everything happened so fast. He is pronounced as dead, they dress him in white to represent virginity at death, if only they knew, and he is carried out in a white cloth and taken to the death temple of the (L/n)'s.

The temple is where all the bodies of the dead are kept if they are part of the (L/n) clan. (M/n) is laid on a bed of roses and covered in a white veil. I pretend to be sad but I know he will be ok. It's just very unsettling.

Ivan and I gather our things and get prepared to leave. Francis and Arthur decided to move to France where Francis has an unused holiday house that was given to him last year. Hopefully this all turns out well.

France's P.O.V.
I sneak back into Verona, I know where the death chambers of the (L/n)'s so I can get there quickly. Outside the chambers I see (M/n)'s mother and father crying over his 'dead' body. I keep quiet and wait for them to move away

When they do I walk over to him and remove the veil. I kiss his forehead but he doesn't wake up. He doesn't move at all. What is this? He should be awake by now.

I shake him and he doesn't stir, he just remains ice cold. No he could actually be dead? What if the potion actually killed him. I reach for my dagger in my belt, if (M/n) isn't around anymore then I don't want to be either.

I hold the dagger up to my heart when I feel a soft hand on mine. I open my eyes to see (M/n)'s clear (e/c) eyes. I drop the dagger and hug him tightly.

"I thought you were dead!" I exclaim kissing him multiple times

"Haha well I'm not dead yet, quickly lets go." He says

He pushes the veil off of himself and jumps to his feet. I hold him close as he tries to regain his strength. We sneak out of the temple and we join up with Yao, Arthur, Ivan, Alfred, Matthew and Mathew's boyfriend Tim.

We leave the town as quickly as I snuck in and head to the train station. After jumping on a train wagon we get further and further away from Verona I realise I can finally be happy with (M/n). As night falls we all begin to go to bed.

I fall asleep with holding (M/n) close to me, just like the night we spent together. Matthew is cuddling with Tim, Arthur is pretending he doesn't like Alfred holding him but he is holding Alfred just as tight and finally Yao is basically laying on Ivan. I kiss (M/n)'s forehead as I fall asleep.

*Time skip to three years later*

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
It's been three years since I ran away with Francis and those years have been amazing. We found a priest who was willing to marry us so we got married and we live in a big mansion. A baby was left on our doorstep two years ago so we now have a son named (S/n).

Ivan and Yao are engaged and live in a house that is down the road from us. Tim and Mathew got married a year ago and live with Alfred and Arthur who haven't gotten engaged yet but it will happen soon, they live in a different house to Yao and Ivan, we all decided to live close together.

Right now I'm feeding (S/n) while Francis is washing up the dishes.

"Hey Francis, remember the night we me?" I ask

"Yes, Zhat vas zhe best night of my life." He replies walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me

"It was the best of mine as well." I reply turning and kissing him on the cheek

"Be prepared for tonight mon amour because I vill keep you up till dawn." He says sucking on my neck

"Ngh not in front of (S/n)." I giggle

Well I guess I should be prepared. It will definitely be very interesting. I love Francis and our son and there is nothing anyone could do to change that. I'm just glad that I found someone who is perfect for me and all my friends are happy as well.

"Je t'aime." He whispers into my neck

(French:Je t'aime-I love you)

"Je t'aime aussi." I reply

(French;Je t'aime aussi-I love you too)

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