Scotland x Fem!Bullied!Depressed!Reader-Let me help

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Australia-Jett Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
New Zealand-Toby Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I hate school, so much. I will never understand what goes though other people's head when they decide to pick on someone. Why me? I didn't do anything I anyone. I just came to school one day and everyone decided I was their new target.

Since then I have never been left alone at school. People are always hiding my things, stealing my homework or making me do theirs or they are pushing me onto the floor and kicking me.

The teachers at my school are oblivious and despite always talking about how 'you can come talk to them' they are rude and don't allow you to trust them. Why would I want to go to someone who gives me homework and ridiculous information that I will never use for help? I can't talk to my parents or siblings because they aren't really around anymore.

Come to think of it, their death anniversary is coming up pretty soon... it was about two years ago. They were heading to some art show but I faked being sick so I could stay home. Sometimes I wish I had just gone with them. At least my last words to them were "I love you".

That was the last time I ever said those words to someone. Now I just feel empty all the time...

Right now I'm stuck in my home room class watching people trail in. This is going to be another hell filled day, I just know it.

"Hey (Y/n) nice t-shirt, or should I say t-shit!" A nasally voice laughs

That's Caila, she's the schools number one bitch, but she's also the most popular girl. She is armed with her two best friends, Portia and Bianca. Both as stupid as each other and they barely share half a brain between the three of them. It's always interesting how the people everyone hates are on top, it's really just the power they hold by bullying everyone.

I stare at Caila silently and she looks a little annoyed.

"Aww what's wrong, cat got your tongue?" She laughs

I turn back to my desk and neaten up my folders. She slams her hand down on the desk making me jump.

"Listen here you worthless bitch, you should just go kill yourself!" She screeches

I feel a pain in my heart as I realise everyone wants me dead. No I can't give up, I can't give Caila what she wants. Caila has already caused three other students to kill themselves, she acted innocent and the school board didn't believe the notes left.

"That ain't a very nice thing to say to someone lass." A heavily accented voice interrupts

I turn to see a boy I've never seen before. He has fiery red hair and beautiful jade green eyes which are staring narrowly at Caila. She looks a bit confused as well as taken aback.

"Who the hell are you?" Caila asks

"Allistor, leave the lass alone." He says again

I think his accent is Scottish and oh god it's hot. But it doesn't matter, give it a few seconds and he will hate me as well.

"Oh you're new here, it's fine this is (Y/n)." Caila giggles "She's a freak and everyone hates her."

Allistor doesn't move or even respond. He just stares at her. Then finally he starts to take a few steps towards us and I realise that my death might be coming closer. He looks very muscular and he is really tall.

"I said, leave her alone." He says towering over Caila

She takes a step back and dashes away like a terrified mouse. I look up to Allistor and his eyes soften a little.

"What's yer name lass?" He asks

"Umm (Y/n)." I say quietly

He smiles and takes a seat at the table next to me.

"This seat ain't taken right lass?" He asks

I shake my head softly and feel a tiny bit happy. I haven't had anyone want to sit next to me in a long time. That's when the teacher comes in and smiles at all of us.

"Good morning class." She says

"Good morning Mrs.Gates." We all chant lifelessly

"Now today we have a new student staring." She says, Alistor rises from his seat

"My name is Allistor Kirkland, my brothers and I who also just started come from the British Isles." He says

When he sits down he winks at me. I turn away embarrassed and try to focus on what the teacher is saying, oh god she is so boring. I feel something hit the back of my head and it's a piece of scrunched up paper, it probably has a mean message or drawing on it but I ignore it. Allistor on the other hand turns around and glares at a guy, he must have thrown it.

Scotland's P.O.V.
This girl looks so broken and so depressed. I realised immediately that she was bullied but I have no idea why. She seems sweet and kind and she is really pretty. Well I'm going to make sure she isn't bullied anymore.

When the bell for lunch goes I softly grab her arm and she flinches.

"Hey do you want to sit with me for lunch?" I ask

"Uhh sure." She replies softly

I take her by the hand and walk with her to the cafeteria. Outside the cafeteria she slows down and come to a stop.

"Is something wrong?" I ask

"N-no, lets go." She says taking a step

"Lass I know something is wrong, you can tell me." I reply

She looks down shamefully and I just want to wrap my arms around her.

"The last time I went into the cafeteria I had food thrown on me, since then I never went in again." She says quietly

"How do you get lunch?" I ask almost dreading the answer

"I don't usually, sometimes if I have enough money I buy a bread roll before school but I don't eat that much at school." She sighs

"Well I'll make sure they leave you alone lass." I say ruffling her hair and opening the doors

We line up for our food and she seems to be hiding behind me. I look to see the people in front of us and it's that Caila girl. But this time she is with two other girls. One of them has a very bad dye job, black hair wiht silver streaks however the streaks cover most of her head and it looks like she is going grey. She also has a horrible spray tan that would make anyone wonder what she was thinking.

The other girl has greasy hair and she looks very washed out. She has a lost of make up on and her makeup doesn't match her skin tone at all so she looks like she is wearing a mask. Finally Caila is standing there smiling. Her short brown hair has tacky extensions in it and she looks like she needs a nose job. One of my polish friends would have a few things to say about these three.

Caila turns to look at me and she smiles.

"Oh hey Allistor." She says in her whiny voice "This is Portia and Bianca."

Portia is the one with horrible hair dye and Bianca has to much make up.

"Want to sit with us?" Portia says in a voice like nails on a chalk board

"No." I state

They look a bit taken aback but Caila takes a deep breath in.

"Look, I know you were just defending that loser (Y/n) in class because you wanted to be nice." She says with a fake smile "But you don't need to keep pretending anymore, everyone hates her so you wouldn't make a difference."

I feel (Y/n) grab the back of my shirt tightly but I don't flinch.

"Oh really? You think I care about fake idiots like you, I had enough of those back at my old school." I say confidently

Caila takes a step back and accidentally bumps the person in front of her and their food and juice ends up all over her. The three of them all rush off screaming and I turn to see (Y/n) smiling, she looks beautiful when she smiles.

We get our food and we sit down at our table. I forgot to mention my brothers might find us and sit with us. (Y/n) looks a little hesitant as a group of three boys come over to us.

"Hey Allistor!" My brother Seamus laughs

"Who's the lass?" Dylan asks

"She's pretty." Liam adds siting with us

"These are some of my brothers, this is Liam, Seamus and Dylan." I say gesturing to the three of them

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I can already tell I'm going to like his brothers. They seem very lovely and happy. Seamus and Liam look the same and they both have Irish accents, they have red hair, green eyes and freckles. Dylan sounds more Welsh and he has brown hair, green eyes and they all have the thick eyebrows of Allistor.

Two more boys come over and they are introduced to me. One has brown hair, green eyes and a bandaid in his nose. His name is Jett and he is from Australia. Then there is Toby from New Zealand. He has the same green eyes and they both have big eyebrows. I like all of these boys. They seem really kind.

"We actually have two more brothers." Allistor explains

"Yeah there's Peter who is in middle school." Liam cuts in

"And Arthur who goes here as well but he might be avoiding us." Dylan laughs

"I'm right here you bloody wanker." A British voice interrupts

There is a boy with blond hair and the thickest eyebrows I have ever seen. Even thicker than Allistor and his brothers, he has green eyes and a glare.

"Good afternoon love, my name is Arthur, I'm sorry you had to meet my brothers." He says sitting down

I quietly observe the way they interact with each other and they really do seem like brothers. I can see how well they work together, I really wish I had people to talk to like they do. Their family seems to really understand each other.

*Time skip to a few weeks later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
The bullying I'm facing has gotten better. People tend to leave me alone when Allistor is around. Over the past few weeks I have fallen in love with the red headed Scottish boy but I'm way to scared to confess my feeling.

Allistor is missing today, he was in homeroom but he has been missing the rest of the day. I feel scared as people begin to notice I'm alone.

When I'm at my locker I hear someone slam their hand on the locker next to me. I turn to see Caila, Portia and Bianca.

"Who the hell do you think you are bitch?" Caila tells

"How dare you keep all the Kirkland brothers to yourself?!" Portia whines

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say trying to act strong

"I'm so sick and tired of you!" Caila yells raising fist to punch me

Her fist is caging in a strong hand, I follow the arm to see Allistor glaring at her. A wake of relief washes over me and I thank my lucky stars that I've been saved.

"Leave my lass alone unless you want to see an angry Scotsman, and trust me, yer don't want to see that." Allistor glares

The three idiots run away terrified and I turn to look at Allistor. His demeanour and expression immediately changes from angry and threatening to calm and loving.

"Are you ok?" He asks, softly placing a hand on my cheek

"I'm ok, thank you." I say smiling "But where were you today?"

"Well I was setting up something. Meet me after school by your locker." He says and walks away

After he leaves I realise no one is messing with me any more. They must be to scared of Allistor and his brothers. I found out I have my English class with Arthur and we became pretty good friends. .but now I can't wait till the end of the day.

*Time skip to the end of the day*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm waiting for Allistor by my locker. I feel a little nervous as what is going on. Hopefully it's something good but I don't really know. What if he reveals he doesn't want to be friends and he actually hates me?

I hear footsteps and I turn to see fiery red head walking towards me. I smile at Allistor and he smiles back nervously.

"Hey lass, ready to go?" He asks

I nod and he beings to lead me by the hand. We walk down the hallway and into the streets. Finally we end up at the park where a small picnic is set up.

"What's all this for?" I ask him

"Well I wanted to tell you something." He says nervously rubbing the back of his neck

"What is it?" I ask

"I love you, since I met you." He says blushing "I wand you to be my girlfriend lass."

"Of course I will!" I laugh jumping on him "I love you to."

He smiles and presses his lips to mine and I kiss him back, his grip on me tightens and I feel him smile on my lips. He tastes sweet and it's addictive. We pull back for air and smile at each other.

"I will never let you go lass." He says

"I love you." I reply kissing him again

I can't believe how much my life has changed it's so much better, I love Allistor and I know he loves me. Allistor kisses me again and I feel so happy. The picnic was amazing as well. He forced Arthur not to help and it paid off. He kisses my forehead as we watch the sunset over the lake in the park.

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