Luxembourg x Male!Reader-True Gentleman

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Luxembourg-Louis Van den Berg
The Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg

(M/n)-Male name

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I sigh in annoyance as I see my crush Louis talk to some random guy. The guy is obviously flirting with him but he doesn't seem to notice, I guess he's to much of a gentleman to know what flirting is. It doesn't seem like something Louis would do.

He'd probably like another gentleman, someone more him. I guess that rules me out, I'm the furthest thing from a gentleman and he'd probably never like me beck at all. Suddenly Louis looks over to me and I avert my gaze.

Louis finishes talking to the guy and walks over to me, smiling softly.

"Good afternoon (M/n)." He says sitting down

"Hey Louis, what was that all about?" I ask

"Oh well, that man wanted to know how to get to the bar, he asked me to go with him." Louis says "I'm not sure why though, it's not to far and the directions I gave weren't complicated."

Because he's asking you out...

"Oh that's strange, well are you ready to order?"I ask

We're sitting at a table eating for the server to take out order. It is just us but we're not on s date, his brother and sister were going to come along as well but they got caught up in work. Finally a waiter walks up to us and takes our order. After he is gone Louis turns to me and looks at me with those stunning emerald eyes and he smiles.

"So (M/n), how have you been?" He asks

"I'm ok, just stressed from work and stuff." I sigh "What about you?"

"I'm pretty good, I haven't really done much lately." Louis answers, brushing some hair from his face

It hurts to be around him, but I don't want to leave him.

"So do you have a boyfriend yet?" He asks and I choke on some of my water

"Well, no." I say averting my eyes

"Well do you like someone?" He asks again

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they don't like me back. I'm probably not their type." I say

"Well what do you think their type is?" Louis questions, becoming a little less chipper

"Probably a gentleman or something, the furthest thing from me." I explain, suddenly I get an idea "Wait Louis you're basically a gentleman."

"Well I guess so..." He says

"Can you teach me how to be a gentleman?" I ask

"Well I don't think you should change yourself for someone else but fine, I guess I can." He say

I smile slightly and mentally pat myself on the back for my idea, this was I can become a perfect gentleman, spend time with Louis and then ask him out on a date.

*Time skip to the next day*

Luxembourg's P.O.V.
Today I'm supposed to be at hung (M/n) how to be a true gentleman but I really do t want to. I'm helping him have a relationship with someone that isn't me. I just wish he could have a crush on me and not see, other random person. Whoever it is is idiotic for not liking him for him and wanting (M/n) to change himself.

I hear a knock at the door and flatten out my vest, walking to the door and opening it. It's (M/n) smiling and he has an excited look in his eye. How could I say no to helping him? As long as he's happy I'd be ok, heartbroken but ok.

"Are you ready for your lessons?" I ask

"Yeah of course." He replies

"First lesson, don't use slang." I say opening up the door to allow him inside

"Sorry Louis." He says walking into the house

I take him to the dinner table where I have a fake dinner set up.

"I know dinner is cliché however I feel like it's a good place to start." He says "First you need to pull out a chair for your significant other."

He nods and walks to one of the chairs, pulling it out and staring at me.

"Good then you take a seat opposite or next to them." I instruct

(M/n) sits down at the seat opposite me and copies my actions, I show him how to place the napkins over his lap and which forks, spoons and knives to use.

He is a fast learner and is changing into a perfect gentleman but it doesn't feel right, it's not (M/n). I need to know who is worth all of this.

"So (M/n), I think I deserve to know who we're doing all this for." I say, pulling out a few clothes to show him what gentlemen would wear

His face turns bright red and it's adorable.

"Well, He has blond hair, green eyes and I'm really good friends with him." He says quietly

It must be Tim... who else could it be? Nothing hurts more than having my love stolen away by my brother but I try not to show my pain. I squeeze my hands tightly and plaster a smile on my face.

"Do you think the lessons helped?" I ask, feeling horrible

"I hope so, I think he'd like me now." (M/n) says looking down at himself

"You're wrong!" I exclaim

He looks at me shocked and confused.

"What?" He asks with small tears in his eyes

"You're wrong." I say this time, much quieter "He wouldn't like you, he'd like a fake version of you. You're not all about manners and politeness, but that's why everyone loves you. I-It's why I love you."

"Really? He asks shocked "You really love me?"

I nod and he pulls me into a tight hug. Wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too." He says

"I though you liked Tim, you said he had blond hair and green eyes." I explain

"That description fits you as well." He chuckles and presses his lips to mine

I kiss back and we hold each other for a few minutes and then pull away, smiling.

"I love you Louis." He says and pushes some of my bold hair away from my eye to look at me fully

"I love you (M/n) I reply, feeling over the moon

I guess every thing turned out alright in the end. I was silly to think (M/n) would love Tim, I can't believe I jumped to conclusions like that. It doesn't matter much now anyway, (M/n) and I are dating and we can just be ourselves.

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