Denmark x Norway-If You Don't Want Me

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(A/n):Norway's birthday is on the 17th of May, happy birthday Norway, you're my favourite Hetalia characters and country,

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstiern

Denmark's P.O.V.

"Ber!" I yell trying to catch the attention of the tall Swede

He looks over to me with a stone cold expression, although he looks mildly pissed off.

"We need to throw a party for Lukas." I say

"Why?" He asks confused

"Because it's his birthday, we threw one for everyone else." I explain

"Are you sure Lukas would want a party?" Tino asks appearing in the doorway

"Who wouldn't want a party? Besides he wanted a party halfway between his and Emil's birthday." I argue

"I think that was more about him getting to spend time with Emil but you have a point." Tino says sitting down "So when should we throw it?"

"I was thinking this Saturday because that's his birthday. Leave all the planning to me!" I say "I'm the king of Northern Europe after all, I can handle a little party planning."

We talk for a little more when Lukas walks into the kitchen to get food.

"You three don't often talk to each other without fighting, what's going on?" Lukas asks with a emotionless face

"Just talking about what to have for dinner." Tino says quickly

"Hey Lukas, want to go to the park with me?" I ask

"No you dumb Dane, I'm going to my room." Lukas sighs and walks out of the kitchen, forgetting his need for food

I know he is always calling me dumb or stupid but that's just him! He likes me like I like him, I think. He doesn't really call anyone else dumb or stupid but maybe that's his way of saying he really likes me. Yeah that must be it...

Well then this party can be used to show how much I love him, then we can be together and be happy. I just need to make him smile. I've done it once before, when we were kids so I can do it now.

*Time skip to Friday night*

Denmark's P.O.V.
I have everything ready for Lukas' party, I know he's going to love it. Then we can go get married and he can become the king of Northern Europe along side me.

I'm sitting in the living room watching Vikings and reading over the list of things I need to do tomorrow. I need to ask Lukas to go get ice cream with me so Ber, Tino and Emil can set up the party. I hear soft footsteps. I look up to see Lukas in an oversized jumper and messy hair, his long legs are on full display, he looks adorable.

"Hey Lukas, want to come sit on my lap?" I ask

"Of course not Dane." He says sitting down "What are we watching?"

"Vikings." I reply

"Shocking." He mumbles sarcastically

"Hey Lukas, do you want to go get ice cream with me tomorrow?" I ask

"Why?" He asks confused

"So we can spend time together like we used to." I chuckle "I'm the king of northern Europe so I can pay."

"Not with you dumb Dane." He mumbles and walks out of the living room

I try to convince myself his words are just jokes but it's becoming harder, Why doesn't he ever want to spend time with me? I guess I'll get Ber to take him out while I set up the party, or somehow convince Emil to, Lukas would drop everything to hang out with his little brother.

*Time skip to the next day*

Norway's  P.O.V.
Emil asked me to go out with him today, of course I said yes but all we did was go to a restaurant. He seemed distracted the whole time. In fact everyone seems to be acting a bit strange today, even that stupid Dane.

We've arrived back to our house and Emil makes me open the door.

"You've been acting strange all day, why?" I ask

"I'm not strange, you're strange." He grumbles and looks away

I sigh and open the door, being immediately met with people and bright lights.

"Happy Birthday!" A large grip of people yell

A surprise birthday party for me? I completely forgot it was my birthday...

Ber, Tino and Mathias come up to me and wish me happy birthday

"I planned this all for you, what do you think?" Mathias asks

"It's stupid."I'm mumble trying to hide a blush, I don't want to let him know how much I like him, he'd never be able to like me back because I've been to mean to him

"Come on, don't you like the chocolate fountain? Or the Norwegian flag lights?" He asks

"No." I say and look away

After a second I look up at him and the happiness in his eyes is gone, he's still smiling but it looks fake.

"Ok then, I'll go check on the food." Mathias says with a nervous laugh and walks away

Tino looks at me curiously but I ignore him. I don't want to explain myself.

"Why don't we go get some beer?" Tino asks "Mathias got your favourite kind."

Of course he did... now I just feel horrible.

After we have a drink I feel a little better about everything. If I apologise to Mathias then he'll forgive me, hopefully. I look around to try and find him and I see him talking to some random guy with blue hair.

They're sitting really close to each other and the blue haired guy is gently pulling Mathias' tie. In a fit of anger I storm over and stand above Mathias with a death glare pointed towards the blue haired guy.

We stare each other down until the random guy makes an excuse and scurries off somewhere. I turn to Mathias who looks shocked.

"Lukas?" He asks confused

"Who was that?" I ask

"Just some guy, what's wrong?" Mathias questions

"You were so close." I mumble

"Are you, jealous?" Mathias asks shocked

"No!" I yell

He stands up and wraps his arms around me.

"You don't need to be jealous, I only like you." He whispers "I just thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you, I love you." I reply quietly "And the party, I lied."

"I know." He says and presses a kiss to the top of my head

I feel better now. That guy though he could get with Mathias but he was wrong, I won't let anyone take Mathias away from me. I know I struggle to show my emotions but I don't want to let him go.

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